Why do we or most lefties love Zelda so much? Check out any millennial on Youtube criticising Trump, odds are he has a Wind Waker avatar.
It's the most literally Hitler video game franchise there is.
I'm fucking shaking.
Why do we or most lefties love Zelda so much? Check out any millennial on Youtube criticising Trump, odds are he has a Wind Waker avatar.
It's the most literally Hitler video game franchise there is.
I'm fucking shaking.
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But Hitler was a leftist, obviously.
who cares?
Also in the same vein, Deus Ex is literally communism 2.0, and the aut-right love to peddle that shit like it fits their narratives at all.
Anyone else shaking?
most people our age like Zelda, especially normies
whoa that second image really made me think
What the fuck do you base that claim on? I doubt 50yo Leninists have played Wind Waker. The most likely answer to that silly question is simply that most of the leftists you speak to grew up with video games and are therefore highly likely to be familiar with one its more popular franchise.
Again, what the FUCK are you talking about? The Zelda series is a gameplay-focused fairy tale.
No, it isn't. The plot to the game is essentially a pot-pourri of retarded conspiracy theories with some vague anti-corporate rhetoric mixed in.
Leftists are children who never grew up, 75% of this board views the world through the scope of SpongeBob reaction images, crusty krab unfair is literally the entire underpinning of their ideology.
Because most communists are kikes or kike-sympathizers and have a instinctual need to subvert and poison healthy Aryan art with filth, faggots, and niggers?
to add I find it quite ironic leftypol weebs fetishize beautiful aryan white women even though in a global socialist world the end result would be a mongrelized, degenerated, hideous people that are mixes of multiple nationalities.
got to end that white supremacy
Most of them on Holla Forums related content have anime or meme pictures.
Zelda is such a retarded game. I honestly can't grasp why so many people enjoy that shit. Even when i was a teen and i still played vidya i didn't enjoyed Zelda.
Because it's one the best action-adventure series around. The first episode and Ocarina of Time are historical game design landmarks whether you like the series or not.
They all look the same. German women are some of the most hideous women in Europe. Blue eyes, blonde hair and men face kek. Everytime
They'll still be better looking than you.
Take a look at this video, Deus Ex is actually a twisted representation of the future based on current events
Is Edge a good newsource for vidya?