Vanilla WoW General


Come on and play with us on Everyst, faggots. Everyst is a bit over a month old, and is a 1x XP vanilla server with some minor changes like buffed wpvp honor and exploration xp. Oh, and no Chinese.

change the text in file to the following:
set realmlist

on Everyst - Horde (casual comfy guild)

post your ign in this thread, then whisper someone in-game for an invite. If no one that can invite is on, try again later.

don't be a degenerate

In general, play whatever you want, since you're going to be playing it for a while, but if you're stuck and can't decide, then Folly(Everyst) has a real lack of druids/shamans.

Just take whatever profession you want to do. Folly has a lack of Engineers, it seems, but seriously, take what you want.

Other urls found in this thread:


I know you guys have autism, otherwise you wouldn't be playing WoW still, but come on.

The absolute state of nu/v/.


Go ahead and shoot a guild invite to Soldat, (not a druid or a shammy, just another warrior) . Made him a couple days ago.

Any good nude mods? WIll play if there is.

Oh it gets better, they're so afraid of chinese they're playing on a server with a pop of less than 300.

Mordril you better share your shekels before you die.

Can we at least have threads when the retail vanilla launches? is kinda right, the cycle gets tiresome after a while

how long does this server has.

Some people like their oatmeal vanilla. Blizzard just came 10 years too late to this conclusion.

What a joke.

No women allowed ever under any circumstances. Any guild that practiced that rule would probably a good five times as long as guilds that didn't practice that rule.

The problem is people don't kick out women when they display signs of being shit. You also can't have some thirsty beta in any officer role

So you kick him and nobody gets upset except for maybe, maybe, a tiny clique. Kick faggots out too, while you're at it. Be extremely exclusive.

I'm calling you fags out because every Holla Forums project like this ended in flames, tears and trannies. You idiots never learn.

Vanilla WoW with anons? Sure, might be fu-

so most of the guild :^)

I have to agree. I think the problem is you have too many redditors that try to act edgy and join up and end up turning it into a massive circlejerk

So don't join it, bro.
:^) :^) :^) :^) :^)

Problem is you're advertising it at the Holla Forums guild instead of the Holla Forums guild which it always turns into

So many times and yet they never play on Kronos, which has arguably been the most stable server for the longest time now.

Hell, they've announced a new server starting around the summer from the very beginning of vanilla WoW's content and patching it on schedule with how Vanilla WoW originally got updated.

If I were you guys I'd consider it.

1.0 WoW wasn't all that good.
I mean, I still remember the skirmishes in Ashenvale during the beta fondly but those times are long gone. You will never relive your vanilla WoW days.


The thought of being in a ragtag group of assholes with the best gear from Dire Maul makes me excited and giddy. I want to experience that again, though you are right of course. It won't be the same, but it'll be rather fresh regardless.

of course it wasn't but fuck me to relive the shittiness and go "wow I can't believe I felt nostalgic for this shit" is a big pull. If what says is true I'll play on the slav server since twinstars, if they're still kicking isn't just kronos but a couple other servers too meaning they have a bunch of devs that they can pool resources for.

You fags enjoy having problems even getting groups for dungeons. I'll likely wait for that Kronos server

Nice, excited for it, will definitely play there when it launches. Found the article you're referencing, I guess late Q1/Q2 means March or April. Haven't found the specific release date though.

I'll see you fags there then
planning on rolling an orc hunter, how about you guys?

Wtf how did I miss this. Now we wait until there's a guild and Holla Forums fucks it up.

There actually was on on Kronos.

Probably something boring like a protfaggot so we can get nifty gear from dungeons.

(Nice dubs)
Not baiting.

I have played on both sides extensively and generally Alliance is more fun. Historically, Horde is always over-represented on PVP servers and are more aggressive in contested zones. This means facing a more numerous and combative enemy that could show up anywhere. And from my experience, most Hordies are pretty bad. Lack of skill coupled with outrageous attitude. People view Horde as the better faction for PVP so they are more eager to rush into situations without thinking. They also hate losing, so doing well in fights is almost always a guarantee for escalation. They rarely expect coordination from Alliance players, which makes it easier to deny areas and get ganks. Alliance racial abilities are also underappreciated. Nothing is more satisfying than backpedaling a mook into a shadowmelded fury war, among other tactics that require high-level play. That's on top of, in my opinion, having the better environments and leveling zones. To each their own. I would like to see anons playing both sides instead of screaming BAIT and CUCK every time it's brought up.

Here I am just playing humans because they look like me.

Actually on most Pservers Alliance has a higher pop typically. I just like horde. If we wanna meme I would throw an idea in for a guild of nothing but orcs named WAAAAGH

use trolls as grotz to get priests and mages. But outside that pure orcs.

Because that really worked well for

on a different note though..

>Because it worked so well for
because we had people who made druids and humans and still expected to be let in.

A pop so small its almost dwarfed by manlet tears

Wew the autism. Were you the faggot GM? You can't have a meme all dwarf guild then cry when you can't get a 5 man together. I rolled dorf priest and we still couldn't compose a group. It was a shit idea that failed miserably.
being this buttblasted isn't healthy for you user.

Ya caught me, talking and discussing just gets me so mad.

Reporting threads is your form of a discussion?
You're clearly on the spectrum.

Also the dorf fort guild died out quickly because most of the guild was already burned out. Goddamn I'm glad this thread was put on auto sage.

Haha not even my thread, but not like you were making sense before anyway.
Btw dorf fort captains went behind your autistic back and invited druids/mages to keep it alive. No one burned out, they just left your shitty meme guild.

guild has a tranny and other trash

And here we have the call of the beta, maybe if you keep claiming I'm upset you'll win eventually. I mean acting the way you are totally isn't making you and the people who still associate with the (((8ch guild))) like spergs.

But keep going, tell everyone who disagrees with you that they're mad.

Somehow I don't doubt this. I have a feeling OP and the faggots defending the choice to play on a low pop server is actually the devs shilling their shitty server. Who else would legitimately get upset at other people laughing at their micropenis of a server


Update: Someone bought my 3 gut rippers for thirty gold each, and now because they say that person used an exploit I don't get my gut rippers back. Sounds really fishy.

Good. Don't know why Wreathe is still being an autist about muh low pop economy, though.

Because he admitted their advertising/marketing of the server is shit. They are too autistic to socialize so they resort to incredibly stupid ideas like cross realm AH and whatever the fuck that thing was.

So I made a character last thread and I'm now lvl22 (almost 23) and I'm quickly running out of things I can do solo. Any kind of quest that involves elites or normal enemies my lvl bunched up in very close groups is basically out of the question. You can't really find shit at the auction house. Finding a group to do any low lvl dungeon or quest is a prayer that will never be answered. The most people I've even seen in one place (in a capital city mind you) was like three. I don't know man, once I finish up duskwood (or do everything I can there) is it even gonna be possible to go any further without hours of boring ass grinding? I've pretty much ignored everything else except questing and my log is now almost entirely filled with red and gold. I can't even kill the first lvl16 gold elite guard in the entrance of deadmines. Whole thing just seems like a waste of time going forward.

Kronos III it is, then? I'll roll a fury warrior. I really like shaman and won't mind to heal with it, but I really want to main and raid as a warrior at least once. All the glorious talk about how their dps is insane and yet I never got to see it. I hope that I have actual time to work and to make shaman a secondary character

First time in vanilla? If you're having trouble just ask for help, just because there isn't a LFG button doesn't mean other people won't group with you or boost you.

You can just pay to win in kronos, I don't know how that server is so popular.

Customer (((support)))

Elaborate. I'm new to this whole private server scene, I don't particularly care where I play, I just really like vanilla WoW.

He's being a faggot.

almsot went to Kronos early on and did so a second time when nost died. Basically they (twinstar, which Kronos is a part of a group of WoW private servers) have a character AH, the stipulations are the characters are for those servers. The characters themselves are ones made by other players, leveled and auctioned off or put up for trade for another class/race combo with specifics. To do this you have to donate to the server and as a thank you get a fake currency you use to buy and trade as well as put up the characters. More or less they're basically practicing capitalism to it's fullest by using the character buying and selling market to fuel their servers with "donations". All the while keeping everything legit.

It's already been said by the devs you can't transfer characters from K1 to K3 anyways since it's going to be fresh start. So the AH will only be a thing for K3 later and even then doesn't impact anyone (even if you buy a T2 geared character off the AH doesn't mean you're going to be good with it). Outside the character AH it's just RP clothes and cosmetic shit on their shop which uses the same fake currency system. Twinstar as a whole banned chink VPNs during the K1 K2 days because it became an issue. So they're gold seller free. Their stance on goldselling is also pretty harsh too.

Alright, fellas. Kronos III launches on the 31th of March. And on second thoughts, I think I am going to roll as a shaman and save the warrior for classic.