The Wiiu was the worst selling console in nintendo history

I blame Nintendos retarded marketing for the WiiU, normalfags actually thought it was just a Wii accessory

We already had this thread. It was shit then and it will be shit this time.

We already had this sage. It was countered then and it is countered now.


Branding and company loyalty is a hell of a drug.

I am not upset. I like my Switch. I just find it funny that the only difference between complete flop and greatest seller of all time is portability.

novelty also plays a huge role
the switch is (yet again from nintendo) a new thing
novelty sells

fastest selling console in history*

Literally the only reason the Wii U failed was because of Nintendo's marketing department being perpetually drunk and high for several years.
Now their marketing department is sober, and thus the Switch has become a success.

That's definitely the biggest thing the switch had going for it compared to the WiiU. The WiiU was announced with some short video showing people doing some generic minigame shit on the controller's screen and a WiiU logo, which just left everyone scratching their heads at why Nintendo was showing off some new Wii accessory instead of their new console.

The Switch was advertised from day one in a way that actually showed off the console itself and everything it could do. The novelty combined with a launch Zelda pretty much guaranteed it would do better than the WiiU did.

The Nintendo WiiU didn't have a good physical gimmick.

It's good to see you'll be here to babysit this thread as well, Mark.

Seems to be the first decent hand-held gaming system to come out in a long time. I'm not surprised it's doing well.

Laugh at this fag.


I can't wait for the Switch U


Might as well repost my prediction here. My prediction now is that most of the AA Weeb games will abandon Vita at some point and go to the Switch because it's the hottest "handheld" in Japan right now, add that with the niche weeb game devs from the 3DS on top of it. Even if one doesn't get Zelda and shit, they have this library of weeb games to look forward too. However, don't expect new Mainline Final Fantasy in the future due to the under powered nature of the Switch. Most new AAA Western title will not be on Switch and those that will would be gimped and lose some key features. Do consider the possibility of Final Fantasy Spinoff titles on Switch akin to Crystal Chronicles. Brace for a possibility for a hardware revision that improves the battery life of the switch and improves it as a handheld as that's what its mostly used as by the Japanese players. That is all for my predictions.

Welcome to the normalfag audience. The one that blindly buys shit for retarded reasons that have nothing to do with games. The same audience that AAA almost exclusively targets. Welcome to the reason games are fucking shit.

Not much of a prediction when this had already happened years ago

This thread already exists

No, it's aggressive marketing

Who cares? It's been shit forever, fuck it.

This is what truly killed the Wii U. People thought it was some tablet addon even well into 2016. There are probably people who still don't know or haven't even heard that it's a console.

You realize that the Nvidia Shield Tablet (which the Switch basically is) cost $100 less than the Switch years ago?

Seriously. When find Cuckchan Holla Forums became a Sony circle jerk? Half the threads are just PlayStation fanboys blindly bitching about Switch and PC.

They can't read Japanese and don't know the value of a Yen.

Are you surprised? It's fucking $300 dollars but cuckchanners are literally %56 percenters. This shouldn't come as much of a shock.


Isn't 56 percent a cuckchan meme?

Then Poe's law just went into full effect.

It's a cuckchan /int/ meme posted primarily by Turkroaches, South American monkeys, and "Germans".


Most retards are also normalfags.
If a product from their brand of choice does not sell well, they rush blindly to the next one for fear of losing the brand forever.
Unfortunately, they are still a large number. But they are diminishing by each generation, as more and more are abandoning the idiot "brand loyalty" cancer.
You still can see this idiocy in other segments. The fighting game "community" (retards that are loyal to fighting games) are headed by desperate losers that freak out whenever any major game starts to sell poorly. They try to damage control, and when that fails, they try to force the idea of buying the next game on some franchise, so the franchises and companies themselves don't end.
To end the revenue from brand loyalty, and thus, end the cancer of companies being rewarded after failures (instead of being punished and going bankrupt as it should be), people need to make sure that most normalfags get so fed up by a brand that they abandon it.
Do the same damage done to shitty games like Lawbreakers and Destiny 2, but in a larger scale, affecting directly the big corporations that produce garbage consoles.

Back in the day, a brand is like a seal of quality, you knew what you were getting. I get loving a brand for the good it brought, but if the brand ends up degrading into shit and the fanboys end up defending it, then they don't remember why they loved it to begin with.

Color me surprised.
Most people stick with sony because they had a ps1/2 as kids. Same reason why the xboner managed to stay alive despite their marketing disaster. If sony wasn't retarded with the "le 599.99xD" fiasco that killed the PS brand, they would still be dominating the console market.

100 yen is about 1 burger dollar. Just cut the last 2 numbers and you will have the dollar price.

Those fucking chinks are asking to get their shit pirated.