Can Arma 3 be fun in singleplayer? Any good campaign mods exist?
Can Arma 3 be fun in singleplayer? Any good campaign mods exist?
try the cold war crisis campaign, it's a pretty good remake.
Unfortunately, yes.
no its not the arma2 version is good though
Get mods like RHS and ACE.
Create fun missions in the editor.
I like to have little assault scenarios, where the player has to take a certain position, then hold it against an enemy counter attack. I especially like to use the M113, and use it and it's turret in both the attack and defense. The RHS night vision devices also have way higher quality (not in picture quality or field of vision, but in simulation), which makes me want to make almost every mission at night.
Assaulting up a hill and using artillery to make things easier, or doing a night assault on a town, then having to shoot down their helicopter before it levels the entire place. Holding a FARP on a mountain side against a large scale assault, or just doing strafing runs on an enemy base with a chopper.
Sure, it is meant to be a multiplayer sandbox at the core, but you can have some fun with it, if you really try.
The most fun I had in Arma 3 SP was basically turning it into an RTS with a first person mode. But even with a single friend to play with, the game becomes much better.
What kind of gameplay are you looking for?
decisive NO
even with AIC, even with C2, no amount of player intervention can unfuck the absolutely fucking TERRIBLE friendly AI
also we already got an autism thread, go post there, asshole
Most fun I had in OPFOR and the ARMA games was just fucking around with shit in the editor and making my own scenarios
As other anons have pointed out, the friendly AI is insufferable. But singleplayer can still be fun with an amount of autism. I prefer missions/campaigns that don't rely on teamwork with AI, like Pilgrimage.
Yes. If you're dedicated enough and learn to use your mods/tools. You'll NEED shit like singleplayer cheat menu to be able to turn on ZEUS/Item selection menus. You'll never be truly able to rely on your AI team mates. Though they perform better if you just create a fireteam with an AI team leader and by using Zeus/High Command, guide them to where you want them to go.
Use a plethora of minor tricks like that and it might work out.
Oh, I forgot. Check the Steam workshop for a ton of custom scenarios.
namalsk crisis was cool. the map, namalsk, is updated to A3 but the campaign isn't.
I have 800 hour in arma, mostly multiplayer (Invade & Annex, Antistasi, And the one where you have two teams and can control AI units) The AI is fucking retarded on Altis, Stratis, Malden, And Tanoa, and don't even get me started on custom maps, where they can't propery pathfind if you get off of a road (And sometimes they can't even do that). Trust me, spending 10 minutes trying to get your convoy out from behind a tree or rock they ran into is not fun, it is the opposite experience you should be getting out of vidya.
Infantry isn't much better, they seem to have to concept of buildings and cover (I admit I have seen some improvement over the years, but playing with people is 100% better). and simply go prone when engaged, regardless of position. They possess X-Ray vision, defeating any concealment you put between yourself and them, but they probably won't see you if you don't shoot at them, because they are retarded. They pose the most threat when they outnumber or outgun you by a large margin (Even then, they are still retarded), and most missions and scenarios in multiplayer and singleplayer are based around this.
Do yourself a favor and play multiplayer (Avoid EXILE, LIFE, and KOTH servers, they defeat the purpose of arma, might as well play a different game). Most invade and annex are fine, plus our very own Holla Forums serb, if you can find anyone to play with.
Anybody here have experience with the Star Wars Opposition mod for ArmA 3? Was thinking about trying to get into it.
I wish the Bundeswehr was an actual successor to the Wehrmacht and not a postmodernist joke
Go back to cuckchan you fucking niggers
The whole goal of the world after each war was to gut Germany, they fugged up the first time, do you think they would make the same mistake twice?
I understand why it happened, I just wish it hadn't.
Even the Bundeswehr of the Cold War era was more capable than the limp-wristed trannyfest they have now.
Yeah, it was meant to be a slow descent, to ease the population into it. With the power of mass media it worked even better, truly masterful job they did. Thankfully parts of eastern europe were partly shielded from it.
Hasn't really worked as well as they thought, though. Even the (((media))) is reporting on the modern state of "german engineering," creating a warship that can't float. It's chalked up to "a lack of understanding of the purpose of the armed forces," which is code for "existential, suicidal terror caused by the apathy toward the genocide being committed on ourselves."
I suppose, but the genocide marches on. If only some military personnel would take a stand. I suppose part of it is media skewing, with all legitimate opposition to our demise being ignored in favor or the controlled alt-shite. (the Nordic Resistance movement comes to mind)
Arma after Cold War Crisis has had beyond fucking terrible AI that you have to babysit and are beyond fucking retarded. It sucks all the fun out of the game.
Arma AI only really works when you don't have anyone following you.
Flashpoint: Dragon Rising, which is the bastard brother of ArmA, has some excellent AI. The game itself is apparently shit though because of bugs and the lack of a mod toolkit.
Multiplayer is infinitely better. Although for the proper experience you need a huge amount of time.
Although, yes ArmA 3 can actually be in singleplayer as well… I have just recently noticed how good the AI is… When it isn't acting retarded for once.
Had a BMP and a T-72, the BMP started spotting for the T-72, T-72 didn't even have line of sight on the target, but it shot it anyway.
Although don't trust AI with driving.
genuine retard
Back to your JRPGs you fucking hack.
I have almost 600 hours in Arma 3 and I have never touched the single player for anything more than a small amount of time playing the first mission in vanilla and the apex one. Both I found to be shit. Multiplayer coop (PvE) is what I enjoy, only with mods though as vanilla content is shit.