What games do old people play? I have a group of grandpas I know to play alot but I never have seen alot more than them, do they just play games that aren't what most folk play?
pic related is what they play, of all things
What games do old people play? I have a group of grandpas I know to play alot but I never have seen alot more than them, do they just play games that aren't what most folk play?
pic related is what they play, of all things
games that require more thinking rather then reflexes I'd assume
Pokemon Go.
Not even joking, everyone I know playing it still are nearing middle age or older.
respect your elders
Red Alert 2 while smoking a whole pack in 3 hours.
he doesn't play much after having granchildren though
I can imagine it now
I have a great uncle that really likes Riven.
wii bowling
not even wii sports in general, just the bowling
Lol. And no old people I've ever known play vidya, unless you count 40-50 as old, in that case nudoom.
Also this thread is going nowhere, post cool old men from vidya. Guys like The End.
Good taste, it's the high point of the series.
Is he proficient in the D'ni base25 numerals?
Age of Empires seem to have a fair number of crazy old codgers. One who goes by the name "Fatslob" is a 69 year old semi-legend who plays purely to get his enemies on tilt with his hyper-defensive make the game last for 5 hours extreme wall-off meta on Black Forest.
The Civilization series has it's share of grandpas and grandmas in the community as well.
There's a couple of characters in the Doom community who are quite old as well though probably the most famous one died recently.
My old man really likes civilization games and simple 4x
When my grandmother was still alive she really liked point and click adventures and puzzle games, her favorite was secret of monkey island.
My father in law plays SoF2 with us. He's really fucking good at it too.
Super Mario
I showed my grandma how to work an emulator and got her a controller to use, its replaced solitaire.
If his grandpa would rather play as the Allies than the Soviets he is probably gay. It is entirely 100% not debatable that the communists were way cooler than a bunch of soyboy westerners. This goes for any video game in general, the communists will always have a way more aesthetic and bad ass looking military.
No, I'm not a communist or advocating for communism. I just like the uniforms/units in videogames that include communist factions.
Also wrong, Germans had the better aesthetics.
You sick fuck, I'm calling the cops. I don't know, maybe electronic football.
My dad plays candy crush
My grandmother used to play Civilization.
Did you know in WWII, Stalin declared that getting captured was treason? After the war, Russian POWs who didn't get the chance to emigrate were sent to the Gulags in Siberia.
My father used to have a much more diverse library, but he's been addicted to some game called Toy Blast. On the leaderboard, he's in the top 10.
The soviet aesthetic is garbage and you should kill yourself.
The only good thing the Soviet's have is music.
train simulators
actually scratch that just simulators in general
The Soviet warfare doctrine is alright, as long as you're the one directing the show and not a participant.
Ok? Why did you state this?
Doesn't a geriatric hold the world record in Q*Bert?
Although I gotta say Q*bert gets pretty dull once you reach 5-3. It repeats that stage endlessly and never gets any harder. Now a world record in Harder, Faster, More Challenging Q*bert would really impress me.
what a gay
My granny plays phone and tablet games a lot.
Not American, but we did have our Vietnam against the native niggers, and though many were commies, some were not.
He was in it too
A war where the standart issue Rifle used in the field was the KAR98 in the beginning of it.
Command and Conquer
My granny used to play Tiger games like pic well into in the 2000s.
Most turn based strategy games. Castles, Hero's of Might and Magic 3, Lords of the Realm, Ascendancy would be right up there alley.
I played these alot with my grandparents as a kid.
We aren't talking about 29 year olds, user.
My Dad still plays a round of asteroids whenever he sees a machine, Pac Man too. My Mom would always play Super Mario World with me back when I was growing up. good times, sage for blog
My 56yo dad used to play Eve nonstop as a miner for a few years till he sold his account, now he plays Fifa nonstop. Do older people just love the uninteresting grind?
Outright stolen from older Russian folk music.
Is that what you want people to think when you get old?
My old man used to play New Vegas and Fallout 4. Back in the days he was obsessed with building settlements in Fallout 4, but if i ask him right now he says New Vegas had a better story and Fallout 4 is boring unoptimized piece of shit. Yet he still wants to upgrade his already top performing ATI+AMD built computer (runs witcher 3 and elex on max settings) to run Fallout 4 with hundreds of mods better, i just know its impossible. Last time he played anything - he enjoyed Elex, played through it multiple times and for whatever reasons considers outcasts the most logical faction in the setting.
>>>Holla Forums
My mom gets motion sickness playing Portal 2. She really liked New Vegas on the 360 and she recently bought Asscreed 4.
My mom is a total fucking casual.
Does wrong side of thirty count as old with you kids?
Are you some kind of time traveler? John Titor?
On topic, my mum plays a lot of those shitty object finder games, the ones that always come from shady websites and seem like they are bundled with viruses.
My dad played Warcraft II and recently he liked Forza on the PS3. I know my grandfather played Warlords, Civilization I or II and other turn based strategy games.
I'm not talking about 29 year olds, I'm talking about 39 year olds or more. Guys going to play the game in their minivans with their kids tagging along even though they're bored.
On an unrelated note; has John Titor gained popularity again? I've been seeing him being referenced a lot lately.
exact same
Has he? I haven’t seen anything related to him lately. Maybe it’s just him laying hints around
Wii Sports until they realize Nintendo are fag enablers and burn the console.
Steins:Gate had a bit of a resurgence lately
30 is middle age, dude. But yeah, it's reasonable to have the cutoff at 40.
43 here, just picked up Bloodborne recently. Really liking it.
We are going to be the grandpas who are playing videogames, user. I'm talking about earlier millenials here (born late 70s-earlier 80s). Our parents didn't like vydia, it was a kid's thing to them, so they got old and still watch TV and read the newspaper and play dominoes in the park. We are going to be the first generation to literally be getting old playing vydia.
So make us look good and at least pick and choose good vydia to play as an old man.
Fuck off cunt
Axis has objectively the best aestetic and you can't prove me wrong
Oh the frail underfed Commies weren't that either
Steins Gate as well as someone claiming that Donald Trump is John Titor
By that you mean Germany, and by that, you mean Prussia, because all Hitler did was copy (oh, excuse me, "revitalize") Prussian military imagery.
Finland was good too mate
And nothing wrong with Prussia, Bismark would be able to steamroll this modern empire if he were alive today
Not exactly elderly yet, but my mom used to play a lot of Mario Kart 64 with me. She loved that game. Since then its mainly been generic shit like Farmville, and Pokemon Go for a while. I wonder if I should try showing her Mario Kart 8.
There's a 70s year old guy on youtube who reviews some albums (including Kanye West) and plays fucking Sakura Dungeon. He appears to have some kind of mental issues that caused him to be resented by his neighborhood and become a shut in, but he acts normal at least in his videos. I forgot the channel's name, does anyone else know about him?
Here's that madman, I found him.
Written in 2006. That makes him 64-65 by now.
I want to kill.
gary grigsby war in the west/east
Same here, i don't know why it those kind of games cater to that demoghrapic in particular. She use to play Silent HIll games back in the day, and also the old tomb raider games.
he got problems jack, that much is pretty obvious
but this got me interested in the thread, I do too follow some other old fag
but this one plays the usual oldie vidya , like truck sim and transport fever, city building and such
What the fuck war was he even a veteran of? He seems a bit young to be a Vietnam vet. My dad and uncle both were ace gook killers had 10 years on him easy in 2006 (both are dead now).
Jesus Christ, are Gulf War vets really that fucking old now?
I play chess online with my granddad when he messages me with his iPad.
Give your grannies an iPad, anons.
Yes, because the boomers were SOO le redpilled, right newfaggot?
He only said USAF veteran which means that he probably served in the air force without seeing a war, not necessarily a war vet. That said, he would be around 21 when American troops were withdrawn from Vietnam.
Who is it?
My mom used to play a lot on PS1 - RE1-3, MGS, Dino Crisis, Mechwarrior 2, some puzzle games and some games I don't remember. Now she just plays those hidden object games and occasionally mobileshit, but maybe one day I'll teach her to play PS2 games once I'm done modding the console.
And Skyrim
Thats not old you fucking dingbat.
I remember back in 4chan around 4-6 years ago, some guy posted this black aged woman who literally mods and plays Skyrim.
She does her YT and really roleplays a character.
Old memes running the world.
Super Mario 64 and ocarina of time.
lol fucking grandpas, i grew up with supra mario 3d world and pokemon go, the best vidiagams. we dont want you 1990 grandpas in our vidia zone, go home oldsters!!!
oh fuck, I could swear I did embed the link
but in any case, its one Colonel Failure
Are we talking people in their 40's or people in their 60's+
Is Mack from worthabuy old enough?
For the most part they play games that they like. It's a mixed bag, aside from the fact that they really aren't into shooters at all. A lot of them do strategy or simulators because they're slower paced. I had an uncle (basically another grandpa because he's over fifteen years older than my father) who played the Flight Simulator series since its inception all the way up through FSX.
A lot of them just play shitty mobile games, though. Like my dad (who is old enough to be a grandpa, seeing how I'm over 30) who does those silly "Brain Age" games and was into Angry Birds for a while. My mother plays very simple games that are more timewasters that requiring any kind of effort.
To be honest, though, I don't know very many older people that play games. Most of them are just couch potatoes watching westerns and Wheel of Fortune. All the rest are dead. Y'know, 'cause I'm old.
My Grandpa played Doom a bunch before he died
My Grandma plays Tetris, Dr. Mario, and hidden object games
There are a bunch of them playing flight sims
Both, the oldfags that play Reach in the OP are between 30s up to 60s
ive only met one group of people in my entire life that took bowling seriously, and they played wii bowling to practice real bowling.
Everyone has their tastes.
Two of my friends older than me, one plays Switch and 3DS, and he hates Doom and FPS.
Whereas my other friend plays CS:GO for the shotgun, and has the broader esoteric taste.
I just play whatever. Lately I'm looking into old MMO private servers.