When and why the hell did chinks take over PC gaming? They now make up over 60% of steam users and game devs are bending over backwards to appeal to them. What happened to make these sub humans worth paying attention to!
When and why the hell did chinks take over PC gaming...
Their country allowed them to and there's quite a bit of them to say the least.
Money, user.
Ten million chinks paying a few dollars per month makes you more than a million non-Chinks paying full price once.
Same reason Hollywood is courting Chinese markets; they've currently got a strong economy and a lot of idiots with disposable income.
Apparently their money spends just as well and they spend more of it.
Chinks seem to recently have started using official services like Steam, Blizzard, etc. instead of their bootleg government-sponsored channels.
Some legal shit happened in the past few months that opened China's internet to more games.. So now the shitty chinks are jumping on free to play games like Fortnite by the millions.
Same shit happened to Hollywood. China is a single market that is bigger than the rest of the world combined, so now Hollywood makes movies that suck China's dick and never ever does anything to expose any of their massive problems that are building up to a total physical, social, and economic collapse.
That's just because of PUBG tho.
PUBG is just the beginning.
Idiotic suits in the west thought they could compete with china of all things in producing shovelware. They neglected to take into account copyright in this case is a huge crutch.
And thanks to them a shitty game is making billions. Epic cancelled Unreal Tournament 4 to turn Fortnite into a pubg clone and Hirez is turning the next tribes into one too
thread themesong
If you're looking for a silver lining here, the Chinese flooding popular trash like PUBG will radicalize the entire youth population of Australia.
But will you ausfags nuke it?
If we need to lose a deathmatch to emus then we will let you know.
Conventional game consoles are heavily regulated in China, PC hardware is not. Chinese companies can also make OEM GPU designs for the Chinese domestic market that are significantly cheaper than your US export market ASUS Strix GTX 1080s
The conditions for China to become a big market for PC gaming has essentially been in place since the 90s when China stopped being full-on Communist and quality of living for people in the Southeast began improving as a result. It just wasn't until the 2010s that we see the result and PC gaming real take off
Anyways, there's an even worse threat on the horizon, India is the next big emerging market for PC Gaming and now Pajeets are starting to get online. Be very afraid
I guess you don't really notice how great the userbase is until it gets flooded with subhumans.
Fuck I thought the subhumans were already in the market until just now, shit shit shit
I can't tell whether the reality is better or worse…
膺品 福模糖
Reported for Holla Forums tier posting
Knowing the chinese autism they'll probably only fester in a dozen or so games.
It's not an improvement, but it's the best scenario in this bad stuation.
Also I don't see how this will be worse than companies catering to normie whites. It's just another flavor of AAA garbo that will spring up.
It was not preached to the crowd,
It was not taught in a class,
No man spoke it aloud,
When the Aussie began to glass.
There's a lot of them, and even though only a small percentage of them has money, that's still as many as people in the west.
They're also autistic and therefore rely entirely on visible status symbols to determine social rank, so if they have enough money, they swarm to the more expensive western services.
Let's just hope they start a new round of purges before they get the idea to buy housing in every western city.
i like to kill niggers and kikes
Because steam is made to be catered to chinks and other subhumans.
What? You think those lootboxes and trash you bought for TF2 would have no long term consequences?
you do understand that 95% of those are bots using the steam market to launder money right?
for the real chinese players look at the numbers for traditional chinese, not simplified.
As a AAA dev, i can answer this.
China receives all steam games for free, due to how the market works. The same as they pay only a fraction of the price for an official windows copy.
We as developers want a long term market, and as it costs nothing to us to give them free software, we do it, otherwise they might develop their own or a russian competitor would take over.
We're currently working on a multiplayer version of the classic 90s game, Sim Ant Colony, which will satisfy the needs of all Chinese players.
Meanwhile, every one else will continue to pay 90 euros for a digital copy of a cloned game that is inherently worthless.
They need to be removed.
There was a shitstorm some time ago where Football Manager 2016 promised a Chinese localization on release, but it never came. This triggered the chinks deprived of their football simulation so much that they dropped a nuclear review bomb on the game, the sheer force of all Chinese combined dropping the game from Mostly Positive to Mostly Negative, only for it to recover to Mixed over time. The developers did put out a Chinese localization in a patch, but it was Google Translate-tier and did little but rub salt in the wound. The Chinese community is more than just bots.
The bright side is that the western AAA studios will eventually fall when the yellow bubble bursts and everyone else will be hating them by the time that it happens.
The term is normalfag, you normalfag.
Go back to cucked era.
Start killing, then.
They are the source of many problems.
See? The problem can always be solved by killing current AAA devs.
Steam is not "PC gaming".
Better chinks than Mericans
I still remeber what happende when devs tryed to pander to burgerland
FPSs (Fucking Pices o' Shit) flooded and oversaturated the 7th gen and their multyplayer corruption leaked into Nip games ruining them for an entire generation, luckily that shitty fad is dying and nips are back on the right trak
But i'll never forget that Burgers almost ruined vidya with they're shit taste
it's Pajets we're talking about so we'll be seing a lot of dat
Designated shitting vidya
cut me some slak user, i still like to show a little optimism every now and then
Just 90% of it. Not all muslims too, right?
If a shitty holyjew movie flops in the western market, nine times out of ten, it will more than be made up for in the chink market alone.
Because video games are escapism, and the life of a chinaman in china is one of pain, hardship, famine and psuedo-slavery.
And I'm sure you think "iTunes" is "music".
Lmao. Shut up, you slant-eyed, zipper head, ant man.
Normalfags of any nation have shit taste. At least Muricans speak English.
Now we see the rise of "CHINGCHONG DIDDY MAU SCHEZWAN!" chinks screaming their gobbldygook down the mic as if they are real people.
Their entire nation is built on the back of illiterate peasants who are stuck in the middle ages, and now they all have PCs and are flooding online games. If user is to be believed it will be even worse when the pajeets get on the scene. They can't even stop themselves stinking of shit. How are we supposed to play a game of teamwork with un-evolved animals?
The obvious solution is asymmetric design. Like Left 4 Dead, but all the zombies are played by Bangladeshis.
Lolno, the solution is
Nope, i just know how demographics are measured and how policy and patterns are discussed. If it makes you so upset to call steam pc gaming, leave.
It's the other way around. People who still use Steam at all should leave. Infact I strongly believe that Holla Forums should simply ban people who use Steam. It's facebook tier.
yer ma is facebook tier
Give them their own servers and segregate the population by language. Also remember to bully the shit out of them if they queue on your servers and refuse to speak english.
It's the only way.
In my experience they're actually not that bad if you can communicate. I play PUBG on the asian servers when I'm over there for work and generally speaking the chinks/gooks/japs are all so goddamn polite and cooperative compared to the assholes back home.
The solution is forced IP locking based on network latency and your location.
I can't stand playing with chinks. They always have their mic on, screaming in Chinese like everyone on their team speanks Mandarin/Cantonese.
Gooks on the other hand are pretty cool. Most of them know decent English and they're just happy having somebody to talk to. They're pretty lonely people.
there just as yelly as the local negro in my town
very uncivilized and can barley speak a real language
there like jewish parrots were they just repeat words from superior white men to blend in
I don't think so.
Dont forget, Facebook want your nudes and suck Merkel's rotten pussy.
Steam is just a toddler compared to how shit Facebook is, cant even compare, unless you are disconnected from reality or just a gramps trying to understand social media fuckery.
Gabe acts like a kike, while ZukerBERG is a kike.
Very cooperative.
I work in Singapore, Hong Kong and Seoul. There is no way you can convince me the ant people are worse than the monkeys back home.
Depends on the gook. Worst Koreans are just as bad as Best Koreans about hating Americans. The Vietnamese and Taiwanese are pretty respectable, though.
There is no next Tribes.
midair is the next best thing, I know some of the devs behind it from highschool and we were all big into tribes 2/next/ascend. Best to forget about ascend/hirez for now.
isn't newell a jewish surname?
Learn 2 Nationalism, shithead. It's as performative as it is serious, and if you join in the ball game, they'll like you more for it. Bonus points for carrying games if you're cooperating or stomping them if you're competing.
While none of those cities adequately reflect the Asian everyman, my time in Wuhan agrees. Communicating with the Chinese should be a priority, and I'd hope to see people start organizing cross-language training. More than a few Eastern Europeans & slavs I know only learned English through the 'net, and the Chinese are liable to be much the same. They don't really have any other reason to learn it fluently.
I am hardly sad that Chinks will now go and infest already shit-tier games. The pigdogs that play these games deserve it.
China loosed their vidya laws.
I can into nationalism (though usually it's better when it's actually based on something real, as opposed to blind delusion and bold propoganda).However no one else from any other country, not even the French or the Brazillians back in the day, communicate exclusively through screaming slogans like chimps though.
I'd put up with it if chinks were actually good. But they're universally fucking useless. A chink team mate is more likely to shoot you in the back for not chinking down the microphone back at them than they are to do anything useful in a team game.
Really makes you think.
Mainland chinks are certainly louder than their other asian counterparts, but if you can speak their language they actually fucking listen to instructions and directions, making them a million times better than the niggers and spics I get paired with on NA.
Then shoot them in the back first, unless you're queuing on their servers in which case you deserve to be shot.
Don't you dare start Holla Forums, no one likes dealing with small companies in chinkland, not even the chinks there. I heard about a case where some bread manufacturer was caught using poison in their product. He and his family were lynched by the locals before the authorities could arrest him.
Dishonesty in business is so prevalent over there that no one buys local if they can help it. Its gotten so bad that unless you have close connections or are filthy rich starting a local business is near impossible because no one will trust you to deliver or screw you over if you're not shrewd enough.
Because mutts are no longer going to be world power.
Why the hell would I learn their language? If they want to be ordered around by a white man, as God intended, then they should learn to speak English.
I didn't tell you learn their language you faggot, I told you to shoot them if they queued on english speaking servers. They have their own servers, there's no reason for them to be queuing elsewhere.
Rumour is, if you kill the queen ant, the rest die off in a matter of months.
Private servers are sounding necessary at this point. I'll have to invest time in learning how to use them, that way I can play with my bros instead of women who have the magical ability to create guild shattering drama wherever they set foot.
Implying they're wrong. I work with a guy who play EVE Online bigtime, he told me stories about how the Chinese would mine entire star sectors totally empty. He and his boys, to combat this and save their star sectors from the strip mining, would snag their battle-cruisers and blow chinese ships up en masse until they left the sector (since the ships costed real money, eventually it just wasn't financially viable any more for the chinks to stick around.) The funniest part about this to me was that they treat online games the exact same way they treat earth's resources, with their total destruction of environment for extra stuff.
Heh, not even true. When European colonies largely left Africa, the environment was still very intact. It's not going to be that way when Chinese colonies leave them after they gut everything and turn it into barren wasteland.
Good thing you have such a progressive and tolerant government.
On other hand, once chinks take over your life might improve as there won't be 白左 (^:
Good thing they aren't always in huge groups following one another's pheromone trails.
Supposedly, if you wash the planes and boats with lemon juice/coffee after the first ones arrive, the scent is lost and the others can't follow.
The great wall of china was once filled with lemon juice and was originally built there by the mongels to keep the chinese colony from spreading further.
Holy shit, that's like some sorta of real-life world event, like Europe defending itself some mongols. Last I hear that the game was having some sort of anime war, where some guy was pissed off at some weep and caused civil war. I wonder what happened…
any more eve stories?
This. Eve stories are funny, but also interesting since hardcore players actually treat shit like if it was a real thing.
What kind of games do Indians like? Shit simulator?
You faggots think this is bad? Just wait for the console ban lift to take effect. They will make console gaming even more shit.
Who cares?
Consoles are the leading market for vidya, nigger. If they fall, PCucks fall also.
PCs will never fall because you can actually make games for PCs yourself.
Interesting… Tell me what xbox going away will do to the development of Dwarf Fortress.
What about MMOs? How dependent on the Nintendo Switch is Eve Online for example?
There are entire genres of PC games that aren't found on consoles.
Console faggotry is the ultimate cancer so it growing and becoming more cancerous hurts all of gaming.
Console gaming dying wouldn't hurt PC gaming but console gaming increasing by way of a billion nips would definitely hurt PC gaming since it means devs will just try to appease these sub humans instead of make good games.
You should be happy chinks have taken over PC gaming. They won't buy into SJW trash and they can't be brainwashed by our retarded press because they're already brainwashed by their government.
Say what you want but I'd still rather live in a world where PUBG and Dota are popular rather than one where Gone Homo and Firewatch are considered the pinnacle of game design
Uh, user, we live in a world where both is currently true. It's not an either/or thing.
Chinks have only become relevant in the past year, give em time.
Once devs start trying to appeal to them we'll start getting hundreds of completitive multiplayer games.
By the time 2020 rolls around you might actually see good multiplayer games being released.
This is of course if they don't wipe themselves out with pollution before 2020.
Which might actually happen
Why would you even begin to think that games made to appeal to Chinks will be good in any way shape or form? The jews in the gaming industry love them because they are oblivious retarded normie customers.
Burger here, why does this sound familiar?
Because they like competitive multiplayer stuff.
If they had become relevant in the 2000s they would've loved shit like Unreal. They just happened to become relevant at a time where multiplayer games are kind of shitty for us and of genres we're very tired of.
But as you said, they weren't around for the actually good shooters like Unreal. They don't know what a "good shooter" is. All they know are the shitty casual ripoffs that Tencent shits out and that is what they will want as a result.
Well I mean I never played any of the ripoffs tencent has made but as I understand it they're ripoff of famous games that used to be considered pretty good in the mid 2000s.
They probably play fine, despite being ripoffs
The entirety of China is not rife with pollution, just the parts that should have been used for farmland. Like Australia putting houses and office buildings on the only arable land on the continent after the fucking abbos burned it down for fear of being eaten by literal dinosaurs. This is not a joke, this is genuine history.
I'm sure the cities aren't that much better tbh
I'm OK with this
Online gaming is shit
long live local multyplayer and split screen master race
There air pollution is what mostly causes the bad air and shit in Korea and Japan too. Fuck the chinese man, sick of hearing them in my games too. I you say anything positive about Taiwan they get mad too, they hate them.
You'll see
Western nu-gamers are pussies that decided to give control of their industry to females therefore rendering themselves irrelevant at best or harmful at worst.
Let the chink chongs fix your mistakes.
They have money and there are literally billions of them.
Does this thread need to exist?
SJW doesn't sell very well. Streamer shit sells millions.
They like PUGB and League. Those are the 2 most cancerous multiplayer games on PC.
That actually looks really comfy and silent hill esque
This is a 2 hour long walking sim made in unity
They sell extremely well for what they are, especially if they're released on consoles.
They're a country in their infancy for video games. Give them time.
They're the Jews of the east, and they're destroying the country/world with there pollution and existence. Stop giving them the benefit of a doubt and so much credit. If you like Asians, anything but the Chinese is better.
you must be braindead
another reason to despise consolecucks for the scum they are
This fucking thing was shilled to hell and back by streamers and journos alike due to some faggots in their team sucking dick and having connections.
That include Felix which they have given shit to for saying nigger.
It was Gone Homo all over again and just like the Gone Homo devs and their next game, they will be completely irrelevant.
That is less than a million. League of PUBG together have hundreds of millions of retards.
An actual gay nigger.
The West also destroyed itself with pollution when we first had our industrial revolution. We even had kids mining coal.
You don't need to agree with me about their taste in vidya, but if you hadn't played anything good before you'd love PUBG.
As long as they keep playing stuff their taste is going to change, then they'll have a decade where really good games will become incredibly popular like we've had in the mid 90s and early 2000s, and then they'll get to where we are now with cinematic shit and SJW trash.
I actually torrented it on release because I couldn't believe it was as bad as people said.
Legit felt like shit after finishing it.
No they wont. They are sheep. Their favorite movies are still Transformers and their favorite tech comes from Apple. They don't have free will or thought.
Wait a second, where was Transformers and Apple popular first before they started to love it?
Oh, right, it was the USA!
How weird huh? It's almost as if global trends shift and change
I'm friends in talks quite a few server admins with many of the games I play, all have erected exclusions on there servers to prevent Chinese ip's from joining.
When you have even just 5 chinese players on a server it is absolutely amazing how quickly the chat is shat up. It would make an Indian blush.
The chinks get the worst popular shit and then amplify it + 1 billion. Again, they don't have their own opinions.
Nigga people get tired of things after seeing them for a long time. There's no proof to even back your claim.
If you wanna disagree with me then fine, but don't try to treat your opinion as if it were objective knowledge, cause it ain't.
I know this is like pouring water in the ocean, but I warned you anons of this way back in 2012. The Chinese will start flooding western markets more as time goes and more of them get out of the Chinese internet fishing net. Kiss the 90s and 00s goodbye, most multiplayer games will consist 90% of ant people. What's worse is that they're pretty good in games, but have terrible taste. They're only going to dumb down the industry.
Also what said. Prepare your anus for more 3rd world trash. Region only servers are the future if you want to avoid subhumans. I wanna leave this timeline.
You're pretty naive
I get a sneaking feeling that this is chinafag that was shilling on Holla Forums everything about china all day every day then got ass-blasted whenever someone told him the reality of china. That said china did employ some 1 million or so chinks to shill online like some kind of JIDF equivalent. Truly the jews of the orient so it might not be him specifically. The reality of it is either the great firewall is being taken down or they're just bots to milk money off trading cards.
On one hand I'm worried mainstream publishers will start pandering to the chinese but on the other I don't play mainstream games and couldn't give less of a shit what they do so long as it doesn't spill over into the few good smaller games I play.
Thanks for proving my point
And they'll keep paying for it
Sure user, sure
Not the last jedi.
They really aren't. They're obsessive so succeed in MMOs where they can mindlessly grind all day but they're beaten by gooks in RTS and nips in racing and party games. They have no problem with cheating or using alt accounts to get around bans so they'll hack and use cheat engines all day just to get their names on the boards. At least they're better than south east asians but they're not even as good as russians on the whole and don't have any coding magic like the slavs do so even if they try to make a game of their own it's a shitfest. What's also amazing about chinks is that you can't actually tell them apart in games. It's like they are all really the same person in looks, personality, voice, ability, everything.
You're right about the terrible taste though. F2P garbage all day and whatever flavour of the month multiplayer game is they'll latch onto and flood.
To add
It tooks 10 years for Transformers to stop selling 1 Billion, and even then it's still making shittons of revenue.
It took CoD 5 and CoD WW2 sold 1.5 Mil and they cut corners everywhere, so it's still profitable.
You're giving them way too much fucking credit. Their normalfags are just as bad as ours, the only thing stopping them from going full LGBTBBC sucking liberal is that their government censoring and prohibiting the shit out of anything they feel is a threat to their culture.
Wrong, their local tech is leading the way now and the chinks are incredibly proud of it. Last I read Apple phones were 5th place in market share in over there, while Xiaomi and Oppo are top dogs. I haven't read reports about PCs/laptops but most tech companies I've visited are using Lenovos.
29 million shills, but they all speak chink so who the fuck cares?
Besides they're concerned about Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and the rest of the diaspora, not the whole world. You honestly think chinks give a fuck about our opinions?
Just trying to have some hope for a change
If this board were only doom preppers it would be fucking afwul
What the fuck are you on about?
Didn't Transformers 5 finally bomb?
It sold 650 Mil out of a 250 Mil
It just sold leess than expected since these fucking movies raked in 1 Bil per movie.
Last Jedi was a special case. They decided that pandering to sjw faggots by including an asian getting blacked for diversity reasons will end well for them. It's selling worse than a FUCKING SITCOM.
Rather ironically, it was huge in China.
And we actually crawled out of that phase, the Chinese have not crawled out of that phase but instead doubled down on it because they scorn such things like "basic safety standards" and "not building death traps". Stop projecting your none Chink values on the Mandarin Chinese they are not like you, you can enjoy their company if you want but you're just lieing to yourself if you believe they hold the same values as you do.
then you'll love india cause they have it the worst i hear
Except for the part where that's not water fog, that's industrial chemical factory waste fog.
I don't care if the western gaming industry starts pandering to them, since they suck anyway. I just hope they don't negatively affect my Japanese games. I think Japs are racist enough against other Asians that it won't be a problem.
wew, maybe that way some autists can develop their own games on unity that are worth a damn and make a living.
Unity is cancer and Unity games are cancer.
It depends on the developer I think.
cuphead was made on unity.
Ironically, a good chunk of chinks I've met are weebs. So maybe we might get more Japanese games on Steam?
I hope the upcoming Chinese invasion of Taiwan in 2020 gives Murica a good excuse to remove the mainland.
And piracy doesn't matter shit if chinkbots and redditors keep lowering the standards through buying power and turning PC gaming into nu-consolegaming with some meme benefits.
Except Steam doesn't make computer hardware and you have the option of avoiding entirely.
sounds either a pahjeet problem or a gook problem.
be afraid, be very afraid.
hopefully it will inspire alot of kids to grow up anti-pahjeet and anti chink and start driving out those subhumans.
Would you rather have devs bending over for chinks or SJWs?
I'm not expecting a pacific rim 3
Neither cuck.
Gas yourself bugman.
honestly chink taste means no poz so I'm ok with it
To be fair, a lot of Germans and Scandy's actually speak pretty good English or at least in my experience.
Frogs never speak English even if they're the only Frog there. It's constantly COMMENT SE SOIS MON AMI MON DIEU ALE VOUS FRANCAIS EN CHIEN?
not legally afraid of spooky ghosts anymore?
brb soduku
Sorry, a madness took me.
Thank you for that user. I'm trying to remain optimistic too.
Australians are already pretty "radicalized" relative to the rest of the west. Except Melbourne. And Perth.
Their overlords allowed them to buy international games, and there a lot of chinese.
So now this market that could only relive its glory days by dying is livelier than the inmates of a german concentration camp.
You can't make this shit up
Looks like an unoptimized mess to me.
They're similar but they have cash stores attached with unapologetically pay to win elements attached. The most profitable shooter is crossfire, a lazy copy of counter strike with guns that you buy with real money that are blatantly better than anything that can be gained for free. Anything the western games market would go up in arms over is already welcomed with open arms in China and is considered normal.
Don't know about chinks but Nips have 0 problems with their male sons going over seas and having half white kids with Aryan blondes, they just hate their daughters mixing with foreigners and spurting out Elliot Rodger hapa abortions.
Chances are that it's a bunch of accounts owned by the same people/groups in china. It's common in MMO's for ricepickers to have bots grind and grind to fuel their RMT market. PUBG made chinese player counts skyrocket because you didn't need a dozen bots constantly dying; just have one faggot with the ability to kill everyone with a pistol from across the map gather up some quick BP and buy crates before they get banned.
I used to like pubg, but seeing as Greene cucks out and virtue signals without yield when people tell him to introduce region/ping locks, I don't see myself going back to it in the forseeable future.