Miserable Diary of a Philosophy Student: Entry no.2

TL;DR for those not familiar with the Lacanian martial arts: the pervert feels intense solidarity with the Law, in this case the authority figure of the professor, and is repulsed by any kind of revolutionary thought. The fellow student is an actual cop, btw, and has told me that he "used to" beat up the homeless, so possibly a sadist…
>they have one thing in common: an original or muh natural state of man:
>Hobbes: muh horror of constant war and hell on earth → we need to give up all of our rights so that a monarch can provide provide us security
>Locke: muh free-for-all capture of private property → we need a republic to secure the gibs
>Rousseau: muh Garden of Eden untouched by civilization → let's return to nature, "participatory democracy"
>pervert kid laughs with prof (pervert kid always laughs with prof)
What's so controversial about that?
Private property is the theft from the commons. It's not the "natural" state of man.
But prof, you are conflating private and personal property.
"Because communal economy?"
"Well, in the liberal anglo-saxon tradition, that is."
"Marxist?" (I quote:) "Society does not consist of individuals, but expresses the sum of interrelations, the relations within which these individuals stand."
"but that's complete horseshit Ok, let's examine private property not in its primitive environment but in our late stage capitalism."
"Then what? How would you define capitalism?"
>How would YOU, define it?
"Whatever, do you agree that there's a fundamental difference b/w slavery, feudalism, and capitalism in terms of how work is organized, that we didn't have labor as commodity under the market under feudalism?"
"Some aspects of actually existing socialism were better than what we have now."
two more years of this shit

Other urls found in this thread:

vkdoc.tk/?q=badiou republic&ext=pdf|djvu|-doc


This sounds fucking horrible. What University do you go to?

Yurop, that's all I'm gonna say.

what what?


Don't be a faggot, this is what the board was meant for

Well shit OP, I would've dropped his ass and signed up for a different prof. Do they allow you to do that there?

I wanna punch that cop in the face btw

This hurts to read. Literally shaking rn

UK? I can't imagine any other country being this horrible. Maybe Germany if you go to some backwards village university.

what an utter mess, join STEM, there's more leftists here anyways unlike the trustfund babbies who go into that shit.

Sorry if incohate, what's not clear?

Sharing particular experiences of ideological struggle are perfectly well within this board's rules and interests.

Theoretically yes (if you are prepared to climb the uni bureaucracy and dirty your hands and your own reputation with the profs) technically no (poor ass country, teachers are assigned classes that they are clearly not familiar with).

Don't get me started on that guy. I helped him pass classes by giving him answer sheets and my notes without any expectations of reciprocity on his part, and this is how he behaves at every opportunity given.

You just need to accept liberal marx as your god and scorn the evil communist engels.

Eastern-Yurop, k?

Please leave your stemfaggotry at the door

Are there courses on political philosophy, political economy, aesthetics, ontology, history of science in stem?


I'm j-just trying to be n-nice!
Yeah, I'm gonna stop and write his name on the gulag-list.

why are you bothering with them?
are you going to prepare a response and bully him into suicide?

No, but I don't see how you can't read those on your spare time.

I have planned a course of universities I'd like to attend, not in order to better my job prospects (lol, philosophy), but in order to get a better grasp of philosophy, political and organizational theory… It basically goes like this: my shitty country's shitty university to get a BA in philo → Ljubljana uni to study under Lacanian Marxists (MA) → EGS to get the cutting edge of theory (PHD)

I have a plan of sorts, gonna (cont.)

"Spare time" is not thorough, systematic study. What would you call someone who studies evolutionary biology in his spare time? A hobbyist with good intentions, at most.

I'm just really shocked if this is real


I'm going to change format, because, I think correctly, ancom poster points out that the OP's not fitting…

So, this is my 5th-6th course with Mr. Neverwrong and he usually structures his courses the following way. We have 5 meetings in a semester (distance learning). He chooses a book, splits it into 4 parts that we should read, and wants us to submit a little summary each time before the class.

Here's the catch. Usually the to-read is under 200 pages, that is, 1-3 days of work. He stretches this into months. Why? One could say that because he follows the official schedule, but I call BS on that, because that's not what really happens. What really happens is this: total control over your original thoughts. He wants to split up (under) 200 pages into 4 parts and asks for your "thoughts and questions" on them so that he could 1) monitor you 2) stay on top of you. He has this system only so that he could correct you in your partial knowledge (since you haven't read the whole book in one go). He compartializes the book so that he can have the "full knowledge" of the book.

So I'm going to read the whole book for our next class, gonna write all my Marxist critiques of it (and basically BTFO him and his liberal hero Locke), not just highlighting how Marx wasn't a liberal, or how un-materialistic this whole "social contract" business is (there has never, ever, in the history of humanity, had an actual social contract been actually signed by any population – with Althusser one could say that this is pure idealism with one purpose: to justify the current regime by positing a nonexistent ideological past where we supposedly all agreed that this should be the norm) and ask him what I should read next. He will say either Hobbes or Rousseau both of whom I've got Marxist BTFO'ing sources on, so I'll continue until the exam.

BTW, what the prof is doing is professional stultification (.pdf related): he "teaches" but at the same time assuring that students remain ignorant, never catching up to his "level of knowledge," his level of "being right," wishing us to stay in awe of his magnificent (wikipedia-tier) talents.

So, there's an economic and political reality behind this: there has been recent student protests in my country and the "radical elements" from the professors have been removed thanks to our dear leader, leaving the more "ideologically flexible" professors in place. However, the unis took this measure not just as political purges, but neo-lib cutbacks, meaning that they try to teach the same amount of courses with lesser numbers of teachers, thus my situation is born: teachers are assigned to teach courses they have no idea or passion about.

Now prof in OP is a special case. He continuously complains that he literally doesn't get paid for teaching us (distance students), but his very status is due to him being a conformist… This would be understandable if it wasn't for his obnoxious neurosis, and his >muh deek, which he constantly has to shove in your face if you dare to challenge his (obvious) non-expertise.


It's clearly Ganjeet, he's Hungarian.


You can't "study" evolutionary biology, at best it's a fading interest as it requires intense research and laboratory equipment. Political theory doesn't, and academia is largely full of crooks on all ends. I don't really see the purpose of intensely studying political theory if you aren't going to go for a career in politics, or try and aim for the politburo post revolution. Your skills would be more useful off if you had gone into engineering or trades in order to sustain society after revolution.


So… wait… Are you trying to say that only because biology requires laboratory equipment it is somehow superior to anything that doesn't? What about theoretical physics or mathematics? Are you also implying that the less lab equipment a discipline needs the more infested it is with "crooks?"

Flag very much related. Lenin usually puts in quotes when referring to comrades as ""politicians."" It's not like revolutionaries want to live off the democratic parliamentary state, are worried of polls, etc.

Not sure that the politburo can or should be revived, but anyway, what's your problem with the dictatorship of the proletariat (or any commune, level of soviets, whatever) consisting of widely different people of different fields? The best revolutionaries of the 20th century weren't STEMfags, btw. (No surprise here.)

The way you put it implies that the "split" from capitalism doesn't need its own experts, only the "after of the split" needs them. Well, sorry to tell you, but the "split" will only happen due to non-utilitarian circle-jerk political theory.

But Bernie told Mr Yurop was socialist!


final fix of OP's pic


final fix of OP's pic

Woah, so many fix. Can you fix my life, fam?

ITT: philocucks

avoid them at all costs

seems all in order

Theoretical physics is modeled after physical phenomena which is then tested through laboratory experiment. Maths is purely logical, and rigorous in its self, it uses its own axioms to give way to proof. Political theory is only relevant regarding the society it's addressing.
In essence yes, one of the only reasons humanities departments still exist in the west is because they force STEM students to enroll in their classes as degree requirements as the tenured professors have to be doing something since they're on school pay roll. My comment was largely addressed at academia as a whole being a corrupt institution that values nepotism and ties to private industry over legitimate research though.
None, I think a commune needs people from various specialized technical disciplines. But when SHTF which it will in a revolution, I want people with legitimate technical skills, not liberal arts students. The best revolutionaries weren't STEMfags because scientific funding and enrollment didn't have the same backing by society, and the economy as it did post world war 2 when the cold war kicked off.
The split from capitalism will come by the hands of the proletariat, not the "educated" elites, but the technically skilled proletariat who will have to find a new way to produce their sustenance.

But math is much more than that. Math is that which undermines, extends, contradicts typical binary or "formal" logic. And I'm not even going to go into dialectics as such which takes off from questioning the principle of non-contradiction (which is, let's be honest, a pure neurotic fantasy.)

Axioms = a priori

Not true at all. To go back to the beginnings, Plato's Republic is just as actual now as it was back then: vkdoc.tk/?q=badiou republic&ext=pdf|djvu|-doc


LEL, in my ~6 years in academia I haven't met two teachers who were biologically related, nor known a single teacher that had relatives teaching in another uni or his own.

That's strictly a STEM phenomenon, ya silly.

>I think a commune needs people from various specialized technical disciplines.
Not all disciplines are technical. Math is not technical, theoretical physics is not technical. Keep on shilling, shilly shill.

Ideological critique is not a "technical skill," organizational principles are not deduces from technicalities but from theories, and Marxist understanding of the economy is anything but a technical endeavor. You are STEMCUCKED, in other words.


No. No. You just don't get it. The humanities in itself is a legit field. Marx, Lenin, Mao, [Kropotkin, Bakunin, etc.] weren't STEMfags not because some kind of conspiracy, but because they studied the humanities which gave them the (differing) theories of change. Social change, social constitution, politics as such has nothing to do with STEM. If you don't understand this you are basically autistic. I mean, literally. You are a sperging out autist if you don't understand that "human politics" isn't an empirical science.

Yeah, problem is, the proletariat hasn't the tools to develop its own consciousness, its own political philosophy and ideology. According to your logic, Marx & Engels (not to mention other bourgeois elements) were outside fags who wrongly interfered with the holy proles.

Meanwhile in reality: the bourg have the material tools to develop their consciousness, even if it goes against their own material interests. Your fantasized ultimate prole vs. bourg roleplay is a joke. Classes don't work that way.

FACT: you haven't read any Lenin. Shame.


Is west=america in this post? Where I live STEMs (or most majors for that matter) don't have to do anything outside of their field except some language and presentation courses and a minor or two they can pick freely.

I'm sure chemists can explain societal phenomena better than sociologists or even historians. I'm sure astronomers understand the mechanics of political organisation better than political scientists.

What is this based on? Broadly speaking, the technically skilled proletariat has moved to the middle classes and are as liberal in outlook as they come.

FYI maybe what you want is polytechnics. I don't see what your issue is with academia as a phenomenon though. "Liberal arts students" learn communication skills, critical thinking, theory of culture etc that are useful for content production, like journalism and so on.


Where are you getting these pics from? They look like something out of I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.

Credentials are false signals of competence and unworthy of consideration.
Frankly, that stuff should be taught in primary school, rather than allowing a class of bourgs to use that against workers. Don't you agree?

It's from the movie Evolution.

This. If political and philosophical theory were so useless, then why are they the first thing dictators get rid of?

STEMfags will never learn.

I need to interject. Before the so called "Bologna reforms" in higher education we didn't have such faggy names for our specific fields. Aesthetics was aesthetics, philosophy was philosophy, ethics was ethics, and so on. It is only due to the "standardization" push of neoliberalism that we all got categorized under this idiotic banner of "lib. arts."
(And I'm not even going to mention how the system itself was much more to-the-point before dear EU had its opinion forced down our throats.)

In the context of this discussion this doesn't amount to anything else than "I disregard you titles, haha…"

>that stuff [sic] should be taught in primary school, rather than allowing a class of bourgs to use that against workers
yeah, im gon' greentext answer to this BS
implying that "university" is a meaningful category after a revolution

tfw not even anarchist

Nope, your personal experience with your prof begs otherwise. The transition from humanities focusing on a purely materialist basis to something purely symbolic and cultural like muh privilege, and gender theory is counter-evidence.

Okay, sure, that doesn't make the vanguard a necessity though.
Humanities have lost all ability to induce social change, they're a part of the dustbin of history like religion. Humanities won't solve the problems regarding energy and food crisis, engineering and scientific applications will. The more we grow to be able to compute, and automate real-time life processes, the more the humanities will shrink in their endeavor to explain human phenomena.
Yes, the proletariat are mouth-breathing drooling retards who can't possibly become class conscious in their own right! Suck a dick you elitist piece of shit.
I have, and he's utter garbage who should be discarded.

Wow, that's pretty harsh. Do you have any evidence to support your view that the proletariat will magically all want socialism tomorrow?

Thanks mr Adolf.

They are for setting standards of education level. If they are actually useful or not is down to implementation and opinion.

I'm not sure how palatable theories of art or history are to 9-year-olds. In case of critical thinking/communication, I obviously don't mean "don't trust everything you read on the internet" or "how to talk to people". I mean critical thinking and communication in an academic setting and standard: "how to analyse a historical phenomenon while staying mindful of the paradigms that affect the analysis" and "how to engage with the existent theory and analysis".

What do you mean, exactly?

"Liberal arts" is an anglo concept anyway. I'm sure many commenters in this thread too have a strange view of the STEM fields because of the arts/sciences dichotomy.
I don't mind a level of university standardisation in Europe though, makes academic exchange somewhat easier and more widespread.

Thank you for putting your intellectual dishonesty on display.

Nothing, N O T H I N G in this thread was about "SJW" crap. You have to inject this so that you can fight your well rehearsed holy war against your well known boogeyman. Pathetic.

Similarly, nobody said anything about the "vanguard," but you just can't escape your comfort-zone of well-known enemies that you (think you) can dominate. Good job! Your penis is very large, yes?


The main fucking point of Marx is that the economy is a political field. The blind reproduction of capitalist development won't give us a post-crisis system because it follows the very rules of capital. How under-read can you be?

Meanwhile in reality: technology is not free from social ties, they develop in accordance with them. Your Utopia is a mask on the currently developing and very real Dystopia of automation and genetic engineering following the rule of capital, with its baggage of inequality, disempowerment of the actual productive class, and so on.

Said nobody except you ITT.

Lenin was anything but an elitist, and his notion of ideological development of classes was as egalitarian as it could be.

No. No, you haven't you troll. Go back to your cave and masturbate to cuck porn.

Look at what he's replying to. He's clearly a troll who has no idea what he's dealing with.

Not sure I agree, not sure I understand what you mean.

Maybe write your fucking story like a real human being, god fucking dammit i had to give that wreck of a story up halfway into it. Are you seriously fucking retarded?


tho most ppl ITT could actually fight their way thru the text, so might it be that you are also retarded?

He lives in Hungary

Is your professor literally Tom fucking Rockmore or something?


Engels was the revisionist :^)




Marx's feelings were never the same after he learned Engels liked butt stuff


kek i fell for the philosophy degree meme once. After two months in my first semester i asked the teacher if we would someday talk about folks like Sun Tzu or Confucius. The teacher then said the degree is basically 3 years of only western philosophers.
Went to the registry that same day and requested a transfer for another degree.

I never said anything about my ability to dominate them my self you dumb ass, you love to project don't you?
Yes, they quite literally are.
No shit? I don't see how this runs counter to anything I said. You act as though science and engineering are completely divorced from ethics and politics when they aren't.

I never said they would magically become class-conscious and revolt tomorrow, but then again, marxists never argue with anything but bad faith




Hobbes never implied that there was such an actual contract signed, only that we basically should operate as if we did because he thought absolute power and the order it makes are good.

Rousseau, on the other hand, essentially critiqued all existing states, and indeed most contracts, for being incoherent and decreasing liberty.

Both, however, are more coherent and materialist than Locke, who was essentially making a theological argument. I like to refer to him as a "private property creationist"

your brain on leninism

In what way? IMO any "natural state" is idealist; counting steps on the same ladder is still the same ladder.

Ignore leninhat, it's ginjeet and he is autistic.

He is gr8. He introduced me to Hegel, Lacan and Althusser on this very board. He is also one of the few real OGs of leftypol and has continually pumped out good content and still recently cucked the /desu/ autists by getting into one of the leader's PCs to doxx them.

and which meme philosophers are you cock sucking now?

Ginjeet is still a great poster

It is idealist, however, Hobbes' I think would freely admit that his state of nature is a fiction, only that his main point was that without a strong external power to have a monopoly on violence, people will tend to be more violent towards each other. Which is true, to a certain extent, but it completely discounts the violence of that power, and simply enforcing a monopoly on violence is a pretty low bar to meet for a state to have legitimacy.

As for Rousseau, the legitimacy of the social contract doesn't really come from his depiction of the state of nature, but rather the divinity of reason. Which, is idealist in of itself, but because rationality is a part of most people, I think we can still use many of the principles and ideas he brings up.

As much as I hate to admit it, having chatted with this guy before I can verify he is an autistic sperglord and he can go fuck himself.

I've chatted with him myself on our Dubtrack. If you're the same guy ITT being a dishonest prick it's no doubt you incurred the wrath of his autism special. Who are you; Rebel with his trip off by accident or a glitch in the matrix of cripplechan?


I hate rebel too, but for more personal reasons.

Then what's your problem with him? More precisely: what the heck can you really bring forth that puts Ginjeet's huge contributions to Holla Forums to shame?

If you are who I suspect you are, it's the Bookchin shitposter who had contributed little more than a bunch of bytes in PDFs and links without being able to argue for any of it.

Which is sad because I kinda like Bookchin and every time someone like Ginjeet or Marxhead comes along to talk about him you make him look bad.

I feel glad that the people in my Uni are mostly liberals that call themselves left but never read a book in their life, at least they tend to agree with my when I explain how stuff actual works, unless I say who these ideas all come from, in which case I'm immediately trying to kill 10 gorillion serfs.

I don't like his approach to organizing and activism, as well as his opinions on collectivism and stirner.

I also don't post bookchin pdfs.

Sorry, but the STEMMlords are right. When you train to be e.g. a doctor, you get skills that are going to be useful, whether the the islamic gommunist revolution or whatever you want to call it happens or not. Think about it this way: When the GDR ended, engineers remained engineers, but guess what happened to the importance of having a leninolology certificate?

That critique is far too narrow. One can say people consent not just by writing their names under some text on paper, they consent by how they act.

Your reply to that post and your following comments are stupid and arrogant. You are becoming a mirror image of your teacher.

Demand your money back. This person clearly isn't qualified to teach.

Just don't "like" those things?

Well he's a more than reasonable guy if you offer proper arguments. You either irreperably got BTFO, triggered him by not submitting to his neurotic character ("muh discipline", this has got me annoyed too but he's ultimately right in a senses) or, perhaps, were the one to BTFO him instead (doubt.tiff).

what a couple of assholes. Into the gulag with them.

let's just say I found his opinions to be autistic and retarded.

That's pretty much what happened. And no, I don't think he's right in any sense. There's a place to be serious and have discipline, doing so online and with memes will only lead to your own self destruction and the destruction of momentum.

And don't make assumptions. if you want to know how a person argues, make an argument.

STEMfag here, shut up. The "field" (a shitty term, since all of the letters are completely unrelated and have tons of non-overlapping job markets within them) is getting fairly saturated, so there's no reason for anyone without a general interest in the subjects to join. Regardless, education is about more than how much more employable it makes you.

So you got BTFO. Nothin personnel kid, but I've been through it too.

Well, I've talked to him about online organization and while he think it's limited potential, stuff like organizing live streams for people like Andrew Kliman via Youtube or Facebook where we have reach and who are 100% willing to do this (youtube.com/watch?v=q3JQAnRxZBE). There is also debating the general consensus of how we should approach propaganda, etc. are beyond useful for Holla Forums and a proper, non-idpol (but also serious) left to replace the current shit left which is very well-organized and disciplined in its way of breeding torture chamberes in r/latestagecapitalism and r/socialism on reddit, etc.

You seem to be like the worst leftcom caricature: promise to do nothing but the REAL stuff but then when you are faced that turning our shitposting into a weapon is all we can do you say it's not worth getting serious. What else is there to do?

I defend militant left wing movements like Rojava, Chiapas, Naxalites, etc. IRL and online and have even helped start fundraisers for the former, I mingle with deluded Berniecrats who look for alternatives while militantly opposing myself to the mainstream idtrot variety of Trotskyism which supports literally everything remotely left wing and measures its success in newspapers sold, etc. What we need to realize however is that a disciplined attempt at internet propaganda is also important, and for this we need good directional use of memes. Imagine if r/sandersforpresident had the subversive advantage Holla Forums gave to r/the_donald from Holla Forums? Perhaps not enough to seal the deal, but enough to build something. If we had a footing there with our revolutionary program and turned them all into people quicker to reach for a book than the DNC, we could have had something more than the "political revolution" (pls save me PROGRESSIVES).

For once, I'll agree with a leftcom. if you think education's only purpose is to get a job then you're falling for the capitalist meme. education is just as much if not more about understanding the world around you and yourself.

And if you want to survive within the confines of capitalism you have to play ball and go for a technical degree or trades; unless you're a sociopath who can manipulate people in which case you can go into business. Also, the history of education has changed over time, you do know this, right? Education won't work as the same institution 50 years from now as it did today(assuming we're even alive lel).


top kek. unlikely

Imagine a student, feeding dollar bills into a shredder… forever…

I go to all left wing conventions, talks and lectures in my vicinity (besides the obvious super irreparably liberal ones) to communicate with other left wingers and do all those things you didn't greentext, specifically that fundraiser which I organized with the MHI at their last 2016 event in Stockholm on the crisis and the right wing populist wobble. Raised 2k yurobux for Hevya Sor's medical and nutritional programs.

Imagine a worker, feeding surplus labor value into a market… forever…

You're already a bunch of commie refugee-sponges, what's the point of organizing?


That has nothing to do with an autistic focus on ""discipline". That's just regular organic organizing and networking.

I despise leftcoms more than any other sect.

You misunderstand. I do want to turn shitposting into a weapon. I simply think that the only possible way to do that is in an organic and spontaneous fashion. That the focus should not be on disciplining ourselves into mechanically reproducing memes, arguments and jokes, but rather focus on expanding and fostering the conditions that make them possible. If you take memes "seriously" you will not be able to meme effectively.

Me too, and every couple of months I'll donate towards the rebuilding efforts in Rojava.

Right now, I'm the leader of my Uni's socialist org, and I'm currently organizing to bring Professor Wolff onto campus to give a lecture later this month. It's been a ton of emails, networking, meetings and harassing people in order to get up to this point. I take it quite seriously, as it wouldn't happen if I didn't.

I've also been nurturing leftypol for over two years now, doing everything I can do build the community. I volunteered to be the Bunkermag editor when no one else stepped forward. And tho we've seen a decline thanks to a lack of submissions, there's still an article to be published later tonight. Back when there was talk of the Detroit Commune, I was one who researched properties and logistics. Did much come of Bunkermag and the Detroit Commune? no. But they helped foster and grow the sense of community, which has a value in of itself. As it's not a committee which produces the best memes and arguments, but individuals in the community. Thus, the stronger and bigger the community, the greater advantage in memes, propaganda and debate we have.

Perhaps, this most came to fruition with catgirl drawfag. She had just posted the first comic or so when she got creeped out by some anons. I was the one to reach out to her and tell her how much everyone loved her work, and that not everyone was like those people. If you look back, one of her first tweets after that was that she would consider continuing the comic on bunkermag and not leftpol. The comic turned out to be pretty popular, in case you didn't notice, as it should, she's a great artist and comic writer. And perhaps, most poignantly, the reaction to it from the idpol and sjw left caused them to loose a lot of credibility on reddit and sent a lot of people towards leftypol. Say what you will about post quality, I think many of those people might have learned something while they were here.

The reason I know Ginjeet is because we were both admins of De-Classcucking Memes for Commie Proles. A project I first got involved with to also help build the community of leftypol and spread anti-idpol leftism. Out of all the mods, I was one of the most active posters. Ginjeet, however, almost never posted, and would only come around to spurg out in the modchat about how we needed more "discipline" and needed to post less memes and more serious shit. This, of course, entailed central organizing, a bookclub, and another modchat, all for a single meme page. I voiced my disagreement, as we'd only loose momentum and growth as a result. When he inevitably lost interest, things continued as normal. Eventually, he would quit the team because we didn't mold to his vision.

You shouldn't have to "fight" your way through a text, you absolute fucking idiot.

Also private property is logical and only a degenerate would argue otherwise(USER WAS SOLD INTO SLAVERY FOR THIS POST)

To organize a communist movement against both left-liberalism and right-populism.

No, I'm quite sure you got BTFO. You didn't bring up anything here either.

Which requires discipline: a commitment to the cause, with a general guideline and a program. Do you think things will just fall out of the sky?

Yet everything in your post either contradicts itself like the worst leftcom does or simply embodies the leftcom line: someone properly outlines their argument against me? Uh it's dumb also we should do [something which either moves goalposts or contradicts itself].

Organic AND spontaneous? "Organic" first of all means some form of organized established movement, and then means things must come from consensus decision making (what you first rejected), while "spontaneous" implies what you said before: wait until some magical moment where things just pop up. r/the_donald Trumpcucks are retarded, but they are organized and committed to a cause they made clear. The only reason we didn't get to their level is because we just wildly shitpost here, have a pathological disdain for other websites born from muh chan elitism while supposedly rejecting idpol, etc. See the contradictions and just empty rhetoric again?

It starts with the former. Buttload of self-coherent and conveyor belt Trump pepes let the process of making a reddit and disseminating them with an agenda worthwhile, and it made people think (think like idiots, but think nonetheless).

WTF does this mean in relation to before: you said shitposting is important but then don't want to do the necessary and put things in motion? Memes are just a format. We have to take very seriously their use as a weapon in the current age of social media, and very seriously about what makes a meme so corrupting and effectual. All those r/the_donald idiots flocked not just to shitposts that support Trump, but that ended up voting for him and supporting him fanatically.

All those other things you listed are fine, glad you do them, but ultimately unless you have a proper civil political power, your condition as fellow shitposter needs to be weaponized.

Just by
I feel the same contradiction arising. You say you posted more actively, was this "non-serious shit"? And don't give me that muh euphemism crap: you were caught red-handed being contradictory above too and that needed no paralleling or euphemisms.

Fucking hell dude if you actually stepped up you could do what you do now 10x better and then some.

sure thing kid

Commitment to the cause, sure. A general guideline and program? Hardly. It simply means having a platform and inviting someone to use it.

more like
My position is entirely coherent, as is yours. They are only in disagreement, mostly because your understanding of the facts are cursory at best.

maybe to bordiga babies. but to everyone else, hardly. see pic related.

which I still reject for the purpose of online propaganda and communities. it slows things down and increases the possibility of exclusionary cliques forming.

Spontaneous things happen on a probabilistic basis given a set of conditions that make them possible. Given the overdetermined nature of our world, I think that's exactly how we should approach this. That is, nurturing the underlying conditions, and participating on an individual basis, not creating a hierarchy and structure that will only limit creativity because of the deterministic logic that if only we do X we'll achieve y.

Organized, but not on central principles. As I should have made clear, I am not against organizing. i am not even against serious organizing. I only say, it is inappropriate for this context. Holla Forums and r/TheDonald are dominated by some central power and force, pepe memes are not cranked out by Trump campaign staff or white house aids. There are only the powers of ideology, and the individual. Someone posts a thread, and people post in memes. It is precisely because of the anonymity and "free" association involved that they can make so many memes and propoganda. Like any ideology, pol's force of production works precisely because it convinces people that they are the ones that want to participate. That the will of their ideology, their spooks, is their own will.

You assume that Holla Forums just materialized out of nowhere. it took them years to get to this point.

I am doing what /I/ believe is necessary to put things in motion. That is my judgment to make for myself.

but that format is only meaningful for as long as the community deems it so. if you try too hard to weaponize them, people will catch on and the memes will loose their value.

And I'll be the one to weaponize it, according to my own principles. I know if I ever stop taking some enjoyment from this project of mine, then it will fail.

Yes. I genuinely enjoy posting memes. is that so hard to understand?

Well, you're welcome to try it with your own methods. If such spectacular results are possible with your one easy trick, then what's stopping you?

*are not dominated by some central force


Rebel you hang out with spergy fat retards I don't think I can trust your judgement

Absolutely Voluntary.


b-b-but m-m-muh NAP…

There's a critique of Rockmore in North's book.
Mostly I'm just surprised any academic out there can actually believe this drek within the pretense of due diligence, it's not like you'll need it for theory. But then again, the vast majority of people (arcetypally socdems) misread Marx

we're comin bucko.

Get off our property.

He knew you were autistic and were wasting the classes time going off on a tangent like that. Should have seen him after class, probably would have resulted in less shitposting