Anti-Idpol Leftist Subreddit

I've created a subreddit to push our agenda. →

In the earlier thread about this there were a couple major objections to doing this:
I didn't mention lefty pol at all in the sub or its name and we shouldn't talk about it on the sub. If you think someone on the sub would be a good fit here pm him to tell him about it.
I made the sub explicitly anti-idpol, if we get in now we can shape its culture. Also if we control the mod team we can limit censorship.
This could be true but no one is forcing you to participate and it might lead somewhere. Reddit has a lot of users, if we guide 1% of the bernie supporters on the site down the right path it will make a difference. Its hard to get the same kind of exposure on an image board as the medium is less accessible and people get spooked when they hear chan. Furthermore we should stop directly recruiting to the board as its reducing its quality. Hence a subreddit we control and disseminate our message on is the best of both worlds. We can get our message out accessibly and actively recruit for the sub, while keeping Holla Forums smaller and allowing it to maintain its culture.

If anyone would like to be a mod just PM the head mod account. Also any input on what people think the rules should be, criticism of what I wrote in the side bar (it might be a bit long winded), what the banner images should be or any other ideas would be appreciated. Also get in their in create activity (genuine or simulated) post articles, memes whatever, I already started posting some things.

Other urls found in this thread:

This has been done a lot of times already. It always dies.

seems bretty good

I don't want to be that guy but does anybody else think the subreddit name is a bit convoluted?

Yeah idk if that was actually a good name to pick. I explain why it was choosen in the sidebar.

While maybe I just wasted 2 hours then.

That's now how you use a sidebar. That's stuff you should put in a sticky

Yeah I'm not really very familiar with reddit. How do I make a sticky? What should go in the side bar? Do you want to be a mod?


what about /r/oldleft? I can create it if you want or you can secure it yourself and make me mod, idk

If its free go ahead and do it I don't really know much about reddit ui. I'm still trying to figure out how to sticky a post.

actually you have to create it since you need a 30 days old account apparently

invite me though: /u/spookysocialist

Alright I invited you. I'm going to start boosting subsriber #'s with sockpuppet accounts. If someone knows how to use bots and shit that would be unreal

If you dont know how to do that, dont do it. It will get you and the subreddit banned

Lol OK.

God Damn, How the fuck do you sticky a post

i dont fucking know man

You press make announcement btw.

I have no interest whatsoever in using a cancerous website like reddit

Thats ok

Its insane to me that people start subreddits. How are we supposed to gain subscribers and build a community? Does anyone have any ideas?

Pretty much this. I even jumped on board a few times.

Holla Forums projects require some coordination and organization. You need to meet boarders elsewhere (like IRC, Twitter or wherever they are now), agree on something, make sure you spread the word elsewhere and agree to keep it active no matter what for some time while it catches on. Even then it's likely to fail because once you're done making Stirner memes, this board and most people here have very little to offer.

Just going "hey, I made ___" is a waste of time.

we need to start shilling it here, on other subreddits and Twitter

also build a CSS

it requires community effort and you better be prepared to bring it up on Holla Forums everyday

Fair enough. I do know some reddit users if we can get the guy who made that petition (i know he lurks here) involved than we can get him to invite users we know are upset with /r/soc mod policy. I don't use IRC or twitter but if people who do could spread the word that'd be cool.

The obvious response would be to reach other left-wing groups and communities, which is impossible because people here tend to be self-isolating.

I just finished school so I have a lot of free time. I'll shill contantly on this site and on other subs, but I dont use social media so if others could spread it on twitter that would be great.

To be clear we are now using not my convoluted name.

I made a sticky too, check it out, basically the same as yours but I shortened it a bit and added a bit of formatting. If you like it more, leave it up, if not you can delete it

Yeah yours is better, more concise. It would be awesome if you could add the hyperlinks in though.

did so

Also, I think you need to signal a certain seriousness and readiness if you really want people to be drawn towards you. Left-wing people starting new projects happen every second, 99.9% of them will lead nowhere, so it's already embedded within our culture and everyone already know not to expect much, and therefore not to put in much effort. You need to break this mold before people even take you seriously.

To use Reddit as an example, if other Holla Forums projects had taken off, we could already start it presenting a proper reading list (we have a fucking sticky for one and it's getting nowhere) and someone could agree to regularly post news and essays to keep the flow going. If we had more e-celebs making debates, we could make threads for them. That alone could attract some people who might then choose to stay.

Something like a reading list also works as invitation that could be dropped without seeming intrusive. People ask for left-wing book recommendations all the time, on Twitter, on Facebook, on other boards, etc. If every time this happened someone had reason to link to one of our boards, that board would be automatically promoted.

Stickies (or whatever the reddit equivalent is) on this, on a fixed set of board rules and moderation feedback, on a recommended list of publications (we also have a thread for that, a decent one for a change, that could be adapted) could make some people go "oh, they're serious about this board" and choose to stay.


Yeah I'm down to make reading list. I also will post the articles regularly from here and other subs. Memes will also be one of our big strengths as there is a tonne of excellent memes on here.

good ideas, create a Reddit account and join the mod team

I'll also make cross posts to /r/leftwithoutedge and others to promote.

do we have anyone with CSS experience to create a fancy stylesheet for us?

If you tell us your Reddit account we'll add you to the mod team.

Up to 10 users now, I think we need someone who is tech literate enough to stimulate activity artificially.

give it some time with that, we first need a few hundred organic users

Well done, famrade. I shared it on all related Facebook groups to gain traction.

FFS… - Been our anti-idpol reddit and I'm the only one posting for the most part. - Want deeper conversations and podcasts and such?

Go here. -

You an anarchist? Go there. - Technology and mostly libertarian/progressive place to post shit.

All you had to do was ask OP. These places are already out there.

the only good subreddit among those is /r/anarchismonline and thats specifically anarchist

both /r/leftypolitics and /r/leftypol are bad ideas and will never attract normies

hope you shared the right one, /r/theoldleft

r/leftypol got banned when r/socialism got triggered.

And if you think I give a damn about attracting normies instead of focusing on having a Reddit to post shit, you're really mistaken about what it's for.

Thanks comrade hope you realized we're now on

well this thread is about creating a reddit for attracting normies tho fam

Good luck… The problem is that r/socialism has a monopoly from being first.

Everyone else is too split among making new versions of old stuff. I mean hell, that's the entire point I'm making here. You have quite a few alternatives right up top that have been there longer and people STILL want to reinvent the wheel instead of trying to reinforce what's come before.

You can't keep splitting people to other places while ignoring that there ARE alternatives that no one's going to support.

But hey, do what you want. All I'm showing is that people have done this and here's the results of those endeavors.

The issues is normies on reddit are under the impression that socialism=stalinist idpol bc /r/socialism is so toxic. We're trying to counteract that.

i subbed to and participate in /r/anarchismonline but its not a direct competitor to /r/socialism. i only know of /r/leftwithoutedge, which i follow too, and that seems to be aimed at collecting news sources and such. at least thats all that is going on

I actively contribute to /r/anarchismonline and /r/leftwithout edge as well. The reason we made a new sub is because we need an anti-idpol one that isn't directly affiliated with Holla Forums. I thought people here would have css, botting and other skills that would be useful and maybe get us into a position to challenge /r/soc its going to be an uphill battle though.

I'm not familiar with Reddit so I really wouldn't be any help. Sorry.

Here's the problem…

You want normies? They go to r/soc first and either are forced out or migrate out if they're smart enough.

We don't have the skills and you need the content to keep socialists to come back to debate and keep the sub going while you pick up the stragglers and refugees. You don't have to do it all at once, but you should be looking into things they won't and making the sub different in some way.

I'd do it, but I'm busy outside of Reddit to bother and I'm helping to keep a few other subs maintained.

If you all want to, begin some debates and such and create content that only your subs will have such as podcasts and other things. Force people to want to see this new left that can talk shop as well as criticizing idpol in r/soc.

But you aren't going to do it by competing with them on style. Hell, they got rid of catgirl and no one picked up her stuff. You think you can pull some other artists and talk to them?

Come on man. Think. What could you do that makes you a viable alternative besides normies who don't see a difference? That's the question. Not wild recruitment.

Seconding suggestions for comrades to use /r/leftwithoutedge… if you want things other than news sources, post those things. It has a couple thousand subs and is relatively active.

I'm u/qwertythekeyboard and I'm been doing some very minimal CSS with the limited knowledge I have.
Does anyone have any good ideas for the banner? I have pic related but I don't know if it really fits what you want the sub to be about.

if we're talking about trying to influence Reddit with anti-ID pol ideas, I'm amazed that no one has mentioned /r/Communalists. They're explicitly against identity politics, and yet are getting quite popular due to the ideology's connection with Rojava.

Hey comrade, I appreciate all the work you've been putting in. I think that image would work well as the banner at least in the interim. Go for it.
