#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Hero Yet Deemed As Heretic Edition



1. DIG: W.H.O. Proposing to Classify "Gaming Addiction" As a Disorder
2. OP TIMBER: Nintendo Localizers working with Japanese Devs to Censor Games
3. OP Chickasaw: Big Tech Companies are already violating the Constitution
4. OP GOOLAG: Hit Google Where It Hurts
>>>Holla Forums777548


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>EA shit the bed with lootboxes in Star Wars Battlefront II and are taking major heat: archive.fo/wBFd8
>SJW Marvel comics just got canceled for Christmas, and Twitter is salty about it: archive.fo/Sbq7c
>Tencent promoting socialism: archive.is/0Zpbu


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
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Fucked my post but whatever.


Reminder that bloomers are the best form of undergarment

So that Catharine character was a trap?

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Have a bunny with a bunny

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Last comics for those who missed them

I missed them on purpose

RIP in piece

I cant wait for the faghots who will defend to death the english dub, eating subpar shit while calling those with common sense "elitist".


eh, it's not license exclusive so it's not like funi dub is gonna be the only one.

It was cancer since the 4komas came out.

I didn't had time to ask anything in shitpost time, but I was wondering what the fuck is that Black Mirror shit from Netflix. A shitty nigger faggot version of The Outer Limit or any other series about short scary stories?

Why wouldn't you watch the english dub for an english language original comic?


old bread: archive.is/vMbBX

Dude what?


Can't webm, but here, watch this. Logan Paul filming at Aoikagahara was the tip of the iceberg. He did commit misdemeanors and broke local laws before prior to that incident. The scum had absolutely no shame.



Already known. Also, next time you want to webm a video from twitter, go to a site like downloadtwittervideo.com or some shit to get the MP4 before converting.


He also made more Japs pissed about Ganjis and people on 2ch or other sites think that the far right nationalist have a point in isolationism from what I've heard.


I archived your mom just to try it
I hope your dad don't mind it

Not terrible but not great either, the name changes with japanese dub is annoying.

I'm not defending Logan Paul, but couldn't you have picked a better person to relay this information of his crimes? This guy talking is just an absolute faggot, I can tell. My cousin is just like this retard.

2hu ara is best ara.

How so?

I want to fuck Popuko!

TD related and something that's been making me think, do any of you think there was intervention in the localizations of Persona 5 and Xenoblade 2 from becoming sjweebized?

What the fuck happened, and oh boy, I can already smell the bullshit from their english script.

A total scumbag, but he served his purpose to be fodder to nips to never stop being vigilant toward tourists and what they have to go through once the Olympics comes around.

How about this guy?

Has pewdiepie done anything based lately?

P5 yes, xenoblade 2, well noa was brought in to supervise on a bunch of nip projects now, so they squash the things before public complaints.

Can't speak for Persona, but I can almost guarantee you that XC2 wasn't butchered in the translation almost entirely because of the XCX debacle.

Who gives a shit

That guy's a lot better
Honestly, I think this Logan Paul guy is the physical manifestation of Chad. You can call it a facebook meme or whatever, but I think these videos are hilarious. There's something really funny about a foreigner completely disregarding a country's culture and laws while being Alpha the whole way through. Only thing better would be if he picked up some Japanese chick on the way.

You have to be over 18 to post here.

It would have been funnier if he got beanbagged in the jaw.


What's the matter, weeb, don't like it when someone disrespects grorious nippon?

P5 most likely. The translation is a bit stiff but I feel that's because of the last minute sweep to get rid of SJWeeb bullshit. That's just speculation on my part, however.

XC2 was handled by Nintendo of Europe over Treehouse too.

In his first video about his trip in Japan, there were several Japanese girls waiting for him. It wouldn't be out the realm of possibility that he did try to do something but couldn't because of the people he was traveling with or drama that could be created.

It's not acceptable anywhere.

All I ever saw from P5 was shitty meme translations that people got upset over early on. The translators credited in the final release are almost entirely from past Atlus games (Persona and SMT mostly) so I think it was more likely a case of temporary retardation.

Do you hate Jackass as well? Impractical Jokers? It's of the same vein, except in Japan, where the cultural expectation is that you mind your own business and make do with your bread and circuses in between working at whatever shitty job you have.

If I recall many of the ones involved in jackass regretted jackass, and yes, when they bothered others I would have wanted to see them beanbagged as well.

I don't watch Jackass and never heard of impractical jokers.

They began to do so once one of the guys died.

when was the last time you did something fun with your father?


At his funeral.

Christmas. We drank a lot.

Ryan Dunn died waaaay after the show ended, and he was run over by a car





Civilization VI Devs Anger Real Cree Nation After Fixing South Korean Leader.





How can you be this wrong? Ryan Dunn died right after they finished a movie. They were probably going to make more. Also, he did in a car crash - as in, he was driving a car and crashed it.

Yesterday we played some Mr. Do together, was fun.

Youtubers are fucking cancerous

Xenoblade 2 having the large amount of tits and ass but not being censored was a miracle.

> the last minute sweep to get rid of SJWeeb bullshit.
I wonder how much sjweeb control was in P5 before the switch and if the reason why they lost it so hard on the game wasn't because they could translate it but because they were kicked from it.

Is it that hard to fix the face model?

Thump needs to be a bunny girl.

So I benched GTA V before and after to see how the Windows PTI patch fucked me up. Please forgive the FPS being all over the fucking place, I run everything on Ultra during Single player with V-sync set to half/30 fps lock. In online mode however I lower settings and play 60fps+

For some reason Rockstars benchmarks do not account for the fps lock (even though the fps counter in the bench does)
Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, AvgPass 0, 6.778133, 32.374760, 29.930407Pass 1, 25.338121, 32.332169, 29.930540Pass 2, 28.983593, 31.502054, 30.006683Pass 3, 28.879101, 31.491865, 30.008833Pass 4, 21.017761, 54.093540, 29.989971
Frames Per Second (Higher is better) Min, Max, AvgPass 0, 1.091753, 34.593140, 30.017406Pass 1, 13.673115, 32.280987, 29.643364Pass 2, 29.004469, 30.925085, 30.005363Pass 3, 18.863031, 32.222633, 30.033684Pass 4, 21.761456, 47.746807, 30.007133
To my relief, even while running on top of two layers of DRM. jack shit has changed. and GTA is a pretty CPU intensive game as well.
I had this pirated but my friend wanted to play online with me so he gifted it to me when it was on sale

IS this a real book?

Yes, it's a real book. You can order it.

Who's the black guy on the 2nd image's right side?

An understatment.

Trump bun is adorable



Bull. Shit. We have hard evidence that most of the surviving native tribes cooperated with europeans to attack other tribes for land to use in capturing wildlife for the fur trade, it was part of why europeans in canada got along well with the natives in canada, along well enough to fight alongside them in 1812 against the french and americans. civ should have chose the blackfoot tribe, they were the best tribe and would not act like niggers or jews.

Someone from NoJ must of stepped in.


lel, sucks to be you.

NoA makes it uneasy. Since the Switch is region free, might as well import from Europe and Japan.

Noe versions are usually the noa versions now.

With strange 3rd party exceptions, but digimon cyber hackers 2 is not coming to switch.

Import from Japan. Or I just avoid NoA tainted games entirely and just rely on niche Japanese 3rd parties. Considering how much the Switch Sold, it's going to get most of the niche weeb games that would have normally gone to Sony consoles and handhelds. Though I'm not getting a Switch yet.

That's a shocker.

Fuckoff back to >>>/cuckchan/

The cree are still shit to this day, I live a half hour from Poundmaker reserve and they're the worst people, truly worse than niggers. Saulteux, Sioux, Dene all decent natives but fuck I hate the Cree, every Cree I've met is every awful stereotype about natives mixed together with every bad stereotype about niggers

Id hold off on switch unless you can get it on sale, like I managed to though alternative deals like spend 100 save 25 and the likes.

The Skrulls were always the better tribe.

Isn't Nintendo wanting to bring in more games like Senran Kagura for the Switch? They also keep putting in sexy designs in their new games like Splatoon and ARMS. They even had Peach in a bikini in Odyssey.

I'm holding it off until it gets that good weeb library.

As long as NoA isn't localizing the 3rd party themselves.

Miqmaq are not bad but from the ones I interacted with are very quiet. But the best historically are the blackfoot.


Its slowly growing, mages looks like they will be putting more games on it, maybe I will see chaos:head come west. it will be a weeb machine but I hate digital when nintendo cant into digital sales like sony. Sony deserves some credit for its digital sales

Every console has its ups and downs Funny thing is that as the Switch becomes the new Weeb machine, normalfags will have a completely limited library only caring for things like Mario and Just Dance. We can avoid infected first party games as there should be enough Weeb games that would justify the purchase. However, don't expect AAA Western games and mainline Final Fantasy games to be on it as it is too under powered to handle them.

I'm a little upset and a little drunk, somebody online called me a faggot, and I just…. I can't…. I am shaking at the thought that someone on the internet does not like me. I am a rationalist skeptic centralist, the most neutral, most reasonable stance in politics, and somebody out there just can't handle how rational I am. I just, I can't even, It must be that damn alt right, them and Richard Spencer going all out on the skeptic community. I am crying a little, I'm european, jewish, bisexual, and an athiest, and I think this needs to be settled in the halls of debate.

I beg to differ. Here's where Treehouse will come in and they're currently in talks with Nintendo of Japan to "localize" their games prior to development and they're really convincing to laugh their major titles the same version whether it's in Japan or West. I'm still fucking livid by reading it.


Well, at least the Switch will get the niche 3rd party Weeb games.

Almost every Dene I've met lives like they're fromnthe 1890s, hunting and trapping for a living and the Ojibwe/Saulteux are usually decent, most of them are just normal people trying to live their lives. But I'm biased, my half brother is ojibwe

Where is the bad in that? Also never underestimate what 3rd parties will do, if the console does sell well they will port gimped or at the least graphically downgraded ports to the console, just like bethesdaif they priced it at no more than 20 and optimized it for the switch, the ff 15 fishing game could be comfy, especially with the new zelda missing it altogether. speaking of zelda, I do agree with my friend a little that if they ported twilight princess and windwaker they both would do well.

Noj will only be assisting 3rd party titles at most, and even then only on console exclusives.

Anita Sarkeesian is now infiltrating wrestling. LOL

And I was only talking about 3rd party, your thing is what will and is happening with 1st and second party.

Treehouse is really fucking trying to ruin every game they can touch.

Is that Wil Wheaton in the back?

Every console that's not the Xbone and PC get that.
The bulk of weebshit on PSVIta and PC will last you a lifetime.

I meant PC and every console that's not the Xbone

Less shit in the library. Also, Normalfags will get less games and would be stuck with Nintendo first party titles and Wii tier casual 3rd shovelware since they don't like anything weeb and niche.

It depends on how much they have to gimp it before they give up. You can get a Switch and avoid most first party titles and still get a decent library of AA weeb games.

I hope more weeb games come to PC. Atlus is reluctant to sell their games on PC.

Wait until women fight men and win every match against them, because feminism.

PC is gaining some traction at least, like even crapcom is bringing monster hunter to it ( thats without saying that worlds is clearly fucking Destiny of monster hunter and gonna be trash for normalfags )
but still the very least they are bringing it to PC

Atlus is an odd beast. P5 and persona for that matter is in a weird copyright state between atlus and sony.

I can tell you most adult normalfags will have a bone ps4 or pc and will go for one of those when possible for western 3rd party, for either online with their friends or achievos. 3rd party that is not weeb and/or switch exclusive will not do well on the switch.

I don't even know what they're smoking putting nuDoom and Skyrim on there. Particularly Skyrim when the Switch's controls are as limited as a console, and the hardware can't live up to that of a typical video game system. Also while it is capturing interest for Japanese games, there's still a fair amount coming out on Vita, and that's a proper portable.

Why hello there Nep bro.

The only thing that's published by Atlus that I want on PC are Vanillaware games, they can keep the rest of their generic crap honestly, not really a fan of the games they develop themselves.

It's getting tons of games that were unthinkable to have a port a mere 4 years ago.

Nioh surprised me, I played the shit out of it on PS4 and it was nice to see it on PC. It is a good game. Near a Tomato too.

user, Skyrim was released on the 360 and PS3.

Care to elaborate?
Atlus not making PCports seems to be an internal decision and not much more.

That's good to hear. My prediction now is that most of the AA Weeb games will abandon Vita and go to the Switch because it's the hottest handheld in Japan right now, add that with the niche weeb games from the 3DS on top of it. Even if one doesn't get Zelda and shit, they have this library of weeb games to look forward too. However, don't expect new Mainline Final Fantasy in the future do to the under powered nature of the Switch. Most new AAA Western title will not be on Switch and those that will would be gimped and lose some key features. Do consider the possibility of Final Fantasy Spinoff titles on Switch akin to Crystal Chronicles. Brace for a possibility for a hardware revision that improves the battery life of the switch and improves it as a handheld as that's what its mostly used as by the Japanese players. That is all for my predictions.

Pretty much.

It's good that Vita is still getting some. Also, hello.

I think it has something to do with the persona games using the sony anime division for its anime cutscenes.

Don't know how when Koei started porting Atelier

Who cares? They're shit anyway
But most Switch 3rd Parties will likely be multiplat.

Skyrim got a port because of very loud normalfags, I dont know why doom though.

Their newer stuf having exclusivity almost seems like sony and nintendo help with the funding in exchange for exclusivity, and as I said sony owns the persona ip in a way but not completly creating a situation different yet similar to the senran and ikkitousen one.

On the Switch, Xenoblade 2 is pretty good even though I liked X more and I am waiting for Project Octopath Traveler, it looks interesting.

No, PC isn't gaining traction at all in Japan. What's gaining traction is the west getting PC ports of JP games with no domestic PC release. This is important because the lack of a JP PC release means the US PC version is unsalvagable if butchered due to there not being any original to salvage it with. I bring up Criminal Girls every time this subject comes up, but nobody bothers looking into it.

No one in Japan uses it as a handheld.

We get it, you're an oldfag

I'd be surprised if the Switch is as good as those, especially on battery where it's significantly slowed down, also Skyrim was developed late into the life of the PS3/360 when devs had had time to learn it.

PC games at least are not a complete dead-end for moddability unlike ones on systems like the PS4 (hopefully not for long).

They are really getting elaborate with these models.

Dumb faggot.

Dyed her hair bimbo blonde to fight the patriarchy. Also wearing a revealing top to secure the male gaze. This picture is too problematic for feminists and anita should check her fat shaming privilege,

Is that red-shirt aware that chair actually have weight limits?

You wont see nep come to the switch, at least not without IF testing out the waters with a different ip first. if they made a revised version of crystal chronicles gamecube for the switch I would giggle with glee.

You made a claim, an absolute one at that. Can you back that absolute claim, or are you speaking out of your ass, since I know I use mine as a portable when I travel. dont confuse portable with pocket

That's the mistake of the social media addicts SJW.

The switch has a more streamlined architecture, especially compared to the wiiu and ps3. And even on battery it has more power than the wiiu. The big problem is the cart sizes force most games to need day 1 updates for missing content since publishers are cheap and bad at optimization.

What in the fuck is this even about?

I assume so because of how much the Japanese prefer portable gaming over home console. Prove me wrong with that absolute.

Maybe they would put Fairy Fencer or make a new IP for it. Also, even though the Switch won't get Final Fantasy 15 or 16, it will get Final Fantasy Spinoffs like Crystal Chronicles and such. That's what I predict.


I want a Vive just for VRchat but I got shit to pay and it cost too much. I'll wait for VR to crash and burn even more to get one cheaper.


Thats if if sees it viable, but it will not be neps as their test ip.

I'm pretty sure Sony owns even more of Fate and Extella is multiplat.

Like I said before, this seems more like an Atlus decision than anything, things like Fate for example exist and Yakuza even with all it's Sony licensing saw a WiiU port of it's first two games.

Nah, that's bullshit, its gaining traction even if small.
Everything from PUBG attracting a shitton of Nips to companies advertising the PC port in Japan throught social media.
You have to be blind to not see this, Christ, I met a Nip SL in Poject Reality 2 years ago.

Fuckoff >>>/cuckchan/

It's about the same, probably even runs better than the gimped PS3 port.
Dat FOV is fucking garbage though, I think it's even worse than the default FOV on 7th Gen and PC.
You don't want that, believe me

You dont need a headset for vrchat, mouse and keyboard are fine and everything is free.

I can't even tell what's going on in that picture, is he smuggling a beanbag?

Is it really that unlikely? I'm aware that they've been pretty faithful to Sony systems, compared to something like Senran Kagura which has been on 3DS and Switch as well.

I suppose the other difference is lower screen resolution = better performance even if it has lower power. I still can't imagine playing it on those dreadful controls though.

Looks like a Knuckles angel.

Unofficial mods work fine, and in fact, I'd say they're mandatory for enjoying Vita. But no I see what you're saying.

wanna hear something weird? Fov has never been a bother to me in games, my brain never processes it. and when the switch gets hacked if they figure out how to apply skyrim mods holy shit

Does it mean I'm getting old if I just can't make sense of this maymay? Its a bunch of poorly modeled Knuckles talking in an African accent but, its like, why though?

I mean the ip confusion, theyd rather avoid stepping on legal toes than take a risk. And while the controls are indeed crap, motion assist aiming is better than straight up controller.

Either that or you've never played a game with an 100 degree FOV,
Because no matter how fucking autistic or normalfaggish you are the difference is night and day.

You get a piece of shit with golden sprinkles you can play at Starbucks?
Don't get Skyrim at all

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
t is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Making an ugly ass sweater
☑ Made Logan Paul level up

UGANDAN knuckles knockoffs to be precise. And I don't know. Why is anything funny? Are we going deep enough on the psychological hole now?

Stay on topic or we lose everything
What have you done for OP Goolag?
What have you done for OP Timber?
What have you done for spreading awareness about the WHO's bullshit gaming addiction claims?
What have you done to prove to others SJW are batshit insane?
What good devs have you sent messages of support to?
What Deep Freeze articles have you been posting in the comments of the offending journalist and replies to the tweet about the article?
What anti-GG sexpest news have you spread today?

What have you done?

This is I believe the original, though I don't think it will help you understand. The model is based off that one knuckles animation.

It's not the same.

This one to be specific

It's probably based on this vid.


Must never have used 100 fov. And I am just thinking mods on switch skyrim would make it better than the ps4 and xbone version and give it the benefit of portability. though the amount of mods to make skyrim tolerable would make the game at least 20 gb bigger.

I lost it at the national anthem.

That artstyle… it looks so cancer.

the cancer is within you already, user

Go play Quake, right
Only if you can add porn mods, and even then it's shit tier porn on a shit tier game with only autismal tier imagination could make the immersion and context hold out.

Since there is a lul in the posting. I want to ask you guys in the US something. I'm going on a vacation of a few weeks down the east coast, my first real vacation since I stopped being a near more than 10 years ago. I plan to at least stop in Washington, but I want to hear about places to see along the east coast down to miami. I went to the US a lot for work but never for leisure and after the white house I'm not sure where to stop. Do you guys know any good spot? Further inland is alright too.

The tongue clicking made me laugh so hard my cheeks hurt. I don't know what makes it so funny though.

christ as if wrestling wasn't already full of whores and cucks


There are two things that make this shit funny and none of them are the ingame models though it can help I guess since raids with an emblem (in this case being this highly deformed Knuckles model) have always been somewhat funny, since the Habbo Raid days.

The first is griefing in VRchat which is only in its infancy, the second is doing that while making steriotypical fake African accents and common shit usually attributed to that continent like Ebola.
Though this shit is spreading quick from it's already sizeable and cancerous community on Twitch and infesting sites like Youtube, Facebook and Reddit making the fad pretty cancerous and forced at this point.

I assume you meant to say right now, and I said "tollerable" not "good" its pretty bad when skyrims gameplay is better than the recent zeldas which is the worst parts of skyrim and half assed souls combat, and oblivion is better than skyrim. speaking of elder scrolls how dead is eso?

That third one is from porn right
Because if it is I want it

Yeah, it's porn. Plutia gets fucked by futa Neptune. Just search Neptune and Futa and it's pretty much futa characters fucking non futa characters of Neptunia. Pretty common really.

Nice, thanks. If I wasn't too doped up to bother I Woud probably jerk off.

I read one where Rom and Ram gets fucked by futa Nepgear. Nepgear grew two dicks to fuck both Rom and Ram at once. Also, image related is from a different hentai with futa Vert raping Rom and Ram.

Son, Skyrim isn't tolerable if you played any RPG that isn't it.
Even with the porn mods I mentioned.
And yes, I meant to say for you to go play Quake right now.

Download a sourceport like Darkplaces and go wild.

I have the one that pic is from, good stuff.

Dont. Just dont. Its a shithole there. Its all shitholes. Its ok if you avoid cities.

Futa is just as gay as traps. People who fap to it are all fags.

I want to see the White House. I want to get to see some landmarks. the east coast has a rich history.


There's a dick between those leg isn't it?

I only fap to the yuri ones.

Doesnt make a difference

Fuck, almost choke on my donut

Son, Skyrim isn't tolerable if you played any RPG that isn't it.
Even with the porn mods I mentioned.
And yes, I meant to say for you to go play Quake right now.

Download a sourceport like Darkplaces and go wild.

No he always posts unrelated asian girls with the filename being nigger

Made a post in the last bread just before sitting down to watch The Time Machine. Only realized it was past the 700th post once I finished the film, and finally came back here.

Are they refering to e621? I found that place in Middle School, by accident.

In the U.S., if no candidate doesn't get the required electoral votes, the president is then decided by the federal government (I forget which part specifically). Also, the biggest problem with a multi-party system is that no one can attempt to improve (Or cripple) things because you have 20 different parties all going in hundreds of different directions (IOW, the country cannot progress much at all). Meanwhile, the two-party system requires people to suck it up, and make a decision (Whether it's good or bad), and give people an actual voice they can rally behind (or against).

Also, a third-party has risen in the past when it came to American politics. Granted, it resulted in the "splitting" party to lose the election, but it also gives people a chance to reevaluate what it is they stand for.

Back when the show was only one season, I remember one poster describing it as British Twilight Zone.

I must find this book.

Why would we care anyway? Aside from the occasional release such as Nier Automata (Which, also got a PC release) and some of Sega's IPs (At least, those, that will likely remain exclusive to the PlayStation), most AAA releases are not really worth giving the time of day.

How were the FF:CC games in comparison to the mainline titles released at the time?

My favorite scene is the one with the moon breaking up. I remember it fueling my imagination for a while.

I really like that one too, that whole future then apocalypse sequence was cool when I was a kid. I haven't watched the movie in probably over a decade but I remember liking it alot. When I first **watched* Stens;Gate the part where Okabe is trying to save Mayuri over and over reminded me of the beginning of the film.

Nice spoilers, fag.

Britian begs to differ, it has many parties but they all go in the same direction, just at different paces. And I can only speak of the original crystal chronicles which was a comfy top down action rpg that was easy to pick up.

There's also my nigga Jeremy Irons in it.

Which self-respecting weeb hasn't seen Stein's Gate already?

It was not e621, and sega will support nintendo, as will platinum and crapcom to a degree.

speaking of pirating patreon art do any of you have kukuruyo's earth-chan picture uncensored? I am not paying $2 for one picture but my dick needs it

no first for benis, therefore sage

One who played the vn instead? chaos;head was easier to watch than steins;gate anime wise, at least it was to me.

I swear I've combed through the (few) Vert works on panda several times and can't find that page, there's not even many that are in colour. Was it pulled?

Report as avatarfag then?

That's a remake in case you don't know. But, I've only seen a little bit of the original myself.

it is definitely still up but she's not tagged in it

I don't think he avatarfags, it's always like one or two posts just with a random asian and the filename is nigger2 or nigger32 or something

I forgot Jeremy Irons was in it, I actually think I didn't even know who he was when I watched it. Still its good shit

I'm sorry I didn't have a vita and now it's on PC I just haven't gotten around to it

Playing the vn was implied. It's been a while I played a VN, last one was Yume Miru Kusuri: A Drug That Makes You Dream and it disturbed me. I have trouble with my emotions when watching movies and playing vidya, I get haunted easily.

It's referring to yiff.party which is mostly furshit.

Depends if you would rather see a girl's ass pounding a girl or a man's ass pounding a girl.


The last VN I played was DDLC and I was sick with a fever at the time.
Idon't wkno why fevers fuck yo uup mentally so badly. I once had fever dreams about Corner \Gas which is a ridiculously wholesome sitcome I like.


How ironic, it's the same artist as that fake CERO thing I posted. But yeah she's not got enough presence to be tagged. Cheers.

Then zero content posts? No, JAV girl boobs don't count as content.

Is it a sign?

Jesus Christ. They're just playing with the human body like it's putty. The medical technology is not there yet. Just stop.

Mark, you've banned me for shit talking loli. Should I report you for fucking shitposting and make you bully yourself?


wew lad

Reddit spacing is literally a shill meme and calling it out is a bannable offense under rule 8. :^)

Pretty sure the in-term is "colonialism", with it's definition being "cultural imperialism".

Whatever happened to trust but verify? I know lots of fucked up leftist shit happened, is happening, and will likely continue to happen in SK, but I tend to doubt a lot of the things he says while it seems anyone vocal just uncritically believes him.


Stay go

Nigger, are you serious?


wew laddy

Nonon and midori seem to be well favored by trips lately.

I'm betting on this.


Is this bait?

I'm not even sure I know what you're saying here, in addition to multiple typos.

I just want a cheap copy of Nep vs Sega grills for vita!
I know it's cheap on digital but I want physical copy.

Yeah as far as I've seen it's just like 1 or 2 posts per thread of random asian titled nigger4.jpg and that's it

I'd fuck Nep in both her forms. But If I impregnate Nep in CPU form, will it effect her in human form?

Then why did they give rush Sonic Boom to release, and not bring the HD remaster of Yakuza 1 and 2 to the West? Most of Sega's "Best Wishes" to Nintendo seemed to go out the door with along with the Wii. However, it appears they're having a change in tune with the Switch (Or, they're just testing the waters).

Oh, yeah, I know that. Just about every "classic" book received a film adaptation from the 50's to the 70's.

I have DDLC on my list since my friend told me it's creepy. Got to go through Umineko first though, I have postponed long enough.


It's kind of unsettling at times but it gets stupid later. I don't like the diretion they took with it after a certain point.

It's a sign that Mark may be retarded and gotten a bit too happy with the "ban all posts by IP" button on the moderation console.
…but you know this.

Thats till a release, and it was rushed because it was a cartoon tie in, the yakuza game I imagine its because sega hates taking risks, see nintendo literally having to finance bayonetta 2 and possibly 3. They will support nintendo, but they will generally halfass it and not take risks.

Incidentally I do believe Mark could lift Thor's Hammer only to smash his own nuts with it

C'mon bro. Sega would have had to be functionally retarded to waste money bringing over the Wii U port.

Cobalt is a faggot and mark deletes and ban things that upset him even if they are not breaking any rules, nothing really new


It's really not creepy at all. Probably one of the worst games I have played.

It's kind of like pewdiepie. A lot of Holla Forums users don't understand how people can like him because they can't make sense of his humor. If they actually gave him a try, they'd laugh too.

They didn't bring over the PS3 version either. Instead, they opted to do another remake of the first two games, this time as separate releases (With only the first game having a version on the PS3).

Considering what we got with XC2 and NoE, we'll have to wait and see what happens with other games outside of the usual kid stuff (Mario and series like that).

What's so bad about a certain use of grammar?

Image associated.

Only trapfags think that. Evidence points towards angel and/or underage, possibly even nothing is out of the ordinary.

I find this to be in a similar vein to shit like The Pumpkin and the Pantsuit. Though it is funnier, since the left can't seem to take or make a joke. Are they trying to make this for children or market it to them, like the pantsuit was trying to force shillary on kids too stupid to understand politics?

If only they gave it actually challenging combat and dropped the "It has to have levels to still technically be a JRPG" bullshit that only ruins balance.

I think you've posted these four images together every thread for the last few threads. Give it a rest for a thread or two user.


Futa x female is not yuri.

No, they're referring to yiff.party, a site run by the infamous hacker known as Bui

18th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards (GDC)


2018 Independent Games Festival Award Nominees (IGF)

Both of these now have nominees. Any shilling to be found here? GDC seems to be pushing a lot of Horizon: Zero Dawn, for example.

Go away pewdiepie, you're not fooling anyone and your content is shit.

Tell me about Bui. Why does he run that site?
but seriously, I only know bits and pieces of his history and I'm not sure they're even of the same person

Try going to a crab shack, I heard there was a couple good ones in the area.

The man sure doesn't look like everything is fine. But no I'm suspecting it's just a ruse on their part to sell it up a bit through controversy and she's just got Barbie anatomy or something like that.

We need leg cuddling simulation before I can move entirely to it.

It's probably the same autist screeching about "normies", just ignore it.

I'm well aware of what they did considering I'm a yakuza fan user.
I'm just saying that bringing over a port of a niche series (nicher than it is now) that already bomb horribly in a country where the series is most popular on a system that got out preformed by the fucking Vita and doesn't have any fans of series would have been an even more financial retarded move than bringing the port into existence in the first place.
The Kiwami releases are the only remakes of 1 and 2 user. HD port =/= remake.
Because Sega finally ended support for the PS3 in 2016 because PS3 releases weren't pulling in enough money to warrant a release.

Both are incompetent but that's a story for another time.

yiff party has non-furry shit. glad these paywall people are getting hurt about it.

Go to Rhode Island and find Nick Rochefort's antique shop

His content isn't shit. Check out the YT channel recommendation thread and see what other users think.

How new are you?

Don't bully, I came here from [spoiler]4chan[spoiler] after I got permabanned for saying some racist stuff during The Game Awards.

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're baiting.

calm doon

You've got to be baiting at this point.





Did you even play the original game? He had the exact same reaction to Catherine in the first game.

Marche has been using twitter too much and can't into imageboards anymore

Found my screencap.

Fucking lord.

I wish Mark would ban you forever from here

Mark is a sperg but you are no better Marche, still laughing at your twitter sperg out.

Bui is fur fag and hacker who makes Marche seem like a high functioning autist who is a huge reason why cuckchan has the spam filter it does.

Hold on, bui actually runs it?

Stop shitposting Marche.

holy fucking shit there is faith yet for the VR generation. the didgeridoo. the clicking. the ebola. when will the journos come for this

I think they're attempting to do something to it but aside from gaining admin positions VRchat seems too free to pull a leftist subversion on it. The people are gonna want their stupid funny shit to get away from the real life censorship, not participate in it in the game too. Once the left gets their hands in VRchat its gonna die and 4 clones will pop up immediately. Fuck, VRchat is like torrent websites. You cant kill them.

2D > 3D

Wow you piece of shit, you actually made a funny one

Bui likes Furret and pokemon feet.

I don't know why I can't stop reading these shitty comics.

Mods are asleep!
Post on topic digs.

I'm well aware what he likes, but does he actually run yiff.party?

It's a blonde Ed Atlin.

video-game has the deepest lore


I wonder if Nexon has been clued into the behavior of Cliff Bleszinski and the insane anti-marketing he has done. I know me personally refuse to touch anything Cliff is involved with given his behavior and attitude toward gamers.

They literally have no idea what the western market has to say at any moment whatsoever. I'm pretty sure they're unaware gachashit is soon to be illegal, and have a business model based purely on conjecture and expectations.

What about ninetales?

I grew up with jazz jackrabbit, cliff being a jealous retard of well, everyone hurt in the beginning, but now I just laugh at how shit he is.

I think I understand now.



oh boy, here we go


How do I block posts? The comic guy is annoying.

just filter him

know how I can tell you're a grommet that's new here and doesn't belong?

Oh, I found the option. Thanks.

As new and pure as Snow White. Be nice to him, gentlemen.

It's the halfnigger who showed up because he got permabanned from cuckchan over (((racism))).
The hazing ritual of thread bullying must happen.

Poe's law is strong with this one. Normally faggots at least try not stick out, but this nigger has done something retarded to give himself away in every single post.

that might explain why he hates them.

Ah you are fresh and ready to be defiled.

Well, was just a bait shitpost. Please ignore that one.

Just go back to cuckchan already and ise a fucking vpn to post you faggot

What's with the sperging about weeb posts and in general cuckchan tier post lately did another purge happen?

I got caught in the Game Awards purge.

that stupid nip done fucked up again, so grommets are trying to squat here, thinking they are welcome.


I've been noticing them all over lately trying to stir shit up and make this place 4/v/ 2.0

Kill yourself.


I really wish they could be banned for newfaggotry, I usually don't mind more lax hotpockets but these faggots really need to just be banned

Best done with a long stick or a dick

your trips were taken by Comic user.
future proof you don't belong here

I can fit in, though. Look:


Fuck off. Even if she's cute you still can't say you fit in here and expext everyone to accept it.

Is there like a specific report function that removes newfags for like 8 months?

What perverted things do you want to do with her her user? I'd want someone to play games with, locally.

why dont you fuck off cunt

I don't like reposting old comics, but it fits perfectly.
I know he can't see this, but the fact he knows in the back of the head that he's unwelcome and will never be accepted here is good enough for me.
Fuck Grommets

Because he can put apostrophes and proper punctuation where they belong, unlike yourself.


Cuckchan needs to be nuked on site.

Video games, drinking with her, hearing her lamenting about being alone forever, fugging and hugging occasionally whilst going out on dates calling them totally not dates.

Why don't you fuck off cunt. Go get mad and post porn elsewhere.

He got bullied to the point of rarely ever showing his goddamn face here because everything he posted was either Miranda or his fucking custom keyboards.

You sound like a child thats desperate to sit with the cool kids, and is in the verge of crying.
Fuck off.

That and he went full Swami and posted about how Mark treats him like some oppressed minority on twitter.

someone sounds a little mad.

Is there a way we can scare off the newfags or bully them? Perhaps turn the faggotry up to 11, or begin food posting, or have posts with excessive headpats, and/or talking about protecting any girl's smile, or something?

Headpats and protecting girls' smiles only works against /d/eviants.
This faggot just needs bullying until he learns to LURK MOAR FAGET.

You all deserve DING DONG BANNU.

Unofficially he runs it, he's not going to admit it publicly

he's actually not that bad, most attacks are done using his name and calling card because that's what everyone expects; he actually doesn't fuck with anyone unless they've wronged him personally

no it wasn't
its most likely the gildafag trying to stir shit again

I wanna hug her and fug her silly, to get over herself.

ahhh blyat

no, all you gotta do is bully them into submission.
cuckchan seems to have soften alot these past years and from how the users act, it looks like reddit 2.0. just the fact they'll get a real shit talk will make them leave and never want to come back.
turning up gayness will just make those cuckchan homos from /lgbt/ think they're in good company or something.

Nice double falseflag Marche. _:^]_

Wew. Also what did we wrong him about then? Not ERPing with him?

Not at this hour, I should not be eating at this hour.

BUI pls go and stay go

If I check those doubles will you cease the lewd?

You started it Dubsman.

What's exactly on the table dubsman?
And no I am always lewd.

That's nice.


Fuck off, Johnny Hitler.

Bui once held the whole site hostage cause he wanted one artist from /furry/ to draw feet.

Why do you like that guy, anyway? Do you share the same brand of autism as him?

But I like those.

And nice to know that you admitted your a nigger too dumbass.

That wasn't him, we call him the wannabui, because we have no clue if its one person or multiple people, but they always pretend to be him.

I'm just saying, he's not a random agent of chaos, he has his own motives.


Out of everything that you have posted, that recipe is the most degenerate.


I'm not that well educated in culinary.
what's the problem with greek yogurt and what's a better alternative?


Olive Oil

I like this post, may I save it?


Is ban evasion easier here than on 4chan or something? This guy makes it look so.

Self-rising flour is sub-par for making pizza dough. You typically want to go with 00 flour, which is very finely milled and takes less water than other flours, resulting in the crispness of the pizza.

You can also use bread flour if you want a more chewy crust.

The greek yogurt will detract from the flavor of the bread, making it more like naan than pizza. Olive oil on the other hand would compliment it, and with salt and some sugar (for the yeast) you get a far better flavor.

This user gets it.


Oh fuck user please post source.

thanks, now I know what I might try making when I'm off, tired of making burgers.

This thread is chaos.

Not finding them on any of the obvious places and the name is too generic to just google. Could you be more specific?

I have these images. There's no dick in them, and it's always best to be lewd wherever one goes.

Yup it is.



Here is a decent recipe for it, however like most good food it will take some time and practice to get it right.

Additionally, a baking stone is a must when making breads, since it helps make the crust in most recipes (along with steam).

What the fuck is going on?

So, that's the reason is poorly done and full of niggers and pakis?

tbh banning is for faggots


Here is a more in depth look at how flour type affects the crust development. There was one out there that leavened the dough with champagne and it came out decent,

Thanks, user.

My penis wont go anywhere, I shall keep that away from the world. My lewd however is my brain, this will leak out on rare occasions but that is all.
**Isn't there a nudie version of this somewhere?
The lewd will never conclude!**


Look on e621

And I fucked up my spoiler because I pressed space by accident

tbh there's some good posts rn over at
>>>/cuckchan/ tbh fam its lit asf

So it's on fire?
Perhaps you should join it.

No problem.

deadass bro fam you should go back to leddit tbh

isn't that the girl from that wemb i see about a girl pretending the bike lane line she's walking is what keeping her from being eaten by sharks?


tbh fam this user gets me


Yeah its from Amaama to Inazuma, a cooking manga about single dad and his daughter.

Nah, not doing that at the moment.
I don't know where it is as I have too much Renamon as it stands.

I STRONGLY advise against furry shitposting during a raid you fucking niggers.

I would strongly advise against furry shitposting as a whole

What the fuck, I love feminists now.

this tbh

thats a chink mix jawline tho

Man, the mods here suck.

tbh fam these mods are lit asf dude

have you entertained the thought that your style of posting is considered cancerous in here and you need to lurk more?

Oh well, seems the thread going no where, might as well post this,

Merry Really Late Christmas every user!

i drew this

but christmas is a jewish holiday didnt you know

I'm going to archive my seed in both of them.

Who did we trigger today?

I want to turn those sisters into mothers.

I drew this.

Where is the evidence?

Jesus was the jewish son of the jewish god to a jewish mother whose husband was a jewish cuckold.

people copying me


Jef "I'm going share a picture of my daughter to the known pedophile Sarah Butts" Rouner

Such incredible cancer, thanks for pointing all of that out, he goes right in the filter. We've been having a ton of newfags or ironic shitposters lately thinking they're welcome. They seriously need to be purged.

Really? I didn't know about this holy shit.


☑The reason why Japanese games are superior


Did we actually get blamed for Logan Paul, or is that one for shits and giggles?




Soon. Video has pauldron guy that sounds like a black dude bitching to a mod about de ugandans.

I guess we have lived long enough to see the world engulfed in the fires of loli and ugandan turf wars.


Good evening.

I like krampus, Broms book made me feel sorry for the old goat man



This is delicious!


What baffles me with these idiots is how they don't fucking stop using twitter to say those things
obviously this cunt doesn't actually literally think these kids getting raped was a good thing or that it's any better if it's immigrants or whatever. But she's so emotional (and probably dumb) that she's incapable of expressing her actual point (I'd assume it is "well rape happens regardless of origins !", assuming she isn't a genuinely horrid person, and most people aren't if you truly speak to them, not from behind a screen) without fucking it up and making it sound like she's defending brown rapists.
Twitter turns even collected and smart people retarded, like emotions always do, so why, fucking why do people who cannot get a grip over themselves on social media try to tackle such touchy and difficult topics over and over and over again ?

God, if you're listening, kill us all and be fucking done with it, fucking Sodom and Gomorrah were more benevolent than this shit and you turned all those faggots into pillars of salt.

Maybe you should just go back to 4chan, where you belong.

I missed it, how bad was it?

Some halfchan rejects got permabanned for "racism" in a game awards thread.
Some other faggots probably decided to shit this place up because reasons.

Also val posting CP

Cuckchan's been total shit for years now but holy fuck, I had no idea it had gotten this bad. Might as well browse facebook if thats the level of bullshit you're willing to put up with.

What ? Haven't posted outside GG threads in quite a while, even splatoon's. What happened ?

Not just banned, permabanned. You know, that thing that moot used so rarely that only incredibly exceptional cases were noted as having happened?
A three day ban, yeah, fine, whatever, hell, we've had jokebans here that lasted about a minute or so, fuck, it's happened to me.
But perma'd? Considering their current market i.e. no networking skills or any low-mid range technical skills and how downhill those faggots have gone, I wouldn't be surprised about a great many things being far worse.

Can I get a rundown on what happended? I don't feel like watching the whole video


user, you should have seen this coming when Holla Forums of all possible boards had a ban for saying the word "nigger".

That's plebbit level moderation right there. Fag.

Check the date


That was my humorous attempt at insulting the poster.

Internet autists are like womyn.
If you don't bend to their every whim, they'll feel you have wronged them.


This is better than most hollywood movies now.


That's happening again?


Where the archives at?

What did he say?


Best part is he's still making jokes about it on twitter, digging his hole deeper.

That JF raped a retarded girl and is essentially a pedophile. According to JF, the girl he dated was autistic, well off enough to drive and go to school and everything, and the parents tried to use her autism to keep their baby girl away from him.

Regardless about how you feel about all that and how reliable you feel about JF's statement, it is clear that Destiny is taking the retarded claims to it's full extent and going all out about it simply to defame his character, as Destiny's twitter timeline, last I saw, is all JF and how he's a predator. Plus, these chat logs don't bode well for the little guy.


That's because, unlike Hollywood, people do shit that they enjoy. Oh yeah and the fact that everyone learns to actually fight.

Oh boy, these are gonna be a treat.

Although full/pol/ doesn't have Krautgate generals anymore, half/pol/ still has them and they have been raided constantly by Destiny fanboys to defend their favourite autistic streamer. Can't wait to see how they will react when Destiny either loses or surrenders to JF. People have dug up some really interesting shit on him even if he manages to get away untouched.

What happened to have triggered this again?

I see no spam in the catalog. Did I miss something? Or maybe our janitors became really competent.

Jesus Christ, Destiny, i'll stop making fun of you if you stop dumping your porn collection in the catalog.

I think devilman crybaby is a new runner up for pstd the anime, just barely it doesn't take the spot of the animatrix:1st and 2nd renaissance, also sage for off topic

There was a 45 posts thread in the catalog with a 5 year old blowing some fat guy op pic a second ago.
It's gone now.

I've just been going to /cow/ for my Destiny/Kraut news.

I have such a huge gaming backlog and yet I keep wasting time looking up news about the skeptics and Tiny Desu. I will never finish Divinity OS 2 at this rate.


what do you mean PUBG isn't an abbreviation for some e-celeb lamestain?

Bring gamercat back and suck >her cock.


I agree. Gamercat was great, please bring her back.

It keeps happening because most of the board has effectively forgotten how to bully properly. Making bullying a meme means that newfags think it’s all just part of some sort of act and they aren’t actually being slectively shit on. You have to actually let out your inner asshole and anger at the newfags. Use language that insults, isolates, and alienates them. Have any of you ever seen how Reanon posts when he’s genuinely insulting someone? Be more like that. An unfiltered, genuinely mean spirited asshole. No offense, Reanon.

you can't bring dead people who are died



Things are going fast, I didn't think they would be in court already, but a pic of the lawsuit ha surfaced already.

Reanon's angry rants are a thing of beauty.

Thanks user



So many people have different reasons for not liking the movie but can agree that they didn't like it, is that what the article is saying?

Why is destiny such a fucking retard. Holy shut.

Its attempting to imply that they all say they hate it for different reasons but the real reason they hate it is because of stronk wymxn



I even know feminists who hate it. This damage control is pathetic.

So who actually got quads in this case?

Pics unrelated, can never find a good chance to use them





Here's Destiny lying right through his teeth and claiming JF argued in favor of pedos when it was really him who did it. No wonder he's getting sued.

Where the fuck is Child Protection Services to take this guy's kids away? Holy shit.

Jesus christ, what a retarded manlet


The reason why I didn't is because it's a video. Go ahead and webm it, you won't get the full context with archive.


Then mirror the video you chucklefuck.

Please tell me how be patient with me I have autism.


Append .mobile to the beginning of the twitter URL, then right click on the video and hit "Save Video".

He may be cuckchan, a dedicated shitposter, or both, but those comics are cancer.

It's certainly better filmed. The cameras aren't shaky and there's a little bit less cuts.

CPS would just turn her out to niggers or pedos



It's really not that hard.

Admittedly I didn't actually know about this method, will definitely use this going forward.

Oh, right, I forgot that they mainly take away kids from households that are actually stable.

easy as that

This satisfies my autism. Thanks.

Fuck off, faggot. No problem. I need to make one of these for idiots who post screencaps or tweets without archives.


I'm old now.

The screencap fags have no excuse, everyone in this thread should know by now what archive.is is and it's the easiest site in the world to use

Hollywood could learn a thing or two from the Ugandan film makers.




A lot of my screencaps are ancient and I often archive the ones I haven't yet right before posting them usually, but don't act like there is NO excuse. If I had to archive every single pre-2014 screencap, it would take hours just to get through a single folder.

top kek, it seems the SJW have overshot their goal, now all kind of crazies associate with them and they can't publicly tell them off since they would be labeled "nazies". They made their shitty bed, now they have to lie in it.

It's from something I was just reading.
I posted a screencap of it without an archive with the hope of getting a rise out of you.

If you see something interesting, try archiving it, it's for the best. i am guilty of being a lazy cunt on occasionally and not doing it, but it's for the best if you do archive and then post.

Nothing wrong with that. I mean, it would be bad if they didn't have your best intrests in mind, but they do, so don't worry go- *cough* guys.

Sorry user, I haven't finished my morning coffee



For fuck's sake, the ugandan Knuckles is susprisingly funny.

Is this what staring into the abyss feels like?

vr chat is probably the biggest argument for me to buy vr. I know you can play it without

Yeah I wonder if (even if it wasn't before) now with spectre and meltdown it will become some sort of catalog for pedos and other criminals.

Can you play in third person?

How much secondl life do you play? Because it seems like vr chat is just new secondlife, don't be retarded and drop $400 for a meme

Well it is, difference is its completely free and uncensored for now

What gets a rise out of me people that DO archive but don't add the archive to the screencap. Opening up Paint takes less time than it does for the article to archive, people could easily use that time to get ready to copy-paste the link but instead they just waste it.

How do you manage to sleep at night?

vr chat is one of those things that is fun for a few hours and you stop enjoying it. It's a bit cooler than SL because no one cares about copyrighted material in vr chat, but it's going to happen eventually.


Should I countinue my gookposting? I rested for a while cause I was burnt out because of Megalian situation

Gookposting is good for the health and the quality of these breads.

Can I ERP as felix with this?

The real question is "is there aras in the game?"


Hey gamergays, you're autistic about localizations and translations and whatnot (as well as ports and whatnot I'd imagine)
What's the best versions of FF IV and VI to play?


GBA versions of both, unless you want to play "The After Years" content after beating IV, in which case you play IV on DS and After Years on WiiWare (PC/Steam port cuts out some content).

What is "The After Years" content?
Is it actual content added to the story or just filler/grinding shit?


They're 'episodes' that combine into a full sequel, set a couple of decades after the original.

Get your nephew to stop playing that shit immediately, and have him play something safer, like Battletoads :^).

Or Warhammer.

If he has to use his autism bucks, so be it in a superior modeling hobby.

I got him playing sonic when he was 5.

So you gave him autism then? Good job


They didn't do background checks in an business where they are dealing with kids. This is a huge fucking issue.

Can I erp with you as Astolfo?

Yes we could use more redpils.


What about the Complete Collection on the PSP?

I want to erp as a shota with an actual ara.

No idea, haven't played it. Have some random comparisons of the different localizations instead:


It’s not as common as in the US but it does exist.

You gotta believe.

I though Japanese women are normally flat chested and no hips like as typical Asians.

That is slowly changing

I need examples.

I'm shocked Nintendo let a dick joke into a game above all.

Him* You can billy me.


Holy shit!

*sigh* I will never touch a Rated-M game. Ever. I'm fine with certain Rated-T games, depending on situation. Notable examples are: Disney-Pixar's The Incredibles for GameCube, Metroid Prime, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl for the Wii. And I'm not budging on this stance for one game. Shadow the Hedgehog was E10+, and it had real guns in it, didn't it? But I mean, you're the developer, it's your decision. I'm just saying I monitor what I play, and if it goes past a certain line, I won't play it myself. That's not to say I wouldn't keep an eye out on your other titles, just in case I see something I'm interested in. Ubisoft does games like Raynan, which I like, but the also do a lit of super violent games I wouldn't touch.

shut the fuck up and go play Brandish The Dark Revenant

Nice pasta

That was rated T?

It needs an "Ugh" instead of a sigh.




This is a strange shitpost.

Western women wonder why men are all suddenly diagnosed with yellow fever.

Is it supposed to make me angry, or what? Someone likes E rated games with no edge, I'd rather that than the inverse, the CoD kiddies who refuse to play E rated games.

Good morning!

Here, have some milk for your tummy ache.

Its because they're sexist racist pigs who can't handle a strong independent women, that expect women to feminine and not complete cunts.

That's far larger than I thought it would be.
Fuck, pretty sure that's more than most other Asian countries.

Chinese and Koreans BTFO yet again by Nips.

How does one get a thick Nip GF?

Find an effeminate gay wingman.

I imagine the process would be something like
1.) get Nip GF
2.) give hamburger
I hear they daisuke hamburger

Wouldn't she get chubby?

"strong wymxn" Only thing that movie showed, was how fucking incompetent these "strong wymxn" were. I don't how they can spin that blue hair general's bullshit as anything else, than incompetence.


fake news, it's purple
grapplegloop bfto


Japanese women are getting cucked by feminism too, don't forget this
race is becoming increasingly immaterial (sadly)
You can still find good women of any color and ethnicity if you bother to look for them and improve yourself


Alarmists were screaming about a 5-30% performance hit from the security patch addressing meltdown and surprise surprise, It's fucking nothing.


It depends on what's running anyway when it comes to desktops, but servers using Intel chips are fucked right now.
Seen reports of companies having to deal with something like 50 percent slowdown on their hardware.

This is your country on soy. Aggressive big-titty women and submissive check-out-of-society men.

Which everyone knew, but were desperate to meme otherwise.


A parody account of a typical Kotaku/Polygon video games reporter found out that Adams Sessler STILL supports doxxing gamers.

Corrupt tech media is getting paid off to downplay the effects of Meltdown on Intel performance. Just a remind how crooked shit is, Tom's Hardware and Anandtech are owned by marketing companies that have Intel as a client.

You will notice that minimum frame rates are missing from a lot of benchmarks that test the effects of Meltdown. It's because it's absolutely demolishing them.

Desktops can still see a performance decrease depending on the program but doesn't seem to effect most games right now.
Not sure about games running Denuvo.

Though, seen people talking about the older Intel chips having a performance decrease with some console emulators.

What about Denuvo. With this Intel thing going on, user. What will happen, considering that some of the Steam users bought Denuvo games?

Except black :^)

Asian fetish

This is true.
Brown can only work in 2D sadly

Remember Chinese Antifa Crazy Bitch?

I think that's a Filipino-American scum.

Article archive: archive.is/fJ0nl

☑ A bunch of ass#holes with an asian fetish

What does Adam Sessler even do these days?

Punch Nazis


Still find it a bit funny he blocked a parody account.


I said h'white men liking Asian women is racist as a joke


Still, she has to pay $11k and that is a little bit of pleasure and justice in the world.

The left's new favorite buzzword is "fetish": >>>Holla Forums11060168 It's often far too obvious that they all operate like a colluding cliquish hive mind parroting the same shit and not just those in the press but nobodies on social media consume those shitty articles and then spout the same narratives with the same rhetoric and the same brainless meaningless empty platitudes. It wouldn't be so annoying if they could move one single molecule outside of that bubble and question their dogma.

Let's see if Jim Sterling also blocks GJL.

Update on MagicGate.

His arms look so tiny in this image. Like a T-Rex.

Look what Apple fucking did with their patches, it was claimed that any slowdown when a new iPhone came out was just a conspiracy theory, backed up by various benchmarks from tech news sites, but it turned out to be true.
They lied about them for years claiming it was only for battery performance but released them right when new iPhones came out, every fucking time and now are getting sued.

So it isn't out of the realm of possibility that something rotten is going on behind the scenes of these benchmarks claiming no performance loss.

The batteries in Apple products actually are shitty though. After enough usage the battery wears down and the product has random shut offs which is what the patch was supposedly meant to address by cutting performance thus cutting stress on Apple's garbage batteries.

I dunno if that's true, but would a company admit that their batteries are shit?

But it's all magically okay because "they're not a monopoly," even though it's incredibly fucking obvious that there's collusion behind the scenes to pull this shit across the board.

I really don't want to write up and spoon feed, but Meltdown affects kernel operations and system calls. You can run benchmarks like wPrime that don't make a lot of system calls and request that much from the kernel, and the performance problems won't show up.

It's not going to affect everything, but there are a lot of things taking massive performance hits. If you think that losing a bunch of performance is negated by the fact that some things run fine, even though you paid for an advertised amount of performance, then idk, what to tell you.

All I have to say is look at how tech media handled Phenom's TLB problem that lost 5% performance in worst case scenarios and compare it to how they handle the Intel one. Not to mention the Intel one is far worse, it's fixing a security issue that transcends your OS. Not to mention this is the second massive security flaw Intel has had in a year that allowed hackers to gain access to your computer and it doesn't matter what OS you're using.

Sorry you feel that way, I expect more from you goober gays but I guess some of you are just too arrogant. You just have to read Intel's PR statement about all of this to know they're doing everything to confuse people into thinking that Meltdown affects all CPUs (Spectre does, but it's not as severe and doesn't have the giant performance penalty for a fix). The whole thing has played out hilariously fake.

I was thinking he looked like a toddler with a big head and tiny body

Oh yeah, they're trying to play up Spectre as this big bad, but then the writeup acknowledges that anything that wanted to use the exploit would need to be bloated as shit with junk code writes and memory refreshes in order to not be culled as a "junk" process.

Is Magic going to die on our lifetime?

Off topic I've been reading this manga called risou no himo seikatsu the MC actually is a man and tames dark meat

Apple to intel are fucking up real hard.

Very nice!

Never said that. My gripe was poster here
Most consumers are not affected, but there is a mentality of "look it's the next big disaster" and everyone hypes it up to the point of lying about it. Even if I show them benchmarks of a bunch of games and production software not being affects they're like "Naw, that's paid, that's fake." They want their big disaster no matter what and they'll lie to get it.

Doesn't it affect anything that requires IO writes? Wouldn't that mean that anything that uses Denuvo would get fucked?

Why is it until very recently all the benchmarks showed no slowdown was happening?
Why were the battery patches only published after new iPhones were launched?
The battery bullshit is a cover story for Apple's planned obsolescence so they can get more shekels out of retards.

Apple was probably pulling some shit on their software side to rig benchmarks, something Intel has been caught doing in the past with their Pentium 4 processors.

I'm wondering the same thing, user.

It's like this.

Apple's batteries are actually the best money can buy. The problem is that they're too small and charged too quickly, so they get deep cycled often and that makes them wear out really fast. Instead of sacrificing a millimeter or two for a bigger battery I guess crippling their phones was a more acceptable alternative. Fashion over function.

What about Dungeons and Dragons? They're also own by WotC, does that mean they'll also die?


It's been a while since someone's gotten butthurt enough to spam.

Could be. Do people still care about D&D when there is pathfinder and both franchises are equally tainted with faggotry?

I guess Holla Forums has to ban ''(that
thing you don't like)'' now.
Or your posts will be deleted and no one will give a fuck when you're gone.

How is that the best money can buy if it wears out and causes the device to have shut offs? Sounds like a bad design. Manufacturers have to operate within certain tolerances and make compromises or you wind up with an exploding Galaxy Note 7.

Be reminded that the paragons of progressivism, socialism, and social justice love Apple… regardless of the suicide problems and poor work conditions at foxconn, marking up their prices several hundred times worth the hardware and production, propriety, monopolizing the mere act of fixing their products, and generally being everything supposedly wrong with capitalism.
This isn't including any copyright or patent issues since I'm not aware of those.

D&D is the hip brand name tabletop that all the hipsters flock to since it's the well known one. Then some filter into pathfinder since its just a slightly modified d20 and free


hey kids
wanna see a commission preview?

If the kekistani autists claimed to love blacks would SJWs endorse segregation? Some already do.



Pathfinder is free? since when?

You mean the wiki?

The only thing I like more of Pathfinder over D&D is because it had much more fun classes.


I guarantee at some point in the next couple years someone will write an article called "Android and Linux; the white nationalist operating systems of the Alt-Right"

Yeah that's true. But so far the fact that they don't look like walking graffiti walls with a bad attitude and hair cut to match helps. I guess we just give it time and see what happens.


"How the FOSS community ultimately gave in to and enabled alt-right harassment".

I thought that was the point of pathfinder? They had pdfs for free but you could also buy printed books? I honestly don't know since I just pirated every d&d manual since second edition. But a friend of mine was telling me about it a few years ago

Isn't there some big push for social justice in the FOSS community as of late? They also equate FOSS with communism and try to push that meme

At least it's not gay.

What part of "free as in freedom, not free as in beer" do those retards not understand?

I've seen Mozilla repeat SJ talking points from time to time, but I'm not aware of any push for SJ in FOSS.

You and your father have excellent taste

I wonder how the artist feels about drawing your furshit.

I'd imagine he's referring to the specific materials, rather than the layout and design, which is a confusing way to phrase that. Offtopic as hell, and It's a bit outdated now, but there's an entire site about battery makeup in layman's terms.

her clothing I wanted in the style of something Oda non's milf stuff.
its looking to be a real good match in style

They try, but everyone laughs at them because they never contribute anything besides Codes of Conduct, comments, and changing terminology. They are a laughing stock.

If I'm not wrong, the PDFs were on sell digitally. Also, there are so many third party handbooks with so much unchecked material because there is no quality control on Paizo that is laughable.

GitHub is one of the main culprits. Any mention of meritocracy seems to just trigger the entire company.

I think there was more than just mozilla Satan, but that is a good example. I switched to Pale Moon because of their shit.

Was there anything specific that you can remember? I honestly don't pay attention to the FOSS community so everything I've heard is just discussion here.

Oh, my friend was completely wrong then. I remember him enthusiastically explaining how Pathfinder was made in response to WotC's jewery and how they have all their material for free but they made money by selling physical copies for enthusiasts.

Could you at least either spoiler the image or offer the background to how that person became that way?

It is a bad design. But it's not the supplier's fault if Apple decides to spec a smaller, low capacity battery that's going to be used hard. Hell, it doesn't really need to last anyway. Most people get new iPhones on contract every two years.

Ever consider getting one where Miranda has a dick?


How do I check if my ban is appealed or not on a board?
I've never been banned here long enough for me to notice or care

Are you sure? Don't know at the very beginning, but Pathfinder had been always a 3.5 alternative to D&D.

And if for free stuff he means the wikis, all D&D editions have a wiki or two I believe.

post and see if you are still banned

yes, try looking into codes of conduct for languages and GIT projects. Rust and Go are good places to start. They have definitely tried, but FOSS is entirely merit based (unless you're Lennart Poettering), so they didn't do very well.



Why not?

Kill all NTR. Only rape leading to love and impregnation should be acceptable.

A way that's not that, obviously.

Honestly as much as I think Marche is a fag I do like Miranda, she's definitely a furry but I can't say I have't become partial to furries in the last few months

Well yes its a 3.5 alternative, my friend just tld me it was a free alternative. Honestly though he's probably just wrong though, it sounded too good to be true. This was also about 6 or 7 years ago


post like a normal human

Well, I learned about Pathfinder after 4th edition was out, so maybe he was right.

Also, is that a doujin? or the manga's author have a scent fetish?

It's an official bonus page from the manga, the mangaka has a lot of fetishes that are very obvious if you read the manga or watch the anime

Dunno about any furshit but at least Marche has taste in artists, ryu2 is pretty great and oda non does some top tier work

Shota, traps and suffering?

Overall I think so, judging by the goons reaction alone I'd say we won to an extent. As for Nintendo, monolith had alot of backlash over XCX even with cucktacos mudding the conversation and making normalfags think that the bust slider was removed from linn and not the MC. But looking how goons were screeching extra loud over XC2, I am hoping that monolith doesn't listen to them and cuck out for he next game. We have to see who and how the next mainline fire emblem game is localized as TD started with fates, I am surprised we pulled it off judging how cucked the FE community currently is.

Bondage, piss and probably scat too

there is nothing wrong with a little peepee

Every time I look at the community it makes me mad.

Just watch someone leak or drink the pee?


Body horror too I guess.

Thank you for reminding me I had an Angry Jonah as well.

How can people jack off to that shit?

leak, please do not drink weewee
I would go as far to say dont wee on others also

I get the bondage,
I barely remembered the girl wetting the bed,
Where do you get scat?

I'd be interested in a Letty onahole though, seems possible.

Amateur pediatric surgery? Patrician.

They don't actually want to play these games. They like the idea of playing games, but they don't want to actually play them. So they look for any excuse they can to avoid playing them.

Something must of happened in NoJ cause it was divine intervention on how Xenoblade 2 turned out.

Various references to shitting and this

Nintendo said they wanted a more mature audience with Switch. I think they realized that their base has grown up and still want Nintendo games. I assume SJWs/Treehouse argued their method of localization was best and more family friendly, and NoJ decided that NoA is hurting business by maintaining such a childish image for their products.


Its obvious where their age market is at when you look at the released data.
Bet some of the localizers had a tough time trying to justify their shit in the face of that data.

NoJ is reportly more welcoming of mature games
now according to an interview with senran's takaki so maybe they saw the backlash over fates, tms and XCX building up and decided to do something about it. Also I think that seeing that how Halloween nowi and Christmas tharja wasn't censored in that mobile is also a good sign.

Oh, so it's eating poop. I see. Took me a while to understand what was happening.


While I share your hope that NoJ is sidelining Treehouse, the fact that they've expanded their social media with an official Treehouse Tumblr and even a new Nintendo Power-branded podcast means that not only are they're here to stay, Nintendo is actively investing in them. To what ends, I don't know.




I'm not sure if it means anything.

Wasn't there a lot of hiring at Treehouse after Rapp was fired?

I remember this from a while back and wonder if any was even half truth.

The guy included a toilet that licks your asshole clean and drew this for no reason user. I don't know what you want

I don't think either of those came to fruition. The F-Zero game could still happen but I don't think we had anything about TMS from Europe.

I would fuck a nip. Just none of the other asians.


Squeaky sex noises are just a porn meme.

AFAIK, the last time anything was official mentioned concerning F-Zero was to announce that Nintendo almost made a new game with Criterion behind the wheel as the developers (Pun unintended).

Japanese women are gold diggers happy to work men to death. That's why so many men (called grass eaters) are checking out of society. Being seen as nothing more than an expendable workhorse for a wife to leach salary from, hardly ever seeing your own kids, is not appealing. If the rat race wasn't so intense and the women didn't have huge-salary-or-fuck-off standards, then there wouldn't be so many Japanese virgins nor Japanese suicides. Romanticizing foreign women is not helping the situation in the west either.

Is already on the list.

Yeah, by GG shitposters.
I shoulda included archive links in
Even if Logan Paul was just working for a paycheck, before any of his recent Gaijin-get-out bullshit, he still was part of the media's continuing Gamergate smear.


So, who's a bakin'?

For a second I though the media was blaming us for him being an ass, but no, your archives show he acted in the SVU episode.

Kemo is great. Furry is cancer. Don't compare it.

Im gonna some context here.

Why do fags with the surname Spencer ruin everything?

What's the matter user? Don't you want to join Richard Spencer's ethnostate kingdom?
I'm sure it would be great to serve his aristocracy. :^)

I'm more pissed at Nick Spencer for still having a job in Marvel, but then again, comics has been stagnant shit.

2017's AotY which is thankfully getting a second season

Nigger Nanachi is pretty much straight up furry, if Miranda is furry so it Nanachi

No, I mean the arm.

It got stabbed witha venomous spine so they made a tourniquet so the venom wouldn't spread fast and the hand got swollen. So they're going to amputate it before the venom kills her

Miranda is human, nanachi is one step below nigga das a rabbit

Hmmm, im also reading on the wiki the chick died but is back to life. What's the deal with that?


It's only furry if you want to fug her. I just want to cook delicious meals for herand sniff her.

To be fair, I would be totally in favor of gender-segregated classrooms because it's a proven fact that male and female brains learn differently. The reason the school system has been going down the shitter is because it's been more and more tailored towards the female brain, effectively retarding the learning of young boys. And then the girls go into Gender Studies or something so all that education is wasted.


She didn't exactly die, she stopped breathing from presumably shock and was resuscitated almost immediately after.

Nanachi is a human too then Marche :^)

You just want to rub your dick on her fur

You could use the same argument for traps and the gay community.

She's decent.


I don't remember talking to you on twitter :^)

What did he mean by this?

i don't understand how you can be sane while at the same time believing chemicals, surgery and fee-fees can truly change your sex.


Get in the habit of reloading the bread.

thread only has 655 posts

Fuck are you shitting me? Was there really that many deleted posts? Fug

traps = not gay because qt

By living and behaving a feeling like a normal human being in spite of all that.


that doesn't make them sane though.

heh heh trannies am I right?

These people are braindead. They think they know everything, but actually know jack shit.


It does, actually. One of the qualifications for a simple mental affliction becoming a disease is that it has to negatively impact your ability to function in a normal life.

In other words, you can think/do whatever, as long as it doesn't fuck up your ability to function. That's the line between sane and insane.




Previous version so you can referenced what's been changed:


Does getting (((circumcised))) or your ears pierced make you insane? They're lesser degrees of body mutilation.

>Does getting (((circumcised)))…
Wasn't that originally done to keep their genitals clean?
If you're a man, yes, because that indicated that you were a slave.


Circumcision doesn't count as usually it's against your own will, the kikes that promote are clearly unwell and piercings are generally a trend most get for the sake of conformity, i personally don't trust people with a lot of them.

He's right though, you can be mentaly ill and sane. Autism and depression are mental illnesses but you can still function with them

How did you find that conversation anyway? I keep trying to find randoms to argue with on twitter and I can't

I saw a single tweet from the thread RTed by a hentai account I follow. I disagreed with their premise and replied to it with my opinion.

Just follow different kinds of people, basically. The "randos" are the people that get RTed into your feed.

Guess I need to follow some different people, I'm still new to twatter


Come on now. I'm borderline shitposting here.





cus iits relevant homo

Its a slow day

As for ontopic stuff I've been planning out trying to make an infographic to redpill people on who tencent is and why they're bad. I can't start on it until monday when I get home and back to my computer though. I could use some help with infographics though since I've never made one before



It's like they were spawned 2 years ago.

i wanna fug that ichijou

Are you cute?

Shitposting isn't going fast enough, breaking out the big guns.











Slow night. Slow baking.

Fine then, I'll bake.

Next bread!

Next bread!

Next bread!

Holy shit, he's still alive?

There's a difference between being mentally ill and having a disorder. If it negatively obstructs your everyday life it's a disorder.

Jesus fucking christ that kid is a train wreck.
I don't know how it works in the north but here in southern America, hospitality and the rules of such not only work both ways but they're sacred.
You'd never walk into a man's house and get mud all over his rug for instance, you'd insist that you get cleaned up first and then come in.

This motherfucker would be decked where he stood if he did this shit in my state.

Did Logan actually hire you shills over this? He's going to need them. No one thinks this, you have to be paid or under 12 to think how you think.

Logan's the same sort of cuck that gets his shit wrecked, Chads don't get their shit wrecked, they act as role models and focus on self improvment, not shitty kids with no respect for people.

Most of the shit in Jackass was done to themselves, not others, and for big events they arranged ahead of time with people and storefronts, got permission, and did things the legal way.

A lot of this contributes to their popularity. They didn't do shit at the expense of other people, they did it within their little group, focusing on stunts that endangered them and their well being for entertainment.

At worst they were just a bunch of guys fucking around and making home videos. They didn't fuck with people. They didn't do shit like Logan did and they certainly had fetters and morals that prevented them from actually crossing lines that shouldn't be crossed.

The shit they did was relativley harmless, and I know this because I actually watched the show as a teen, and in retrospect nothing has changed. Even the biggest issue within the group, Steve-O's drug problem, was a quiet affair that was done to himself, and was publicized outside of the show in order to shock him out of it and put pressure on him to quit, which worked. In fact the only other issue was Ryan Dunn's car crash, which again only killed him.

They were always self-targeting with their pranks, and kept their prank wars within their group. No civilians were physically involved.

Even when they went to other countries for special episodes they kept their pranks private, within controlled environs, and instead themed them.

There is a very
big difference between what they did and what Logan did. Logan broke laws. Logan involved everyone else with no care. He's getting what he deserves.

in all the years you were alive, you never heard the answer?