I wanna talk about space and sci-fi shit in general. How come most games with a space/sci-fi setting are strategy games? I mean there is a ton of strategy games but barely any action games set in the far future. there used to be a lot of spaceship sims but that genre is dead as fuck. There is a good bunch of sci-fi role-playing games but they are mostly post apocalypse.
I really want some game where I can go around my ship with some companions, land on weird planets and start questing and exploring. Closest I can get to that is mass effect and that franchise went to hell almost straight away.
We have space thread for this.
But all they talk about is 4x games and shit.
They talk other games outside of 4x too, except there's not many good space games which allow you to walk around your ship, and even less that feature followers.
For walking around ships, there's Empyrion's capital ships. For followers… I don't think there's any. Holla Forums will recommend you KOTOR 2, but the followers are way worse than people make them out to be. For having both of those at once, there's really no good game that I know of. Saging just because Space thread exists.
Give Warframe a try, user. It might be exactly what you're looking for. It's an action game where you fight aliens and monsters on various terraformed planets in our solar system. You can even get your own space ship to decorate. It's a free to play game but the setting is rich and there is a ton of lore and stories you can uncover in a giant codex by scanning objects in the environment, certain enemies too.
I like it a lot. You might too. Just avoid the cash shop. You don't need it to play the game.
X Rebirth is a perfect space game in concept. Not in realization however. Its Fallout 4 of space.
I want to play Wurm Online, but in space and with about half as much grinding.
If you're okay with sci-fi action in general, Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri did a decent power suit game.
Would a skin-tight spacesuit even work?
If it did, it would be putting serious pressure on your body.
Depends on what it's made of. If it's strong enough to withstand the (lack of) pressure without collapsing on you and can protect you from radiation then it would be preferable to the bulky crap we have to use today, less chance of snagging on something.
If you think with your dick it just works.
It works pretty good in fact. Skin is already pretty resistant to low pressures it just needs a little bit of help.
I don't know about the first one but that second one isn't a normal spacesuit, it's meant to be worn inside a spacecraft, not in outer space.
Point is, if we could make skintight spacesuits we would. Space is lethal and having to lug a heavy suit around doesn't help at all.
Play No Mans Sky
Well, you haven't asked for a good game, so i recommend starbound.
It gets decent with 300+ mods.
It will break with every new update though.
Is it still generic shit with no real motivation to play?
that depends what you mean by no mootivation.
the game now has a story with a ending and shit, but aside from that is you going from planet to planet to get new items, new instanced quests, new challenge courses and new materials to make shit.
But if you mean something like terraria progression, no, there is none of that in it.
It's more akin to a dungeon crawler with no perma-death and procedural dungeons than a sandbox actually.
Well, you can make and own a space station that you build youself and them bring people to sell shit and give you quests, but that basically it.
forgot to say that this is having in mind that you will use the 300+ mods i said in the first post.
if not the game is still completely barebones with almost no planet types to explore and with the same 10 monsters parts swapped around for the 3 enemies in each planet.
Mods change the game completely and is the only way to play without having a aneurysm.
Mods add realistic starsystems (planets near the sun are scorched with hardened life forms while the only in the fringes of the system are glacial dead planets), add a bunch of new parts for monsters to be made of and a lot of unique monsters and also make it so the monsters palletes go along with the planet pallete, so a green planet will not have neon pink monster anymore.
They also balance out the resource prices for everything so the game is not a slog to get a single weapon/armor piece made and doesn't take you ages to create a 3 room space station.
They also fix the mecha system, by giving the mecha more life, better damage and reworking the mechas resistances, so it doesn't become completely useless in the later worlds.
With mods, it's basically a different game.
Go back
I think I heard enough. Go fuck yourself.
First post i said the game was bad and mods only made it decent
The OP asked for games like this and never said they needed to be good.
I don't see you recomending nothing better than it.
I would also love a game like OP asked for, but the only other of this kind i know is a russian garbage fire that crashes more than starbound and have even less to do in it.
Lets just say i understand you user. A lot of people hated Stellaris, but i found it good with 100+ mods. Same is probably about your game.
I repeat, go fuck yourself.
If you want science fiction, play something from the Elite series, there’s some decent fan made remakes of Elite 1 and 2 called Oolite and Pioneer, respectively. If you want more space games, then go to space thread that’s already been made. If you want a game like Starbound but actually good, play Terraria.
Friendly reminder to everyone coming here from halfchan, lurk for ~6 months before posting.
You're a fucking retard
I recommended OP should go to the space thread instead of making redundant threads. Elite lets you do fly around space, hire crew members, land on planets, take on quests, and explore. Starbound is just Terraria but shit and there's no point to bother playing it over Terraria except for muh space.
I already played warframe and i get so incredibly bored by it I almost immediately uninstall it. I swear they have only made 5 different rooms and make you go through them in different order.
Skin-tight suits are easy to rape and that's all that matters
The problem in space isn't really the pressure. (As long as your orifices aren't allowed to expel your innards, your skin can handle the pressure difference.)
The big problem is the fucking radiation. Everyone who's gone beyond our magnetosphere has gotten cancer and died because the radiation is everywhere and dangerous.
Not dead yet asshole.
Nice list of games.
Surprised Empyrion wasn't on the list.
Don't worry, he'll die from cancer too.
They all die from it eventually…
You are just plain wrong though. On the ~500+ persons who went to space, only 5 are dead now, includind one from pancreatis 18 years after his retirement, one from leukemia 24 years after retirement, and one from a tumor 9 years after he left NASA.
Daily reminder that space doesn't exist. There is a dome that covers our fixed, immovable flat earth just as the Bible says.
The ultimate redpill.
NASA = hoaxers and professional liars using photoshop, green screens and underwater tanks. 'Nasa' means 'to deceive' in Hebrew. Their logo has a serpent tongue. Founded by Freemasons who dabbled into the occult.
Stanley Kubrick himself admitted the moon landing was faked in a Hollywood studio. That's why they killed him.
He's just shitposting. But we did (might still) have people who think the moonlanding is a hoax and that the earth is flat. The AGDQ thread had some of it.
The holocaust happened, if you say otherwise you're just trolling.
see? I can play that game too
You’re retarded and probably think the sun revolves around the earth.
I've always wanted to play a game as a galactic biologist whos job is to explore new planets and discover and clasify new life forms. And also chart terrain and identify resources for your fatcat mining co. funders.
Psst…. No Man's Sky
Maybe your idea ain't the best.
A pisspoor execution doesnt make it a bad idea.
Reminder that space diapers are a thing.
Ask /strek/ :^)
Is this fucking bait?
Fuck off you big baby.
There was this game released at the end of the PS1's lifespan called Martian Gothic (Unification), it's a survival horror game with some puzzle elements akin to classic RE/SH (even using the same control scheme).
The premise is you explore a seemingly abandoned space base that you crash landed in, you take turns playing with 3 (((diverse))) characters separately.
There are corpses lying around everywhere, and some of them get up and attack you, and the more you progress through the game the more corpses start getting up… If you shoot them down, they get up again after a while if you stick around the area or come back to it at a later time.
It's a nice mix of fear and frustration although the controls aged badly as they're kind of stiff. I never finished the game but I'm willing to come back to it sooner or later.
If there's any game that could benefit from a remake it's this one. The controls could be optimized and the pre-rendered backgrounds changed à la REmake. The diversity is already there so…
Idiots seem to prefer games with orcs and elves in them instead.
Fuck off Ezri
There was also a funny one, from the crazy Chileans.
I fucking wish there was more. There's a very small number of space RTS games, and most of them are shit. The rest are all 4X games.
What are you smoking? Literally every space sim except X3 is nothing but a mindless point and shoot 'action' game.
Aren't 4x games strategy games though?
its a shit game and mods like frakkin universe make it not shit
Nigger you just answered one of those nagging "what was that game I played on that PC gamer cd back when I was 12" questions I long ago forgot. You rock.
Really though op, space thread talks about this shit all the time. Hurry and save them frim STO discussion.
4x games can be either/or in the real time department. The sheer scale of it makes it different though, it doesn't really feel the same.
Well there is CoD: Infinite Warfare, which is above the average CoD game and also contains a fair share of space and sci fi porn to behold, the only downside is that pirating it takes 50gb of bandwidth
What about Angels Fall First? It's still being worked on and updated and seems to allow you to do ship combat, combat IN the ships, etc.
Is it any good?
let me know when it is finished