David "movie" Cage is a faggot

pic is the article highlight.

David Cage, famous game dev who has never made a good game but continues to get money has had allegations of distasteful conduct at his gay studio. Allegedly there's some immature behavior like circulating offensive images and photoshops around quantic dream. Pretty meek allegation but I hope it's legit and bubbles to something bigger. I hope it becomes something that Sony decides is enough to defund cage and give the money to better studios.

Speaking of which, wouldn't it be nice if Sony took all the money that they pumped into Quantic Dream and gave it to small Japanese studios? How about funding Tokyo Jungle 2? What would you want them to do with the money they could take from Cage?

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You fags need to be careful of this shit. It starts off good for us with (((Hollywood))) being bogged down with sexual assault claims but soon the whole LISTEN AND BELIEVE culture will get down the average Joe, if it hasn't already.

Of all the things in the world to shit on Cage, this isn't one of them

Wasn't this guy a pedo?


Kikes playing 4d chess again. Trying to make David Cage look like "hello fellow trump kids" kind of guy. Trying to get him protected behind people concerned about censorship.

I mean, Sony know Quantic made a full model of Ellen Page. Detailed breasts and vag included. Nothing came of it. Cage is going to continue his shit.

imo the model controversy wasn't a big deal and was likely just a generic height fitting model made, not based off of anything real.

Welcome to literally any office. Not even social justice can blow that to the proportions you're quantic dreaming of.

the hope of a dream is an important power

Do his, "games" make a profit? No one talks about the last one he made and the newest one looks like some kind of strange propaganda.

2 Republicans, Dan Johnson and Brandon Hixon have killed themselves over sexual assault allegations.

opinions discarded

I'm surprised Ellen didn't run away when she first met him

David Cage made one of the three good games that have been made out of an infinite number, namely Omnikron: The Nomad Soul and so he should not be prosecuted by the OP and also be given a degree of immunity for minor criminal offences such as loitering, which is no doubt what the OP does at shopping centers, because he has nothing to do and has no job, and he's a male prostitute with a crack addiction, or something even worse than this.

Any studio that could be destroyed over feminist tantrums and accusations of touched butts and dirty jokes doesn't deserve to survive. Live by the kool-aid, die by the kool-aid.

They were probably true, then.

Yes, they are all successes somehow and he keeps on getting bigger budgets and names on his projects since omikron, which was his first game that he somehow got david bowie in on
I'm convinced he practices dark arts or some shit, there is no other explanation of how this guy just keeps being successful and capable of talking people into working on his projects

So what? At least it will take down our enemies to.. If we can't have things the way we want them and only for us, it is better to destroy everything for everyone.

David Cage will be brought down. And it does not matter if it is by a true crime or false accusation. All that ruin the industry for Gamers WILL be brought down.


ladies and gentlemen. how ISIS was born

Also how communism works when applied.

Who the fuck cares. Even if cage managed to allegedly make a good game like says, his movies would probably be burned at the stake anyway when they're re-released. Too much fetish pandering and not much transnignog wom saving the day with the power of repressed cotton picking or whatever.
Curiously he's the kind of hack writer that would be perfect for the kind of bullshit that the modern industry likes.

omikron is absolute pretentious garbage and the only idiots who praise it are fanboy faggots who think it's better because its for their platform.

is that dafoe?

who do you think they used to draw in faggots with a famous face in beyond two souls?

i honestly don't know about these things as i only play old games so i have no idea what's happening with current year vidya apart from shill threads on Holla Forums


Why do faggots animate this kind shit?

So what you're saying is that David Cage is accused of encaging in terrible behavior?

beyond two souls was five years ago

I wonder if that's how the muslims came up with their "you better have 4 male witnesses or we're goanna stone you for being a whore"-thing.

Nigga, where have you being in last 5 years ?
Only now big fishes are receiving treatment, even if its decades ago, giving the impression of backfire for obvious reasons. But false accusations are a thing, that are already a danger for the averge joe that cant defend himself anyway, unless theres real proof and/or witness(es) if your a big fish but hardly any will work against ((())) with exceptions.

why is that little boy so sad?

Because he was born without a penis.



Sounds like good ole fun to me. How it used to be working at a job, guys getting together and having a few laughs while working.

Yeah i mean we just had a guy getting fired for boasting to a co-worker about going to see a movie with another female-co-worker.

Do you think that maybe the ultimate outcome of all of this will be sex segregation at work in the West?

what are you, a youngfag?

like this user, I have 0 clue what this is about and never heard about the game
but with the accusations, it only make me want to try the game more

No it wasn't, it was 4.

So they can leech viewers/subscribers AND content from the original uploader. No original thought required, just put up some lazy animation and bam..People suddenly care about your shitty channel.

Nice file name >>>/cuckchan/


Most of my pics are organised in date order by the unix time stamp file name but I've made edits of some pictures and renamed them with a similar number so they're next to each other when organised alphabetically. I save all my pics with the (u) so I don't have to reorganise everything again.

Fuck off resetera.


You used the wrong image OP.

not your personal army

ResetEra sucks Sony jew cock though

user, did you actually unironically go to neogaf?
n.n.n.nothing wrong with PS4, Gravity rush is a damn good game. Kat is a Cute

Fuckoff NeoFaggot

The length is different retard.

This won’t take him down at all. The accusations are pretty weak and game journos don’t really have any clout these days. All they’re talking about here are some off color jokes, and very few people are going to get worked up over this.

Even if they could manage to drum up some real outrage here, Sony wouldn’t cave easily because David Cage is important to further Sony’s long term goal of “cinematizing” video games, and there isn’t a huge bench of creators doing what Cage does. Sony clearly has a vision of video gaming that takes huge influence from cinema for narrative purposes, or in some cases to have video games be like the interactive choose-your-own-adventure movies that Cage makes. It’s why they keep Cage and his team around, despite their games not really selling all that amazingly. Heavy Rain sold around 3 million copies, which is a good total, but the far more expensive Beyond Two Souls did much worse.

The silly thing about Cage is that you could make a good case that he’s a real creep with women based on publicly available info thats way more damning than this is. In addition to the existence of a fully-modeled nude Ellen Page model despite having no use in the game and all the obsessive factoids he would give out in interviews, there is evidence that they had Page do some (potentially a lot) of creepy shit that never made it into the game.

In Beyond Two Souls, there is a dumb sequence where Page’s character decides to escape the faclilty she is contained in as a teenager just to escape to some dive bar, where she is almost immediately raped by three biker dudes, and she is saved by her ghost friend (who is why she is contained in the first place). It’s a dumb scene that has zero relevance to the rest of the plot, but what is significant is that even though there is no actual raping in the game (it gets close), there are audio files on the disc of Page getting raped. Multiple files, all total being a couple minutes long, and they are high quality and REALLY convincing. I stumbled across some small forum a few years ago where they were data mining the game and found the files. Are there other examples of this kind of thing happening with Cage, where he gets people to do messed up things for his games that end up getting cut to satisfy himself?

The video game section called Pixels is as bad as Polygon.

Imagine being so dedicated to your fetishes that you make your career out of realizing them. Why can't these people just make hentai games like us regular people

They really are going after that shit too.
I used to work in a metal refinery, you know how some workplaces had a huge sign on the entrance that said "X days since last work accident"? Ours had "X days since last death".
Whenever someone died we would poke fun at their death the entire day.
We had a huge pit full of molten metal where we would throw in things with iron in them. Stuff like knives that didn't pass quality testing or body panels of crashed cars. One time a really dark nigger fell in it. Someone jokingly said "Did he get lighter after deep frying?" and got fired for racism. The one who said it was a nigger himself.

Dare I ask what happened to him?


I don't think "dissolved" is the right word, but there weren't any remains.


Some article compared it to dying by falling into lava where your nerves get fried by the fumes before you can really feel anything but that's still fucked.

what they dont know before doing it is they think it will be instantaneous like jumping into water but you'll stay on top and melt into it. You probably dont feel anything but it would still be pretty horrifying for however long it takes.

Dive headfirst?
The temperature would probably fry your brain through your skull before you felt it.
Either way pain is only relevant when the suicide can be stopped, if you jump into lava you're pretty much guaranteed to die so it's fine.

Not unless some madman lassos a limb with a chain on a winch and manages to pull whatever remains out of the fire.
That'd be too crazy though.

Does anyone have that pic of Yahoo-user explaining how cunts infesting the company ultimately led to its downfall?

Yeah, used to work in a supply store for professional craftsmen, i mean carpenters, painters etc. We would always get calenders with naked ladies and such and put those up on the wall. Until one day some dyke carpenter complained about it.

This is your threadly reminder to call him David De Grutola as it is his real name and triggers him greatly.


What is next, Lena Dunham?

That would work for a horror game.

page looks like an underage boy, so it may be a sort of pedophilic thing. It wouldn't surprise me, De Grutola is fucked up.

He didn't have the high ground.

I give this SBFP clip the highest marks anything on their chanel can have: 0-Liam/10.
This is on the 0-Liam to 1-Liam rating system with 0 being best and 1 being unwatchable garbage.

Why do they look so uncomfortable? Did some autist ask a question about his waifu or some shit?

guess i have to drop my cute boy folder


It is ok. It was just a nigger that died. It was a good thing.

Isn't that the Holla Forums BO? Can't tell without the makeup.

Man this thread lacks silly webms from David de Grutola's "games"

Something about her face reminds me of a baby orangutan.




I might, I have to look for it.

doesn't sound like a real dyke, just a real bitch


Oh come on.
She was such a qt.


Someone, post the shoops.

Maybe not if it's natrocarbonatite lava.

At this point, the industry being destroy is a good thing. If the industry is going to die, then hopefully the jews will lose their shekels before they can fucking sell off everything.


user I like my PS4, I have never gone to Neogaf in my entire life. Yet (you) people seem to be intimate with the establishment. The implications is that (you) frequent those forums not I. All I know about it is from that thread we had a few mouths back.



I'm not sure but I think people die when they are killed.

To be fair she isn't that bad, most girls don't look great without makeup.
We ought to make it illegal.
It's the jaw and wrinkles.

Do you think that's even possible? Sure, maybe the public figureheads will be brought down, but they can always be replaced(With minorities). The big, monopolistic kikes who run this show will still be making shekels while the quality decreases and the chattle eat it up. Sure, redditniggers get all buttmad over bungie pretty much forcing them to buy microtrans, but look at battlefuck 1, or fallout 4. Things will get exponentially worse. I hope to god it crashes at some point, but I also hoped trump would do more. The hope is still there, but waning.

Burn it all down

I liked Heavy Rain


Was Ellen Page HARVested?

ANYTHING that brings the whole western industry down is a good thing. It is past time that new and small developers are given space to create good games in the west withot any interference from big corporations.

That is why you must have high standards and only get the naturally good looking ones and discard the rest.
As for the indstry, filling it with the slave races IS good for s. It will speed p the crash. Animals can't do a good job or create good products. The more of the slave races and animals such as women are brought in, the faster it will all fall, which is good for us.

100% honest to god opinion, Heavy Rain was a pretty good movie. As a game, it's not good, and even Fahrenheit has more "gameplay," but I enjoyed the story and stuff.

but why? 🤔


I enjoyed the characters, the story (despite how corny it is) and the story actually changing depending on player actions.
I was never really into classic RPGs so this might be related to the fact that this was the first time I saw a story that changed depending on my choices.

I also really like noire stuff, investigative work and mysteries. While Heavy Rain doesn't do great in replays, it is a legitimately interesting story the first time through.

But it doesn't do that at all and that's the exact reason Cage tells people not to play his games more than once.


Also remember, Heavy Rain literally fucking lies to you about its twist. Scott Shelby, one of the main characters, is revealed to be the killer, with flashbacks showing scenes he was already in being ALTERED TO FUCKING INCLUDE SHELBY KILLING PEOPLE
Also never mind the fact that you can listen in on his thoughts and he constantly thinks about catching the killer, even though he IS the killer. Is Shelby breaking the fourth wall and lying to the player through his thoughts? That’s the only way I could see this making sense.
Also Ethan’s blackouts are never explained and make no sense but the cut explanation for them (Ethan and Shelby have a psychic link) is so retarded I’m glad it wasn’t in the final product.

there was also a large angle cut from the game that probably would have explained everything.

All it takes is one rape allegation, and anyone's online reputation is ruined for good, no matter their studio. After that, you either go indie or go broke, because no publisher's gonna want your besmirched ass.

Oh and remember kids, game overs are a failure of the game designer

The worst part of this is the one in the typewriter shop where he fucking kills the shopkeeper and opens the window for no reason other than to fool the player. That was the worst fucking twist ever because the game just lies to you to make the twist work.

I don't really know how you can like the story personally. The biggest credit I can give to the game is that the environments are detailed and look nice.

Yes, it's supposed to be a "no John you are the demons" twist, but makes no fucking sense because the player doesn't have any conceivable role in the story and there was no discernable reason for those things to happen other than making the story more dramatic. Even MGS2's meta story is more coherent and less retarded. In that game the player is actually the role of the Patriots and the mission ends up going directly counter to Raiden's desires, which is why he throws away the dogtags with the name you made up at the start of the game. Your ability to control Raiden is an analogy for the Patriots' control over Raiden. The twist at least makes sense.

That quote is only about pure adventure games. It's the same philosophy that goes into LucasArts point & click games. Game overs actively discourage investigating, puzzle solving, and listening to lods of dialogue, which is what those games are about. He isn't talking about action games.

I was once naive and had stupid dreams like you user,

I may not have worked in refineries like those but HO.LY. FUCK do I miss THIS kind of light-hearted degree of racism back when every nigger didn't get fucking living over everyone that doesn't make an unironic WE WUZ KANGS joke. Now you can't even make racist jokes without someone getting all hot and bothered. Even moreso if it's some faggot who isn't even the same skin color and gets offended I'm speaking as a asian who gladly rips on my own kind

I really fucking wish normies didn't get ahold of Jojo after the animu aired. The only saving grace is that at least they're not SUfags (but that's prob not saying much)

I'll take it over Beyond Two Sods but it's still a giant ass movie-length QTE slapped with button prompts on it. And said righteous; the "twist" is too hamfisted for the sake of shock value (if there even was any) I imagined Shelby to be more straightforward i.e a down-on-his-luck but hard boiled PI, but instead i'm now supposed to believe he's secretly edgy because of his backstory and that all of the shit he did in HIS story meant nothing. Fucking what

Lemme guess, they shopped naked Ellen Page, didn't they?

With that kind of grizzly work environment as the molten steel guy has, crass jokes are the primary method of stress relief. Banning jokes in workplaces is like banning going to the toilet, eventually someone's gonna burst.

Remind me why we don't have SFM porn from her Beyond 2 Souls model again? I was really hoping we'd see some if nothing else but to make Ellen Page feel really bad for participating in this cancer.

Not even just in work environments like those, just in general I miss when society wasn't so bonkers and wasn't susceptible to being angry at every fucking thing that "doesn't give them special safe space" and was actually capable of cracking jokes without (major) consequence.

Fucking hell I remember that "tech demo" years back and this one "girl" they kept showing off looked like a discount Ellen paige

the better question is why WOULD you want more shitty sfm porn? and of some shitty 3DPD girl no less.
But we already have Dafoe regretting this

Didn't Cage made a 3D model of himself having sex with a female NPC in The Nomad Soul?


And those games were shit.

Why Contain it We should have artificial Wombs and waifu bots by then

Better than Sierra "Six game overs an hour or your money back" On-Line.

The Lucas Art's formula killed adventure games. The "puzzles" are actually harder if you try to think logically. You have to try everything. Deduction would hinder your progress in those games. I wonder why people are surprised that Broken Age is shit?

The ends don't justify the means because the means become acceptable. This isn't a good precedent to set and there's better ways to take these fucks down, this is just a cheap way that encourages sex segregation.

I still love the classic Sierra and Lucasarts PnC games

Fight me

I like Maniac Mansion and Grim Fandango but DotT is overrated garbage.

Have you tried Sam & Max: Hit The Road? I thought it was an improvement over DotT but that's just me.

Guess what, snowflake? Sex seggregation IS the natral state of life. Women are inferior to Men. No amount of inclusion will change that.
And the ends DO justify the means. ALWAYS. Our goal is to take down this whole marxist infiltration of the industry. ANYTHING goes to achieve that. Fight fire with fire and use their methods against them.

Dont you fucking DARE mention Indigo Prophecy and its simon says bullshit

Also why are people acting shocked Cage was a creep from the start

Lucas was a fucking CORPSE and that cop chick still fucked him


I dont get how this guy gets the likes of David Bowie and Ellen Page to work on his projects.

7/10 heres your (you)

To me it's something I've always suspected, although the allegations are bogus apparently. Someone on the GG thread said it was just some assblasted employee that started spreding shit.

but people in a GG thread like to speak bullshit you just got to look at this shit yourself. We live in a point in time where rendering long hair is not an issue any more yet Cage still does it with his female characters

Ellen seems distant in all of her pictures, until she visits Brazil. HUE guaranteed? Now that's some real acting folks.

They all think the same way as de Grutola..
What do you think that the movie and music industries are? They are facades for child sex-trafficking rings. See how all celebrities either start their careers while still children or are adults "paired" with starting children.

Huelander here. The overwhelming majority of or people are conservatives that hate faggot abominations. Ours that are cops, medics, judges, architects, you name it. We don't want the faggots living here. But we have a problem of our boomer-like generation letting marxists take over our government for more than 30 years. So now we are seeing the full extent of this mistake, as well as thyose idiot boomers here that only NOW want S, the current generation, to fix everything.
In this video, the cop is talking as any average brazillian talks. We beat fags and burn them alive. But Pedowood wants to present the false image that huelanders are a leftist, fag friendly majority. We are not.
When Page came here, she was almost ambushed in one of her rides to an hotel, because of our HATRED towards Pedowood's pet dogs like her.


mind me asking where to find these? haha asking for a friend!

What happened? Why did it never push through?

Should have crucified that leftist whore. What stopped you?

David Cage is a faggot, but Beyond Two Souls was vastly better than Heavy Rain. At least the premise sounded like a videogame: let's go fight ghosts with my ghost friend.

Gets me every damn time.

I live way out of where it almost happened and i was not a part of it.
Basically, there were a group that planned to ambush her and make it look like a drug dealer's random ambush in the favela.
Nothing came out of it because the shitty drug dealers decided to start one of their many "wars" against each other on the week that the ambush was planned, so the whore did not go to the favela that she was planning to, and instead was kept in her hotel with high security for (i think) 2 days straight, and taken to the airport.
Here, ever since the Pedowood's pet dogs tried to undermine Trump, the average huelander started to hate them all. When they come here, they come with heavy security. Not only because of the organized crime, but because of the population's hatred as well. They are only idolized at cons, where 100% of the audience are marxists, as any con.

Shit, that's a strong plan. I wonder how the American media would have spun it if it was pulled off.

I hate to dust off an old meme but…..


It was pulled off with some lesser known individuals. If you ever hear of a "tourist killed in a robbery in Brazil" you can bet that it was one of those plans, and the person killed was either an enemy of the (soon to be purged) leftist caste or one of the hatred symbols of said caste, eliminated by the common folk in hueland.
Probably, the press would just report it as robbery followed by death.
Hueland's authorities never let anything be blown away in a way that it prevents tourists from going to hueland. anything that might frighten tourists is quickly dismissed.
If you want to hrt heland's economy badly (and by all means, everyone shold do it), just create believable histories to make tourists afraid of going there, especially during February, during the "Carnaval" days.
One single mass avoidance by tourists in an extended period of time (3 weeks to a month) would be enough to put hueland in a recession.

the MSM with a big fucking camera recording you.

The DotT system gets better the less options that you get. Sam & Max and Grim Fandango significantly reduced your options by decreasing the verbs, the playable characters, and items and cut the game into different chapters.
That system can't evolve. You'll also get retarded puzzles that requires you to do something stupid just to move the plot forward.

Nah. The mainstream media is ignored.
A whore was raped by 30 dru dealers in hueland, and people simply chose to present the video footage as fake. Even if it were true, everyone wanted the coalburner to suffer, so everyone chose to view it as "fake", and she never got even a judge or lawyer to side with her.
The most famous song from hueland's funk now is one were the lyrics say "giver her booze, giver her dick, dump her on the street".
People are laughing at it, and ptting it into practice, while feminist hags are screaming, but no one cares.

So you like bloodborne then. Just cut to the chase retard.

I can't be mad at Cage, not when he gave us the ability to make CGI Ellen Page porn.


Hmmmm, was it a shotgun to the back of the head?

You can take the boy out of the soy but you can't take the soy out of the boy.



Better than the real one.



Where can i find the whole set?

Could you try being even more of an edgy child? I don't think this went far enough.

rape audio

Good stuff. Imagine what went in the backstage of those recordings, with de Grutola and his prey. Imagine have a whole career as an "actress" being used as means to have a crazy old man making his moves against her. No wonder so many of them end up killing themselves.

You can go to hueland and find by yourself if this was "edginess" or not. I will wait for the news of another tourist's "unfortunate" death by robbers. Take your wife and children with you (if you have) and see how long it takes for them to be raped and the authorities to cover everything so other tourists don't get scared. go on. See for yourself by going there.

Page covers for her "people"

I don't think you realize how evil these people are libshit.

Why the fuck would anyone willingly go to a shithole like Brazil?

Nice projection SJW retard.


You want to go back to reddit? Then go. You don't need my permission.

wow bantering and giving eachother shit at workplace is news now and not a job for hr to see if there is actual abuse

almost everything sony touches these days turns to shit so be careful what you wish for

The only thing good that came out of David Cage games are Press X to Jason and Nahman Jayden.

Kill yourself.

Never played one of his games but i don't want anyone to get defunded because of vague >toxic masculinity-tier accusations
what kind of world do you live in?

I should kill myself because someone here can't return to reddit without my approval? Are you insane?

Don't care either way but offer an argument you mentally depraved dipshit.

That is because she is his pet.
But imagine her salt when forced to be with crazy old de Grutola. She even tried to sue his company.

Want a list?
1 - Retards that believe in Brazil's propaganda of "tropical paradise".
2 - Eurofags that want to "prove" that multiculturalism is a good thing, and go there to meet poorfags and niggers, only to get robed by them.
3 - Pedowood and it's associates that go to hueland to rape children that are delivered by their own mothers that brag about how "my little daughter fucked a Hollywood actor".
4 - Gay abominations (Pedowood included) that go to orgies with souless huelanders for no more than bread money. Add the souless fag's "pride" in having being fucked by a tourist and brags about it. Yes that is a thing.
5 - Child trafficking for slave or semi-slave labor. The same mothers that sell their daughters for sex also sell their other children to go to "work" in other countries, by a fraction of the price of new clothes. So, "tourists" can have a supply of cheap labor to take home. And yes, those mothers also brag about their children living in first world countries now, even if they live as slaves.
There is more if you are interested.

When our enemies are suffering for their own poison, it is always good.

Killing faggots for being faggots is not evil. It is a good thing. And hating and trying to kill pedowood's celebrities is also a good and necessary thing.
As for the drug dealers, yes, they are all pieces of shit, but most who end up killed by them were trying to get drugs and not pay, or some other stupidity, so they deserved it. As the raped whore deserved the rape for being a coalburner.

This is why "Sexual harassment" claims have always been a joke at the pleb level. Women wore it out