Post video game music, but only through WEBMs. People need to learn to kick the habit of embedding.
Music Thread: WEBM edition
Other urls found in this thread:
If only we already had a thread specifically for webms going already. Man, that would be awfully convenient.
What's wrong with having a second one just for music? We also had a extra thread for gaming only webms.
Someone posted these before so since i don't have access to my shit I'll just repost them
my little autistic elf couldn't possibly be this fucking infuriating
I also use embeds because whenever i try to convert something to anything my laptop just chokes and attempts suicide.
Another reason is that whoever coded this website is a hack so if i have a file attached there's a 50/50 chance the post will get stuck at 100% like it did JUST FUCKING NOW. Had to switch browsers to post.
this thread looks like trash
Embeds look nicer for music threads, duplicates of all these video backgrounds make me not want to click on anything
ffmpeg > xmedia recode
who uses xmedia to create these audio webm's?
But what if I hate jewtube? Also, webm's are your own created content. That alone makes it better than youtube embeds.
That's actually really good
No? Its just downloading music, oftentimes off jewtube
The former reason is fine but video game music does next to nothing for jewtube
Once hooktube embeds get thumbnails that will be nice
You put them together yourself. And I can't speak for everyone, but I don't download my music from youtube.
I still want to use that place as little as possible, no matter if they gain something from it or not.
It only looks bad because you can have multiple WebMs unlike embeds. The filename should probably have trackname before gamename though.
It's typically easy to download Holla Forums-compatible WebMs from there anyway if you're lazy, via youtube-dl.
Yosuke Yasui has done some incredible music. Have some more webms I made. Ginga Force for PC never ever
It warms my heart to see someone reposting my shit. The file size really is too big though. I should've just used a smaller picture.
And some more Yasui webms.
And some more. The Eschatos webm was taken from somebody else.
If you want people to change that habit, you might want to post a webum guide.
And again with the images cropped because I was lazy the first time.
Obligatory guide attached.
And some webms from one of my favorite shmups.
bitrate is what matters, m8
stuff like frame rate and resolution don't mean dick, especially with these kinds of webms
webm related as an example
Hey, can you make a webm of Grand Blue from Sora? I can't do it, video encoding in any form makes my laptop try to spontaneously combust.
It's also a pretty good shmup, you should try it if you haven't.
Link it properly user
fuck this gay shit
literally Sora - Grand Blue
Here you go user
Thank you user
all me
I switched browsers to try and post some webms but it didn't fucking work
now posts just get stuck at 100% with nothing attached to them, i'm getting real sick of this shit
No worries user, hope your computer gets better soon.
I'm posting non vidya music and there's nothing you can do.
It's not a webm thread without non-vidya
You're not my mother.
Hashfilters would kill you faggot
you know its just a generic hype shooter song that can be found in about every modern shooter but doing piano and rock covers only makes it worse than it really is.
Here's the original Japanese version of Into Free - Dangan - done by a band called B'z. Shit's lit yo
Why is its soundtrack so good?
That's not really fair, since ffmpeg does fucking everything if you're smart enough to use it properly.
How plebeian. But simple YT conversions are unfortunately common. Still preferable to connecting to the botnet directly, I suppose.
People download songs of youtube and convert them to webm's? How common is this? I thought everyone was making those audio webm's themselves.
Man, you can just hear Motoi Sakuraba in that 2nd webm. It sounds very Baiten Kaitos-y.
I don't think I'd have chosen him to score a game related to Chopin. I don't mind his work or anything, it just all sounds a bit similar.
No it wouldn't. My webm's get reuploaded by other people all the time. I on the other hand would make great use of that filter. I rarely see you guys post good webm's.
Who /mu/ here?
Some BANGERS from my playlist.
XBC1 had some incredibly memorable music. Just hearing Colony 9 Night reminds me of playing during late Spring/early Summer evenings, without a care in the world.
Mah nigga
This game deserves more recognition.
Fucking size limit.
3/3. I was gonna post a fourth one, but it was practically a cut version of this one, with less vocals.
Hope I'm doing this right
its trash
Fucking love this game. I still listen to the .midi files when I play RTS games or things like that.
Anyone got the original midi font though?
Fuck you, you get MP4
I like warframe but all of its music is fucking garbage.
Also reposting from a dead thread.
Endless duel was great.
I just want to say that I like you very much and the fact you share music is really good.
Man I wish gta 4 wasn't so shit. I always wanted to play as a slav in the GTA franchise and the original soundtrack is the best in the series, but everything else is garbage.
Meh. Webms don't play correctly on my android tablet, so I'll just post an MP4 vid instead. A format that actually does show up correctly on both my desktop and tablet. (← for when I'm travelling about outside)
Your tablet doesn't have a hardware decoder or a powerful enough CPU.
Common thing.
You're my absolute nigger
Extreme PaintBrawl is a masterpiece, fuck you.
I remember when ME was a good game. Brings back memories
fuck you OP
Nah faggot screw that, you simply are in favor of wasting resources,do you want to feel this is the 2000's internet or something?
Some remixes
anyone have those hentai AMVs that used to get posted here a lot?
You mean those ones that were pure fucking garbage.
Yeah those, feel free to post them or some good ones
You're in the wrong thread for that.
Why does the second webm remind me of Rockefeller Street?
Thanks for sharing
fuck me i want another game like Mafia 2 already, nothing has blended story and gameplay in such an interesting and engaging way
What's a good place for video game OSTs? I feel like I used to be able to just get zips easily via Google but it seems like some sites only offer streaming players now.
I used to own this album until I lost it a few years ago. Its available on Spotify but not on my country apparently so im just fucked. Copyright laws are absolutely retarded.
I fucked up I thought this was the generic webm thread.
good shit
Mah niggah, imo one of the most underrated N64 game OST's of all time
Fuck these youtube pulls are too large compared to my own.
I'm linking shit.
It's so good.
I need to get more game music
Do you know which Ace Combat game the Plane Girl webm is from? I assume it's an Ace Combat game, but I could be wrong
get a khinsider downloader, or look in the sharethread
I enjoy GTA4
Reminder that SoulCalibur is the pinnacle of the series and that every sequel after it was a dissapointment.
Chronicles of the Sword
a gimmick
I thought Deus Ex's OST was pretty good.
Inspired by the BGM played during 8chanmania, I've made some of the tracks into webms.
It's not as good as earlier games but it's fine. Dunno what's up your ass to hate it so much.
This isn't the webm thread user
how to make smaller webms? it jumps from a
it's a still image, set FPS to 1.
Depends heavily on the encoding settings, I think by default ffmpeg will choose h.264 for video streams if the output is mkv and no video codec was chosen, the defaults for h.264 video streams feel much more sane to me than the vp8/vp9 ones. mkv and mp4 can hold h.264 video streams but webm's are more restricted to vp8 and vp9.
Doing the same encode you did to produce those but with an mp4 output would probably get you a size similar to the mkv.
This also helps a lot
These images are comparing gif and h.264 it's not exactly the same but maybe it's helpful to see.
I did this just now.
ffmpeg -i pockyandrockyj.jpg -i "03 Main Theme.flac" -framerate 1 "03 Main Theme.mp4
h264 is proprietary code IIRC, only free to the end user, i prefer it over webm google shit too, but don't expect it to be adopted as a standard format considering it needs a player to load and be seen, and browsers like shitfox often have errors playing these in numbers.
Maybe I should attach these too.
ffmpeg -i pockyandrockyj.jpg -i "03 Main Theme.flac" -c:v libx265 -framerate 1 "03 Main Theme-hevc.mp4"ffmpeg -i pockyandrockyj.jpg -i "03 Main Theme.flac" -c:v libvpx -framerate 1 "03 Main Theme-vp8.webm"ffmpeg -i pockyandrockyj.jpg -i "03 Main Theme.flac" -framerate 1 "03 Main Theme-vp9.webm"
With default ffmpeg settings only
vp8 seems to have the most accurate color out of these for some reason.
h.264 seems to have the sharpest image.
I guess the default settings are all over the place. Not that image quality is going to matter for music webms and the difference of a few bytes as well. I'd rather the site allow for audio files to be posted raw anyway since that's going to be the bulk of the data, in this case aac vs ogg vs opus, the vpX files attached are probably smaller because opus tends to beat aac in smaller filesize.
It won't let me attach the hevc one:
I tend to prioritize in this order when I can: output filesize, encoding speed, platform availability. For situations like this though where I am not encoding while afk, I prioritize encoding speed, and right now I pick HEVC over VP9 in a lot of cases, it's a lot faster for similar sizes. I'm curious to see how AOM's AV1 turns out, I'd much rather we all be using an open standard unencumbered and without compromise (no need to settle for slow encoding or bad/nonexistant tools). I'd love to see [AV1|Opus]mkv take over.
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i "cover.jpg" -i "song.flac" -r 5 -b:a 64k -shortest "output.webm"
got this from >>>/webm/
I am not really very good with ffmpeg, but this seems to be the best. I tried a few other lines and it always resulted in something being messed up like it taking ages to encode, or the filesize being gay.
That was awesome, absolutely fantastic thanks user
God bless you guys.
Why are you still using vp8? -c:v libvpx-vp9 and for easy encoding -crf 30 -b:v 0
Set -deadline best if you have some time to wait for an encode and want maximum video quality.
Is -r even necessary there? ffmpeg will loop the image automatically.
replace -b:a 64 with -c:a libopus -b:a 128k
In that particular example vp8 was the smallest, best looking of the batch and faster to encode than vp9. I don't typically use either vpx, I tend to use h264 and hevc. The purpose was to compare ffmpeg defaults.