Camouflage in video games

Other than Metal Gear series after Solid 3 and Jagged Alliance 1.13, are there any games where your choice of camo for the environment (instead of just presence or absence of) matters to the AI's ability to spot you?

Do disguises count?
After all they're meant to blend you within the environment.

I like pictures of nature too, user.

Even if they are, why bother? Metal Gear Online had the best use of it, which is, blending just enough and for just the right amount of time to surprise your enemy. Any other game just uses as a "shh be vewy vewy qwiet" measure to counter bad spotting AI.

This industry is utter trash. I just want to ambush people wearing my fucking sexy as fuck /k/amo. I shouldn't rely entirely on rock, buildings and trees to hide myself from enemy view. Grass should be fully rendered from kilometers away and same goes for shadows. Lighting should be rendered in real-time and have realistic shadows. Lighting should realistically hit surfaces and create illusions.

yeah, I know what you mean
it really bothers me tbh

I get fucking furious just thinking about it. Why can't I fully customize my character? Why can't I make him look like pic related?

It matters somewhat in Ghost Recon Wildlands Ghost War. The harder you are to spot the less likely you are to get marked by the enemy team. Two classes, the assassin and pathfinder, can barely be marked and so often rely heavily on proper camouflage to remain completely undetected. Now you can also make a fair deal of the ghillie different shades to better match what environment you're going into.


of course! camo options in lootboxes! you already pay for colors in warfrshit why not pay for a camo.
first you need to buy/loot pattern. then colors ofc primary and secondary!

this is why we can't have nice things

Looking at perfectly angled still photos on the internet is not an accurate representation of camo in combat.
There are a few games which are realistically depicted enough in their graphics so that you can get the drop on your enemy very effectively if you're just smart about your positioning and don't move even if they don't have actual camo options.
Red Orchestra used to have selectable skins for your soldiers and a ton of options for SS camo. Those actually helped.
ArmA and Operation Flashpoint are much the same, but I think your clothes are tied to the player model, so you have to choose a model that isn't wearing civvies or something which I think is not always possible based on the mission/mod you are playing.


Arma's ghille suits are close.

Camouflage is literally "+20% chance per second of not setting a nearby enemy's AI state to alert".

You can put bushes on tanks in war thunder they work pretty well if you stand still but they are locked behind (((gold eagles))) which you have to buy

Alright then faggot, how about this?

It's always been this retarded, always will be

The advantage of camo is lost as soon as a firefight starts and randos online are rarely coordinated or patient enough to use that advantage properly.
SPWAW is a strategy game that emulates this advantage very well. Infantry hiding in the woods and not moving will be basically invisible to other units unless they're adjacent, but they immediately become visible to just about everyone when they start shooting. You have to be very still and know that the enemy isn't going to just come at you from an unfavorable angle. Which is why the photos online of "Dude in camo in front of same pattern brush from 5 feet away" are retarded.

nice job posting this thread as a reply to another one retard

I knew they looked weird, somehow they way they came out was really faggot like.