In the long term MMO gaming is going to become marginalized as NPC players start to offer a better experience. Discuss

In the long term MMO gaming is going to become marginalized as NPC players start to offer a better experience. Discuss

I hope you get aids and die OP. I also hope you get banned for posting shitty threads.

Who shit in your Cheerios?


I would discuss but you're too busy sucking all the cocks you see and wouldn't listen anyway, OP.

I'd rather ERP with a virtual-reality AI than with another neckbeard. I mean, I've tried looking at a catgirl and not imagine the neckbeard controlling it but it just doesn't work.

They won't, AI aren't able to handle creative interaction like RP well and they obviously won't cut it for usual chatroom banter that most casual MMO players engage in. AI will revolutionize enemy AI in games before they become capable of providing convincing replacements for human interaction, and the former isn't forthcoming as of the moment.

You did, shitposter

Wow, it's even lamer than the previous version.

Ending your one-sentence post with "discuss" doesn't mean you have come up with a discussion-worthy topic.


MMOs are pointless.

If i wanted to grind and read walls of text without any of the competition or unscripted roleplay of other humans i would just play a JRPG instead.

This man speaks the truth. Eat a cock, OP.

I play MMOs for the feeling of cameraderie and knowing I'm making a journey together with other people. With very fancy NPCs it still just isn't the same.

Long term, FPS-MMOs are going to replace RPG-MMOs in the same way that FPS's replaced Adventure games in the 90's. MMOs are boring slogs that are made tolerable only by their skinner-box mechanics and having a group of friends to play with that make it feel less like a second job.

Well, guess what. Now FPS games have the same grind, the same skinner boxes, and the same groups of friends in PVE and PVP gametypes. They give you the same false sense of long-term "investment" and feeling of building a character - but they're not boring micromanagement click-fests.

And best of all… now you don't even have to git gud, since companies have already been outed as cooking up all sorts of behind-the-scenes matchmaking fuckery to ensure that you're always going to be placed in games in which you have a high chance of winning… unless the algorithm predicts that you're particularly susceptible to microtransactions at the moment, in which case you better get ready to get your shit pushed in so hard that your wallet falls out.

It just means we won't live to see it, so it mostly doesn't matter

I agree with your prediction. Id even go so far and claim the removal of the true single player formula. Im watching the new MechWarrior closely and Im not even pessimistic anymore. Shits gone to hell already, we are witnessing the apocalypse unfold in real time.

MMO cashgrab mechanics in single player games. Games-as-a-service shit already announced and shilled on media outlets. The perverse pushing of cloud memory. This is the future we didnt prevent.

what is wrong with you?

He means AI, retard.

No. Post porn instead.

Here I thought MMOs got marginalized when they started demanding a game purchase, tiered monthly fees AND microtransactions along with lootboxes and keys and all manner of other kikery.

He did? I was suspecting he meant emergent MMO's like Eve where NPC's would be replaced by players.

I just started praying again and you come with that hypnosis fetish crap.

Eventually people will prefer AIs over actual humans for stupid shit, like who makes your coffee and who files your tax returns. That includes everything in MMOs since the only reason people work together in those is to finish game content and ERP, both of which will be better done with AI.

While I never played gen 7 and never will, the brown girl was the best thing to come from that game.

Developer provided solutions are invariably shittier
See: Matchmaking over server browsing

Nice projecting, I cant enjoy multiplayer games where I cant work with other people since it adds so much replay value.
Every interaction will be different and fun and no AI in our lifetime will reach the level of interaction even your avarage retarded kid can.

I already prefer random NPCs over real people that won't actually interact with me for anything more than a few trades and clearing a braindead instanced dungeon.
Even on games like DarkSouls, summoned helpers trivialize the whole game and invaders are just annoying dicerolls to decide if you have to deal with a random dick or not in certain places.

Those don't exist anymore, people just want to get strong fast and they can't if they depend on other people. It's better if they depend on solo questlines that better control the player advancement and microtransactions instead, goy.

Yeah I know, its propably why I've been bored for like a decade now.
I keep hearing even normalfags say they want fun coop/multiplayer games without microtransactions but they still buy the lates regurgitated shit by companies like EA.

Just why do so many people on here love playing against AI so much over PVP? Are people on multiplayer really that bad and restrictive that people here would rather dance around blind enemy bots for hours and roleplay with NPCs despite only having a few lines of dialogue?

OP specifically talked about MMO gaming, where PvP is always terrible anyway.

For every new gamer turning cynical there's a naive kid jumping into gaming.

Why did it sage?

Bots are predictable as well as scale-able.

You can, eventually, set a bot to match your skill level and give you a genuine challenge. They are on demand and always available, and will stop the moment you get tired.

However, and I believe most importantly, you can make bots play the game the way it was meant to be played. No cheesy imbalanced loadout/class build/map position to contend with. No Meta-game fuckery. No net deck with 2000 bucks poured into it. If you like something, a bot will give you an even match rather than choose the hard counter to your selection 100% of the time, unless you want it to.

And yeah, PvP in general for MMO's is horrible anyways. You can't balance PvP in a game that even remotely respects its PvE without massive time investment.


You should know by now that if they put in even a little bit of proper effort we wouldn't be having the problems we have today.

that assumes theyre going to write better npcs, ai and make better games. this optimism is not suited for this world.


