Is anyone here willing to start playing a MMO together? We have a lot of "What is a good MMO?" threads that get some 30 different responses, nobody agrees with each other, and it eventually dies. I just want to play some MMO like Wakfu and unwind.
MMOs are shit but I still want in: The thread
Then go play them.
A good MMO is an MMO that you and your friends play, hopefully one which lacks features that allow you to spend real life money to achieve a higher level, better equipment, or otherwise advantage over non-paying players.
Anyone ever play Earth Eternal?
Are you stupid, gay, or a redditor? Cause that's the only way you'll enjoy it.
sounds like a recipe for disaster
Good times
We played Wurm for a bit, which was quite enjoyable until everyone migrated to a private server.
I assure you, this will go perfectly if the "leader" is elitist and kicks out blatant memers.
Every so often, I get the urge to dive into Wakfu or Dofus again, but those games are miserable if you play alone, and I really can't rationalize spending dozens of hours on a single game like that.
That explanation is insufficient - it was a much grander cluster fuck.
There still exists the 8ch Infinium clan i just cant let go of my storage bag haeven bag
Sad that all are dead and gone.
Wow what a fucking shame.
Go be gay somewhere else
Too late.
At what time are you active? I can be on during 14:00 to 22:00, UTC.
The will to play is dead m8, sorry
Proper MMOs:
Ultima Online Renaissance, Project 1999.
Maybe EVE online if the "gameplay" is secondary to the "MMO" component for you, but I did not find switching devices on and off and adjusting orbital distances enjoyable.
Mabinogi might be worth a look into as well.
Classic Korean Grinders: Ragnarok Online, Lineage 2.
Everything else is a WoW Clone with some or no variation. E.G Tera Online has actiony combat, but is still follow the breadcrumb of mindless quests and instanced dungeons.
Witch Craft Works S2 when?
I don't have a solid schedule to play on a regular basis.
I landed leadership of it if anyone is interested, currently just using the bank as my personal crafting stash.
I know! We should play Star Citizen together once it comes out! That will be super fun
Admittedly the expansion's quests were pretty good of the way it all came together albeit depressing as fuck every time, but the good is far, 'far' outweighed by the bad, and the good parts could be restructured into good quests anyway.
How da fug did you take the leader spot from me?
I sure hope that sounded funnier on your head.
Different servers probably? I'm talking about the Wakfu Remington guild.
come on user, lets all buy some spaceships in preparation
You haven't logged in over 3 months, haven't you? If so the first faggot to log in gets leader.
Or perhaps we have different guilds
just play on a private Maplestory server
Guess i'll log in to check shite out, didn't know about the 3 month rule - kinda neat actually management wise.
World of Seinfeld: Wrath of the Mail King
Checkout the everyst thread.
Start your threads with vidya related images. How about that? Fuck off with your anime girl obsession, nerd.
Nigger stop being autistic about OP images, it's not even a highly distracting one or shit bait meant to derail the thread so why bother?
We could always try to play some mmos we never tried before together, probably older mmos that seems interesting. pic not related
Ok frogs two questions, two simple y/n questions:
1 - did they revert active skill limit back to no limit?
2 -do steam cheevos work yet?
What's the best f2p MMO right now? I know they're all shit, but even in a mountain of crap you'd find the one that smells the least.
PSO2 hands down.
that's sad
I see.
Suit yourself then.
i really wish i could get into lineage 2 classic, but sadly, its kinda pay2win on top of being subscription based. if im paying a monthly sub i don't fucking want ANY cash shop that privileges money over playing the game. on top of that, i would probably have atrocious ping thanks to my geographical location.
Where do you live? I play Lineage 2 Classic and in the midwest average a ping of 100. It's only 3 bucks for the first month, too.
RMT is an issue though, so many yuroniggers forking over obscene amounts of cash leading to the dreaded Lineage inflation.
in fucking south america
Just fucking pick something that nobody has had a thread for in ages, if ever, and pray to jesus anyone gives a shit. Alternatively, wait for summer and throw a Ragnarok Online thread out before the usual suspects do.
If you really wanna throw some niggas for a loop, find a way to get a private Firefall server up and running.
Well there isn't any cash shop at all on it; people just of course go to botters/farmers and buy shit for cash like every other L2 server to exist. You could always try pinging the server to see what your ping would be before deciding to dip your toes into it.
12 skills top per set, you get 3 sets of skills, gears and ability points for free
On the bright side skills no longer need to be leveled, so you can just switch them freely and use any skill you want so even though you can't just hotkey every single thing, the skills you do bring to the battle will all work at their full potential
do i just ping the website through the command prompt on my OS?
I suspect that you are the problem and/or the games you play only attract stupid, gay redditors.
Yeah, I think it's something like or something.
RIP. I don't know if you're a favelanigger or one of the more affluent South Americans but you could always try WTFast for better luck if you have a little expendable cash; a lot of my clan members use it and report significantly betters pings. I've never had the need for it so I can't provide a testament to it
dunno, those programs tend to be a fucking scam most of the time. i blame the fact the server is in europe instead of america, if it was in america, it would at least be the same continent and that would probably give me less latency
I remember Planetside was a lot of fun with anons, but the game is shit and the devs really favor one faction over the other two.
wakfu fucking sucks
With the right gayme it could be fun
If you faggots go there gank Seffira for me. Thanks. That guys a faggot. Here's a picture of him.
Depends, are you wanting to play an MMO or are you wanting to live out your daddy issue fantasies as you pretend to be a little girl?
You'd be surprised. Anons for the first week or so tend to GET SHIT DONE but then everyone gets bored and leaves.
Which one of you faggots held onto the pvp tournament sex , I forgot to save it.
Holla Forums should really play some MMO together. Make it a /radcorp/ thing or whatever, I just want an endless stream of shitposts in the chat and great parties.
I was kind of surprised at how long wwew held together. Not an MMORPG, but similar. Holla Forums groups don't really last very long in my experience while /vg/ was another sort of faggotry.
It was a combination of the love for ledditor salt and how much we broke the game. The best shit we ever done was finding that construction exploit and sat around for about six hours while camping it out.
I'm afraid I wasnt around for the bug so I have no idea what it entails, didnt play much after the first few months for family reasons.
Basically, it was possible to build in a locked continent and respawn in it via exploiting the squad respawning. We ended up camping the crown and ended up getting patched out soon after we started doing it over and over again.
sucks to be you sure I'll play with you
redpill me on wakfu
The frog anime is better than the game, it's rather ok if you're looking for a TBS MMO for whatevere reason, the genres don't mix too well so don't expect much.
I'm here mostly for the delicious hips.
is it time again?
I'm stupid, figuratively gay and I found out about imageboards on funnyjunk somewhere in 2008.
Wanna play vidya?
Are there private servers running that? Pretty much the best xpac right there. WoS: Airline Security, What's the Deal With That! killed it for me.
stop existing please
You speak as if there haven't been any 8ch guilds/clans/groups before. Like mentioned before we tend to be an autismal force to be reckoned with but get bored quickly and the few that stay behind usually develop a "fuck off we're full" mentality or just splitter off and become their own thing, occasionally rejoining the fold if something neat pops up or opening up again if there's renewed interest.
Pretty much. Been countless times anons have played MMO's together before getting bored and fucking off. Think the latest one was BDO before anons got bored of that and left.
Looks like someone got bullied during an erp session.
maple pserver anyone? MapleRoyals?
remember when we had an Holla Forums FFXI server?
Total fucking disaster. Fun though.
I just want Secret of the Solstice to be a thing again. It was a nice and comfy game and it just disappeared without a trace.
so did you pick an MMO to play yet faggot OP?
wildstar is still there…sort off (surprised its not dead yet, but doubt they will get a significant udate ever)
Champions Onine is still …yeah, but its champions online
Theres the STO for the trekies.
There are servers for Scarlett Blade, Dark Eden (both pre and post fairies/Ousters)
and some other shit.
We need to build up the Mighty Reich Rangers again.
I want to play FFXI with you guys but the server you were on disappeared. if you started on another server we could start playing together.
the admin butts had to go back to his home planet and died on the way
imagine was kinda shitty, it was mostly pay2win and "pay 2 not walk like a fucking snail"
Isn't that the pajeet from napoleon dynamite?
Those were mostly (((Aeria))) problems.
Mabinogi, Alexina Server.
too bad our gulild is dead
At least dead is a better fate than the super old mari cuckchan guilds went through.
i know Vendatta is a private server
But is the game dead in Korea aswell?
what was the name of the studio making it?
It's because the shitposting was top tier Satan. I should know, everyone expected me to be really good at it because I had nothing else.
Anyone here still play Project Gorgon? It was shilled here two years ago and I remember casually enjoying it.
Not gonna happen.
You've just got to get in on the action while it's there and not cry when it comes to an end. When it ends is up to the majority but some times you'll find a small group of autists that will continue in spite of no threads though even then they generally only stick around to use the game as a bloated chat box. It's sad but it's the only way.
Damn, reminds me of the one time where TTR got hacked and the hacker made everyone quote Mein Kampf.
There are videos on hooktube.
I'm playing FFXIV. but I'm also on Balmung so it's not like you can join me.
But it's fun rping as an old man who has chronic back pain and knee join issues but also is forced to go back into adveturing because his bills are piling up
Shit, I have a char there, last time I paid sub was about a year ago though.
I too only just resubbed.
I never ever got to level 60 on any character, but after playing .Hack//G.U. I got a real bad hankerin for some MMORP and since Balmung is now a closed server, people are starting to know me as "That one old guy who always needs to be healed"
It's great because I'm such a grouchy old fuck, I complain about how back in the day all you had to do was run around in circles for a second, a monster would pop up, you kill it and boom you get 1000 gil, nowadays it's so much harder to get money if you don't have a trade. I bitch harder than a jewish housewife
I was there near the very end, but missed out when they disbanded.
what happened?
From what I remember:
Frontiers guild owner decided he didn't really want to host a chan guild since everyone was being mean to pubs; everyone left it for circlenine then.
Someone decided they wanted power or whatever, so they made a competeing cuckchan guild+steam group, aeriasomething if I remember right. Two guilds constantly shat on eachother for a while, pretty sure circlenine ended up slowly losing members to aeriawhatever. I'm pretty sure aeriawhatever is dead now too, but I had stopped playing by that point, so I have no idea why.
Short version: Shitflinging and drama, same thing that kills every cuckchan project.
Good times. Makes me want to fire up Planetside 2 again.
everyone gave up when the mods started banning incorrect opinions and problematic jokes
Anyone happen to have that dream mmo image where "it's like dragons dogma mixed with shadow of the colossus and it looks like a shit ton of images of giants and monsters"?
Soon, with any bit of luck
What happened to the last serb?
Has anybody here played on the Ascension wow private server? And is it fun?
Like hell it is. Nexon/Devcat had something going for a minute but now they've fallen back into their old bullshit and the market is terrible.
Heh, thank goodness for Nazi Cap; may be getting a good Marvel again albeit likely heavily weeb.
One of these days I should get rid of all my Rin stuff on Alexina and totally write off the two characters I have there.
DFO might be a fun experience if you're not into exploration and enjoy beat em up type gameplay, OP.
Never ever
Is DQ any good? What's the pay model? Buy+subscription+microtransactions+gacha?
The only MMO I come back to is Guild Wars 2. I can't take it anymore. I can't even explain why I like it.
I never played it but it's subscription based but with free weekends or something and outfits that can be bought. I don't know how it handles its expansion packs; whether it's added to it or you have to buy them since they put out packs with the expansions so it might just be free and with packs that make it so you don't have to download all that crap.
What I do know of the gameplay is that if you enjoyed FFXI, you should enjoy it since it has the same team.
Oh shoot, there's 2 free hours every day and no IP block? I hope that info I just found wasn't outdated. Instant wipe bosses look a lot more fun than all these mmos that play themselves.
Servers got doxxed or something and they put it up and only took it off for a moment before putting it back up.
Does anyone want to play this shit with me? I'll spoonfeed you with my life wasted on a 死んだ語.
GW2 is pretty much designed to be a game you drop for long periods of times and jump back in when an update comes out. The controls feel good for an MMO, but nothing in the game feels worth doing after a while I think.
I would legit play DQX if it was in english, but I just can't handle playing shit in complete nip.
Fuck that gay ass shit. VPN died right before the mandatory offline tutorial ended and when I tried to reconnect, my account was locked due to my IP having changed. Needed the date of birth I used to reset the password, but I just used some random date and don't remember it.
That's not latin!
Nevermind, I'm a retard and didn't realize it was past tense.
they changed it to put skills on a curve so you could grind everything in a day. people did and then got bored and quit, like every other server.
We do some retarded RO shit what seems like every spring/summer now. It's a bit too early for us to start again though. Daddy Logan where are you?
Alright OP I'll share something embarrassing with you.
I bought a humble monthly because it had ESO in it, and have been enjoying it ever since.
I picked up the Morrowind expansion on sale for 20 bucks and I don't regret that either.
The game is really Jewish if you like to customize your look deeply, but gameplay is 100% free and there is no pay to win.
There is several DLC "countries" in tamriel and you have to either purchase it, or have it all go free once you have a subscription active (10 dollars CCA).
You can blast through these fairly quickly to be honest. A week should be enough for one DLC if you really go balls deep.
Now, to me the most fun out of the game is coming from playing a DPS in group dungeons, and usually playing four man dungeons with two or three players.
The game gets new updates often and a new DLC is getting released soon, alongside a new leveling system and home storage (which surprisingly wasn't a thing before).
If you start playing let me know as I might add you to my guild, we offer support to newbies and starting gear.
Never ever~
Barotrauma when?
I wonder who could be behind this post…
Try Project 1999 (classic Everquest) if you want to play a good game with good people.
Classic EQ really plays to the strengths of the MMO genre, which are planning and cooperation. The game itself could run on a potato. I'm up to level 31 so far and having fun.
How new do you have to be to not know that every Holla Forums group happened to have a at least some shitters? >>>/gamergatehq/
Good times.
Do anons still play Holla Forumsscape or OSRS or did the gay community kill all interest?
Gay community kills interest. That server has 1000+ accounts and only 10 - 25 play, mostly autistic shitlords.
Last I played Holla Forumsscape was in like 2014. Since I mostly played the original game for the quests, that was my main criterion for how good an unofficial server is - how many quests are properly implemented. I remember quitting when some kind of database corruption undid 2 weeks of grinding. I can only tolerate grinding to meet the quest requirements, so when I am fucked out of 2 weeks of progress of shit that I barely am able to tolerate to begin with, my response is "fuck this shit".
TFW want to experience Mourning's End 2 again
IICR, that wasn't a database corruption, it was falling out between the admin and dev that caused the 2 week loss. It was somewhat rectified but that's always been Holla Forumsscape, putting a band-aid over a bullet wound.
I'll suck all your fucking dicks.
Hate to break it to you, friend, but "she" quit before we did.
Lineage 2 Revolution is out on mobile. It is a good time killer and you can pretty much set it and forget it. Use an emulator and set up 2 accounts. One main and a heal slut to follow you around.
whats the fucking point if the game plays itself, thats not fun