lol this is why your "movement" will never succeed
Holla Forums
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good job, you are a nationalist tard. No one is surprised.
what did he mean by this
Fascism ultimately provides no lasting solutions to anything, our "movement" will succeed by proxy when, once again, people get tired of a boot on their faces and fashies blame Jews yet again for the failure of an inherently shitty system.
Regardless of "better", we are WINNING.
It's a pyramid with content creators on the highest strata. people make their way up the ranks and begin reading serious stuff, and doing real work as they go higher.
Well, that's quite a change of roles.
Still, spooked people aren't worthy of communism.
Most people on this board (including me) would much sooner ally with AnCaps than with Fascists.
Firstly, Holla Forums does engage a lot with Holla Forums and gets a lot of converts from there. Secondly, it's growing at a much faster rate than Holla Forums. When I started coming here 18 months ago it had a tenth as many users as Holla Forums, now it has a third as many. Thirdly, the other groups you mention outnumber you a million to one so they are a much better target even with the greater difficulty of winning them over. Focusing on cannibalising other tiny imageboard communities is not a good strategy.
really makes you think
People on the alt-right care first and foremost about ending the racial displacement of Whites in their historical countries and rolling back the inversion of traditional values. None of that actually requires a totalitarian state, we would use the same soft power that liberals use to silence their opponents, ie changing the cultural mores so people's value systems support the ideology. You just make their beliefs taboo with charged words like racist backed by years of public education teaching historical narratives that will instill guilt. It's much more effective than holding a boot over the face of your political enemies.
You know that all human communication, including our first words, are basically just memes right?
Not possible unless you want to go back to a pre-modern economy. This was explained very well in a screencapped post I am often see, maybe someone can post it here.
Memes are an extremely basic form of communication, on a level with posters and slogans. You can't base a sophisticated ideology on them.
The same can be said about 50 shades of red.
So you're not admit you're not actual believers in Nazism but just Idpolers struggling for relevance in the post-modern nothingness? Cool.
love this meme that alt right mongs are intelligent because they've watched a few youtube videos and read a few graphs sourced from
Holla Forums claims to be anti imperialist but denies Islamic imperialism in modern day Europe and white geno.cide
On a basic abstract level, memes are the units and sub-units that make-up all living communication. As far as internet memes, I am only saying that they serve as an entry point toward new ways of thinking by effectively cutting through ingrained mental pathways that need to be re-routed, using as little communication as necessary. That is what propaganda is.
There are many post-industrial modern states that have risen and fallen. Not all of them had mass third world immigration, low birth rates, and slut walks. I simply don't believe that post-industrial equates to the death of European culture and peoples, forever.
No, we are the answer to post-modern nothingness.
also most of Holla Forums is pro-Imperialist, we're AntiDeutsche-tier but don't admit it.
Didn't know the Ottoman empire was back
Values are not static, never were and never will be. They change and adapt to their environment, cultural and material alike, whenever and wherever suitable.
Social climate and variables are different and change over time, and I wouldn't expect the same results with the same lasting effects if things were reversed.
What a hero.
We're not liberals you stupid fuck. Also other people having sex is not genocide.
The states that fell before all that stuff never reached the state of material development at which we are currently. You can't have the current level of economic development (late-stage capitalism) in the West without those things appearing. You might bring up Japan, but Japan is a weird case where a pre-modern society suddenly got a huge technological boost from outside. Its society has not developed in step with its economy like ours has, it is several steps behind.
You might want to go back a certain distance societally (I'm guessing about 60 years?) but unless you destroy the capitalist economy that rapidly generates both material and social change, you'll find your utopia being dragged back into modernity by forces you can't control. This all comes down to material conditions being the most important factor in a society. For example, feminism appears because the development of capitalism needs women to be more and more independent of men and to act as good workers/consumers in their own right, because that generates growth. Submissive housewives are not economically active enough.
You're slowly turning yourself into normie every day
You are nothing, private property or toy of burgoeis as long as you forget your place. I'm autist myself but I'd rather work to feed my essential need and spend remaining time on things I like.
Communism can be as simple as that.
What? Are you talking about replacement migration?