Explain your personal beliefs in a few sentences

Explain your personal beliefs in a few sentences.

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Communalism is the name given to the whole of social ecology as developed by Murray Bookchin. Democratic confederalism, the ideology of the KCK and of the revolutions in the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria and Bakur, is a form of Communalism. Social ecology is a form of ecological humanism, a holistic philosophy and interdisciplinary field of study.

really really orthodox anarcho-syndicalist

big big cums

logical conclusion of enlightment thinking

Centralism over democracy
Internationalism over nationalism
Rejection of all spooks
Materialism above all

Stirnerite/Bordigist synthesis

Humanity will keep drinking the capitalist kool-aid until there's literally no other option, and as a result a LOT of people are going to die soon as the world buckles under the strain of capitalist over-exploitation.

I believe in Marxism, we should have a communist revolution and we should have a vanguard!

Production for use, not for profit. Become ungovernable. Live in peace with your own community.

The current humanitarian struggle is Conditioning vs. Conditioning. An unconditioned state of mind, like a block of wood before its carved into anything is the ideal.

Having expectations of success or failure is a disease. Humility is the medicine.


There is no free will. Ideology is the attempt to impose free will into non-free (deterministic or random) processes.
All power is based on corruption. More democratic systems of power are better because those in power have to bribe more people - a deterministic process. This is why ideology perpetuates non-democratic power, it gives false explanations and false suggestions.
Power can't be abolished. Democratic power is necessary for protection from undemocratic power.
Socialism is democracy in the organization of production.
There will never be the revolution. There needs be a revolution separately in every organization (although they will naturally inspire oneanother).

Communism with Star Trekkian Characteristics and maybe some cyborg-y things going on there

This except the first and last parts.

Why do you believe in centralism over Democracy?



I don't believe in bullshit SJW tier cultural "power" tho.

You've just regurgitated the liberal propaganda theory of the state. Worse still, at least half of the people on Holla Forums have similar views.

We have 150 years of experience showing us socialist movements tearing themselves apart. That unity of action should be a guiding principle for revolution ought to be self-evident.

I'm coming to take away your goddamn tootbrush.

Bordiga seems to think it only serves to obfuscate the class conflict going on beyond the surface of the bourgeois state and has no inherent value beyond that. I believe this is the relevant text:


While it would technically be bad to take every police officer and slowly torture them to death over a period of decades, artificially extending their lives if necessary, I couldn't bring myself to actually speak out against it if it was happening. Extinction would be a kindness for our species.

anti-imperialist, esoteric paganist, pan-scandinavist nationalbolshevism.
not even memeing

You should check if you have the 'tism

i have

go home varg

A libertarian socialist but not an anarchist. The state has potential to be very useful in organizing everything but it must be decentralized as fuck.
Internationalism all day. The left must be organized into a broader and united movement if we want to change anything. Also, lifestylism is for suckers

Socialism must be established as soon as possible if world civilization is to be preserved. The socialist movement must be organized, centralized, and absolutely ruthless in pursuit of its goals.
The human species should begin mass migration off-world as soon as possible. Technology should be embraced as the key to the preservation and advancement of the species.
The alteration of humanity through technology, as well as the creation of artificial life, should be embraced, not feared.

technodemarchy+labour vouchers-capital market= socialism

Abolish the production of surplus value through global unionization.

Rational, efficent economy based on use value
True meritocracy

Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un is immortal being and will destroy imperialist pigs of the West.

Religionless Christian Situationist Autonomist

My experience is by definition my entire universe, therefore all that matters is what matters to me. Human freedom matters to me. Socialism brings human freedom. Dude libertarian municipalism, co-ops, and syndicates lmao.

Also labour vouchers and guns for everybody.

I desire the establishment of a society organised on the basis reducing exploitation and alienation of the workers as much as much as humanly possible. Jobs that can be successfully automated, should be automated. The workers shall own the means of production and the people shall elect delegates to oversee the management of enterprise/industry/institutions in the interests of the people on a local government level. The Central government will still have a purpose, to serve as a meeting point for local government representatives to address concerns of national/international importance, such as grand infrastructure projects, foreign relations, the delegation of funds to local authorities, employment, defense, the relief efforts of unexpected natural disasters etc. The adult population will be given access to non-explosive firearms, comprehensive firearms training and safety courses will be provided. Service in a national/local militia is not mandatory.

I believe that work shouldn't be glorified, the means of production should be placed back into the hands of the workers and that aristocracy shouldn't ever be tolerated.

I'm conflicted on whether centralism or democracy is better.

Live and let live.

Pan-European, esoteric theocratic, white supremacist, gay, futurist, market socialism.

Abolish central government, create city-states unified by cultural ties, isolationism(tokugawa style), resource based economy.
Anti-capitalism, anti-globalism/internationalism,.

Decentralisation with markets based on sound ecological principles, fuck identity politics, but still with a large amount of faggotry and fabulousness.

Also Israel did nothing wrong.

futanari supremacist

I'll read it later. Thanks.

Born to die
World is a fuck
Kill em all 1989
I am trash man
410,757,864,530 dead cops

Hand control of the means of production to the workers, specifically democratic unions. Abolish the state and create a non-hierarchal direct democracy in its place. Remain isolationist, except for possible foreign aid in awful disasters for neighbors. Don't be bothered by things that people do that don't hurt anyone else.

an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.

Confederalism over Centralism
Nationalism over Internationalism
Spiritualism over Materialism
Ecology over Industry

Literally cancer.


yeah…how about no.

The relentless pursuit of "progress" paradoxically leads to every greater dissatisfaction. It's never "enough".

That is what Evola wrote about. And it's also what's destroying the world at moment.
More economic growth, more consumption, more more more.
The misery and destruction of this parasitic lifestyle is masked by flashy gadgets and depiction of paradise. But it doesn't make it any more sustainable.

You will never have socialism under materialism, as the system will just collapse under its own greed.

Ethnic homogeneity
Abolition of wage labour
Full automation
Destruction of all religion

capitalism ruined my life and the live of people i love so i'm going to resist it until i'm too old to or i get shot


Marxism is incomplete. Without major rework and expansion, people who call them Marxists should be considered as agents of COINTELPRO.

Here is an image that represents all the figures that inspired me so far. Thoughts ?


is Epicurus in there? he better be

Yes, between Montaigne and Marc Aurèle.

Employement is going down, the economy is going down the shitter, the whole world is falling apart. The world is literally becoming uninhabitable to most essential life such as oxygen-producing algae and we are the single lone cause of it.

We have the ability to fix this, we have the manpower, the resources, the technology and the knowledge. But we don't do it because it doesn't make money. And those who do want to do something about it can't because all the resources and land we need for our bare sustenance is owned by someone and they make you pay up for it, which means you have to work for it in their factories, until you die with nothing changed and your children even off worse than you.

This is why capitalism must be abolished.

I love the environment, hate capitalism and I'm open to suggestions on everything else.

The biggest obstacle to eradicating poverty in the world is the elite amassing excessive wealth.

We're not ready for globalism and it will just end up ruining the western world. Nationalism is a kinda dumb idea with pragmatic benefits that is useful to manipulate idiots.

Dividing people by race / gender / etc. is artificial and the only real issues are those of economic inequality.


Shouldnt you be using this flag mate?

It symbolizes that I usually browse Holla Forums, idk what flag represents my beliefs.

Its this one.

Nazbolism, its basically socialism in one country but officially with civic nationalism, rather than ethno-nationalism like the nazis.

the only problem is i looked into it and it has a lot to do with bolshevikism which i know very little about. if it's a russian specific political movement similar to arabs and ba'ath it's going to be very hard to get behind or be enthusiastic about.

still beats being called a nazi all day though

yeah, i'm even reviewing it now and it seems completely tied to incredibly specific political differences and situations leading up to world war 2 and afterwards. the only real distinct thing i'm seeing about it is the nationalist part.

nazbols are just more spooked tankies


Well its probably more accurate than nazi.

A lot of those people have contradictory beliefs and statements also saying you're influenced by the entire history of western philosophy is a bit redundant. I hope this is a meme post copypasta joke I have somehow managed to miss up to this point.

kind of like left communism but with some christianity mixed in such that I can't call myself left communist

Get back to nature.
Stop intellectualizing nature.
What you see is a reflection of self.
All I see is concrete.

Star Trek / Pirate Party.

so are we supposed to sage this or what's consensus on those threads?

White only socialism.

Don't being a fuckin cunt: capitalism is a system that perpetuates socio-economic cuntiness.

If I can't dance it's not my revolution.

If there is to be any successful transition to socialism in the West, it must be a form of socialism compatible with Western values, specifically democracy and personal freedom. These values are too ingrained in Western culture to be swiftly removed. The general population will not accept a Marxist-Leninist movement as the Soviet Union has left a permanent stain on its reputation. Rather, the most viable option for Western socialism is a libertarian socialist system, where the state still exists, but its power is limited. A democratic system is essential to ensure that the workers control the government, not the other way around. The economic structure would have to be market socialist, in order to promote a smooth, stable transition from capitalism to socialism. Maybe the system would eventually evolve to a highly decentralized planned economy

People's group-behavior mechanisms and individual behavior mechanisms precludes communism

Nature is the Absolute. Sentience is the self-knowing of the Absolute. Nature as Other is illusion. Time is the necessary alienation, and the necessary path of self-knowledge.

Communism is the becoming-human of the species, out from the thing-society based on things and the thingness of humanity. Communism is the re-appropriation of our reification.

The old society began when Man tried to be the Nature-Thing to Man instead of fellow Man.

I think we should all eat psilocybin mushrooms.

(Sorry for my shitty english)
Ah, ah, I'm sorry to disappoint you but no it is not. It is true all these people do not have the same views on all subjects, but it does not matter.
On the contrary, I think it is better to select the ideas that appear to us right and to make it its own philosophy. There is good in epicureanism as there is good in stoicism, just as there is good in mutualism and good in communism, the most important, in my opinion, is not To blindly follow the dogmas of philosophers and artists. Certainly Pasolini, as a Marxist Christian, is, in theory, in opposition to Nietzsche, but it does not prevent me from loving his cinema, his aesthetics and his political point of view on certain subjects. Besides, there is still a continuity (especially in the philosophers), Montaigne alone is already the synthesis of all the ancient philosophy, one also finds Spinoza in Nietzsche, who himself finds himself in Camus and Cioran, And all these philosophers find themselves with Michel Onfray.
As for the too western side of my influences, I confess, my readings are very centered on the European / American bloc; But remarks anyway the presence of three Asian artists on my image! And I would add in my defense that I read the founding texts of almost all the religions of the world and history (except perhaps the tribal religions of Africa) so I read Confucius, Lao Tzu , Buddha (whom I love very much since he is very close to Nietzsche, I should have added him to the list), etc.

The only way to save humanity and therefore myself (itself connected to the material goods of modern society) is to end climate change and the exploitation of the workers. Both of these are connected to capitalism, itself sustained by the state and the concept of property (private or public).

The only way to end capitalism and other institutional hierarchies which spawn both it and other abominations such as Soviet statism is to organize the workers into syndicalist unions monetarily backed by workers' cooperatives, associations of credit unions, and autonomous think tanks.

The end goal is to use tactics such as the general strike, factory occupations, and sabotage (such as occupying transportation hubs) to force capital's hand in ending climate change and giving up power to the people. Property will be replaced with the more rational concept of occupancy and usage, and the state will be replaced by a confederation of semi-autonomous democratic assemblies and councils.