About to buy myself a 3DS and need to ask: which Dragon Quest game should I play first?
Xmas gift card
Buy a gun and shoot yourself.
Gamespot doesn’t sell guns. Not my fault btw you have a tiny cock and your mom works at denny’s.
Buy a knife and stab yourself.
Don’t sell knives either you insufferable butthole. Answer my fucking question and I’ll consider giving myself a papercut with the receipt.
Rocket slime tbh
You know you could've just made a DQ general and asked, or just removed the first part of your OP, but no now you have to feed the shitposters and ruin your own thread. Well done faggot.
How is it different than the other ones?
Everytime I come here for help/advice it’s a clusterfuck, no matter what. OP wouldn’t matter.
Just pirate them all and try them one by one, you retard. I hope you're not planning on buying them.
there we go, /thread
VIII is probably the best, easiest, and most accessible. IV is also good. V has the best story.
VI doesn't get enough love tbh
hotglue the slime
go get some bleach and chug it
Hack the 3ds, get a flashcart, play every single 3ds/ds/snes DQ game out there, free of charge. Along with every other game on the systems.
Except for the price of the 3ds, sd cards and flashcart
Dragon Quest XI
You people are the reason why only shit games get made.
And you're the reason why shitty localizations persist.
Have to wait since the nearest store that had an LS was 30 miles away. Ordering one so have a few days to decide on the game(s), in the meantime you’re locked in here with me not the other way around, faggot.
Don’t want easy though, in fact just jewgled and it looks like there are no difficulty settings + everyone saying 7 & 8 (the ones I was eyeing) are super easy. Are there any challenging DQ games or should I just go with a different franchise? Only doing this in the first place to play good JRPGs
OP here btw, don’t know why ID reset
Rather a poorly localized game that's otherwise good than more EA lootbox normalfag trash.
They're completely different things you retard
I agree with this, as long as they aren't being censored *cough* VIII 3D *cough* I'm fine with the disgusting accents
If good games get pirated and nobody buys them then what message does that send to the developers? To make cancer instead because normalfags buy cancer.
if you're really looking for difficulty, I'd just play SMT, DQ has never been that hard to me
There's not any bad entry points, but the first 3 are kinda dated
I started with VI, which I think would make for a fun start since the plot is pretty fun. Haven't played V, but IV is a little weird because of how it's structured.
Looks like a good challenge but was hoping for something brighter. Like a Skies of Arcadia or Grandia 2.
Play them in order from the ds games to 3DS games.
there is no reason to skip any since you want to play dragon quest so you already know its gonna have shocking accents localized in
Ordered SMT4 and DQ7, might go back but wanted to start with 3d. Now just gotta wait 3 to 5 business days.
Ask yourself this: does Square really need your money? Is their localization really worth your $40, for all the accents they add to "flavor" the experience?
Also play VIII on PS2.
Look at torrential downpour, and more recently Falcom with Ys VIII
Don't accept garbage, send a fucking message and make them strive to do better
Why not just buy the real game instead of the Americanization?