But WHY?
Random stuff that’s canon in games
Other urls found in this thread:
This exact same thread was made months ago. Why?
But WHY?
Because Eidos are a bunch of poutine frogs who picked the American city with the coolest name without doing any research.
my engineering degree got me a job but I work from home so what was the point
wow that was sure hard to figure out gg
My guess is some user has some personal grudge against the university of Phoenix and thinks it's worth wasting everyone's time with it.
That or he thinks a random tidbit meant to dress up a character's backstory is propaganda to make people enroll in that university. Trouble distinguishing reality and fiction is a widespread problem this days.
Either way, laugh at him.
I have seen this thread at least 3 times with the exact text. Either OP is retarded and keeps forgetting he ever made such a thread or is one of the long list of niggers who likes making the same template thread again and again.
No wonder she got fired, she was fucking dumb.
Depends on your education, I can find work everywhere thanks to knowing how to operate CNC machines.
But university of Phoenix isn’t even name after the city in Arizona originally. They just moved their HQ there years later. The university was named after the mythical bird.
Jensen is a self-insert of the faggot in charge of the game.
What kind of loser would be proud to be a university of Phoenix graduate? It like being proud of graduating from ITT Tech.
if it was op he'd have an associate degree in yiffology lmao
I don't foresee a successful career in porn either.
Because it pays better than actually utilizing that degree, and once you've got that degree you have all the bills you had before PLUS the student loan.
American education is a joke.
I doubt the kind of porn she is doing pays all that well.
It still pays better than a job you'd get with an ITT degree.
Same Universe. At least until the Deep Silver buyout
your waifu is a canon slut
Any lewds?
That commercial fills me with a rage hotter than 1 million suns.
Why do I find this hot?
Wait didn't that "we can do it" lady work 3 days after pussying out?
Yes. She only worked to serve as a model for the poster, then quit less then a week after starting. Supposedly she said that it wasn't a job worth of a woman, though the more official excuse was that the factory job was going to fuck her hands and she needed her hands for her other job she did. I can't remember what it was now, but I think she was a writer or some shit.
Because fucking a depressed woman back to happiness is a fatherly emotion.
Because they paid them. That's called product placement, OP.
I don't know much about being a father but that doesn't sound quite right to me.
before siege went full retard the bios were pretty unassuming "guy was a marine/cop but now he's a special cop" save for kapkan
A real inspiration to women. How horrible.
Most "inspirational" women are worthless feminazi cunts. Actual hard working accomplished women are hated by feminists, because they'd tell the cunts to actually do something in their lives.
I know user. That's the reason they fail quickly at a lot of shit.
No, turns out that's wrong. See, the poster was inspired by pic related: a war worker at a turret lathe.
There was a cellist, Geraldine Doyle, who did work in an Ann Arbor, MI factory after graduating high school, but quit after two weeks because she got scared of hurting her hands. Many decades later, she saw the photograph and lied for attention mistook that for herself.
But it turns out that girl in the pic was actually one Naomi Parker, and the picture was taken at Naval Air Station Alameda, CA - months before Doyle's graduation.
That's even more fucked up. Christ.
One of my friends got a ITT degree and now is selling books for a living
i am about to get my ITT degree too and porn isnt a option
Because meme magic is real and the simulation is running out of memory
There are template threads which are posted daily or semi-weekly and this one that pops up every few months is the worst offender?
Its that because many female Phoenix graduates get knocked up at random on parties or divorce easily, to not grantee the presence of a father at all ?
Really actives your almonds.
Pretty much everything Vamp did in mgs 2 that wasn't explained in 4 with nanomemes.
Wasn’t one of the new female operators a ex pop star?
She ain't making shit.
ITT closed down back in 2016, though. How could you get a degree from them?
inb4 user is getting scammed.
but user, furry porn is always an option
Meme responsibly, i wasnt trying learn how to draw for this kind of shit.
I wont sell my dignity and at the expense of this shit. even if i could pull some good OCs, by browsing a furry site for 5 mins, to cash on their autism
kapkan a cool
Is it wrong I want to fap to not just her, but the fact she's a failure? Never have my almonds have been activated in such a manner.
Then you best start learning some new shit user.
If you want to be a grocer, or a general, or a politician, or a judge, you will invariably become it; that is your punishment. If you never know what you want to be, if you live what some might call the dynamic life but what I will call the artistic life, if each day you are unsure of who you are and what you know you will never become anything, and that is your reward.
At the very least OP should choose a different unassumung fact other then the same on over and over again to start the thread with.
no but the new ops are all overwritten to shit, we're talking multiple paragraphs of dogshit, not even fun fluff like some others got just straight up fanfiction tier garbage
Now so?
like 8 long winded paragraphs on how they're the super best at operator ninja school and shit like that
Vaas in Far Cry 3 kills Kim Jong-il
Desperation is what makes magic happen, and you get to see the person for who they really are when they're at rock bottom.
My mom got a degree from there and she was a prostitute.
As for the actual thread topic, I'm completely blanking now. All I've got is really obvious stuff.
I forget where I saw it brought up. From what I understand they're not like directly descended from any of the main Belmonts like Simon or Richter. I think the old guy in the game brings it up but it's been a while.
Must have been Soleiyu's descendants.
It could be. I think I remember a line somewhere about them preparing to fight Dracula again after the game but I'm not replaying it to find out. I don't like that game very much.
and they are deleted like they should be
go back to cuckchan commie faggot
I went to IVY Tech for a semester, but I quit because they kept trying to push me into game design when all I wanted to do was to get a good foundation in computer science and then branch out from there depending on my interests/talents. Part of it was also that I grew frustrated with how all of my technical and math courses were online - while shit like the liberal arts and humanities "electives" that I was required to take were ones I had to attend on campus. Looking back knowing what I know now, that would have been a huge red flag for what was coming.
My cousin's husband went there after fucking up his back doing plumbing work (he was actually a damned good plumber), and by the time he graduated the poor bastard was completely brainwashed into being a far left SJW lunatic who spent 8 straight hours over the holidays doing nothing but bitch about how Trump's destroying America and we need a revolution. Worse - he's passing the brainwashing on to his kids. I caught his youngest playing Burnout Paradise on my old 360 just ramming oncoming traffic over and over again. Not even trying to play. When I asked him what the fuck he was doing, he said "I'm pretending they're Trump, and then I get so mad, I want to destroy them". The kid is only like 9 years old, for fuck's sake.
I always assumed I was pretty left leaning, and used to get into hours long debates with my older sister who's a dyed in the wool Rush Limbaugh loving republican. We never got along super well before, but we ended up hanging out together for most of the holidays both just stupefied how fucking retardedly left this dude had gotten.
Go visit Holla Forums and let them cure you of the mental illness.
But that’s stupid…. yet not as stupid as assassins creed lore.
No thanks. I only come here for anime tiddies and video games. And sometimes anime tiddy video games.
Besides, I'm pre-millenial lefty. Practically a Nazi anyhow by today's "standards".
You still deserve a bullet.
Remember to save one for yourself.
ANTIFA plz go
At least have some decency and be a moderate right-wing libertarian.
He's basically a mal cop that ended up working at Sarif Industries, I don't think you need a real PhD to get this kind of job
Wasn't he a SWAT guy?
I guess playing man isn't very glamorous to them when a tendon snaps and takes their delusions with it.
The original Bomberman was about cyborgs trying to break out of a labyrinth, and make a new life for themselves on the surface world.
When you beat the game, your Bomberman turns into the Lode Runner, making it a prequel to that series.
Bomberman Act Zero is is just a modern version of the original Bomberman plot.
Did they ever edit the Company of Gyros stores?