I wasn't the first one to make this connection, but this is no coincidence, right?
Has ZUN said anything about 2B? Or Taro about Youmu?
I wasn't the first one to make this connection, but this is no coincidence, right?
Has ZUN said anything about 2B? Or Taro about Youmu?
Other urls found in this thread:
It obviously is. Are you that fucking desperate to bring up this game?
Come on now, the hair style, the black hairband, the two fucking katana, the ever following avatar.
There are too much coincidences to be discounted.
user. Stop. There’s nothing happening.
That's actually part of a fighting style Samurais had.
Coincidence discounted.
What about everything else?
In style in Japan right now.
No one else has ever had two swords. Certainly not the white-haired, two-sword wielding Geraldo Riviera or anything. WAIT A MINUTE
Or one of those, either. Phantasy Star–as well as dozens of other Japanese series–hasn’t had them for decades.
Lurk more OP
White hair is a very common design choice in nip media, usually meant reserved for mysterious or competent characters. Short bob is easy to draw and very common as well. The black headband is probably an attempt to differentiate the character from the other white-haired bitches in media. Avatars are common for protags.
Samurai would normally carry a main katana and a shorter wakizashi. They would normally use the wakizashi indoors or when one loses their katana.
Is OP MatPat trying to scrounge in Holla Forums for his next gayme theory.
She can have a dyke cut, but both hair styles are similar.
So just purely coincidence, never mind that Youmu's hairband was iconic for her and she was created in the early 00s.
Except Geralt doesn't have similar hair style and have a familiar.
Most jap protags do not in fact have some sort of familiars following them day and night.
It's time to move on, Tetradev.
Don't think that dude even knows Touhou.
Your entire argument is based around hair and if they have something following them, user. You’re retarded.
Having some sort of creature or object following you around is everywhere in nip media. Remember Navi? All the magical girl mascots? Some flying mascot creature is fucking everywhere in things the Japanese make. Granblue Fantasy has that small dragon thing. Almost any JRPG or JRPG-like-game has a mascot creature or object.
They are based on 4 points of contention actually.
- heir hair
- heir hairband
- the fact they carry two katana
- the ever-following familiar
There's a difference between having a mascot and a familiar that follows you everywhere.
The latter is not all that common.
Navi is a good example, but
I feel like OP is that one sperg that would constantly bitch about how Yoko Taro supposedly 'stole' his idea to make A Tomato. Next you'll tell us Metroid inspired Halo because the main characters wear heavy armor and shoot space aliens.
Nope, there's nothing that similar personality-wise between Youmu and 2B.
I'm just saying Taro might be inspired by Youmu when he thinks of 2B.
So… short.
Yep. Either provide proof or go sperg out somewhere else, you fucking plebbitor.
It’s white. That’s similar.
He has a horse. Checkmate.
Thanks for being an illiterate autist.
There are many short hairstyles.
My proof is the fact they have near the same hair style with hair band.
Roach doesn't Geralt everywhere.
Two of which are exhibited in the OP.
So you have absolutely no proof whatsoever. Got it, thanks. Guess he was inspired by Haruhi, too.
It’s more similar than your “similarity.”
And you don’t an argument.
Which are similar?
Except Haruhi's similarities only stop at the hair style, the hairband is not the same either.
How? Youmu and 2B share the same hair color, hair style and hairband.
How? The floating ghost sperm and drones actually follow Youmu/2B everywhere.
Roach stops if you go into building.
2B fair, the designs for both of them are very generic.
I bet he does, but because it isn't popular in the shitty eceleb world he doesn't care.
Find me someone else that look similar to them?
inb4 Geralt and Roach
lol you can’t read
Ah, so he copied Haruhi. Thanks for admitting it.
She has one. That’s copied.
They don’t, in fact.
And your Mag follows you everywhere in PSO. So?
Are you that guy from /agdg/ because that's the only reason I can think of why something this idiotic would get posted.
Ciri looks similar. She’s a girl. And there’s porn of all three of them.
Ciri doesn't even look similar to Youmu and 2B though.
No, just a random guy who searches for Youmu porn then I just happen to see 2B and Youmu close to each other.
Though to be fair, some /jp/sie told me this before.
Actually they do have nearly the same hair style, hairband and hair color.
That's 3 strikes just from the head alone.
And no, Haruhi's hairband is not the same as them.
So do Ciri and Geralt and Haruhi.
This is fucking retarded.
You compare them m8.
Wonder if he thinks there'd be money in introducing all the normalfags to touhou.
In any case, OP we can count more differences than we can simalarities. You said it yourself, they're nowhere similar to eachother outside 4 of your four points. Even if Yoko Taro had been "inspired" by Youth's design, it would have been a subconscious thing in conjunction with other characters and media. And at that point it may as well be a coincidence.
White hair, same hairstyle, two swords. They’re practically siblings.
I don't want to get autistic but Ciri only has one sword and neither of them have the same hairstyle.
The thing that makes me think is I'm not sure if this is Youmu cosplaying 2B, or 2B having a ghost drone.
They're both just similar amalgamations of traits considered cool or cute in Japan. One wasn't meant to look like other, they were just made to have the same kind of appeal.
Look harder. On her hip.
Here are the deal: there are shitton of traits that can be found cool or cute in Japan.
The fact these characters manage to hit 4 points in similarity make me think it might not be a coincidence.
That's a knife.
She gains a silver sword in the ending but it's never shown using it.
Does Tetrachrome count?
The Touhou fandom sure has become more and more autistic ever since HSiFS was released on steam
Wait, there's Touhou on fucking Steam now?
Either ways, the Touhou fandom has acknowledged these similarities way before I create this thread.
Reminder that Youmu is a trap and Yukari fucks Yuyuko in front of her, making Youmu also a cuck.
And her ghost is a sperm, so she's constantly seeing sperm.
All 2hu's are pure girls who want for nothing. Drop the slanderous lies.
Let's rev up the face that has seen men memes.
Oh man, first Yako Tarov rips off Tetrachrome dev from /agdg/, and now ZUN!
Fucking stop.
This is why secondaries are despised, you are everything wrong with the touhou fandom.
Oh, never mind. I didn't realize you had so many. Stop being such a damn autist. It's coincidence, you're the only one here who thinks otherwise, and your arguments are flimsy. Correlation is not causation. 2B's designer may have seen Youmu and some point and later went "that's an appealing design, I'll do something similarly appealing", but there's no indication 2B was designed as a explicit reference to Youmu. Is Peach a direct reference to Sleeping Beauty? No, she's just designed to fit in the same archetype.
Also, you're ignoring the fact that half of your points are designed for gameplay purposes, in 2B's case, whereas Youmu's design is purely visible. 2B uses two swords because her gameplay revolves around switching between two weapons in the middle of combat. She has a robot following her around because it's used for ranged attacks.
All I want to point out is that maybe 2B design is inspired by Youmu is all.
lurk more faggot
What kills is me is that there's less similarities between that, and Youmu and 2B.
but it really isn't since Yokotaro stole the design from Tetradev
Yes, and this game was in development before Nier 2.
Thanks, captain obvious. That is totally something worth making an entire thread over. A possible, thin connection between the designs of two otherwise entirely unrelated characters.
How exactly? You mean this>>14131127
It actually reminds me of this other Youmu-lookalike, from Date A live.
I don't see why it's not worth making a thread ever, friendo.
If anything, it's a copy of Hyperdimension Neptunia designs
You're posting an entire thread, taking another one possibly full of interesting and meaningful discussion about videogames off the board, just to shitpost about how this character looks alike another one from an entirely unrelated game.
What i'm wondering is not why you are so blissfully retarded, but rather why you aren't banned yet.
Hmm, Date A Live and Neptunia have the same character designers, Tsunako.
But so much for tetradev claim of originality, his design is a direct rip-off of Tobiichi Origami from Date A Live.
If anything 2B ripped off Origami who then ripped off Tetradev. Youmu isn't a white hair anime robot, is she?
There's some fun to be had with it.
2B is a very very common look in anime and jrpgs. Same as the tall dark skinned chick with a big fucking spear.
This is Holla Forums.
The only threads that even get made are shitpost threads, and the good threads all hit 300+ posts over the course of days. You have no excuse to miss a good thread.
Origami looking like Youmu has been an in-joke for years, they even have the same dorkly shy personality.
But she's a white hair samurai girl, you know, what 2B also looks like.
You ever notice how Taro doesn't make 2B look mechanical in a glance?
Don't see what's so bad about this thread considering the qualities of other thread.
Except even in this thread, we have not been able to name a single 3rd character that shares these characteristics.
Even Tobiichi Origami, who was joked to be Youmu, only stops at the personality, white hair and hair band, oh and she uses a sword I guess, but a light saber.
I named one a while back
You mean this one?
Tetradev rips off Tobiichi Origami, not Youmu.
Tetradev robogirl design doesn't even look like 2B either.
You are mistaken user, Japanese would never be lazy with character designs, only the most original Donut steels.
I have a theory, since Touhou is largely used in the nip indie scene for idea starting points, you will likely have characters who will start looking like huhus after a while. Go ahead and watch Comiket trailer reel and see how many non-touhou games still look like they contain a large amount of touhous.
On a side note, even Skyrim apparently ripped off montecore's models. Fuck Nip gets no reparations..
Actually, it might be a reference because Touhou is bullethell, and Nier also has bullethell elements.
A lot of those (not the models) are extremely tenuous and entirely come down to "she has the same hair". Long blonde hair is not something that Marissa created.
What's that anime with the diaper hat?
Because that's OG Touhou style nigger, you can't steal that.
You do know that's a real kind of hat that existed since at least the late 18th century, right?
I don't, in fact.
I thought they wear top hat or actual hat at the time?
That guy seems like a tremendous faggot. What's the drama behind his "being thrown out of Holla Forums"?
It's called a mob cap.
I always knew that one day I'd have a use for smug_mob_hat.jpg.
Didn't know ZUN is a coinosseurs regarding european old timey hat.
The example with RWBY are really shameless rip-off since they are made from MD models.
You're a kid, aren't you? Your general ignorance and behavior strongly suggests you are.
Nope, I just don't know much about hats, especially old hats.
Lol. Pretty sure he's just non-native English speaker.
Rather than stopping here, why don't you try to find as many similar looking characters as you can before jumping the fucking gun here?
You'd be surprised how many you could probably find.
Just like "short, white hair" is not something Youmo or 2B were the first to have. Retards like OP fail to understand that when there are several thousands of fictional characters being created each year, some are going to share some resemblances with other characters. In addition, hair colors are often used to represent personality types, with white often being used for calm (professional, collected, shy, etc.) personalities. Red is another very common example, usually being used for hot blooded or aggressive people. Same with the hair styles. Flashy ones usually go to outgoing characters, while short, neat ones are typically given to reserved characters. That so many people choose to ignore this shows how fucking stupid they are.
Here's a bonus, a short and white-haired, reserved girl that dual wields blades. It's almost as if when you have a certain number of character traits and create a fuckton of characters, you're going to end up with some that resemble each other to some extent at times. It's almost as if coincidences exist.
Old timey pantsu, old timey tea, old timey dresses both easter and western, old timey legends. Zun clearly goes antiquing after 3 beers every weekend.
Please go ahead and name some.
Except those don't actually:
- use katana
- have a familiar accompanying all the time
2B couldn't possibly be more of a cliche animu character
In my weeber days, i could have found at least 10 examples of "coincidences" as you call them
so what's next OP
are you gonna bitch and moan that Virgil is just Sephiroth with short hair and a blue trenchcoat?
Please name some characters that have:
- white short hair with black hairband
- uses two katana
- have familar following them all the time
I'm waiting.
The coincidences are just too much.
All I'll say is, I wouldn't be surprised if Yoko Taro was actually a Youmu fag.
>a girl with short white hair is tsundere who could have thought
>hurrdurr muh specific number of Katanas as if it mattered
saying 2B is a rip off is like saying Luke Sky Walker is a rip off of the "hero fo a thousand faces" or the MC of "the hero's journey"
creator use these cliches because people like them and the gilr posted in the OP is so generic and forgettable that i really do think this may have been just a coincidence
Fucking commit suicide, you autistic piece of shit.
But is just a theory.
A GAME theory
Still, waiting man.
These are all traits, but to share them all 4 together? And the fact they are both slender girls to boot?
And look at this shit, coincidence, I think not.
Nigger fucking EVERYONE in nip media uses a kataner. If a main character in a Japanese story does any sort of combat, you can bet your ass there's a 99% chance that they use a glorious Nippon katana. If they don't, it's because they're not the main character and use another weapon to bring variety (such as in the case of Fie). Having some shit flying after you is common as well.
No, they're just fucking coincidences and as it has been pointed out to you several times now, everything about these characters is a common trait in fictional characters. At times you're going to end up with some similar ones. Especially, as I explained to your brain dead ass, many traits are matched to personality types. At this point I'm just going to assume that you're trolling rather than this fucking stupid. Also, a robot is not a fucking ghost. Are you going to tell me Link from OoT was a ripoff of [Insert shitty magical girl series] here because he has a fairy to match the stupid mascots? Hell, he even wears a skirt with nothing underneath like a fag and transforms into an older version of himself; clearly Miyamoto ripped off Prisma Illya.
Too much word, I just want some character names, man.
And no, Link doesn't actually use two katana, is a girl with short hair with hairband, yada yada yada yada.
Are these repeating digits a coincidence?
and all of them cliched
what you are doing is as retarded as Action Comics when they threw shit at Captain Marvel for being a Superman ripoff
when have you ever seen a fat animu girl? outside of tumblr i mean
i look at your png and all i see are white hair gothic loli designs
of wich, i've seen more on animu than i can remeber
why don't you go to Holla Forums to bitch about how Stalone is Schwarzenegger's ripoff?
The fact they are cliched or whatever doesn't matter, what matters is that somehow these two characters share these 4 traits, and that make them very similar, design-wise.
That's no excuse for just assuming Zun entirely came up with that kind of hat. That's a very simple kind of thought process.
It's not his English skills, it's his the way his mind works. He makes a thread just to point out something everyone on this board has already figured out on their own, more than likely seeking validation for his ideas. He thinks that a simple combination of a few character traits, that aren't uncommon in Japanese media, can absolutely not be just coincidence; it has to be some kind of connection. He just assumes a style of hat many 2hu's wear is an original creation of Zun, even though every character is designed in reference to various cultures and folklore. ZUN is suddenly significant for bothering to do some research into old timey clothing for his old timey characters. If he isn't a kid, his brain is certainly not winning any awards for functionality.
You are really over-analyzing someone who just happens to find a character look like another character.
When you're responsible for nearly half the posts in the thread (which is significant, in its own right), it's hard not to pay attention to you.
Where are the fucking dubs?
no it doesn't i look at them and i see them as nothing alike other than the fact that they have the same hairdo as a millon more animu girls and the fact that they wield the same weapon as another millon more of animu girls
now tell me more about how Naruto is a Dragon Ball ripoff
Spoiler Question don't fucking read it unless you played through 9s and A2 Would pascal's village still burn down if I did all the side quests there? Also, will I get to play A2 anymore after that? I'm really having a fucking sick time taunting then one hit countering
I bet fags like you think that youkai don't eat people.
Naruto is inspired by Dragon Ball, that is pretty much true though.
I came for porn, where the porn?
Fun threads are not allowed.
Next you're gonna say Jojo is a inspired by Fist of the North Star.
Look up [FOW-013] First Assembly .
Phantom Blood and Battle Tendecy do.
Wow. What a revolutionary thread.
Oh god not you again, get over it already.
When did I say that?
Nips have made an entire franchise based around using famous designs and faces and reusing its own designs and faces so frequently that it's gone on to inspire other franchises to model its designs and faces.
meant for:
I always thought raiden to be more similar to youmu.
She does.
Dearest pajeet/shitskin/wop OP:
This thread was shit when you posted it this morning, and you have done nothing but shit inside this thread.
There is no inspiration from youmu, you secondary, shit-for-brains, nigger. 2b was designed with heavy input from taro inbregards to body and sex appeal. The hairband and short white hair are aesthetically a motif to the designers past works with FF and bravely default. A2 sharing design inspiration with the fairy in bravely default is more plausible than 2B and youmu.
Stop posting, and end your miserable life already.
That's just her ghost half
The last time someone said that, the thread got derailed.
Pls die and stay die toho fags. You are cancer, weeb cancer.
Every time.
Aren't you suppose to have the knife blade always pointing downwards unless your about to throw them? Talk about unsafe.
Look up generic in the dictionary and then ask yourself if this sentence still makes sense. Hint: it doesn't. Almost nobody uses the word correctly anymore. It has become effectively meaningless.
Yup, this is true.
The most powerful gods in Japan had white hair, that's why it symbolizes power.
Please don't bully the /agdg/ guy.
Did anyone archive that thread?
a-anybody want to play it?
Oh wow, I totally forget about that thread.
I have since transferred my smug touhou folder this this computer
It took me a minute to realize I was just baiting with >reddit-spacing, and pretty heavily at that.
STOP Sagmue, what are you doing? You're making it worse.