Best Frame Edition
Old thread >>1411861 is on page 13.
Discuss the best frame and why scrubs hate him.
Warframe thread
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You only need mining for Gara and Eidolons hunt, and it's kinda optional for Eidolons hunt if you're not soloing.
How did you stuck?
Also what did you waste your 200 bux on? I really fucking hope it was some founder package with shit that nobody can get now.
Rhino sure can make people salty for some reason, despite being the most accessible and versatile frame of all.
People who take Rhino on spy missions are the kind of people who grab a sledgehammer when they lock themselves out of their house.
Rhino is my favorite frame
I've literally never seen or read any sort of hating on Rhino ever.
All the time.
More often than not.
Non-frames like Zephyr or Mag? People just chuckle when those join the squad, or sight if it's some high level mission.
But Rhino?
If it's new player, everyone knows that at least he can spam iron skin and stomp and be marginally useful. And if he magages to buff your damage, all the better.
And if it's some vet, you KNOW that nigga won't be killed fucking ever, regardless of his built AND if you ever get buffed, your buff will be some crazy shit so you start one shotting shit you're not supposed to.
And if it's some hot pink Rhino, boy you're in for some dank memes.
So yeah, Rhino is both easy to play and hard to be terrible with, so unless you provide evidence of anyone ever hating on him I call bullshit.
A few threads back there was someone who was saying that anything Rhino can do other frames can do better, and with greater versatility. Personally I love him, and if Brozime isn't full of shit then I have some justification and he is really useful pretty much wherever. Even if he does approach spy missions with the subtlety of a Russian hostage rescue team.
You used to send craftable consumable mining drones to planets to extract crafting resources a long time ago. I'm assuming he's talking about that and not the thing they implemented with the Plains of Eidolon update.
I like playing with Limbos because it's both a crazy russian roulette and a special kind of hard mode.
You never know if your guy will be the ultra-rare Limbo that banishes and returns your team with such finesse and precision that no one ever gets hit by anything big, or the bottom-barrel nigger that spams 1 and 4 on every fucking mob and then just stays rifted and hiding during the boss
He's just kind of bland in my opinion, both frame design and gameplay.
There are 3 builds.
You cast Roar once every minute. Sometimes needed but you'll only play this for AFK farming.
Yeah he has decent AoE CC but even with over 200% duration it barely reaches 10 seconds. He'll also need to dedicate everything else into range. This makes him both squishy and unable to buff.
He's fine at this too except for nullifiers which are a problem but can be played around. You will literally have nothing to cast except your Iron Skin though and it's a pretty dull way to tank.
You can also play him as a jack of all trades or a more versatile tank that doesn't go all in on power and armor. That might be more fun (if you like his skillset) but it's only suitable for content where your choice of frame doesn't matter too much.
You still do that, it's pretty nice if useless since they always bring you the shit you don't want.
Oh brozime can go fuck himself.
The fact that he understands Rhino and considers him high tier is just a testament that monkey can read and write. You don't need to have IQ over 70 to understand how good Rhino is.
is perfectly valid since there are specialist frames like Limbo or Volt, and those frames indeed do their one particular shit better than anyone else, but Rhino being beginner-friendly frame and still being able to compete with those specialists sets him as a great fucking frame in general.
You can take Rhino anywhere. You can't take Limbo anywhere.
The champion of the people.
I don't know one single human being that does not love this guy
I wish he didn't look like shit. I want to like him.
Why do people think Atlas is useless? Punch is good, wall can help for both normal and operative defense as well as create artifical chokepoints and act as effective invisibility/armor, rock vision immediately neutralizes groups and tells Nox to fuck off, and Rumblers draw aggro and do decent damage even though the augment is broke. All that and he's got fantastic armor.
Do people just destroy his range in favor of other things, so they never see their potential? Power range makes his punches more of an AoE, lets you stare down big crowds, and makes your rumblers into speedboys so they can actually deliver damage.
I might be a masochist because Im trying to get Mag to work, any tips?
Separating buffer and stomper builds doesn't make sense. Built for duration and range you're instantly both stomper and buffer.
Yeah you can sacrifice str for better stomping but you shouldn't do it, since a bit of str will always help with iron skin and buffing.
Being melee-unfriendly tank is kind of counter-intuitive, sure, but at least you can fully realize the potential of your ranged weapons, fully charge shots with bows or opticor, or perfectly line up trajectories with explosives without worrying about being decimated.
His abilities indeed can be boring compared to more ability focused frames like Excalibur, but then you have full focus on your guns, and game has shittons of fun guns.
You can still use goddamn Tonkor corpse with Rhino and be effective at level 100 missions.
You're sound kinda the part of the problem with shit Frosts. His strongest abilities are 2 and 4. 3 is only really good for defense against shooty factions. It's ok if you remove it after you've done your particular thing, but if you just randomly put it everywhere you feel like to, you're just hurting the team.
Deluxe skin goy.
It's one of the best skins in the entire game.
I have no fucking idea man, probably monkeys repeating after brozime or some other retarded jewtube simulacurum expert.
Atlas is top tier shit through and through, he's not as well rounded as Rhino or Frost, but what he actually does, he does great and you can specialize far better without becoming potential nuisance like Limbo.
He's also pain in the ass to get, so probably that adds to the narrative.
My only problem with him are his bacon strip accessories, but I expect deluxe/prime version dealing away with them.
Don't play mag. Play Nova and pretend she's mag.
In all of my time playing I've yet to find any reasonable use for a Covert Lethality Dagger (or Ash for that matter).
If you want to kill stuff slow and painfully, by all means bro.
Stomper mainly wants range with a good chunk of duration. Buffer mainly wants strength with a good chunk of duration. You're making one or the other ability significantly worse by going both. In a proper group setup you don't do both jobs since it's more efficient if people focus on one thing.
But like I said, if you just enjoy playing Rhino there's nothing wrong with building him a little more versatile. If you're just playing without a proper setup (pub sorties or some such) it's going to work good as well.
If I want to play a tanky gunner frame, I'd rather go Mirage or Harrow which also have cool abilities to enhance their damage. Of course they're not quite as tanky an Iron Skin Rhino but they more than make up for that.
Inaros, Ivara, Equinox, Excaliber, and whatever other frames can put enemies into such a state.
Horrow is a major pain in the ass to gain but he is a great fucking frame actually. His buffs are insane, I fully expect DE to nerf him within a year.
If anything you have invul frames on finishers, so you can use that as a temporary evasion maneuver rather than primary kill method.
Also even without CL finishers are super effective even at high levels and if you must take that arctic eximus bombard down right fucking NOW from the other corner of the room, Ash can do that, and will probably do that better/faster than most frames.
That with Ash and the finisher augment remains the cheesiest method available to one-shot anything at Index and those awful Arena stages
Oh and recently I started playing Inaros for the purpose of tanking. It's either him or Chroma these days. Also Chroma is another fun tank that can focus on dealing weapon damage.
Anyone tried mcgamercz Inaros build? As I'm lacking a Primed Vigor and use this mostly for melee I put in a Cunning Drift to better Meme Strike. It's pretty fun and works really well. Though I sometimes have issues with regaining health on Inaros, I feel like I need Life Strike on him.
He was a bit annoying to farm but far from the worst. Just of the top of my head, Mesa, Equinox and Ivara were are FAR more annoying to get.
You are literally wasting your time sacrificing your melee weapon to use a dagger to kill a high EHP enemy. It is much more worth while to use your primary for that (where Primaries are actually useful).
This is actually one of the few uses of Covert Lethality in the game.
Speaking of Covert Lethality, what are considered some of the best daggers? I've heard Rakta Dark Dagger before.
I want to try Ash's Lethal Teleport and I have everything except for a decent dagger.
To be honest with melee build chance are you'll one shot high EHP enemy with finisher anyway. Especially if you've got combo going.
I don't even have CL and never felt like I need it, because if I use finisher mob, it just dies anyway.
Then again the longest I've stayed in the void was 90 minutes or something, so for those cheese 7 hours runs I imagine it being essential.
There is literally no objective reason to play high index instead of med index, because med index gives you more money per minute period, unless you find some sort of twisted fun in listening that terrible announcer's same 3 lines over and over again.
And in med index mobs are squishy enough for conventional weapons.
Ones with highest attack speed, other stats don't matter at all.
It's still pretty slow way to kill enemies, regular melee combo build is much faster for up to at least level 200 mobs.
Best dagger would be whichever Zaw can attack the fastest, and then put an attack speed riven on that. I've got a Balla riven I'm going to roll for speed soon, but I really really don't like how it looks so I'm not in a hurry.
I never hear anybody ever talking about Sedna nor do I see people ever playing on the arena. So do I need to fight in the arena and earn judgement points there to have access to other nodes like Merrow, Yam and Vodyanoi?
The real reason to play Arena is because you need the boss to farm Saryn, since the prime version got vaulted
Naw, fighting in the arena earns you tickets that you use on the boss fight. You can go to other nodes without them. That said rathuum is alright but they really fucked up not giving the nukor a nightwatch mod.
That's exactly what I need. Except just the systems for Chroma.
On an unrelated note:
I know exactly what he'll do with those 200 plat.
Buy Nezha? I don't get it, where'd you get that figure?
Threadly reminder that you could have finished your backlog with the time you've spent and will spend grinding in this game.
Changing in-game name is an automated process that costs 200 plat my newfriend.
That faggot went and changed his name.
All the rest I agree with but his armor is really nothing special
I highly doubt it.
Oh yeah, forgot about that. He could be a faggot soyboy and be "proud" of his name though. Funny enough I wanted to change my own ign couple of days ago and immediately changed my mind when I saw the fee.
You ARE a newfag in warframe dude, just like as I am.
read a book, nigger
or at least read your own posts before posting
Just be thankful I'm using your monkey language at all.
Jesus this shit piles up so quick. It hasn't even been a month since I last cleaned house
Is there a quick button to dissolve all dupes but leave at least one unranked copy intact?
Because I can't be assed to click and then type numbers through all of that shit.
I sure love getting endo instead of a much more valuable loot aka literally anything else
Endo rewards are the new forma blueprints tbqh
It's better to do it by hand so you don't dissolve something like a memeing strike dupe. It's not hard, you probably don't have a lot of dupes of anything but the most trash fodder mods.
If you have a meme strike dupe and didn't spin that shit out for 500 plat right away, you deserve to delete it by accident
Do you even Jew?
These were selling for 500 and above the day the event ended. Now? Not so much, and it will only tank harder as more and more people realize it's all for a bullshit meme build
M8, that's not how this works. Of course shit heads are gonna ask low hoping someone sells it not knowing its worth. Show me the WTS page and we'll talk.
Still a far cry from the golden 500s fella, and it will only get worse
Also, this last event wasn't the first time they showed up. Before this last event they were going for 1k.
I know it sucks that you wanted to sell it for more and you hate yourself for not waiting for the price to go up but you don't need to try to lie and justify your impulses.
That's the top of the page, it only goes up. And the event ended not too long ago, it'll take a while to go back up. Just like vaulted primes take months to go up in value.
This isn't an untrue statement.
Easioly the most unpleasant experience I've had to date.
Would it be worthwhile to make my own clan for myself, or should I join one?
Do we have one anymore?
The plural of Eximus is Eximi.
Post your IGN and I'll send you an invite.
FoggyCrystal is the IGN
Always go with the cancer-free option.
fuck me what a clusterfuck this is, even the meme strike atteraxfag was getting fucking trashed
I'm sorry if I accidentally double posted.
And which one is that? I got one from MisterrBabadook and one from Towershield.
keep going
The outlines are too big and anatomy is a bit screwy, but I like it.
It's not really fappable, but I still like it.
please make a wallpaper sized version.
post the other one
I agree about anatomy, but I made 'one finished piece a week' a goal for 2018 and I wasn't feeling it with my sketches at the time. I'm still having trouble with juggling proportions/visual design/anatomy. Thick lines are staying though.
here you go
here you go
screwed up earlier post, here's the 1080p version
It still brings a giggle to my bitter heart that the Redeemer, a handheld shotgun with swords strapped to it, counts as a silenced weapon.
Did they change it?
works on everything except corpus because fuck nuliifiers
The Redeemer hasn't been a silenced weapon for quite some time now. It WILL alert anyone nearby when you fire it.
There's a guy on Pixiv who does a drawing a day and has done so for the past two years. Pic related is an example of what he draws.
Don't sweat it if you aren't feeling it for a certain drawing, your passion has to be there. If there's no passion there's no point in trying to turn out drawings to meet a deadline you set for yourself.
You become good when you realise that excalibur is worst frame.
You become Pro when you realise that excalibur is best frame.
Is he a NEET or something? How the fuck does anyone find the time for a full color complete pic like that every day?
I don't think there is any point in time someone should ever consider excal bad, let alone the worst.
How is that even possible? Does he live his life on his tablet?
I draw every day, I just want to put more emphasis on painting. Passion is cool but you also need discipline.
I have no idea how he does it, but the guy makes good shit. He does clang as well.
Well, his works aren't really drawings, they're digital paintings. It's still impressive how he does these so quickly, he's the Bob Ross of mecha art.
his art seems really good, can you link his pixiv?
Checking those trips, and thanks for the new art, user. Nyx's ass in hirez is very pleasant to look at.
I have no backlog and right now I am watching the autistic adventures of loli chromatics.
It is grat
I'm really really out of date with Excal Meta, I used to excal a lot in the key/endless void draco days when I started until I got my first prime (Rhino) then didn't really play excal that much anymore. I've slapped this fancy new augment on excal that I hear is really good now; is there (there probably IS) other shit I should be tweaking on excal and eb stick?
You have too much strength, so you might want more duration or eff cuase you'll be killing shit regardless.
on you stick, you might want to put some dual stats on it for a little more status chance. Also you'll want Condition Overload cause you'll do fucktons of damage. Trade fury for berserker cause your base crit is good enough to proc it. Also buzz kill isn't gonna do anything cause your blade deals only elemental. Other than that, I'd probably still put the crit chance and damage mods on for a little extra, and maybe swap life strike for healing return cause you'll have so much status chance.
You need a Mire with Condition Overload on it to get the most out of Chromatic Blade because of the innate toxin damage on the Mire and the fact that it activates Excal's passive at the same time. You can do a very easy Corrosive Blast or Viral Radiation set up this way if you set Excal's energy color for cold (viral) or electricity (corrosive.)
Hello, is this faggot game still in ((("""beta""")))?
How low in strength can I safely go? I get what you mean about 'killing shit regardless', I think my old build was more for endless void so focused more on the 'later waves' where I wanted as much damage as possible.
RE: Condition Overload what's the best place to farm it?
I don't have one, per wiki it looks like uranus survival? is that still true?
I think I'll probably stick with life strike over healing return; I'd need to A. Max healing return and B. probably need to slap another forma on this to use healing return at full capacity.
So assuming condition overload goes in the free slot; how's this? (Excal Energy color red for heat so corrosive blast)
I don't have a Mire, but I'll keep that in mind when I build one and have condition overload; I think I understand why it would be useful to free up a toxic damage/dualspot mod space and put something else on.
Pretty good, and I think about 150 str will get you to good numbers. And I mean killing shit regardless because unless you plan on doing level 200+ content somehow, you're doing too much damage and stripping so much armor nothing will really stand up to you. And personally, I'd go for a balanced build so you can just blind and kill anything that somehow does prove tough to kill. If you have energy conversion, I'd recommend using it. For CO, I bought it cause the grind got too bad for me, but I imagine survival is a good place. Just extract fairly early so the butchers keep spawning.
We're looking at Zephyr Prime, Chroma Prime, Limbo Prime, then Mesa Prime, so about a year unless they pull another Nova.
Gonna be a while, cause zephyr is next and after that it's gonna be two males.
Nezha prime when?
I asked for advice a while ago on my Excal and put together this build with some suggestions. I like its survivability a lot. I'm a bit unsure about Stretch, while it gives me more utility, I could get Hunter Adrenaline or Constitution for increased energy efficiency. I'm leaning towards the former. Thoughts?
Would this be one way to mod the Mire, empty slot being Condition Overload which I still haven't successfully farmed? Healing Return is another mod that they added when I wasn't playing, it seems objectively better for this build but also a huge pain in the ass to get. And at least Condition Overload has semi-frequent farming groups on the recruiting channels.
Does it actually interact with Exalted Blade or are you using it for something else?
Every single toggle in the frame only calculates the toggle's power strength at the beginning of the toggle, so using Energy Conversion gives +50% power strength for the entire duration of a toggle, no matter how long it is.
I don't feel steel fiber is necessary on excal cause his blade gives 60% auto parry anyway. Also eff affects toggle abilities far more than duration, so might want to switch the two. For you weapon, I'd swap one dual stat for a regular elemental for a little more damage.
It affects every toggle ability, that's pretty much its sole purpose. If you have an ability you turn and leave on the rest of the mission, use it.
Or, is the thought that I simply add Radiation as such with no other elements. Then the toxin from Mire combines with my cold energy off-screen and goes viral?
What's good in the 2 spots I saved? Bump up my radiation damage with pure elemental mods? Crit chance/damage?
Fuck that's pretty good. Yeah I haven't played enough to really notice Steel Fiber, that might be a good thing to replace to fit in Energy Conversion.
Mire's innate toxin is not going to combine with chromatic blade, it needs the mod. And I'd go for crit damage and condition overload in those two left over.
Try Ceres assassination, Lieutenant Lech Kril and Captain Vor, it drops at least two cells each time.
Its pretty gud, but let it go over your head like it normally happens
What do you mean? I need a Toxin mod on my Mire for it to combine with Chromatic Blade into Viral? Then what's the unique benefit granted by using Mire if I don't save on using a mod slot?
Yes. I'm honestly not sure what the big meme about mire is. If it does mix with chromatic blade, it shouldn't and that's a bug.
Also here's my build.
This. Chromatic Blade works with a weapon's mods, not the innate characteristics of the weapon itself.
Bug or not, this is the result I get with the barebones build
Seems like Mire is a solid choice after all.
Well that explains it. Not the first time something worked on exalted weapons that shouldn't drifting contact used to as well, and maybe still does. Expect that to get patched/nerfed though.
If you're only using a single power mod, isn't Transient Fortitude much more convenient than relying on Energy Conversion? Just seems like you're paying a small price with the -25% duration.
Not really, as the -duration makes blade cost more energy per second, and as a toggle frame I'm gonna be relying on orbs for my energy anyway.
Explain yourselves, plebeians.
Frost does what Limbo does but better.
Any frame that needs a safe space is garbage.
Silly frostfags, your bubble doesn't even scale!
What the fuck you're talking about.
I looked up Exalted Blade a bit and remembered that you get 100% status chance with 180% power using Chromatic Blade.
Is it better to go for that, which then lets you use pure elemental mods? Those add a good chunk of extra damage compared to status chance ones.
That's how I do it.
Yes, you don't mod your weapon for status when using Chromatic Blade as Power Strength governs it's status chance. You mod for elemental damage and melee damage.
OK i'm a new-ish player (mastery rank 3) and i just maxed out my starting gear (Excalibur, Bo, Lato and whatever the starting rifle is.)… what do i do with them now, i have replacements for the weapons but nothing for the frame yet.
Sell all the starter garbage for credits as soon as you get literally anything else to fill the slots.
You can sell from equipment -> inventory menu
just keep going through the star chart
Also since Excalibur parts now drop from mars you can safely sell him if you'll need extra slot for new frame, and then re-acquire him later without much hassle.
What's a good primary for Mesa that doesn't ruin the cowgirl theme? I'm using a vectis prime with solid results so far but not sure if I could get a better thing
Do not do this.
Sybaris prime or tigris prime.
Rightious, thanks for the help guys, i'll sell off my weapons since i have nothing to replace my frame at the moment.
Please do not sell the frame
It does? It didn't when I started the game in 2014.
Also Ex might be good at mid-game content, but nothing special. He doesn't hold up into endgame despite his insane damage because of how squishy he is. Probably because he's a manlet.
He holds up plenty fine.
Went into the sortie after adjusting Mag, it was MD Slash proc, INT Eximus and SPY Viral enhancement in that order, kept using bubbles and polarize with great result, then the last mission I decided to just don't bother the others while they did their thing, then I had to distract an eximus, got 1 shot two times in a row, full shields, no slash, no viral, only puncture, went to extraction, a feral kubrow kills me in 1 bite, again, no proc, I decide to just comment on how the difficulty in warframe is shitty game design, then people begin barking at me "then don't play it!" and stuff like that I say the game is tolerable to an extent and they continue to bark "you should play a game because is fun and not just tolerable then!" and the usual "git gud!" I comment on how bigger numbers are still shitty game design regardless and they say "armor reduces that" then I tell them "when the enemy does 10 billion damage how much does 130 armor can mitigate?" they stop barking.
I don't think he does. Unless you have some fancy maxed out arcane that safeguards you better than QT.
ok i shall not sell the frame.
Don't get hit :^) but excal is the tankiest of the non tank frame IMO.
It's why tank frames and CC frames are the meta.
you have no idea how armor works. admittedly, that's understandable because it's fucking retarded (see image)
all you need to know is that armor is RIDICULOUSLY EFFECTIVE AT REDUCING DAMAGE. 130 armor is basically a flat 30% reduction in all damage you take. frames like trinity that have 15 armor (i.e. basically none) are actually much more fragile than you might think compared even to frames with low armor like ember, gara, or mirage prime
Valkyr is a better Excalibur because she's more sustainable but if you wanted just that going Inaros is the better option because you stand out more then
also, zephyr is quite good if you build her correctly
excal has far more range and CC, and obviously valk is tankier.
range isn't that important but CC is although I'd still prefer valks rage over excal blind due to the healing aspect of it however I'd love it if I could get the blood grabble hook shot replaced with the blind tbh
If valk could CC effectively she'd really be too OP.
she'd be Inaros then
Inaros is a different can of worms. He's just insane health and CC, whereas valk and excal also pack a lot of damage. And no, covert lethality daggers do not count, as you have to kill everyone one by one.
insane health which also heals others
True, albeit not very effectively.
it doesn't need to be that effective because the CC is more then enough to make sure full healing happens
I meant it more as going through the necessary steps to make it happen is a bit of a pain, and so few inaros even know he can do it. I've only seen someone use my devour like twice, and I've only seen another inaros use his 4 maybe five times. And the time it takes to recharge your armor after makes it pretty time consuming to cast.
So, if I have say 700 HP and the enemy deals like 100,000 per slash tick that means I would take 3000 less damage, right?
there's afew mods that fix most of the issues it has or so I've been told by me friend
With that in mind it's amusing how Ash P is tankier than Excalibur.
Ex really need a buff to either HP or armor.
Hopefully Umbra will be tankier than vanilla.
You'll take 30000 less damage :^)
Oh never mind, slash procs ignore armor, so you'll get full 100k damage regardless of armor.
I use negating swarm on him, which makes him even more stupidly tanky, but it the charge time is till annoying. I guess I could use natural talent on him.
I wouldn't know
Good to know, if it were Toxin I guess it would be 30,000 less damage, so, which mods give me 50,000 HP total? as usual there are frames with too little armor to even think about surviving a "stray" slash or toxin tick, and I use quotations because DE thinks harder enemies have to use fully automatic sniper rifles with homing bullets and 100% status chance, not to mention tons of armor and HP, God forbid someone actually makes enemies more varied and smarter.
If we're talking about toxin, then we're talking about infested, meaning they can aslo proc viral on you, halving your HP before destroying you with toxin.
curses! foiled again!
in all seriousness, one of the worst parts of warframe is not having a proper difficulty curve.
But there is! It's called meta.
That's only a scale of how fast they die mostly, not to mention the ones whose abilities never scale properly, harder shouldn't be limited to squishiness.
Kogaje Prime=Voltaic Strike+Volcanic Edge+Virulent Scourge+Vicious Frost+Condition Overdrive+Brutal Tide
I am thinking of adding Dispatch Overdrive along with Reflex Coil to really amp up the go fast.
You are kinda wrong. Loki might look squishy looking at his stats, but he's still meta frame after all these years, and can easily stay in survival for hours if coupled with meta weapons.
Trinity and Nova also can get pretty far in on their own, but if they are in the party you just won't lose.
On the flip side Ash might be good on paper, but you just won't get far with him, and he's useless in party, all despite his high EHP, invis, autofinishers and slash buffs. Ditto for Chroma. He might be over tanky but eventually enemies will catch up with him.
But they will never catch up to Loki.
Also bloodrush is still large damage boost no matter how low your weapon's critical stats are, replace voltaic strike with it.
And get some good riven to go full autismo.
Still looks like the meta is only about taking big numbers or dodging those, even then, no amount of cover will save you from a single bullet when the enemies get their insane and stupid scaling.
What about throwing Berserker on with bloodrush to make everything even more retardedly fast?
Good morning sunshine, that's how it always is for online games.
Or what, did you think there is some skill involved in warframe? Only if you consider minmaxing a skill, and even then it's pretty straightforward.
You might outskill some situations where you have sub-optimal build sure, but if you want to go in rabbit hole of lv100+ enemies, it's all about stats and frames' abilities.
Do you even have mod space for all of that? I mean sure throw in whatever you feel like, just make sure you don't left out essential shit.
Basically I think certain enemies are a step in the right direction, namely Nox and sometimes Juggernaut, Nox requires you to break his helmet and keep your distance when he is dying, Juggernaut, aside from his insane damage has those soft spots that require better reflexes to take him down fast, hell, compare Lephantis with Jorda's Golem.
I disagree. When your enemy's design relies on shooting a certain part or waiting for them to do something in a game with such varied methods of combat, it's a clusterfuck.
It's fun and fancy 1-on-1, but when it's a horde of overleveled grineer with a whole bunch of noxes among them you really don't care about breaking their helmets first, you just need to murder shit as fast as possible while staying 100% safe.
Your reasoning align with old warframe phylosophy when it was slower paced game where you fight 2-3 enemies at a time, with 5 of them being a problem, but now it's a horde game with hundreds of shit rushing you down.
That's the thing, hordes should be a little more dynamic and not rely on big numbers for everything that's my point, 4 frames vs 20 Nox would be stupid, but 2 Nox, 2 Bombards, 1 Hyekka Master, 2 Heavy gunners, etc. is quite different, of course, I am talking on a base level scaling (let's say your squad's total level +X) and not the retarded 10 million armor lv9999 hyper aimbot 500% slash proc enemies.
For that to not be stupidly easy you'd have to rework all the frames, all the weapons, the entire game basically.
Not only it's a huge amount of work, but imagine outrcry of countless metawhores addicting to playing the same shit in the same way every day for years.
Hundreds of people bitched and moaned about tonkor alone for months.
I mean slash nerf didn't happen yet, and people on youtube and their forums already submitted to mass hysteria about DE nerfing their favourite crutch.
What you suggested is the horde composition right now. It's just the thing is you are asking for finesse in a game that at this point almost completely lacks it. What if you're using melee? How are you gonna pop a helmet? What if you're using bladestorm? That's not gonna do shit and can't pop a helmet, or explosives and all manner of other shit that clashes with that design. I like WF's musou-esque design, but it doesn't work with hit the weakpoint type design. It's why everyone hates the bosses, it's why resonance banshee exists solely to spam weakpoints all over so you can't miss the damage bonus, it's partly why snipers are almost never used. The idea of a high priority target already exists too in the form of eximus units and healers, but they tend to throw you around so much and get lost in the horde that it's more efficient to just pound enough damage into them that they can't withstand it, healing and eximus units regardless.
If you think the slash nerf was a good idea you should re examine your life.
Or just rework the AI, stop the zerg rushing and all that, hell, Half-Life enemies get to a point where they stop coming at you and throw grenades, take cover, flank, etc.
You have 3 weapons for a reason, is like people complaining about the Ghouls in Cetus because they can't go pure melee, even though you can literally go melee with the proper build and just finish with something from a safe distance.
are you retarded?
How do ghouls prevent melee? And even if you have three weapons, weapon switch is slow and if you're a weak frame you'll be annihilated in the time it takes to take out your gun. And build variety is the best part of warframe, being forced to use a weapon you don't want to seems a little ass backwards.
I wasn't talking about sorties.
I was talking about long survival and defense missions which groups do for fun then for rewards. Also, do an enhanced armour sortie defense with no corrosive projection or slash and tell me how much of a blast you had.
That's the thing, there are ways to improve combat without reworking the whole game, people have been asking for faster weapon switch speeds for example, as for Ghouls preventing melee, people complain because upon death they proc toxin and cold (similar to Nox so there you go), so, weapons you don't like, so there are people who can't stand carrying around a decent primary and secondary in a TPS?
While we're on the subject of armour, if the scaling of grineer heavy gunners and bombards were less ridiculous then a slash nerf wouldn't be a big deal.
Why? Because DE can't into balancing, and 6 other damage types are fucking useless?
Bleed scaling of TOTAL damage doesn't make logical sense, it should scale only from slash, like in every fucking game with bleed procs ever.
Just make other damage procs not shit duh. But we know it won't happen.
The simplest solution would make puncture and impact wor exactly like slash and scale off their respective damages and get bonus against specific health types accordingly.
very easy. ever heard of finishers?
the slash proc build is very new and we were doing sorties for 2 years before that. try again newfag
yes. Buffing everything else is always preferable to a nerf.
First off when the fuck has WF ever balanced mechanics around "making logical sense" and also why the fuck should they just gimp elemental weapons and low slash weapons by not allowing them to use forced slash procs from stances and hunter munitions? The nerf they were suggesting would have just made nerf even more meta and forced.
Warframe being a TPS is optional. With exalted melee weapons, abilities, and melee being both fun and overpowered, shooting isn't very important. And the ghouls leaving shit behind is kind of a non issue for me, as you can typically build around that or avoid it entirely while still using melee by either having a frame that nullifies status or having enough reach on your melee. Point being though, I should be able to use any assortment of equipment (within reason, nobody should be doing a full melee build on mesa) and still be able to function. Hell that's why people want other damage types to be good, so weapons they like that aren't slash or don't force slash, can still compete.
Oh yeah we can just spam radial blind as the only option until that gets nerfed as well rather than just fix the stupid scaling at the root of the problem. I tip my hat to you, confirmed vet player.
As I said, no one would care about slash nerfs if armour wasn't beyond absurd at high levels.
Does this make sense?
It's not for ultra deepwave shit or melee sorties 3s, but just for like a general fun void/starchart/PoE melee
It's a pretty standard critical and combo build.
If you have the molt augment for Saryn then you could forgo life strike for more damage, but if that's out of reach then you'll be fine none the less.
If you're using blood rush, true steel is unnecessary. Also with your good base status, replace body count with drifting contact if you have it. Other than that you're fine.
I want the slash procs nerf because of the way it works for enemies. it won't have any effect at all on the way I play offensively, but it will allow frames that rely on shielding and are squishy underneath (primarily mag, trinity-when-she-doesn't-have-powers-up, titania, and a few others) to actually be at all playable in high-level content. as it stands, a single slash proc in a sortie-3 and mag is toast, no matter what. frankly I think it's retarded that slash damage can proc through shields at all, but that's a whole other discussion. I argued against this bitterly when Damage 2.0 came out and my voice went unheard
I agree that fixing the root of the problem would be better, but I have little confidence that DE is willing to re-work their entire damage system, no matter how bad the game desperately needs it
twin krohkur has poor crit stats (1.7x crit damage and 19% crit chance), would not do a crit build on them. generally they are not a great weapon, you will get better results from a bog standard elemental build (something like primed pressure point, primed fury, spoiled strike, life strike, and 4 11-slot elementals)
What would be the drawback of having a rifle and pistol holstered while you go full melee for 99% of the game? I am not advocating to forcing people to shoot every minute or die, just saying a variety of enemy squads would need a variety of weapons equipped, even if you only use one or two for the purpose of peeling certain enemies off, that's why you also have abilities, but then, not all abilities in all frames scale properly so either revamp the way enemies scale or begin scaling frame abilities for PvE.
Because of the time it takes to either turn off your ability or swap weapons, it's just a hindrance. I like the dual wielding thing DE was going with cause it basically solved that problem, but it only works for throwing melee.
That's fair and quite easy to fix, just reduce the holster time and that's it, I don't think anyone will miss their Speed Holster aura mod.
I'd prefer if they just changed a bind or something so instead of blocking you can just quickly get your lex prime out and blast someone, then once you stop holding right click you put it away.
Why not both? I find dual wielding a glaive very good, but then again, I played dark Sector.
Are you actually retarded? Twin Krohkur is one of the best dual swords in the game, hands down. It may be a crowded weapon class because of the multiple good entries, but Twin Krohkur definitely have their own place in the game. Crit slash procs that have been boosted by Condition Overload aren't a joke, even only with a 1.7x multiplier. On top of that, even if their crit chance is sub-25%, with Blood Rush and a 2.5x combo multiplier you're still sitting at a 97.4%, on a weapon you can slap Viral and aspd on and spit out crit slash procs all day.
That's valid. There's so many minor annoyances in the game like that that DE refuses to fix and it just boggles the mind why they refuse. Like universal vacuum, I cannot fathom why it would make a negative impact on the game.
Fair point, I use regen molt extensively, I just have a bad habit of slapping life strike onto everything like I would pressure point.
That being said, I just happen to have saryn up here, I don't really use here as a meleeframe with combo count and all that; and on my frames that I can 'main' melee on, I DO need lifestrike (Inaros/Nidus; lifestrike/rage synergy self explanatory for endless sustainability)
nope, no drifting contact
I get they're not a great weapon, but I like the way they look, and while they're not going to ever go into meta or even 'good' crit territory, and the crit feeds well into berserker, so they speed up fast. It's not the 'biggest' crits, but you can pretty easily get a couple orange numbers if you slide-attack into a mob, I think also decent slash proc chance with high attack speed ultimately would be more damage over time than 'innately higher damage' (11-slot elements) that doesn't upscale with the crits/speed.
I mean I'll choose atterax or galatine or nikana if I'm doing some serious melee only thing. Krokhurs look cool, and aren't total MR fodder; unlike most dual weapons. I mainly use Mios on Saryn anyways.
Exactly, what I am discussing mostly would just make room for some real end game but there is a vocal minority of people on the forums that literally say "everything in Lv100+ dies too fast, please make them harder DE" and then DE makes them harder… by adding more armor, procs and health, then one has to wonder, if you think is hard why do you spend so much time on getting that prime thingy, adding formas and getting your meme strike if you are going to complain about stuff dying too fast when you are literally trying to make a weapon that kills fast?
The most retarded part of the "debate" we all know that there's nothing to discuss is that some say that once vacuum is universal that there will be no reason to use sentinels, while completely ignoring the fact that there is no reason to use pets in the current state.
Kubrows are shitty and expensive and they would be so after receiving vacuum.
Another thing I really hate is how all in all, you are dependent on energy (and health currently thanks to procs ignoring shields) but energy siphon is an aura mod instead of a passive for all frames in some way, the same goes for vacuum, fun fact, there is the Chesa kubrow who will break containers and pick up loot… when out of combat, taking its sweet time and completely unable to just pick it up by walking over it while following you, hell, Scavenger doesn't pry open the lockers, it just unlocks them.
Sentinels would still have their use and more mod space with universal vacuum, I found Taxon to be great for example, I keep Carrier around because it makes ammo mutation obsolete.
u wot
and yeh, you can scale with crits and berserker and all that but to me doing a crit build on a weapon that's not suited for it is just a waste of time – if it works for you have at it
But how would you make it hard? It's practically a musou at this point, and those games are typically very easy to my knowledge. Warframe has also just suffered from power creep in every department for better or for worse.
Kubrows and kavats are plenty good but even with vacuum they would still only be about on par with sentinels. For christ sakes, sentinels can revive you, cloak you, heal you, give you ammo, send enemies flying across the map, and tons fucking more. The most a kubrow or kavat can do is annihilate something with a slash proc, get some items, cloak you, and give you random little buffs.
I think energy siphon being passive would be a little over kill. As it stands energy shouldn't really be a problem for any frame unless you spam abilities pretty hard with a negative efficiency build.
And don't forget how a dog/cat pet also requires you to feed him pills every other day and constantly pet him if he dies too much (which he will in just about any high level shit) or he just stops doing damage.
It's absolutely fucked how useless they are in comparison to a flying little trinket
So not only do you not know how to build weapons you also don't know what slash procs do or how people use them?
It just occurred to me, why the fuck is nova's wormhole augment an exilus mod? Why does she get special treatment when there are tons of augments deserving of the exilus slot? Did DE just forget?
Those parts I don't mind so much. The stabilizers are pretty cheap and can last a long while with the nutria segment, and your pet should not being dying period, even with the shit AI.
Well, let's compare something like DMC4 on LDK mode and any other musou, in the former enemies will fight back, you just need to provide enemies with a more varied set of skills and combine them as I have mentioned before.
As far as I have seen from other people, Warframe is not supposed to be super hard but fast paced and action packed, the problem stems from the need to grind and the long but uninteresting levels, people decided to adopt the fast because playing is kind of a chore.
Obviously, siphon would need to be 0.5 energy per second at most, just enough to not leave you powerless when you need it, alternatively you would need to get an energy orb on every container guaranteed or have the totems provide you with energy over time instead of pulses.
valkyr's hysterical assault is also exilus. it's because they are mods that don't add damage or "power" to the frame, but more utility
Why isn't something like everlasting ward exilus then? Like I said, if it was reserved for mods that just add utility we'd have a lot more of them in the exilus slot.
But the enemies we have do fight back, in fact that is a pretty common complaint across the thread is that they fuck you up too hard. I don't really know what you could add to make the game challenging. The frames and weapons are just too strong so the game become "one shot or be one shot". It eludes me how to remedy this cause taking away being one shot will make all the tank frames laugh even harder, and taking away one shotting enemies will make the game a slog. I'm pretty happy with the way the game is right now honestly, save for all the minor complaints. As for "end game" I just want something sortie level to play more than once a day, and maybe more raids and more thought put into them.
And seriously, how do you have problems with energy? enemies drop it enough that I never run out even without zenurik or energy pizzas.
everlasting ward increases the "power" of the ability quite a bit though. don't get me wrong I'm not defending DE's shitty choices and I agree way more mods should be exilus-valid but I wouldn't say everlasting ward is one of them
Fighting back is not the same as instant kill, they should be troublesome in numbers, but instead only one of them is enough to bypass your shields and take you down, when I was in that sortie it was just one eximus, shooting me from an impossible angle and killing me twice with no line of sight.
You're having a fundamental misunderstanding here. I'll pretend that it's not intentional. The majority of the damage over time of a Slash proc essentially does not matter outside of a few instances like using 100% status Tigris P blasts on heavy units, as most things will not live long enough to ever experience the full damage of a slash proc.
What matters is that it instantaneously ticks on proc and rapidly ticks again, so 35% of your damage is converted into finisher damage and rapidly ticks twice. Finisher damage entirely ignores armor, which is where most of the eHP of an enemy comes from, especially Grineer, and especially as the armor scaling becomes completely busted on heavy units. You can stack slash procs onto enemies multiple times, in fact, as far as I know, it's infinite.
What you're doing when you use a crit status setup on a weapon is ensuring you can proc statuses like Viral which halve enemy health temporarily and that you can reliably slash proc, and reliably crit, so that your slash procs are criticals. This is further amplified by Condition Overload as anything that doesn't kill the target on your first swing is contributing to damage for your follow-up hits. Condition Overload applies to your weapon's base damage alongside Combo Counter, on top of criticals, and weapon stance multipliers, which all modifies the damage of the slash proc that's going to ignore armor and directly kill a ~2 million eHP Heavy Gunner with a few swings.
inaros doesn't NEED lifestrike, but qol of playing him in long games is greatly improved when you don't need to stop coptering to press 1 or 2 and can just tap the mouse button to heal while you're slide-attacking across a room.
I you don't want to nerf slash because it would make game better it won't, you just want it so your shit frame would be little less shit.
Well how about this:
You don't play your shit fucking frame.
Mag is shit, and you are shit.
The damage 2.0 is fucking shit, and so was damage 1.0.
They backpedaled from damage 3.0 because of whales' autistic screeching about all their welfare bucks spent on mods and formas and rivens and other stupid shit to exploit current shit damage system.
They are the ones who screech now about muh slash.
Nerfing slash won't do shit, it won't change meta, it won't change anything, just like rivens didn't change anything, like primed mods didn't change anything.
Shit weapons will stay shit, and meta weapons will stay meta.
But as long as whales and metawhores get butthurt over it and hopefully fuck over DE in some way it's good, so I look forward to it.
Worst case scenario they will just roll it back and we'll be stuck with damage 2.0 for the rest of the days.
Was Damage 3.0 that thing about removing the need for damage mods? I presume like Serration.
I understand it completely, I'm an MR25 founder who has been here non-stop since the game entered the public closed beta phase, but it's still not as good as a weapon which kills instantly. only in sorties and floods do you see those ultra-high-level enemies for normal gameplay (hanging around endless game modes to fight >100 enemies is just e-penis and I won't be a part of childish dick-waving) and they're as susceptible to a melee finisher or armor stripping as anything else; doing these complicated meme slash proc builds is just a way for people to feel proud that they exploited the mechanics the most aggresively
pic related
Yeah, cause you're mag. Nidus, valkyr, inaros, etc, all fucking laugh at that. And they're already meta as hell. I don't see what nerfing damage is gonna do outside of make the game easier in general.
There was another sortie where I died to a single toxin proc from a mutalist osprey, not as Mag, but then again no matter what frame I use, there is something that will kill me in one hit at certain levels.
What I would propose is not nerfing damage, unless reworking the way enemies scale is considered nerfing in your book, as I said, just make the enemies smarter and more varied, bullet sponges that kill you in one hit ignoring shields and armor are cheap, not hard, just cheap.
Like? Enemies are pretty fucking varied, and I don't know what smarter would do here except they run from threats.
Compared to what I saw years back yes, there are more enemies with different patterns, and you just hit the nail, I said it previously, they have to stop pumping up the numbers and make them actually try different approaches, nullifiers for example are very interesting and sometimes enemies get inside the bubble, have you also noticed how enemies rarely shoot while running or walking in "formations" ?
I don't see that adding much to the game. Enemies deploy cover already and it's pointless. They throw grenades and it's pointless. Running away from threats would either be pointless or make melee a chore to use. Nullifiers already cover enemies plenty and the solution is still just to shoot it. Formation would be neat is they were protecting an ancient healer or eximus unit, but you're still just gonna wipe the lot of them and they tend to hide in the sea of enemies already anyway. And abusing the bad AI is part of a lot of game mechanics like octavia's mallet and loki's decoy.
If this shit is not formation, then I don't know what is.
It's like you fags don't even void.
Wow this game is great when parties and frames mesh well. I still kinda dislike Excalibur since I've been playing him for more than a year now so I want a change. What is a fun Warframe that plays well with others for me to invest in while moving forward with my new appreciation for the game?
Have you really played only one frame for a year or is this a ruse?
Trinity, Rhino, Banshee.
Exalted blade builds are sorta glass canon as you only have defense from the front and still take 40% of damage. His AOE builds are more survivable but much less fun.
I played with Volt for a month and then with Rhino for a year and a half. Exclusively.
I assume he just MR other frames like I did because why fix that isn't broken until it's broken?
Any sort of playstyle do you tend to enjoy?
Nova, Nyx, and Frost are all readily available to mid-map progress and play well with teams. Broberon is kinda weak, but if you pre-plan with a team you can fill most gaps. Ember has a nice CC build, but it requires a syndicate mod.
Maybe it's just cause I started with mag, but fucking how? I looked for new frames pretty early.
Because mag is shit and not fun.
Playing for a year with fun frame like Ex or Rhino is a non-issue.
No, but I basically have. I have max rank Frost, Valkyr, Oberon too. I've mostly played Excalibur since I could only survive by spamming his exalted blade. Any of the others didn't survive my ignorance for long, especially when I was soloing the later missions. It's actually been closer to two years now but I'm hesitant to expose the length and depth of my ineptitude.
Cool, I nearly have a Trinity Prime nearly ready to build.
I swear I've been such a one trick pony I'm surprised I never dropped the game. If it weren't for the loot my interest wouldn't have survived long enough to enjoy the strategic elements that seem to be underneath.
I want to play a more supportive role and get carried more aggressive frames if possible. I just picked up rejuvenation tonight and may be looking to incorporate that if it's worthwhile. What syndicate mod is that. Just curious, I would play a booty frame.
Firequake, it makes it so Ember's ult has a 100% knockdown. It's not the most fun build, but it is effective. But from what you describe I'd go with Nyx. Her talent for causing chaos is a great sort of non-standard support that works well in the vast majority of cases, solo or in teams.
Awesome. She looks great too, especially since I was unaware of her and fucking Nezha popped in mind first. Thanks!
prime is getting unvaulted soon too, so you'll get a chance at that.
Get Harrow, most fun support.
And everything besides overshield also affects the group. Just get a crit weapon and have fun.
4k overshields is nothing at level 100 though.
The rest is pretty amazing though, yeah.
Get Harrow.
Can we at least agree that trading system in the game is brilliant?
How are those incomes, fellow shlomos?
Post a pic of your nose.
Why would I do something this lewd?
I wont believe the pic isnt edited otherwise, only a person with a huge nose could pull over 1500 plat out of thin air.
Unvaulting when, Tenno? I'm hoping for Nova and Ember
Played some Warframe earlier today without issue, but now I'm getting this error. Tried verifying download cache, reinstalling DX9, but nothing works so far.
I'm hoping for those too. I need more fodder for more daily trades.
Keys from the old days converted into relics can get quite pricey depending on what's in them. As well as mundane shit like veiled rivens and random prime parts add up and can get you pretty far.
I know how to fix it:
Buy plat.
I only get shit that goes for like 5 plat max.
They said on devstream that around feb 6
It should be frost, ember and loki at the same time
You can always rely on syndicate mods I guess.
Shit, I have both Rhino and Loki.
Just flaming ass it is then.
I really want a grinneer warframe
that's the grinneer king
also a prime equivalent of grinneer weapons
ember and loki it will be then
still two out of three isn't a bad score
about goddamn time
What mods do I put on Twin Grakatas so it stops being dogshit but doesn't require me to eat a potato?
biggest issue with it is the reload time
It's called wraith
wraith eh? interesting
My only regret is not being able to justifiably use the Prisma Obex. Also that the arca set looks terrible and there hasn't been a good set of corups accessories since the porta set.
user, please.
Half of the gameplay is that.
What, do you hate fun?
wraith weapons are customized by the red veil, not by the grineer – also not all are grineer weapons (latron wraith)
but yeah, gorgon wraith, viper/twin viper wraith, and furax wraith are all grineer weapons and quite endgame-worthy albeit needing some work… I can bring my gorgon wraith to sorties or kuva floods but it has 8 forma, a riven mod, 2 primed mods, a corrupted mod, and a nightmare mod on it
Yeah but while the prisma obex is fine, for damange it doesn't really seem to stack up. Granted I've been building for crits so I might want to try a status build now that I got back my condition overload.
Do both.
Some people had doubts on fashionframe and how certain skins would look before he would buy them, then I asked to check their stuff… color me surprised.
Is this carnival posting? Are we going to start posting Dobson art again?
What's a fun mission to level full sets of brand new unranked frames/weapons on? I've been using apollodorus forever but a little bored of that now.
Also on a separate and unrelated note, I've heard Chroma, Trin, Harrow and Titania are good for Eidolon hunts. I don't have Harrow and Titania, I haven't played Chroma or Trin in forever and never really played them much in the first place and I don't really know how to play and probably don't have all the mods to do a proper bless trin or vex chroma. That being said; what other frames can I use, and what kinds of tactics should I employ if I just try pub into eidolon hunts to leech cores without being a total shitter or outright detriment to the team? (I get the core idea is to shoot their elbows and knees with your operator until shields are down and then shoot it with a low rof high damage thing until it pops, but like half the time I've ended up in one of these fights It's hard to tell what the fuck is going on and I don't think I've ever landed a solid weapon shot on a knee/elbow, I usually just go in and out of operator mode to try strip shields or attack the little ball eidolons that show up.)
Volt is often brought along too, if you shoot through his shield the crit damage of your shot is doubled and speed is helpful to quickly run and get balloons.
As long as there is a chroma and volt you should be fine.
What is dobson art?
How do you not know who Dobson "Inflate the Dame" cuck is?
I don't know many things when it comes to cucks.
>takes forever for lotusordis to realize that i found him
Thanks, I love having a use for stealth frames
Makes me rage when Nightmare and Sortie modify it so the base will always be on high alert as soon as you approach the cells.
Just have Host chilling at extraction before going for cell, hostage will be automatically teleported there.
1. You solo spy
2. You pub rescue/defecation
3. Never butthurt
Simple and clean.
You have to do it if you want the last Harrow part.
Call me when there is another way to get Harrow.
I can think of a couple.
You can't trade non-prime frames user.
I think you could Nezha at some point, but not anymore.
no no no no no, my dear sweet goy
I mean buy directly from the frame selection submenu
What I mean is, stealth is negated in Nightmare because it is on alert no matter what you do.
Stupid Nidus neuroptics refuse to drop.
Even accounting for potato and slot costs, that's just retarded. No one does that. Right?
Her deluxe already looks like prime tbh.
Sometimes I find stupid how you need so many credits to rank up mods when you also have to use Endo, on the other hand I find it at least better than having to use fusion cores.
user, please.
You'll be swimming in credits in no time. I blew 13 million on prime pedestal when baro came with it cause I had nothing else to use it on.
That's enough to inflate some primed mod price by quite an amount.
But instead of turning it into plat you just threw your credits away, good job.
you best be baiting, nigger
Didn't they show mesa prime at the last Devstream? Or was it deluxe? I think they are gona rush her and break sequence again, she is popular enough and Zephyr prime will probably be delayed to come with her rework
Sell a riven or two, make 40 plat, buy a 3 day credit booster and then spam med risk index and you'll be swimming in cash so fast you'll feel retarded for not doing it sooner
Undoable, to my knowledge
Should they remove zephyr from the game altogether nobody would notice tbh.
You goym are adorable.
He said credits, not credits and ducats.
Yeah, sure, credits are the main trading currency there. Lemme waste some time farming credits only and see how many primed mods I can buy.
I'm saying you should buy those mods from other people while they are cheap and resell them while they are expensive you dumb cunts.
Or what, you wanted big plat without small plat investment?
Enjoy selling your statues for 15 pieces then.
For credits?
Jesus man, don't embarass yourself and assume you fucked up.
And I WISH there was a market for prime pedestals, that would be a real credit for plat transaction
Consider moving to Gensokyo.
How the fuck there are TWO of you?
It is a miracle you can operate a mouse and keyboard. Digital inclusion was a mistake
Medium has better credit/minute ratio
did I miss any potatoes recently? I've been out of weapon taters for a while
There was a potato alert + lotus potato gift + potato invasion all in one day a couple days ago and I got a golden tater on a sortie the same day lel
Is it worth coming back to the game if you quit when PoE came out? I completed the starchart and built all my favorite frames. Is there anything to do nowadays?
Collect more
Do trials
Nothing major in the near future except another frame and possibly vehicles.
not really
gimped archwing, which was shit to begin with
Why isn't there an NG+ system for the starchart? That alone would create endgame content for players who have 'beat' the game.
it's still in "beta"
The way I look at it is now we can fly without having to harvest fish oil.
Who am I kidding, the way to steal a dargyn will probably require some even bigger pain in the ass build requirement.
Apparently not.
Are they just using the 'beta' excuse to justify not making a proper endgame? Because there is absolutely jack shit to do once you've unlocked the entire starchart.
Sortie? well, I would rather get more taters and exilus but sculptures are OK I guess.
I have a ton of ayatans just fucking waiting to be filled cause the ambers never drop for me.
You serious? I stopped playing 2 years ago, got back 1 month ago and I got like 50 or so in the span of a week.
I guess one letter isn't enough to properly convey the emotion. Which is frustration.
I pop every container I see and open all the closets I come across. Bit of a habit now.
I know it is frustrating, people want Rivens most of the time, is interesting when you notice the only other common item or the uncommons/rares come up more often than not for the majority of the people.
Is this fashionable for a Valkyr Prime? I don't quite like the skin but there aren't many options right now, the cheetah helmet helps a little for me.
Just use her default skin.
You know nothing of hell.
I can't get any good combinations on the default skin.
You'd best believe it, and there's more scattered around my ship. I'm not wasting all that endo and ducats just to flip some prime mods.
That one looks OKish but I find the orange too bright, yeah, sounds stupid when I use red, but I use some less saturated red in that one, when it comes to default valkyrie let's say I tend to keep the dark parts in darker colors, inverted could work, maybe I need to check it, other than that I am using too much blue in other frames and I didn't want to repeat that on Valkyr.
Is it normal to play Octavia and barely shoot?
Entirely. You place mallet, go invisible, and press 4 then win.
Is too bad emotes are a little hard to use because you have to cancel them with ESC or by re-selecting them
You do realize people are always buying those for 15-20 plat a pop? Instead of being retarded you could make a bunch of platinum and not end up looking as ugly as
Who should just buy Deluxe skin and paint it white.
I didn't like the DX skin either.
If you ask me there is no reason for Valkyr to keep the bonds nailed to her arms either.
This pissed me off so much. They literally had the design basis already.
Don't you just love the stuff you find in trade chat?
Why? I was clearly fucking leeching and people clearly wanted to go on, why extract with me? They also weren't some sub-10 MR so the knew how to check progress.
It's happening all the time, is there some unwritten rule or some shit about it?
less-players = less mobs spawning
You just blew my fucking mind.
I ran into yiffers yesterday.
What the fuck?
I still don't know why alerts keep giving some minuscule resource quantities, why not giving just enough for the average item crafting? that is, if most frames used like 1000 rubedo, then why not giving 700-1000 rubedo? as for endo, if not 1000 why not 500, void traces, just enough to refine one relic maybe, etc.
I think they changed some drop locations since last hotfix.
Did some digging and found out they shuffled the drop locations of Frost, Trinity, and Excalibur. Time to go farm Lech Kril instead of wasting time on Ambulas.
Hydron gets slow with people leavint at wave 5, any place to power level from 20 to 30?
Yeah, it's called not playing with the shitters that all pubs are and getting a party to go past wave 5.
to be fair, it also gets a little boring with the same tileset, so, any more options?
eximus stronghold sortie
So have any of you fags gotten a Kogake Prime and how fun is it compared to Obex Prisma?
components are eluding me and I am not in the mood to refine 50 relics, I went for Venka Prime instead.
Shotgun only sortie mission today, I got no shotguns so I guess I'll miss this one, but now I have a good excuse to ask for good Shotguns that are not Tigris Prime, I am still a little far from getting a Vaykor Hek.
Buy a mk1 strun for credits and do it. Also you really can't go wrong with shotguns, the regular hek is almost on par with vaykor except muh hunter munitions. Tigris prime obviously, astilla, arca plasmor, are all also really good.
Do Hunter Munitions has some kind of synergy with Vaykor Hek?
Regular Hek has 10% base crit, Vaykor has 25% base.
I see, but then I wonder, is 10% crit per pellet or shot?
It has a synergy with everything that crits. So vaykor with blunderbuss has about 50% crit chance, and I'm pretty sure that's every pellet's chance, so you can get quite a few slash procs off on every shot.
Shotgun pellets crit individually, that is what gives Vaykor Hek solid consistent damage instead of swingy everything-or-nothing. With Scattered Justice the Hek does have nearly double (420% vs 220%) the pellets but after Blunderbuss you are looking at over twice (19% vs 47.5%) the crit chance, giving V.Hek more crit pellets per shot on average.
I see, so is not exactly a huge loss for vanilla hek I guess, guess I will check the other shotguns too.
With the vanilla Hek you just want to ignore crits for the most part, you get better damage/shot returns from a balanced mix of +%elemental & +%damage mods. If you want to mess with crits the Corinth packs slightly better base damage and better crits than V.Hek (30% x2.8 vs 25% x2) but loses out in rate of fire and magazine size, no syndicate proc either.
Corinth looks interesting.
It's pretty good, but the reload and fire rate can be a little sluggish, so bring a volt, harrow, or toxic chroma if you find it bothering you.
Well, is not full 3-4 seconds like Sobek.
True but it only hold five shots unlike the sobek.
What did DE meme by this lads?
No idea, the update doesn't seem to have anything relevant other than skins and a captura scene unlocked.
I just want to hit people and not be outpaced by some asshole casually stepping backwards.
Even for Sobek's magazine size I find its reload time to be very insulting.
They're trainsitioning from acting jewish to being jewish.
You gotta have fast hot speed and use the right combos. Malicious raptor's block combo is pretty good and has a built in finisher.
So this tennogen shit is steambucks only right?
No plat or trading between players?
You are correct.
The Vauban skin looks pretty damn cool, but I just can't get into playing him. Is throwing 4 at large masses of enemies the only way to enjoy Vauban? He feels like his armor is too low for a guy who should be getting into the thick of it, dropping traps and shit
Vauban is a raid frame.
In general gameplay he's just worse frost.
Yeah pretty much that and his 3. And why would a trap layer be getting into the thick of it?
thats a first so im going to assume it is bait.
First of all; wow this thing is fucking cool, I just started playing with it after building it. I made it some bright green energy color and watching those bright green bolts (multishot) slowly (but not too slowly) sail through the air and explode into neon green puffs in the middle of mobs was fuckin sweet. My only complaint I guess is range, if this thing didn't have falloff, oh my god, this would be amazing.
I'm 99% sure I could be doing something better with the ammo stock and sweeping serration slots; what *should* I be doing with those?
90 elementals?
put a forma on some other slot and try run crit %/damage mods?
I feel like the 4 dualstats + cookiecutter dmg/multi are basic mandatory; but what do I do with the last two slots?
I got forma i'm willing to use on this, but I don't even know what I'm building it towards
astilla's crit really isn't worth building towards, so just keep the status and go for damage. And some convenience mods like seeking fury or chilling reload probably wouldn't be wasted.
because his trap pods arc weird as shit if the host is lagging even slightly, sometimes just dropping at your feet instead of being tossed. is there a limit to how many traps he can have laying out, similar to how many ziplines ivara can have out? or can he just spam traps till his energy runs dry?
Yup. And you shouldn't need to be throwing traps right in the middle of crowds, you should have enough range to cover a pretty large area with bastille. Vortex is more for loot grabbing and playing against infested, or using meme builds to vaporize enemies.
He does the same thing as frost - CC and area defense. He's better against infested, but worse against shooty factions.
His traps and mines are fun but useless when shit hits the fan.
Would that work? I mean it's usually part of my shotgun cookiecutter essential mods, but since this one explodes on contact what exactly would punch through do?
I'd rather just slot the 90% cold for more cold, tbh the reload on this thing doesn't really bother me that much, I've gotten relatively good at jumping and sliding around while reloading in such a way that the reload doesn't cancel, and this thing has a pretty generous magazine size at base anyways.
I guess I'll go with this for now. I'll hold off on forma because the goddamn D polarity is useless and will probably get in my way in the future if I ever want to swap out that cold element. It's pretty good as-is, I don't exactly see that extra little percentage from a maxed 11/90 being worth the added hassle at this point.
If you want to forma something, go with point blank. You're never gonna remove that so it won't be wasted, and it'll be a convenience if you ever get primed point blank.
Aha, I've been using Vortex to grab enemies then tossing Teslas/Shred nades at their feet. Haven't really used Bastille at all
nvm i'm retarded, i didn't see it right in front of me.
I think this arguably works out better than a 90% ele
Bastille is his real bread and butter ability. Every vauban uses it, and it's why he's so useful in raids.
I too forgot about blaze. You're still gonna want to switch your mods around so you get that viral+rad or corrosive+blast.
crap I missed the element switchup, probably would have noticed in the next mission, but thanks for the catch!