How can one man be so based?
shit thread
Holla Forums got btfo and is mad
Did he take a fall on purpose for Hillary?
No of course he didnt.
Maybe he had no choice, he isnt a liar, maybe the circumstances were that his only choice was to support her or get fucked
But the emails.
You don't BTFO Holla Forums by shilling a switty socdem on Twitter, you just shit up Holla Forums
Shit thread.
American workers have been roused by Sanders, now his socdem shilling is redundant.
furries4bern #feelthebern #feelthefur
The emails indicated they had some leverage, but it never said what. That could mean they would withhold voting on things he proposed or vetoing anything he tried to pass. Using political leverage against him as revenge for not cooperating.
It could also imply "dirt" as in some nasty secret. I doubt that though because there was a time in the primary where it seemed pretty clear she wanted Bernie and even post the primary the dream of him gone bad enough that I think they would have blown their load with that stuff if they had something really good.
It could also mean that creative writing essay they tried to push at the start of the primary or the "pro-Castro tape." It's hard to know because we only got to see a partial convo and not the rest of what was said.
Reminder that what Bernie did to you ungering dullards is exactly what you wanted: to be swindled and lied to.
Here is the truth, however: you will all hang.
Why would I want to be swindled and lied to?
That doesn't make any sense, user. You should really think before you post.
fuck off reddit, this is a strictly anti-reformist board
How many levels of Holla Forumsintelpro are you on my dude?
comrade bernie
Fucking read reform or revolution by Rosa Luxemburg
Yes it was part of the democratic plan.
Bernie is a traitor!
Yeah that is why he currently is rich and living in luxury like most lawmakers up there
You retard, he was forced to do that shit in order to get him to lose support and lose the power had with the people
*le sigh*
Rationalize it all you want, he'll do the exact same thing again come 2020.
based af
Reminder that Bernie is a slick entryist
By some old stoner hippie who is spreading that fake picture around still that's already been disproven to not be reflective of the true size of the crown?
Regardless, that's a huge fucking area to cover, it's not a congested street so it's not going to fill up and appear to be jam packed no matter how many people are there.
Another thing to note is that most people who support Trump, myself included, have real jobs, where you have to show up and actually work because the work matters and isn't made up for snowflakes to get a paycheck. I would have absolutely loved to have gone and supported our President wholeheartedly, but due to time constraints, work, and me not being paid by George Soros, I'm not going to sacrifice my future to cheer in a crowd.
If all the people who would have liked to have supported Trump went, it would have been insane, and our nation also would have been crippled and stopped functioning in a single day. It's different to people on your side of the brown-grass fence that don't understand these things, because you live a weird fantastical life that just aren't realistic.
tldrl; Trump supporters can't all show up becuase our Nation would cease functioning. All you libtard fucking snowflakes don't hold jobs that matter, or usually, jobs at all. It's not hard to stand in a street yelling and protesting about something you're not truly educated on when it justifies you being a fucking loser, lazy scumbag who is legit turning traitorous on their country over how lazy and inept you've all become.
Likely all loser stoners with no aspiration who are mad no and getting behind the Bernie, the joke stepping stone candidate. Trump doesn't want you all to be burnouts and accomplish nothing or contribute to our country, and that scares the shit out of you. (smoking 9+ years no breaks, still manage to put in enough effort to have a great life and relationship, and voted Trump bitch!)
as usual Holla Forums completely misses the point in their delusion. The situation is hilarious not because there were less people, but because Trump the Tard claimed he had the biggest crowd, bigger than Obama's even – when it's obviously a lie.
this reads like Reddit copypasta
so you quote someone who just proved your point and you're metaphorically winning at shitposting how again?
He legit just said, it was held in a cucked blue state. That is 100% factual. Obama being a fucking welfare nigger handouts specialist, obviously is going to pull bigger numbers in a state like that, than Trump, who fucking bleeds red, white, and blue.
If you have a Waka Flocka Flame concert in the middle of Detroit it's going to be fucking huge, but if you put it in the middle of a rich, posh white neighborhood, nobody is going to attend that garbage.
It's the same situation with these Rallies. It's not in Trump town, city, state, or country. It's in a very small area, where people are actually stupid enough to buy into Anti-Trump propaganda. I'm guessing that's where it has to be held, for ceremonial purposes etc. otherwise he would have had it elsewhere and blown everyone the fuck out with the numbers he would have pulled if he wasn't in niggerville state where 99% of people voted against him.
You still don't get it. Republicans always had lower numbers. Nobody would have cared if your daddy didn't throw a fit and declared his crowd to be the biggest of them all. It's about Trump being a childish LIAR
Literally feels > reals
Also we are not liberals here, you fucking newfag. Obama would get the bullet right after Trump.
Who the fuck isn't a liar? Is that really a problem this day and age? It's the severity of the lies, not the lie itself.
Nobody would have cared, if CNN and other news outlets didn't post fake, fucked up pictures of his Rallies to incite him to say anything to begin with. I wouldn't have let some pussy motherfuckers lie about my rally, after working against me and trying to burn the world to the ground for so long prior.
If you have the power to speak out against them, you're going to. I don't really see how this is a lie regardless. Nobody actually counted the people who showed up to Obama's, it's all just "lies" figurative speaking, estimation, bullshit. Nobody actually counted Trumps either. You gotta figure though, every military member there, police, Hell's Angel Biker, etc. were all super Pro-Trump. It's not just about the sheep civilians, it's about the people who matter, and they were all there, to support our President, where as with Obama, it was a bunch of literal niggers who thought this man would be their god savior king, and he LIED LIED LIED LIED BETRAYED AND STOLE from out Country and Government for 8 fucking years but Trump is the one being focused on for "lieing" about how big his rally was. Do you realize how trivial that is? You have people killing us from the inside out, working against the American people and abusing hugely, their positions of power, and you're focused on Trump basically lieing about the size of his dick, by an inch. ????
take your pills
this is /leftypol
you're not a liberal? Ha! Shut up faggot, put some effort into your response.
^^ Shows how often people lie, for no reason. This one being of no significance. See how it works.
shit thread
You're all getting the rope so it doesn't matter. Waste a bullet on king nigger ha!
Imagine being this much of an apologist cuck for a billionaire oligarch.
You're right, the lies are about petty, insubstantial little things. Which is what makes it all the worse that officials from the White House are being pushed out in front of the media for the sole purpose of lying about them, demonstrating the utter inability of the administration to tolerate even the slightest fissure in its Reality Distortion Field - a field whose nexus is the twisted and suffering ego of one angry little man.
Apologized for nothing, simply stated we're all liars so why attack Trump over something that everyone else you worship has done 1000x worse and more often.
He lies about dumb shit that doesn't matter, but he doesn't start WW3 over them like other actual presidents and politicians have before. It's sad how much energy is channeled against Trump that ultimately becomes wasted and could be helping instead.
and why? because you want illegal citizens living here, open borders to allow a destructive, shit-tier society to integrate with ours and change our laws to help them, and you want to fight Russia who generally minds their own business and start a war that will kill billions of people and possibly completely destroy Earth, our only means of life period, forever. Why do you all want this? It's proven that George Soros is legit funding operations against our Government and Trump, TREASON!
Do you just not give a fuck about anything? I don't understand how all this shit is out in the open, proven 100% true, and you still support them? You say I support a billionaire?!?! You support people who own 99.9% of all the wealth in America. Do you realize how little a billion dollars is, not that Trump has close to that amount of money are you fucking serious?
Get a fucking job seriously, it really does help you live a better more productive life. I can't imagine a single one of you faggots actually holding a job with the mentalities you have so you basically have zero worth in life if that's the case.
I used to be one of you is the sad thing, in at least some form or another. Never been happier, or felt more alpha in my life however since I woke up about halfway through Obama's presidency and realized something wasn't right anymore.
Yeah I can tell how hard you don't care to defend your daddy, cuck.
We can all tell you went from being an effete submissive liberal to a totally different kind of submissive liberal with a new favorite color.
No you wasn't
that's right, kids. bernie sanders supported hillary clinton after hillary clinton had bernie sanders kicked out of the race.
he literally supports an antidemocratic genocidal oligarch.
Oh look, it's another faggot cucked by the two party system ineffectually screeching over liberal liberal issues. No one here likes Soros or Obama you dumb faggot. is a falseflg!
Trump doesn't run the United States by himself, nor did Obama. You should know this. Everything that happens, is because the majority wanted it to happen.
This is the reason we have a republican/democratic side to begin with. We're supposed to find a good balance in the middle. Some time ago, not sure when exactly, that balance was broken however, and it's now become a war of control instead of compromise.
I don't agree with how it's all going down, but I do stand by Trump.
Knowing how Jewish deception works, and how they manipulate your feelings and core beliefs slowly, you really have to pick a side early, see how their ideals match, and stay with that side.
There's so much shade and salt being thrown around now, you have to be confident in your guy. Everything is happening so quickly nowdays like we're running in turbo mode. It's too easy to have your mind and opinion swayed in either direction. Stand firm, and be loyal. You guys flip flop more than One Direction. I realize that this is possibly a destructive chain of thought, but against Jewery and deceipt, it's the only way to guarantee you will never be influenced by their brainwashing or change your opinions through tiny alterations over a long period of time (their specialty)
I have to dip now, I enjoyed the sperg pepe photos and (you) tags for a while. I know this isn't my board or where people like-minded congregate and that I would be attacked likely. Ya'll were pretty chill though, but you really do need to wake up to what Trump is saying and how it's a great thing for us. Fuck everyone else, MAGA.
I get you don't like him because of his celebrity status, but everyone of these politicians are just as much celebrities and much more wealthier often, than Trump.
i'm glad you started talking about jews, so i could stop reading, that was painful.
As an initial bernie supporter, i'm disapointed with this guy, every single day he fucks up a little more
Kys Milo, go suck that pedophile catholic priest dick again cuck
this is some low tier bait
Holla Forums try harder.
Those tweets aren't even made by Bernie you dumb fuck.
Does he actually still have staff operating his Twitter?
Everybody does
i remember seeing internships for bernie's senate office a while back so yeah probably
Every. Fucking. Time.
Thanks for letting us know your post was a waste of time.
you say that and with the same breath you hail the bern
not an argument
there should be a new logical fallacy just for lefties
"appeal to wealth"