Are imageboards communist societies?

- There is no capital ((yous) do not accumulate to identities and have no value of exchange)
- There is no private property (anyone may post in anyones thread)
- There is no bargaining or coercion
- The workers own the means of production (posting)
- The culture of imageboards opens up new possibilities of experience and is not appreciated by those outside it like Marx said communism would be
- You can create what you like so you are not alienated from you labor

what are mods

But who owns the servers?

Mods/server owners are not "human" viewed from the context of within the imageboard and can be considered natural disasters.

That's fucking dumb. In order to be truly communist, imageboards would have to be communally owned, both the servers and the source code and the mods democratically elected.

"mods are not human" is all I need to take from that.

No. Within the context of how the system works NOW, the moderators are an aparatus shadow state that enforces arbitrary and contradictory rules unequally and is just a shit cluster of hypocrisy and pedophilia.

Whether or not a post communist society wouldn't have mods is besides the point because we don't LIVE in a post communist society. I'm not telling you how to achieve communism, I am merely observing the current conditions and how mods are a grave example of just how far we've got a road ahead of us.

This is possibly one of the strangest statements I have ever heard but as someone who has spent sometime on Torchan most significantly for what I'm about to say. I think at some point the biggest moderator of any of these boards is the one in your own head, because even on the freest boards/parts of the internet you still consciously censor yourself and images/you put up and things you talk about

I've often wondered if this element of human psychology would disappear or stay the same if we could somehow be 100% certain we were on a site like this could not be monitored at all. (I'm not saying this is possible technically this is a hypothetical) Would it be total chaos or would we come to censor ourselves anyway or form some kind of new chaotic order like in societies people like David Graeber describe? How much of the feeling of freedom and helplessness is centered in our own minds in a place like this?

net neutrality is communism, the internet can never work.

Its not a fucking economy.

what's this "economy" you speak of?

You need to read Bourdieu on cultural capital , sorry to break your utopia.

Somebody make a picrure off these statements to troll Holla Forumses

Communist society will still have police.

A lot, actually.

I hate this newfag meme.

It's a union of egoists.

Not quite, but tripfags are kulaks

Imageboards have been spooked and the union has been degenerated to a community. Mods and rule fags are my enemy.

This is what pretty much is happening to me but Mutualism isn't spooked.

One more way in which it's like Communism then.

Wait, what's that blue and yellow ball with cat ears?

Why do AnCaps & associates like to use the Polandball aesthetic so much?

I don't know if they're Communist but they definitely uphold some liberal enlightenment values (using liberal in a tradtional context here). Equal opportunity is near absolute on imageboards as there are no identifying marks on a post to judge people on. You can't dismiss an opinion over someone's nationality, race, gender, username, post history, and so on and so on because you simply don't have access to that information. You can't discrimate or give people special treatment, which is probably why mageboard users are predisposed to be opposed to idpol. Another thing is a healthy respect for freedom of expression, which have always been more free than other websites in that context. Finally, imageboard users have are sceptical towards authority, and there are always disagreements between the users and moderators, and often conspiracies about them as well. I think this is healthy because it holds the mods to account so long as it doesn't verge on paranoia, and this kind of thing is absent on forums.

I've been using imageboards for well over a decade now, and I like them for these and recognise them as the least bad discussion platform online. I understand they're just as liable to low quality threads, off topic garbage, and forming crappy echo chambers as any other websites, but at least they're entertaining along the way.

*hits blunt once*

Until they start using tripcodes and flags. Like that marketfag with the mutualist flag who can't argue without using ad-hominems, or xijn.

Why can't we have democratically elected mods?

I know it would be hard on an anonymous website, but what's wrong with this?

Ideologicy flags should just be a fun feauture, annoys me when people take this kind of thing seriously

*Ideology, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Imageboards are a collective anonymous hive society

It's easy to draw and easy to identify a generalization of a group.

Probably some new lifestylism, maybe furry related.


Mods are like the state. Defends against imperialism and preserves board quality when done right. Massively dickish when done wrong.

image boards will never be comparable to any system of government or lack there of because real life can't possibly offer half the anonymity that any chan does.


ok i guess you also turn on location services on your phone and give the facebook app access to mic and camera so it's probably for the better you don't hang out with irl activists.

People can like not using flags in the first place anyway. You don't know even if I am a socdem or ML.

It is not like in 4/pol/ where people have to use flag. God help you if you are Indian, Australian or Canadian trying to post there