It's like you faggots want to limit your choice weaponry.
ITT: The World R:2 is a real thing and we're all players
You know how many people played .hack on this board?
not enough
R:2 is fucking dog shit, fuck CyberConnect for shutting down The World. Go back to Reddit.
I'm sorry, did you like having to navigate through 5 menus just to get to your skills? What, is the new hotbar system too much for you handle?
Why don't you fuck off to WoW where you belong.
That's you, that's how stupid you sound. They shut down The World just so they could sell you an inferior product. Don't believe the bullshit about the source code being lost in a fire, how stupid do you have to be to not back that shit up?
I roll to have Haseos armor.
I have, I always thought it was mediocre compared to something like FFX or Shadow Hearts 1.
Do the industry a favor and stop living.
What this guy said, never even heard of this until now
Put me in a coma already
Haseo best protag.
Good luck getting invited to any of the big PvP/PvE guilds scrub. I'm sure you'll impress them with your three weapons that you suck at using compared to a specialty class.
Pfft, It's the ability to switch mid battle that comes along with being an adept mage, and if you spec rightyou can get rengeki after rengeki. it's fuckin great
Not to mention you can roll on everything in raid. The possibilities are endless.
I like the first game. Stopped playing just after I beat endrance.I want to play it but I think I have to do every quest and get everyones affection to max and do all the bookmarked areas with the appropriate people even though I hit 50 before the start of the arena arc
Kill yourself shiteater.
The real .hack protag is actually buttrice.
Original .hack quadrilogy HD Remastered like G.U. Last Recode when
Tried to get someone in the drawthreads to make an Orca version of this before, but it garnered no interest.
How new are you?
Did last year. Thought both IMOQ and G.U. were pretty decent in their own ways, though G.U. had the more refined mechanics and visuals (and as an aside, I could actually see how R:2 would more readily retain a playerbase in the worldbuilding; R:1 I didn't see what would drive anyone to stick with it in large numbers when the bulk of what's there for players would be just grinding and the novelty of a VR MMO). Fucking hated the "one entire game over 3/4 entries" release format though, but I suppose it's less an issue in the present than past due to emulation/PS2 HDD loading and G.U. in particular having that compilation rerelease on the PS4. Also a plus that Last Recode seems to have fucked scalpers to some degree as far as G.U. is concerned.
Doesn't matters that, if memory serves, a number of wallpapers and BGM unlocks are tied to reaching X level in the Books of Ryu/completing sidequests before moving onto the next volume. Not sure if Last Recode adjusts that or not (I know with the original Redemption release they lowered the amount of things like field/dungeon PVP wins from 50 in Rebirth and Reminisce to 30, or something like that). Do kind of have to keep in mind though that originally, each volume released one at a time, so people couldn't continue on to the next part until it came out, thus the sidequests and Books or Ryu providing a bit of something to do, whereas now you can jump to the next volume after beating a prior one without waiting (assuming you have the game files in some format).
Loved that repeated banter on the forums about how to read that guy's name.
I get the feeling that, rather than a tweaked and extended compilation port like G.U. had, IMOQ would probably need to be outright remade (and if so, properly balanced around improvements made). Strikes me that G.U. was probably given the clearance first due to needing less work (or maybe Japan liked it better? Not sure how it and IMOQ compare natively out there). I suppose it depends entirely on how Last Recode winds up selling in the end. Saw it down to $30 new by Christmas on Amazon despite having come out here in November; not sure if that's a good sign or bad (assuming it a permanent mark down and not a temporary holiday one).
Casuals, when will they learn?
It's ωRICE! O-h-m-RICE!
.hack image boards are the comfiest image boards. So much care was put into them.
I even remember some Apkallu reply chain that could be taken as a predecessor to that "I want to explode inside Megumin" thing.
On a related note, hoping maybe someone with Last Recode can screenshot this line in current modern resolution/dimensions.
>original quadrilogy remastered like Last Recode when
**Considering all Last Recode did was make the game look uglier and casualize what was already one of the easiest JRPGs ever made as well as cutting out content, hopefully fucking never
the only positive is since it's on PC maybe someday someone will make an overhaul mod that fixes all of the gameplay problems and makes the game actually challenging**
I wouldn't want to be in a guild staffed by pussies like you tbh
Well at least I'm not buttrice
where? They added an entire new 5 hours to it you monkey.
hay guys i was just thinking about ow everyone's all like "LIFE IS LIKE AN FPS WITHOUT A RESPAWN LOL" but sometimes the admin just sets respawn delay to be WAY TOO LONG, so it sorta seems like there's no respawn, and you kinda forgot you're playing the game until suddenly you're out in the open and soom AUG whore ganks you and I think this could be it because even if a bunch of cavemen did respawn and were all like "HOW I BUY CLUB" just now, we'd probably put them in insame asylums or they'd join up with terrorists or something so no one would really notice until we get, like, the black plague respawn in a billion years and on top of that sometimes nobody respawns until one team wins the match so maybe what we did wrong was breed too fast, so the match went on and on before one team could kill the other and now all we gotta do is finish off the other team and there'd be like A GOOGOPLEX RESPAWNS and everyone'd be all like "GG lol" but most of 'em would be sarcastic because they've been in observer mode with jesus for trillions of years and the whole time they were like "HE'S BEHIND THE FUCKING BOX".
lmao bye shills
I modded my phat ps2 just to get around scalpers for quarantine
What the fuck is with all the overpowered characters in the arena? Just got one shotted by some adept rogue shitter 10 levels under me.
Fix pls?
learn how to guard