Can we really blame companies for making total ass when creativity and good design is punished?
Make good game with good gameplay and no censorship
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oh right i forgot,modern review scales are retarded
While it's a shame it tanked, picking it for comparison purposes is not that pertinent.
Companies just gives what the gamers wants
They want shit? They'll get shit, simple as that
As long you have a majority of plebs who will fall for marketing and peer pressure without thinking for themselves, we'll keep having shallow games
If a game isn't 95+ for some reason people who look to numerical scores think the game is shit.
Reviewers have ruined a lot of shit
See God Hand
I'm glad they're rapidly becoming irrelevant
They did fail but its just as much these company's faults as well
Holy moly, are you stupid.
Yes, they are.
They shouldn't be caring about awards and about what their customers, the ones that actually buy their games, think about it. The ones that actually play games all the way to the end are more valuable than the reviewers who rush reviews for a quick buck. That's the problem with basing pay on metacritic scores and award shows in general. It's all ego stroking nonsense that matters for the short term with no long lasting goal in mind.
You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed eh?
From what i've heard it's actually shaped up quite nicely with updates,still not something i'd pay full price for though.
I heard there's an excellent place where you can discuss this criminally underrated gem!
Yeah yeah suck me off nigger
Last of Us is such a piece of shit non-game. It's perfect for reviewers. They get to harp on about "issues" and pretend they are good at games at the same time.
OK, try God hand then
You get the point, TLoU is a shitty game yets get raving reviews to the point where normalfags are parroting how it's the best game ever and anyone who disagrees is a nintendrone. Just go to any video gaming site other than here and you'll see that I'm right.
There's your problem user.
You might not but it definitely effects sales
If you like the taste of shit that doesn't mean shit tastes good
Last time I played it it felt like a walking simulator where they desperately tried to add on gaming mechanics. All the new additions to game play are basically
Reviewers always rate non-games higher because they suck at games and they aren't frustrated by the non-existent game play. I usually take a few points off their scores for story-games, and add a few points for games that are difficult to try and make up for it.
Wonderful 101 was not even worth it's 78, nice try
Is there any way to fix gaming reviewers? Most don't even play games
Yes, there is. The same way you fix every leftist, you put a bullet in their head.
Any way that is possible and isn't just a sad Holla Forums fantasy?
They said it was impossible in 1933 too.
Neetsocs hardly go outside, they aren't going to start a revolution.
You fail to grasp the point. What I was getting at is that leftists always believe they are on the right side of history and that their position is unassailable, only for things to blow up in their face when they push things too far.
Germany in the 1920s was a den of vice and decadence, a progressive society free of any morals or restraints. A decade later the German people had enough and put a guy in charge to round up the scum and purge society of the cancer.
And, no, I sincerely doubt Nazis will be marching in the streets, but then again you don't need NatSoc ideology to tell you who deserves a bullet.
The leader they elected may have supported the ideology the people desired, but he believed himself a better general than he actually was. He needed to utilize and trust the talent he cultivated more. I don't know if it was fear or hubris, but he hoarded the authority to himself and didn't have enough faith in his subordinates to fulfill the people's will. There was also a lack of understanding outsider cultures due to the belief his was superior to theirs regardless if you agree it was superior and it is surprising he retained any allies at all. Boasting pride in one's country, you shouldn't be surprised when others are proud of their own. Fostering more alliances early on would have been very prudent.
Sagr for not vidya
The only sad thing about this is that it’s not fantasy, you fucking kike. The ONLY way to save the industry is to kill some people. They’re not going to step down voluntarily. They’re not going to be fired (because the bosses want them there). Either we crash the industry so completely that there’s no market for reviews (or the “game developers” that support them) or we kill them. You’re a naïve little bitch if you think you can vote your way out of this mess.
>believing in any form of (((professional journalism)))
The joke's on them (or (You)).
Give the far-right game-hater conservative enough guns and power and they might just do that.
Woah, hold it there. Are you implying that the guy was put in charge democratically?
corruption and perversion runs deep in the western industry. It won't be something you can just hope will turn around by pointing out a discrepancy.
Murder is the quick messy way, user. These people are fighting a culture war, through propaganda and deplatforming/disfranchising the opposition. You feel cornered, so you want to give up the current fight for the easy way out.
You can't be this amazingly ignorant. The entire reason Hitler was put in jail was because he failed to overthrow the government by force. He realized that to have any chance of getting in power with the people still behind him he'd have to go legit, otherwise everyone would just assume he was a bloodthirsty maniac. He was elected to chancellor legitimately, then stayed in power using an "emergency powers" clause much like Caesar did.
Even better, German women had suffrage and they voted for Hitler's guys!
Kill yourself Kamiyatard.
To piggyback my own post, I've been thinking how the US constitution prevents the government from dictating the people, but does little to nothing to prevent businesses from doing so through crushing opposition. I can only assume it was because the forefathers lacked foresight in that area, and the current governmental design discourages interference with private business. You would like to think the people would work as a governing body for illicit business, but with so much propaganda and money being thrown around to stifle dissent, it's no wonder it's so hard for people to create a platform for themselves. A business coalition of ethical standards by the people, outside of the national government, might be an answer, but I'm not smart enough to know how it would work or how to get businesses to agree to it.
Take up the work yourself, and offer a better source of where to get reviews from (IOW, use the FREE MARKET system that's available to you and everyone else in the world).
Yes, when the race war inevitably happens in America.
True, but he had the support of several dirty politicians which he discarded who thought he was controllable.
By intimidating the whole parliament through the presence of paramilitaries with guns in Reichstag so that they'll vote for the NatSoc party. That's just as democratic as armed mugging.
Good grief.
In a sense. Jefferson for one thought we would end up a nation full of mostly country towns where everyone owned land and had a farm. He believed that was true independence because it makes you economically independent, you don't need to rely on a market for anything. The founders were also businessmen themselves and obviously didn't want their assets fucked with.
That definitely resonates with the pursuit of property.
No, he rode the mantra that the Jews cost them world war 1 into office and had massive public support. This is well documented.
You said democratically elected, now you're switching the goalposts to how he governed. Why the fuck do people like you post at all if you're going to just spew bullshit? I don't get it.
Or you could support devs that don't give a shit about promoting Marxism and focus on making good games like Cuphead so that walking simulators die off by lack of popularity and funds. Isn't it more satisfying to see them find ways to bring down better games despite them not being propagandas and are just focused on embracing themselves as games?
To most people, winning an argument winning being the silence of the oppostion matters more than being right.
I think he meant it in a sarcastically. Also, elections in the Middle East are "technically" Democratic because you can still freely choose the leader on the ballot, but that doesn't mean anything in regards to getting a bullet to the head if the person watching you vote sees you voting for the "wrong person".
Leftists are wrong by default, so killing them is just doing them a mercy.
Back to >>>Holla Forums
Name one.
You motherfucking milquetoast pieces of shit who behave and think this way will be slaughtered in the second round, you know that? Grow some fucking balls.
Well, it’s historical fact. That helped a lot.
No, Germany and Austria lost WWI due to their military policies on the distribution of food and supplies when it come to occupying towns, which resulted in the people starving back home to the point that they were about to overthrow the government.
No, you are totally right, sorry for doubting you. Pepe will rise again and you neets will kill all those meenies who did things you didn't like online.
Just like you don't have to stand in a line and shoot at each other, there's many ways to fight the same war. Pride in your beliefs and the passion to defend them is admirable, user, but frustration is not condusive to sound decision making. Even if the conflict is going to escalate, your ideology cannot win without the people.
Fuck off shlomo, you're making this too obvious, and I say this as Sephardic Jew.
Sorry for getting in the way of your autistic RP
What kind of crack are you smoking.
Holla Forums is trying to trick itself into believing they will start the say of the rope again. Its far too common.
They definitely "stabbed them in the back," in a manner of speaking, but the thing is Germany was already on the path to losing the war. The Jewish merchants just sealed the deal.
I wish them all the best.
I didn't think anyone could be this retarded , but god damn.
who gives a shit ?
checking them and the post
You're saying that
isn't a good counter argument? Will damn.
Ain't going to happen since this is the average poster.
I can post a webm of some commie tranny pig sucking dick, but that would be just as much of an argument that you're giving me now.
I like how much I learn about new WWII periods of interest and topics just from browsing this indonesian glassblowing board
Why are you evading a ban? And I'm not going to post it because you know very well which webm I'm talking about.
I get why you delete most of them, but why would you leave posts like this afterward?
Because it's just small time banter, if it gets worse I'll delete it later
Woke game critic is a parody account. The other is legit though.
I don't watch movies but are movie critics just as bad? Do they like non movies?
Look at reviews for the last Jedi and see the answer.
Just like game critics, having a diverse cast of characters and having the right message is far more important than actually making a good game/movie.
it's been like that since forever
A parody and a brain dead
Dobson still being alive is proof that natural selection has completely and utterly failed.
You say that but both know he won't reproduce
Never use that word in the same sentence as him. Never.
stop being a fucking idiot, so long as AAA games publishers pay review sites big ad money to keep their games on the sites banner ads for 4 months leading up to the game they site in question can't in their right mind give it a bad review. We're also aware the most reviewers are casual idiots who love non-games and fluff
If they are making games for reviewers they are doing it wrong.
I remember someone here on Holla Forums who posted a screencap about a guy who apparently worked for an advertisement company of some sort, who was hired to basically shill for "undertale" like there's no Tomorrow, to the point of making up fake polls where undertale was going to win best game against titles like mario or zelda and ridicule whoever didn't consider undertale to be the best game ever.
The goal was to reach a point where the general consensus was that undertale was one if not THE best game of all time, and people who disagreed were going to be ridiculed and called ignorant, contrarian and shit like that, because EVERYONE knew how undertale was the best thing since sliced bread.
Anyone remember that?
I think that the same shit happened with (((The Kike of US)))
Just looked at the review score,it's still mixed,guess they haven't fixed it up enough.
who the fuck cares
78 is quite generous
lmao, retard.
Nobody is talking about MKultra, you dumb kike, but simply about an extreme shilling campaign.
Go back spamming cuck porn on 4chan you fucking yid.
You know that the only way to stop the pozzed pieces of shit is to kill them, right?
Start killing them.
only person who belongs on 4cucks is you.
Just give it a rest yosef, you have no arguments and you are just making a fool out of yourself.
Your newfag is still showing. Lurk a hundred more years.
Again, no arguments
keep rambling
Again, no arguments
keep rambling
Someone post that Adam Sessler review of last of us that ends with him getting an A- on his English paper.
I mostly remember all these threads made by people who hated undertale and pretended like it was the best shit ever to make people hate this game, and I'm not talking about the generals threads.
Now I can understand shitting up shill threads, but making entire thread for that was retarded
Same shit happened with nier automata recently
Never forget.
Just stop Kamiyatards.
Zelda 8.8. :^)
the Last of Us got good reviews mostly cus muh graphics and $ony shekkels the muh story part along with the poz are the reason it got a 10/10 GOTY instead of a 9/10 but the bulk of the review scores is rooted in how the "game" looks and $onyggers shilling
the wanted to push Endertale into the "Citicen Kane" of Vidya so they could use it as a plataform to justify themselves as they pushed for similar low effort garvage
they failed cus no matter if the game had actual good points in it's favour, normalfags just want shinny, and undertale ain't shinny, it's hippster
TLOU is shinny, as shinny as it is expencive, no indie hippster has the budget to make such a polished turd that normalfags eat up like a fly would, hippsters praised it for many reasons, the poz, the lack of gameplay, $ony shekkels but all of their shilling fell on deaf normie ears as their small normie minds were still hypnotized by the expencive shinny graphics
Nier had hot ninja robo waifus and a platinum style combat sistem
it had enough to it's favours that people would shill it for free just cus they liked it
i hope that post of yours was not an insult directed at God Hand motherfucker
that game is fucking awsome
beat it like 10 times alrready and i still keep coming back for more every now and then
Besides, it was made by Shinji Mikamy, not Kamiya
I'm going to need more details on the game with the lemon scented amputee girl
Wonderful 101 was one of the greatest games of 8th gen. A shame it was one of the only good games on the Wii U.
It's the only game that hasn't made my WiiU obsolete, yet.
Can't wait for the Deluxe-version on the Switch.
Genius idea making it a WiiU exclusive m80
That is why we go for the kill by organizing boycotts, subverting the marketing, alerting normalfags and ensuring that the corrupted developers lose as many sales as possible.
the last of us had actually really good third person shooting parts in between long periods of dialogue and walking simulation. but the parts that had actual action were pretty top tier. just not nearly enough of it and too much bullshit in between. if you played the game on its 1 good difficulty (turn it up until spider sense turns off, then play) its a solid 7/10.
was wonderful 101 actually good though? i hear alot of mixed things about it. most agree the game is super short (which i'd prefer over lengthening it with walking simulation and dialogue if the action is solid) but i've heard its kinda easy and repetitive, but "unique". doesnt really sell it for me. and gameplay looks pretty generic. what's good about it?
I liked TLoU
The gameplay was fun, the story and world were interesting, the stealth could of been better but it's not awful. Worth the $5 I paid and 8 hours I spent with it
I don't have a WiiU so I can't speak for Wonderful 101
It's like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta - just beating the game on the base difficulty isn't too tough, the appeal is for the people who want to go back and try to get all perfect scores on the hardest modes which require mastering the game's mechanics.
You could have picked a better example. Next time, try a game that more than ten people have played.
I think I can see just why you liked it, "user"
Oy vey don't let gamergate hear you, don't you know boycotts make for BAD PR???
sage for offtopic
so im guessing this doesnt fall into the pitfall of "whats fun becomes completely unviable, and whats tedious becomes the only viable strategy"? thats pretty refreshing if true.
It's 28 missions total, which is almost longer than Bayonetta 1 and 2 put together, and those are already slightly longer than most stylish action games: DMC1 can be beaten in about ninety minutes, Viewtiful Joe in 2 hours, MGR in 3 hours. I don't know who told you it was short.
The wonder liner inputs a) are unlike any other action game on the market and b) mean you have every weapon and technique in the game freely available you to at any time without having to go through a menu or a wheel selection, for one thing.
Honestly, not sure, don't have a Wii U myself so I just played it at a friend's house. It seemed like it had enough variety in the abilities and shit you get that you should be able to get creative with it, but I can't give an honest opinion since I haven't actually gotten that far. If the Switch ever becomes worth owning I might pick up the supposed remake I'm hearing about.
There is a blog somewhere devoted to recording times imagine party babyz has outscored actual games. According to IGN, games lile Ruiner, Let It Die, NieR, nuDOOM, Dead Rising Off The Record, Kirby's Air Ride, and Persona 1 all pale in comparison to the incredible gameplay of Imagine Party Babyz.
"professional game reviewers" said they beat the game in like 4-6 hours.
your other metrics are clearly speedruns.
aside from that, your "a" point was just "unique" which i already said i heard about it. your "b" point could you elaborate more on this? most non-rpg games i play i have all the stuff available to me from the start, but then theres usually a "best" way to do something so that all goes right out the window and it just turns into only using abilities that arent the "best" for specific enemies. what does this game do to keep it interesting?
>worst cripple
"Professional game reviewers" are shitters who stumbled through the game thanks to the lenient continue system and a majority of them don't actually finish the games they claim to. The most famous example from W101's launch was this jackass who claimed to beat the game but also never figured out what Unite Guts is used for, which is one of your two major defensive options.
You clearly haven't played those games (and you should) if you think those times are unrepresentative of a typical playthrough. The DMC1 speedrun record is under 40 minutes, actually.
In a majority of other action games you'd have two weapons (or three, if it's DMC4) which you toggle through using one of the triggers as you use combos, and you have to go through a menu to choose which weapons are in those spots. For W101 you can draw any weapon you like at any time. You can draw a sword, use a stinger, switch to the hand, launch with an uppercut, switch to the gun, juggle, switch to the bomb, freeze them in place, switch to the claws to keep the juggle going, slam the enemy back to the ground with the hammer, use Unite Tombstone to launch them back up while you're falling, etc. Having 10+ weapons available to you at all times means there's more open combo potential than a lot of other action games out there.
It might be easy to see it that way on a first playthrough, but most enemies have a number of viable techniques, not just one. For example you'd probably see the turtle enemies as the "hammer" enemies at first, since that's the only weapon that breaks their shell, but you can also use the whip to pull their tails and stun them, or use Guts to parry their stomp attack and flip them over, use Team Attack to pin them in place, or use Unite Hand to make yourself immune to their fire attacks instead of dodging them. The only enemies that really shoehorn you into one single technique are the Gedie Dough-goo enemies, since they're only weak to the whip.
But… but you'd never spend it on those, you'd spend it on upgrades and new skills.
No? It's pretty easy, especially if you're not going for a high score.
professional game reviewers are trash, confirming my point that the game seems easy and short. if the guy beat the game without ever learning a main defensive option, doesnt that mean it's not that important?
but before we get into that
i have played all of those games, when they were new. except i never beat viewtiful joe, because that game's trash.
if you cant even concede that dmc1 takes longer than 90 minutes to beat, im going to just disregard your opinions altogether since youre not capable of rational thought.
how do you use these different weapons without having to switch to them?
ok, so only a few enemies actually force you to beat them a certain way, so doesnt that mean the rest of the enemies can be beaten with the "best" combo making the game repetitive? i mean, it kinda sounds like the game can be beaten with button mashing and not even blocking, and youre arguing you CAN do more. but if its not required, and if the game doesnt offer enough of a challenge to require it of you, whats the point? so you can be more stylish? or beat the enemies faster?
I though you NeoFags had a new site to spew your drivel on.
The ONLY reason reviewers beat the game, if they even did (since almost no reviewers showed footage beyond Operation 006), is because you're allowed to continue the game from the point you died indefinitely. Every continue drops you a full rank at the end, but that's not a punishment to anyone who doesn't care about their rank. I don't know where you're getting the 4-6 hour figure, anyway, since it's really at odds with a majority of reported completion times.
Do you understand how the wonder liner works? I didn't say you don't switch to them, I said weapon switching doesn't work the same way it does for other games. You just draw the weapon you want. Straight line for the sword, circle for the hand, right angle for the gun, etc.
If you get hit, not only do you receive a damage penalty, but it also knocks out members of your team, meaning you are unable to draw unite morphs (meaning you are unable to either attack enemies or dodge/block any oncoming attacks) until you round your team back up. It's definitively mechanically impossible to make it through the game by mashing buttons and tanking damage through each encounter. I'll reiterate that the ONLY reason this would not be true is that dying multiple times during each enemy encounter doesn't actually keep you from beating the game, you're never forced to get good and a lot of people never did.
You really want me to wax on the multitude of equally viable techniques for every single enemy type? The last post and this one were already long enough.
If HowLongToBeat's survey isn't persuasive enough for you, consider that mathematically, even assuming that reviewers beat the game in 6 hours and not 4, that's an average completion time of 12 minutes per sub-operation. Pure Platinum completion times (from people who actually know what they are doing) are at best 15 minutes apiece if not 20-30 for longer missions like 006-B or 009-C. If a reviewer is claiming they beat the game in that time they are lying through their teeth.
Not really, no. I recently got the Stormbringer cheevo in MGR and the game is pretty damn short when you skip all the cutscenes and arent dying/retrying all the time, and even then there are still some in-game cutscenes you cannot skip. You don't even have to intentionally speedrun for such a time because the game is really that short, obviously those times do not include deaths.
The guy tanking his way through the game by spamming healing potions and continues at the serious cost of his rank, which is in the game so casuals can at least get the experience of the game and so Platinum doesn't completely become a niche developer, but they're discouraged through clear and obvious scoring penalties so superplayers have something to work towards. You really should know this if you have actually played these games.
Having played those games should also let you know that they always have multiple difficulty settings where the harder or more harder difficulty tends to be leaps above normal difficulty, are you seriously going to use the baseline of a journalist playing the game on Normal or lower for the game's difficulty? If you actually, seriously, played these games, then you should also know they encourage playing for rank hunting after you're capable of just surviving, where you're aiming for an excellent performance instead of just passable. See: Style Meter
most of the reviews complaint was the game was short, followed by them saying that.
oh… so the game has continue rules like bioshock? that sucks.
what? so you basically switch weapons by drawing different shapes? user… that's not unique and is no different from just a hotkey or keypad. and its not much different from just scrolling through them.
ok, so yea, to beat the game you can just button mash. doing "better' just gets you a better score, but is entirely optional.
i didnt ask how many ways to skin a cat, i asked if i can skin all the cats the same way, and you already answered that. and its a yes, aside from a couple enemies that require you to skin them a different way.
you guys are pretty much confirming what i heard, but justifying it. thanks for the info though. doesn't sound like it's for me.
Check out this soyboy filled with contempt and impotency still thinking that he will convince (real) people that his shitty games are worth anything.
How are things with the whores, eh? I bet that they sure "love" some soyboy without any manhood. Getting all the pussies?
If they truly think that way, then they really are useless now.
Well organized boycotts and smear campaigns against leftists and other corrupt pieces of shit always work.
Not even Star Wars and Disney could get away from boycotts.
Of course it's fucking different. Drawing weapons of different sizes affects the damage output, and you can draw multiple weapons at the same time which means that you have to ration both your battery meter and the literal number of teammates involved in those morphs. You also have to draw the weapon in the same physical space the enemies occupy, meaning that you can't draw a certain shape if an enemy is blocking you. I have never once in another game had an enemy preclude me from switching to another weapon when I wanted to.
Only because of the continue system. Attacks don't stunlock enemies, meaning you can't "mash" to win since an enemy will inevitably attack you, and I already explained why you can't tank damage. If you're fine with dying hundreds of times throughout the game and never want to learn to play correctly, then I suppose you can "beat" the game, sure.
They can't. Good luck trying to kill a turtle, a dragon, a Hoedown, or a Doora by mashing the basic Unite Hand combo, if you think that you can button mash your way through the game effectively. Jesus Christ man, I don't understand what your goal is here, you clearly know nothing about the game at all but are perfectly comfortable talking about it in hypotheticals.
i was asking questions, not "talking in hypotheticals", blame people answering my questions if thats what i got out of it.
it sounds like a super easy game that had potential and depth but at the last second some retard made a stupid decision to casualize it for children.
i wasnt aware how weapons worked, hence why i asked. it sounds like a gimmicky "drawing" system done with some depth, but outside of that the rest of the game seems pretty standard. but outside of that, all of that depth is rendered obsolete when you can just repeat the same combo to beat the majority of enemies. aside from the few that force you to beat them in a specific way.
that should never be the case. do you have any idea how shitty that is?
Kojima, is that you?
Start your own journalist organization retard.
This shit will never get fixed because a game is really good, investors don't care.
You took a few snippets from bad reviews and then explicated "if that's true, this must be true", it's definitively hypothetical. It's an awful basis for questions anyway, if that hilarious 4-6 hour figure is anything to go by.
They made the continue system the way it is because otherwise (with a DMC-style life system) it would be so tough that 95% of people would never finish it. Criticizing a stylish action game by the lowest common denominator instead of understanding the height of the skill ceiling is such a misunderstanding of the genre I don't really believe you're that familiar with these games.
The only specific enemy I mentioned that forced you to beat them in a specific way were the Gedie Dough-Goo, so I don't know where you're getting "the few" from, and I never said that you can just repeat the same combo to beat the majority of enemies, so I have NO idea where you're getting that from.
Are you ESL? "what i got out of it" is admitting that you're speaking hypothetically based on what little information people have told you. Even then it's a shitty point, I can't be blamed if you're totally misinterpreting every answer.
i never said the reviews were true about the length. i just said what i heard. stop projecting.
they managed to make it eaven more cheating than quicksaving user. you cant think of ANY other continue system? maybe a checkpoint system? anything would be better. stop defending casual bullshit.
read the thread instead of shitting it up with your autism.
read the thread instead of shitting it up with your autism.
There are too many plebs in this world.
So is that a yes on the ESL thing? Nobody ever told you that every enemy could be beaten with the same combo.
And what you heard was plainly wrong, so a lot of reasonable people might realize that talking about a game you haven't played based on spurious second-hand knowledge is a bad idea. What am I "projecting" exactly? That makes literally no sense in this context.
The game flat out tells you right in your face that you fucking suck if you use continues through shit scores and medals, and only people who don't care about rank or getting good would set that aside. If you want to play the game as is intended (as is obviously represented through the scoring system), you need to restrict yourself from using continues. It'd be a problem like quicksaving if it didn't tell you that being able to shrug off damage and deaths is not intended through its ranking system. You could play the game, continuefeed your whole way through, and view the ending on Normal (or lower) difficulty while getting shit ranks all over. And once you do post your hot opinions about the game here, what's very likely to happen is that everyone is going to call you a scrub because you never put in the effort to get the most out of the game.
The fun isn't automatically going to get to you, you don't need to use every tool at your disposal just to survive especially when the game penalizes you for it. You wouldn't judge an arcade game with a creditfeed run either, would you? It's a matter of self-restriction, but unlike most cases, a justified matter of self-restriction. Stuff like healing items and continues exist so people can have more control over their learning curve, some people like to practice with a handicap, some people like doing it the hard way.
What's hypothetical is how you keep assuming this shit about the game which doesn't even completely represent the truth and keep using it as the baseline for your argument when instead you could just play the game for yourself and find out. You keep assuming it's too ez because of continues without taking into consideration the different difficulty settings and the fact that you're better off not using continues even though I already told you. You keep assuming you can spam a certain combo over and over because of your preconceived notions about the genre even though anyone who has actually played the game will tell you that is not the case, and the only metric you judge by whether you need to use different combos is enemies on which only a certain attack type works, which is terrible for chaining different combos together and using the most out of the system, on par with color-coded enemies in Donte May Cry.
Organizing means to kill the investors would work as well. Thanks.
We can always rig their cars and planes or poison their food and make it look lika an "accident" or a health problem gone wrong.
i never said that you illiterate subhuman.
and what would you consider the info i'm getting in this thread? first hand?
god you're a dumbass.
you're projecting that i accept everything i hear as fact.
Persona 1 is the epitome of horrible game design in every aspect. Take off your nostalgia goggles.
The precise quote is "you can just repeat the same combo to beat the majority of enemies" . I said I had no idea where you're getting that from, and you told me to read the thread. Nobody in the thread ever suggested that this was true, so you're either misinterpreting something or just making it up. Holy shit, the irony of claiming that I'M illiterate when you're too dense to follow this basic line of questioning.
The info you're getting in this thread is also second-hand, my point is that you shouldn't be taking what people are saying, anons or reviewers alike, and then making assumptions about it. Was "explicate" too big of a word for you? That's what I was talking about.
That's not "projection" you dense motherfucker, that's just an assumption.
Nice try Hashino, but maybe you should abstain from talking about good game design until you've learned what it is.
9/10 illiterate retards can't spot the difference! can you? apparently not, dipshit
it's time to stop posting user. just go play your shitty easy game.
Do you seriously, SERIOUSLY, need me to adjust that statement to say "the majority of enemies could be beaten with the same combo", as though a marginal difference in the degree of the claim would make it any less baseless or incorrect? Are you that much of a pedantic faggot? This from the cunt who just learned what projection was half an hour ago?
I think every post of yours I'm forced to read is killing a few brain cells, so you might be right.
nigger, most enemies apparently can be beaten with the same combo, since only a few pigeonhole you into doing something different. please prove otherwise.
It is pedantic because saying "every" and "the majority" are functionally similar claims and are equally false. You do understand what "pedantic" means, right? That's not too big of a word for you?
I feel like a broken record, because, again, I have no idea where you're getting "a few" from. I only mentioned one specific enemy that requires one specific strategy to beat, and even then it's only during its first phase. Other enemies have some similar invulnerabilites you have to work around but the Gedie Dough-Goos are the only ones which are only weak to one weapon during their first phase. Even then, like said, taking that kind of attitude as the sole determiner of combo variety is such a shitty and simplistic outlook on action games that there's no way you play enough of them to have this discussion.
It's like you haven't learned anything. Why would I take the time to explain the spectrum of viable strategies against each individual enemy type? It's not like there's any way for you to vet whether what I'm saying holds water or is even true at all because you don't know the first thing about this game, and it's for that same reason that it's impossible for you to respond in any meaningful way. You're just speculating on what the game might be like based on your second-hand knowledge. This isn't a discussion, this is me bouncing ideas off a stubborn wall with bad hearing.
I'm with the "keep gaming fun instead of stressful" thing, but that's a wrong metric, fucking period
The only good thing about TLoU is Ellie's character model.
Do you come from cuckchan or perhaps Reddit? You may like the posting in there, it's very similar to yours in style and substance.
You're really throwing the sincerity to have an actual discussion out of the window when someone actually bothers explaining his own points of view and the only thing you respond with is 'lol autism'. That's just being intellectually dishonest and nobody's going to give you any points for that.
The post you replied to doesn't even qualify as actual autism, I know because I often dish out replies taking up multiple posts and am writing some megapost for another subject in a text editor right now. The post you replied to might be considered long and autistic if you're used to cuckchan's 2000-character limit, but that's not how we do things here.
Back to combo variety, see this video. It doesn't entirely apply to TW101 as TD is another game (nor have I played TW101 because I don't have a Wii U, though I know a thing or two about Platinum games in general), but you should be able to see here why you'd want to use different kinds of combos.
TW101 wasn't a good game. In fact it's probably Kamiya's worst.
Saur does have a few good videos on W101 as well.
In addition to what says, it's worth noting that while drawing the weapons, time slows down heavily but does still progress, and you can get knocked out of doing it mid-draw. From what I've heard, the hardest difficulty mode removes the slow down, and forces you to draw in real-time, which would make the game ridiculously difficult from what I recall of it but I'm fucking terrible at drawing
It does have depth, it just doesn't require it to achieve a simple clear. Again, see Devil May Cry and Bayonetta and Metal Gear Revengeance. This is pretty much the formula for Platinum.
Agreed, in an ideal world that would never happen, the game would just be hard to begin with. I think it's their attempt to make something that can still be a tough and challenging video game while allowing the normalfags to get their feel good prize so that they keep buying it.
Again, if your goal is only to beat the game, then yes. If you're trying to play the game right though, the continue system is about as useful as the Cyber Elves in the Rockman Zero games, aka not at all.
I still remember being annoyed at how Persona 2 dumbed down the game from 1… then 3 came along and made 2 look good.
Nigger what.
I love this one in particular, short and to the point in terms of showing just how much control you have once you git gud
And is still better than TLOU and any other current western game.
To be fair, that's not exactly a high bar by any means.
the discussion is about a better game being put bellow a completely shitty one.
Even the worst of japanese games (even pachinko) nowadays are all better than the western ones simply by not pandering to marxism.
You're preaching to the choir user, with a handful of exceptions the West has been dead to me for at least the past decade and a half.
Good. Now make it become dead to those that still have hope for it.
That is the way to improve things: take away from the incompetent and give all to the who has the best offer. Nowadays, those would be the japanese.
One of the few times Women did something smart, but they did it for the wrong reasons. Hitler was quite attractive to German women at the time, he even held off marriage just to better maintain the effect.
t. Kotaku employees.
t. Cuckmiya
Everything else aside TLOU had the best TPS multiplayer gameplay since GoW 3
t. neoFAG rapefugee.
Fuck off with this retarded insult already jfc there is notging wrong with soy and its climate change denying tier to say therw is fucking poltard…
This is just more proof that women shouldn't be voting, this is probably also the reason why the tallest candidate has the highest chance of winning elections.
I just leave that here.
jeff-vogel.blogspot com/2017/11/i-settle-all-video-game-arguments-part.html
why are they coughing like motherfuckers? Are their liquids made of 50% menthol or have they smoked a pure Mary Jane doobie before breakfast?
what good is their character model when their faces require a hefty trash bag?
I'd rather jerk off to fempyro tf2 porn than anything from TLoU.
Sure, there's nothing wrong with soy, if you don't mind lowered testosterone.
What gaems?
Or I could not support any dev and let the industry die or not waste money on it.
Hitler was like 5'8, I am 3 inches taller than him. I agree though, fuck Women's Sufferage
Why does calling soyboys what they are enrage them so much?
Climate change is a myth and you are way out of your fucking hugbox. Soy however is a totally different issue, and is an excellent source for foreign estrogen elements to be introduced to the male body. There are a huge number of reasons for why the average testosterone level has dropped so drastically.
There is a thing wrong with soy: it produces failures such as you. Your total impotency is hilarious. Getting beaten by real Men AND women and still not getting any pussy, eh?
Maybe not but I can (and will) blame companies for not taking a more firm stance on creativity and good design against these evil goobers
In our case it's also Never forgive as well
Dude fuck off, you had your chance to rip on platinum when Korra & TMNT were still (relatively) fresh, and unless you're telling me ps2 vidya from Clover aren't fun or just didn't like it I don't understand your point
Try again darlin'
Ah, you're one of THOSE people
Saurian is like literally one of the only people on jewtube I actually respect, dude clearly has a love for these games and has the know how to properly analyze these types of vidya.
maybe they are punished because the market economy completely homogenizes the medium to make as much money as possible and not necessarily a quality product that we can enjoy.
but ots easier to blame minorities and women right?
What? No one here has done that though. Everyone knows the problem is normalfags.
The movie industry isn't quite as bad because people don't listen to movie critics as much because movies are typically no more than 2 hours. Video games are a much larger time and typically monetary investment. By that same token it's easier to bullshit your way around a video game review because someone needs to invest a significant amount of time to call you out on the bullshit. So the incentive is greater in video games to make up shit for early review access and it's also easier to get away with it.
There have been instances where producers like Sony have been caught astroturfing and creating fake movie reviews however.
Soy does long term damage to your brain.
Why are you not banned?
The same reason all the Monster Hunter World shills aren't - shitposting isn't a bannable offense.
Why aren't you?
Why does naming the jew make them shrink back and hiss?
Non-white minorities and women are shit that needs to be removed from any aspect of society. Everything normalfag also applies to them.
This is another reason to boycott (or at least pirate) any game that is presented as "good" by proven corrupt reviewers. Depending on WHO praise the game (at least western games), you can already know for sure that it is not worth any money.
You are the soyboy that believes in fake news. You are banned from a good life of success. Say hello to your impotent frustration.
Because this isn't your little censorous political echochamber.
Holy christ, go back to tumblr.
You, too.
It makes sense that you would take away that strawman from what you (didn’t) read.
Here's a better comparison.
97 is higher than Majora's Mask and A Link to the Past.
Not really. And you still get beaten by Men whenever you try to confront someone. Also, you can't have anything because your weakness makes you a failed subhuman that is only taken advantage of, then discarded.
You are a barrel of laughs you know that?