Blizzard's trickery

How did they get away with this blatant theft?

Marketing experts.


Hebrew trickery.

They have more money and better lawyers.


I mean every game somewhat steals from other stuff, its unavoidable as so many concepts have already been done, but damn this much similarity with another recent game?

I don't even know what I'm looking at. I don't play Overwatch, but I have no trouble Blizzard are outright thieves. You only have to look at Warhammer for proof of that.

There was an Italian fighting game with a trans fighter. That guy have shared a lot of similarities with Zarya.


I really wish Anarchy Reigns wasn't dead.

That is literally a man with plastic boobs user.

I don't understand?
Are those early concepts? They look more boring than final ones, why is it trickery?

Dude, did you miss how they got away with stealing Game's Workshop stuff for war/startheft?
You talking lvl 80 kikes here.

Disgusting kike. I really HATE this rabbi.

I see no theft.

He's claiming that they stole the Overwatch designs from another game (Anarchy Reigns, I believe). He believes this because he's a retard who has never heard of archetypes. So when he sees things like "large black man that punches things", "woman wearing yellow" or "robot man", he thinks they all originated from a game he likes. It's like how a few years back some retards insisted that Mass Effect stole all their alien designs from Halo because they had such incredibly unique designs such as "short, stubby alien", "large, strong alien" and "tall, lanky alien". What these retards have in common is that they forget that these are just archetypes and have all been done a million times before. Shit, how many times do you think "large black man" has been done before? Pretty sure someone thought of this revolutionary concept before the Anarchy Reigns gang did.

He's either pretending to be a retard or is so desperate to shit on Overwatch that he can't limit himself to all the actual reasons and has to invent new ones. Possibly a shill trying to make people who don't like their shitheap of a product look stupid.

if any of you have watched the meet the team TF2 shorts recently, it's impressive how all the character promo material from overwatch pales in comparison.

It's all still really funn.

Oh jeez, that's pretty bad.
still pales in comparison to the shit gearbox pulled though.

it also works against the final designs

Isn't one of the characters a blatant ripoff of something Taimanin Asagi, too?

I'm still have hope that Platinum will port the rest of their games after the Bayo and Vanquish ports sold well.

Scary spooky big company lawyers and sticking to the most generic design possible, only highlighting silly quirky mannerisms designed to mesmerize the easily manipulated largest demographic possible. And Blizzard is one of the best in the business of selling colorful shit and making consumers defend it for them.

See: , Who thinks that copyright theft needs to have logical reasoning behind it. Completely missing the point that the design is made by lazy fucks, and the product is defended by the company lawyers. The company is there to make the most money possible from the work of underpaid lazy fucks. The company will fight a lawsuit if it sees profit in it, it will also fire the lazy fucks and make a redesign + PR control, if it's the more profitable option. If anything copyrighted is actually stolen, does not really matter at all.

Modern copyright laws and marketing can be summed in one word: Insidious

Lots of experience

That pic.
Blizzards marketing working it's magic, nothing to see here.

There's a good chance that's actually a Blizzard employee. Never forget what happened to Everquest.

Inclusive? well i didnt see you choose any of the negroids, or even that biker dyke

What happened to Everquest?

Knowing what an archetype is doesn't make me a shill, you goddamn retard. See pic related? Why are you defending Platinum's obvious copyright theft of this design? The answer is of course that it isn't theft, it's just a fucking huge black man and just like all the other characters they're all made after certain archetypes. And while we're on the subject, chainsaw man looks quite a bit like the main character from Gears of War, doesn't he? They even copied the chainsaw since the only things that stood out in GoW were the ridiculously huge men and the gun with a chainsaw attached. See? Copyright theft right there. Or not, because when you have an industry that creates thousands of characters each year (not even bringing other media into the picture), you're going to end up with some that resemble each other. And these two certainly have more in common with each other than "women with yellow clothes".

You're so much of a retard because you see that a company is shit (for instance, Blizzard and their kike overlords), and in your limited mind this means that literally anything negative you can attribute to them is true and anyone denying it is defending them.

You're the kind of nigger that would claim that two plus two is five if Bioware said that two plus two is four.

A man who just so happened to be in the same guild as the lead designer for Warcraft 3 was guild leader, or maybe officer, of the game's biggest raid guild who would constantly whine on the forums about the game's lack of content. This caused the developers to panic and focus primarily on endgame raiding which not only poisoned the MMO well permanently and caused the majority of players to quit the game, but also allowed Blizzard to come in and undercut the competition with a relatively more casual game that focused on shit other than grinding the same dozen mobs for months.

Jewish nepotism which grants them lawyers who can null and void laws for his client.

The Vanquish port actually sold poorly to medicore, despite the high demand. Doomed to be a niche game.

Blizzard's been ripping shit off since their foundation. It's what they do, it's their formula.

Got a source for that?

They also plagiarized another Steam game besides Tf2.

Of all the games Blizzard ripped off, I guarantee you Anarchy Reigns was not one of them. I'd be surprised if a single member of the Overwatch team knew it existed, let alone had played it.

They already added a new hero, and it's a tranny Aran Ryan with Waluigi vibes.