Fortnite dead?

Fortnite. is. dead…

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Check. My. Dubs.

What dubs? It's at least not a prime number.

Seems about right.

Check mine.

That heat on your face is shame.

Don't mind me, just checking these digits.

Nice repeating numerals. I can only hope to get such repeating numerals myself, if fate would be so kind.

The one not trying for dubs gets it, great work Holla Forums.

The Holla Forums is pretty slow those days to protect precious titles such as fortnite from being dead.

we should keep Holla Forums alive by actively posting on this thread

No, they just have to move their networking stack into userspace.

True, though, can AWS or any cloud provider keep networking stacks in userspace front to back?



Daily reminder that Epic killed UT4 for this shitty game

Check. Em….

Didn't they have both Fortnite and Fortnite Battle Royale?

this is how you do it



but UT4 was a shitty game.
t. contributor

Ubisoft joins the fight!