Explain this, Holla Forums.
Explain this, Holla Forums
wow it's almost as if they can't magically change how the status quo works and everyone has to deal with it
Holy shit are you using money to pay bills and buy things?
Isn't it ironic how people can hate capitalism but make money and buy things?
Pffft. It's not like market Socialism is thi…
they all look like annoying cunts
Will you PLEASE read a fucking book?
So, since they are "socialists" and haaaate capitalism so much, I assume I can just go to the bank and get a share of those 45k they make for me?
Oh, I can't? What's that? Is it because it's their … private property? :^)
y u haff compppooper an car gommie? CHEGMADE!!!!!1XDXDXDXD
Private property =/= Personal property
I bet they own things other than money too!
Does this qualify as production for exchange?
im coming for your toothbrush
They're also all white fucking males they don't seem terribly inclusive and diverse what's up with all that?
Bet all they do is mansplain.
We're not liberals you retard how many times do we have to tell you this? Are nazifags really just this stupid? They can't learn? That makes them worse than retards because at least retards can learn.
I prefer the molyneux argument.
Calling leftists hypocrites for having money would be like if we called Holla Forums hypocrites for advocating absolute dictatorships while voting.
Holla Forums are democratic authoritarians, they believe in voting an absolutist into power to abolish bourgeois democracy and institute a dictatorship with Aryan characteristics.
But what else is new
Hmm how can I contact them to get some PoC on their team white homogeneous power structures are NOT OK!
don't you have some cuck porn to ironically jerk off to?
What is cuck porn? It's just two people fucking. Race is a social construct.
If you love capitalism so much, then why don't you sell your family?
I mean, it's only human nature to be selfish :^)
Maybe you should invite your hero Milo over to discuss the merits of violating 9 year old boipussy, then you can have all of Holla Forums call in to support him. Make pedophilia great again!
Age of consent is a social construct.
very good point. if you exist in a society you're a hypocrite for wanting to change it :^)
Why does Holla Forums support child molesters? Do you enjoy hurting little aryan kids?
do you mean interracial porn? cuckoldry isn't necessarily racial or at least it wasn't until Holla Forums beat it to the ground.
Holla Forums always focussing on the issues that matter: pedo rights
There are many valid criticisms of Chapo, but without it I would never have been driven to learn about actual communism. They're a decent gateway drug for the left IMO.
Is the line between liberals and leftists really that thick these days? I don't think so.
What do Communists consider cuck porn to be especially deviant? You wish to deconstruct the nuclear family cuckoldry is the normal state of affairs for you why are you leveling it as an insult?
In between making tens of thousands dollars a month espousing Marxist views you all seem to be a terribly confused and conflicted people.
Yes it is, you're just retarded and don't understand the definitions.
He's saying your conflation of race with cuckoldry betrays your imbecilic assumptions and world view.
If you think everybody here supports everything Ameri-liberals do, then fuck off and do some reading.
Race is a social construct.
Great, what does that have to do with cuckoldry?
you're pretty thick these days, friend.
ecks deeeeeeeeee
I dunno you tell me.
because you don't actually know what the difference is.
liberals are more alienated from other ideologies than ever because they now believe themselves to be beyond ideology outright
You're the one who introduced the connection, newfriend
Race is constructed socially.
user, I see Marxists on Twitter whine about liberals all the time, so I absolutely know what I'm talking about.
what are you even doing here? is there a point you're trying to make?
You need to check your muh privilege.
whatever you say newfriend. hey while you're here maybe you can read a book or something
I love it when some autistic faggot gets called a dumb faggot and then still bloviates about his political correctness online crusades.
Chapo is a bunch of ironic faggots
Why would anyone gift anything to anyone?
I thought everyone would draw from the common stock.
Are you FUCKING kidding me?
Fcuk Trump and fuck ALL WHITE PEOPLE
Why are you using ableist language?
Check your muh privilege.