Resident Evil

Just finished up resident evil revelations. I think its a pretty good game but I cant help but feel the game would have been a lot better if it was just jill and no one else on this boat. Would have made it more spooky and challenging if you didn't have an AI partner with infinite ammo.
Why was the game split into chapters anyway? I remember it being a 3DS title at first not an episodic one.

Is the second one any good?

Other urls found in this thread:!MbYRmJaC!g15MAoU9YW0GTTdYrK077Pj4X3pdu52hFiRV-kJE7_U!sK4DnQhJ!vw_bV-0KLo19jrgzn4cSlt_ASfX2Tk7SNk_n5h22P9M

second one is better because its not crippled by the 3DS.

I think I found your problem OP.

second one had it's strong and weak points. It definitely feels like a budget game, but the budget feels like it went to the right places. Some zombies break the immersion pretty bad and seem like they came out of a fantasy game… and fucking Moira. The game deserves to lose an entire point for how fucking awful of a character she it.

Meh, you hardly ever have a partner around that long and they aren't the most helpful in a fight anyway. The game is only spooky in the first half, really. Solid game, though. Controls were good. Heard the second one is lackluster. They apparently try too hard to make it more horror and less combat oriented, less ammo and such, but are kinda weak in execution. Sorry I don't have anything other than hearsay, though.

No herb runthrough was my first runthrough. Appropriately challenging.

Yeah. Revelations 1 is fine from a gameplay prospective. I mean, cant go wrong with hand held re4. But there were times it felt like the partner ai was in place of a coop mode that never happened. Revelations 2 from what I've played feels like a slightly less interesting re6 that features that coop the first game lacked. Coop raid mode is actually a fun time too, similar to mercenaries in re6.

the Raid Modes are probably the strongest points of both the revelations entries and I feel like they would be a decent replacement for mercenaries if they ever went that route.

No, you will drive a nail through your dick when you realize the angsty teen girl WILL NEVER shut up. There's a reason why tumblr likes REV2.

Says the retrokid who can't even notice how the new material, in the remake, is completely at odds with the original in theme and mood. RE1 was western gothic with a dash of Akira in the end; the remake added the completely unneded Lisa Trevor, which digs into The Ring and completely mismatches.

Ehhhhhhhh, maybe? Re6 Mercenaries mode is forever going to be my go to for silly action shooting nirvana. And while raid mode definitely has more to do, a lot of revelations 2 raid mode is the rpg mechanics which are fine but kind of get annoying with its focus on currencies. Raid mode probably would lasts longer than Mercenaries mode though, much more to do besides master each map, each character, and unlock all the costumes.


oh I agree, RE6's mercenaries is basically what makes that game worth owning.

>Not playing both the remake and the original because they're both good games.
There are just so many levels of retardation in your post I don't even know where to start.

Are there alt costumes for Jill?

The original was goofy and had pre-rendered backgrounds that were sparsely decorated and looked like early Pixar short films.


Revelations 2 was enjoyable, I was surprised. After 5 and 6, you'd expect nothing but cringe and pain from this franchise.

you're not wrong, but I bet that shit is expensive now

not that Im complaining but why would a cop dress like a slut?

Cause she has the AIDS virus.

To pretend to be a prostitute and then arrest men who she offers sex to. That's a real thing btw.

For the record, the mod for the PC which makes the game truly uncut can also be done on PS1 and played on original hardware. Just got done doing that this halloween actually.

You think female cops can't be sluts or something?

It's her day off and she's looking for the D, let the lady get fucked.

Female cops are the worst cops.

lmao even Holla Forums is taking the debate about 56% meme better

Not at all, it's actually very available and cheap to get on Amazon. $16
2 and 3 (which some might be surprised even got gamecube ports) however were not produced in any sort of grand number and will run you that more collector rate.

I wonder, can you hook up a computer to a CRT tv? probably can but I haven't seen anyone do it. Can just emulate 2 and 3 that way.

I don't know anything about that but a jailbroken Wii is a good tool to play whatever Resident Evil game in either the gamecube or wii libraries.

I'm a tad conflicted because revelations has my favorite girl but she's also fucking dead.

I still feel like she was supposed to play a MUCH bigger part in the game that was cut due to the (((controversy))) at the time… then again, she may have just been a half thought idea from the get go sort of like the one Chris part that turned out being an underwhelming dummy.

Of course you can. Only problem is that modern graphics cards don't output analog signals. You could get an HDMI to composite converter, but the chink ones will potentially degrade the quality beyond what you'd expect.

Was there anything besides oy veying over her magumbos? I'd say it can't be because she turns into a monster given Deborah, Alexia and a bunch of other cases but these assholes don't play games.

Thinking about it, It wouldn't be hard to wright her back in. ooze Rachel could still be alive since the game already sets her up as practically unkillable, and she could be cured, maybe end up like Jake, Sherry or Krauser were she has benefits from having been infected, but that allot of work for just a side character.


Mostly every site just putting out a hit piece on her (((ridiculous))) design. I want to say Destructoid defended it, but I can't remember as they were on the fence at that point. I do know one site justified it by saying it adds a sexual horror for female players.

I think after RE7 the old lore will be very loosely relied upon from here on in, and only the surface level lore at that.

Why is her hair like that?

Probably cause the character designer thought her hair covering her eyes was hot. if that's the case I agree.

She looks stupid but Conan O'Brien and that slut wannabe Ada tagging along with Chris don't. Fair enough.
Honestly, and it started to snowball with RE5, they should have stopped jamming a gazillion new characters when old ones fit the bill just fine and its their stories people are invested in.

I wouldn't mind new characters to be honest, it would just be nice if they would resolve the story of old characters rather than bringing them back again and again. Leon was right to be drinking in Vendetta, I'd be tired of that shit too.

And now we have to deal with nu versions of the characters to fit RE7

What was there in canon excuse for chris to be working with neo umbrella? Was it the BSAA running out of money or something?

honestly don't know, haven't pirated the game with all the DLC yet. They would have been better off with the imposter Chris thing though.

I know the whole plot of RE4 is that you rescuing the Presidents daughter, but I never thought about that aspect too hard. Did Leon live in the white house?
It would be fun to see Leon dicking around the white house, but I guess this wasn't explored much if at all was it?

In 6 it would seem that he definitely has a place there, though it is a different president at the time and Ashley is never brought up again.

Don't, or else you'll realize nothing makes any sense the moment Saddler blatantly states his plan was to infect Ashley and send her home.

Fun game but forget any semblance of logic and world building like a village of a dozen brickhuts housing hundreds of people, soldiers with medieval weaponry and fuckin' Castlevania.

Let's play pretend for a moment and assume that they make Lady HUNK canon. What are the chances it'd be a pre-existing character, or a new one trained by HUNK?

Well if you take Umbrella corps into consideration that's exactly what HUNK might have been doing.

If they wanted to do some fanbait they could just make Lady Hunk rebecca. Who the fuck knows how they would set that up but whatever, its all shit now anyway

They got Sherry to work with, and that's it really. They killed Piers in the same game he was introduced, which was unfortunate since I think most people liked him. Billy is innawoods somewhere, but everyone got older so he's older, too.
Capcom could do something silly and make a game in between 5 and 6, get the women protags pregnant, and then have brand new characters to play with.

Leon got "recruited" by the US Government after RE2 because of being one of the few survivors of Raccoon City, and Leon going along with it was the only way to keep kid Sherry safe. It's all explained in the little epilogue file in RE3. Those epilogue files have a lot of story information about the sequels.
He probably just lives wherever. I don't see why he would need to live in the White House.

If they are talking about her "sexualization" that's complete BS and they should kill themselves, but if they are talking about her stupid hair i agree.

Capcom should just treat Remake as a reboot, then remake RE2 and 3 and after that give us a completely different RE4 giving the series a better direction storywise and gameplay-wise, ignoring those turds known as 5 and 6.

They weren't talking about the hair… well they were, but the big thing they were talking about was the obvious thing for their beta cuck breed to talk about, how offended they were of her boobs and sexy appearance. They just tacked on the hair as a bonus. Also, the thread got me to download Rev 1 again. I remember loving it when I was a bit younger but I'll admit, it has aged a bit. still, pretty alright though, the walking's a tad janky. Also, the game would be 100 times better if they didn't force the partner on you.

Well unfortunately, RE5 and RE6 are Capcom's top 2 best selling games of all time. 7.2million and 7million respectively. I don't think they really want to abandon all of that.
However, RE2 is #4 all time on a single platform and that is an old game. I really want to know what the hell is going on with RE2make, they haven't said a word since the announcement.

It sucks because they are out of touch businessmen who just see the numbers and don't understand why those two are the top selling. 5 was going off the steam of 4 even though I like 5 and 6 was pure marketing and big names.

Which is a shame because honestly the Gamecube versions have the best controls letting you run with a trigger allowing you to run and turn at the same time. Huge advantage and it's only in the Gamecube versions (though 0 doesn't have it thanks to it's not-co-op shit).

I made pic related ages ago just for people like you

How old are you exactly, ano-

Looking again, RE5 sold total 10.5million once you include the Gold Edition and the port to the newer consoles. RE6 is 8.2million including the port to new consoles.

I don't trust them. I just want to know what is happening.

27 in march. We're getting old friend. Time just keeps moving faster and things that came out years ago feel like they came out yesterday.

Capcom ported RE5 and 6 to new consoles? Geez… remember when a game would get a little work done to it before they'd just slap it onto a new console.

I liked Jessica a little more, specially when she did the kick finisher, too bad there was never an interesting angle.

REv2 is much better than the first by actually having revelations about the characters and story. Play Lost in Nightmares and read all the files in it before hand, as REv2 is a direct sequel to the stuff going on there

What's your favourite sfm animation of Jill getting fucked or raped by animals or monsters?

Revelations 1's story doesn't add anything to the mythos. The events of it are pretty inconsequential. Revelations 2 however, contributes something in that we finally find out what happened to Barry and it introduces Wesker's sister, the closest thing we'll get a decent villain anymore.

The most recent news that I've heard is that they're not gonna use the same voice actors as the original.


Why is Jill best girl all the time?

Aren't female cops for rape in fantasy Japan?

I need clarification.


They're for rape in regular Japan tbh.

I mean look at the search results.

I think you're being tracked, m8

I'm sorry user but I think you're in a movie that hasn't licensed a real search engine for one of it's scenes.


Maybe you're just a homo and the internet knows it?

You probably shouldn't watch JAV for more than 8 hours a day, user.

Made me check both. Funny how bing is bringing porn instantaneously even though i never used it. And starpage is all about melania trump because media constantly reports about trump family.

Maybe you shouldn't watch gay sex with hats on for 16 hours a day.

I got pretty much exactly I also turned off safe search. Then again I also use start page so I'm thinking that helps a lot.

well that settles it, using bing from now on.


Anyone got a link to the Windows version of RE1 with this mod? I'm too frustrated right now to look through shit when all that pops up is RE7 and REmake torrents.

Bizarre question about RE:R, does anyone else remember when the game was originally unveiled (E3 2010) there was some promo info saying the games environment (the cruise ship) was actually going to be breaking up in real time causing parts of the ship to be flooded with water (that didn't have water) or to lose access to other parts completely?
Does this ring a bell for anyone or did I just imagine it?

I think a journal entry actually stated she lost an eye in that mission.

Because girls in resident evil are made for dicking, all of them, no exceptions, even some guys too.

I haven't played Rev2 but want to know about Barry and Wesker's sister. Please tell.

Really surprised no lewd webms have been posted

Tried to post one just for you, but filesize is too much.

I think pestilence did a really good video with rebecca and a chimera, but it's hard to find the juicy version, but I'm more partial to animals

anyway, when you think about it, it's obvious RE was going to turn into an action series. RE1 was a horror game with action elements, RE2 was an action game with horror elements, and RE3 was an action game with even less horror elements and grossly underused enemies like the drain deimos and brain suckers. look at dino crisis, DC1 was way more of a survival horror game than any RE, then DC2 comes out and it's a sick action arcade game

Dino Crisis 2 was amazing. I hated it at first for not being horror, but once I re-evaluated and took it for what it was offering it was an amazing game with some sweet action and some great time travel dinosaur shit. Pity about the third game though. Anyone complaining that Capcom has been going to shit lately does not know the pain of being a Dino Crisis fan from day one.

it's ok brother, soon we will get a proper dino crisis title… not dino stalker, not dino crisis 3, but a true dino crisis game and it will be great… we just have to wait…
but yeah, DC2 was great and I honestly loved it way more than DC1 as a kid, but as I grew older I saw what DC1 had to offer and love them both equally, knowing that they're two different beasts

You could always emulate the PSX version with the mod, only one I can find right now. I know there's a PC version of the mod, but I can't find it.
And here's some PC links. Check out the RE3 Environmental Graphics mod, it makes the PC version the best version of the game by far.!MbYRmJaC!g15MAoU9YW0GTTdYrK077Pj4X3pdu52hFiRV-kJE7_U!sK4DnQhJ!vw_bV-0KLo19jrgzn4cSlt_ASfX2Tk7SNk_n5h22P9M

Barry is there to find out if his daughter is alive 6 months after the Claire and Moira part of the story.
Albert's sister is the only other surviving Wesker Child from Project W, as explained in Lost in Nightmares. She is trying to copy her personality onto someone who can resist T-Phobos, or at least that's what I remember from the story, as she came down with some terminal illness.

Fuck, the Claire and Leon links are dead
Oh well

Because shes got a body thats the perfect combination of athletic tomboy and bombshell bimbo, and knows how to dress to show it off, combined with a smart head and courage and kindness in her heart.

I actually had no idea how fucking huge that image was when I selected it to upload, jesus christ.





Oh apparently the PC version of RE1 is uncut by default no mod required. At least that is what most of the forms I found said.

what in the fuck were they thinking
that was obnoxiously bad
not to mention that the qte dodges are the "a+d" and "f+v" keys making it a bitch to dodge because of awkward finger placement

i managed to clear it perfectly after rage quitting, but dear god, how the fuck did this get into the game, its borderline broken and down right unfun
maybe its just me, but that section was pure garbage

also, i cant help but wonder why a Moonman mod for this game has yet to be made

It was designed to be played with a controller not a keyboard.
It was also designed with a human partner in mind especially on higher levels.

oh boy, i know that part…though you can get S on it with several tries. and when you fight the giant, put a claw hand on adfv and just mash them when the qt event comes.

This. No matter what I tried, playing with a mouse was always awful for some reason.

Also, I recently got a 144hz monitor and that makes Jill's ass even more amazing in Mercenaries.

Yeah, thats probably the case but aiming on a controller is so shit.
KBM spoils you it makes playing shooters on a controller feel so inferior.

I usually play shooters with KBM but RE5 is an exception because the turn speed is limited which fucks everything up.

Every monster comes at you and attacks you at a rate I call "full speed slow".
The limitations of the controller for aiming was welllllll compensated for.

Gotta handle it to them, no matter how crapfilled the third person shooter resident evils are, they cant stop creating quality hot chicks in them.

damn you I dont have time to fap today

When's Sherry the permavirgin making a comeback?


Arent we forgetting something?

It's not that hard to figure out
>Regenerative ability
>Hymen grows back every time
>As an added bonus she'll never develop loose roastie flaps

I know exactly what you mean, hence the implied implication of the image of sherry before she got the serum claire made for her.

man, sheva was hot AND she was more of a fleshed out character than most other RE protags
what's up with capcom and fleshing out one-offs that never appear again?


If black people were like the Gerudo and were exclusively attractive ladies and only gave birth to attractive black ladies what would the world be like?

They would give birth every 100 years to an evil nigger mastermind that would put our white kingdoms to misery

Naw that part isn't there it's just an entire continent of Shevas and Elenas.

Refugees wouldn't be such a bad thing

Well the feminists would be so against refugees they would be the terrorists.

Rebind the F/V stuff to Q/E and it becomes a lot easier.

That's cool. Upload?

I didn't mind the AI partner so much. What I really hated were the pure action chapters with Chris and Dumb & Dumber, whatever their fucking names were. Game should've been all on the ship.

I really like that Capcom almost struck gold with this one. Almost. Then they made a sequel to capitalise on it and completely fucked it up again without realising what people actually wanted from Revelations. Textbook Crapcum.


The one thing woman hate more than anything else. Other women.

Because during RE3 she's not in service, she's trying to escape the city and wore the first thing she could grab.

How come it goes up to 12? How am I supposed to roll without anyone telling me what dubs, trips, quads, quints, dub dubs, a straight or a flush are?

you could always roll a dice.
dice 1d12

I think that is how it works.

Nope guess not, were all fucked. I got a 0 twice which means I get nothing.

The fact that from the "we do it" announcement they never showed us nothing, not even a screeshot, means that they are not really confident about the game because it's probably going to be complete garbage, they are most likely still thinking about pandering to the COD crowd with this one like they did with RE6.
modern Capcom is fucking garbage, they don't deserve their own IPs.

I haven't played an RE since 5, and a little bit of the new first person one that my roommate got, are the revelations games actually fun or is that just a meme?


Oh, I thought they actually did go through with the planned REmake's for 2+3 on the gamecube and I was having a happy Berenstein moment.

This. I just beat Zero though so I'm on a bit of a bias trip. How do they reconcile her story in 0 with what happened in 1? Why would she be all scared? She was in a far worse situation in 0 to be completely honest, outnumbered with a tenuous partner that she's supposed to capture.

The story in RE0 was complete garbage, not to mention the stupid idea of having James Marcus dressed as a drag queen singing opera, seriously WTF was that shit.

yea, and the fact that he was completely sentient until they needed a final boss


They handwaved it as sleep deprivation since she hasn't really slept since she landed

quit being so autistic, RE6 was 6 years ago and 2018 would be the 20th anniversary of RE2 AND the raccoon city incident, so it'd make sense for it to come out this year

I thoroughly enjoyed the REvelations games, personally

hey, at least rebecca got more than a 5 second cameo in the next 5 years from RE1's release, barry didn't even get his own game until over a decade later

how come claire went from having a big ass in CVX to looking like toby maguire in REv2?

NuCapcom. The main reason why I'm slightly worried about REmake 2.


Freeze! Put your fat cocks where I can see 'em!

I'm surprised this thread went so long without a fa tcock post.

Im not sure if they fucked up her design to appeal to the sex negative crowd or what, but if they do it again in REmake2 its a guaranteed never-buy.

it's been a long time since I've seen this post

I dunno, I mean, helena, sherry and ada were p hot in 6, rachel, jessica, and even jill were p hot in REv1, mia looked good, hell even moira and and that other foley chick looked good in REv2
they just tried to old-ify claire and fucked it up
granted, there really isn't an on-model anymore with re7 chris/vendetta chris looking so wildly different

please not that nigger sheva
please not that nigger sheva
please not that nigger sheva

Cutting it close user, but rejoice, you get ballistic tiddies instead.

praise kek

Will Billy ever come back?

what do you got against sheva's delicious brown skin?

she's cute, user

billy's in the realm of forgotten characters like ark, the entire outbreak cast, steve, sheva, and every other character that isn't jill, chris, claire, or leon

Wasn't he like, a criminal?

he was framed for murdering a bunch of people in some jungle or something when his team did the murdering or some dumb shit I dunno it was really forgettable

I think with Capcom it just is straight incompetence. Like in MHW all the female faces go all over the place. You can still make really cute faces with the character creator as well. Even in Rev2 Moira looked fine it was just Claire that looked like a monster for some reason. Claire better look good in REmake 2.

Sheva is never going to be in another game. She was only in RE5 because the Japanese actually listened to faggots spouting

RE5 was supposed to be bro-op with Chris and Barry, damn it.

What did he do besides Rebecca? I thought his marine squad was at fault for killing Sheva's relatives for no reason.

I don't like this timeline anymore.

my man, a lot of games were meant to be a lot of things with RE
4 was supposed to be a bunch of things, 2 was supposed to be an even better game, 1 was supposed to be an FPS, it doesn't change the fact that sheva was a character in an RE game and will never be mentioned again, just like my boys quint and keith, just like my boy mark, etc

>inb4:lady HUNK is chen

>HONK, human operative never killed

Why aren't there more zombies that hold onto their love for titties and just rape hot bitches?

see capcom saw that concept early on and made all their characters attractive so that people can make porn of them
why else do you think capcom makes so many attractive characters?

If I recall correctly, his unit was ordered to raze a village and murder the inhabitants despite doing so being a very serious war crime. Billy was the only soldier who defied the order. Since they needed a scapegoat, they just pinned it all on him.

Isn't ark the guy who forgot who he was? He is mentioned somewhere in this mockumentary.



No. Also, Rachel's hair is incredibly stupid since it entirely covers her eyes.
And Ada turned into a hapa for some reason. She still looked good, but Capcom was starting to sway. However, in Vendetta all the ladies are attractive so maybe they figured it out again. But Rebecca really needs her hips back.

You are nothing more than a cretin.

helena was p hot man
and rachel's hair was hot too
I just want a game where rebecca is the protagonist though

I will never not see the SVU chick.

You're forgetting about Gaiden on GBC and that the whole game is canon.

I'm glad to see that we have some people who actually know what they're talking about when it comes to RE lore
Gaiden is canon and anyone saying otherwise is a retard


gaiden can't be canon, there's no such thing as an RE game where a tyrant isn't instantly killed by a rocket launcher and it takes like 10 goddamn rockets to kill one tyrant encounter

Don't think she looked that bad, just looked like someone that spent her entire life fighting monstrosities with no rest.

Wasn't Ada always supposed to be an hapa since RE2?

whats the deal with this bitch?
I'm pretty sure I have an unsauced webm, of her about to lewdly suck on bbc

This, hell, when RE3 starts shes getting chased out of her apartment (wich is on fire) by zombies while shit explored, she just had time to get her gun.


now, I don't remember if the american comics were canon or not, but apparently the building she explodes out of was a mall which makes sense with all the weird mall-esque shit out on the streets
it's a shame they never reused that area because I would've loved to see more of the streets of raccoon city proper-like, rather than alleyways and other weird pathways

I don't get why cute broads gotta waste themselves on nasty shit like this

Id like to see what happened with carlos, how do you go back into the merc job after being part of the UBSS and managing to both fuck up and betraying your contractor for a hot señorita?

But she didnt though, she spent her life working for NGOs against biological warfare.

Welp fuck, ever since i played it on ps1 i always thought it was her apartmen, seeing how before that she was sitting on her bed reloading her samurai's edge.

Either a fake or he underwent damaging surgery to make it bigger. Either way I'm not sure who should be more embarrassed, the whore or the nigger.

technically he didn't really betray his contractor, since the UBCS were essentially disposable anyway and he himself ended up getting betrayed by his own lieutenant(or someone else's lieutenant?) because of the whole watcher shit and how hilariously flawed the system was since one watcher could just murder all the other watchers and take all the intel for himself so he gets all the money
I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up doing more merc work, possibly some sort of anti-bioterrorism company since there's apparently gorillions of PMC-type organizations that just mop up shit the BSAA lets slip through

I always thought it was her apartment too but the "official comics" by I think wildstorm(good reads, by the way) had an explanation that kind of made sense.
also I always thought it was a samurai edge she was reloading too but it looks like a 1911 or some other pistol like it

Those are different girls.
Reported for Holla Forums shitposting.

Umbrella was such a colossal clusterfuck, im amazed it even lasted as long as it did.
Never found any of the official comics apart from that one where jill goes undercover to an university before RE1 and the short story about the zookeeper kiling the shit out of all the infected animals after birkin had some fun.
Most definitly a fuckup by the artist, since jill starts the game with the samurai's edge.
Man, now i want to replay RE3 again, we will never get an enemy like nemesis again.

that's not true, you would if you have a functioning dick
that is just a half limp state, where there is some blood flow but it isn't fully erect yet
and given him size its entirely possible to have that dick size

fuck off back to your fucking nigger dick loving tranny hugbox discord server.

reported as well

why'd nintendo remove him?

That's how it is in Japan. They messed up the whole American city thing.

That's odd.



I don't think zombie gangrape lewds was their intention.

That's weird.
The corpse looks pre-rendered based on the colour gradients but the mesh is all low-poly like it's an actual in-game model.
Maybe they had a 3D asset they put in to the background before rendering so it was pre-baked, and they forgot to put it back in when re-doing the scene for the hi-res re-release on GCN?

I dont want zombie gang rape.
I want to cum inside the girls myself.

For what it's worth you can also get HD texture packs for RE2 and RE3 using the dolphin emulator.

Her assets double as distraction devices. It's useful to have the perps thinking with the wrong head.

Never heard about those American comics since i am European, but the exploding building is indeed Jill's apartment.

Sure, i bet you think that people who didn't buy Street Fighter V at launch were autistic as well.

I miss dino crisis

Sausage rolls


Ada Wong is the Ada Wrong match for me.

same here

All i ever wanted was DC3 with travel shenanigans and i got a light gun spinoff and an abomination i cannot believe exists.

Dino Crisis needs a spiritual successor sicne Capcom sure as shit isn't going to ever do anything with the franchise. A new Dino Crisis that plays like Resident Evil 4 (but with running while shooting) would be great.

I love how to my knowledge DC never got any mentions in VS games at all.
Just like power stone

Gimme Rebecca or one of the Sherrys
Preferably Loli Sherry


Some source on the comics mate?

it's called "resident evil the official comic magazine"
there's also one called fire & ice or something, and I think another one that I don't remember

All your dubs get you in this post is a Double Nigger user. Hard luck.

Guess Ill try my own luck though, rollan

I will try only once.

Thanks mate, have some orkz.

Good job.

so like, what if you get a 0
do you get them all or none?

You roll again andyou keep what you get or else nemesis will deepthroat you.

i-is there 63 of nemesis?

there might be, but if you track down that guy who made all the rule 63 bloodsucker porn in STALKER threads way back when he'd probably do nemesis for ya

will i be shot if my cock isn't fat enough

You're a fucking retard, Lisa was George's child and we knew they took his family and experimented on them. She is the reason Nemesis and the G-Virus exists. They created the T-Nemesis Parasite and injected one into her in an attempt to control her, and it failed.

However this lead Birkin to the breakthrough he needed to discover the G-Virus, and the other Nemesis parasite was injected into a T-103 Tyrant who then became the "Pursuer" or Nemesis Tyrant.

I dunno bud, it's pretty obvious that the trevors were meant to be in RE1 but got left out, what with the tomb that leads to the basement
how else are you gonna explain that tombstone?

agreed. got pulled over twice in one week for a missing headlight, once by a male cop and once by a female cop. you can guess which one wrote me a citation and which one gave me a verbal warning while acknowledging that it's a shitty situation to be in.

What about cumming inside zombie girls

I spit on your waifu roll rollan

would the t-virus delay or quicken rigor mortis setting in?
how come there's no child zombies?
would you also get infected by fucking a zombie?

Delay or even outright halt I'm guessing, the zombies in game aren't exactly limber but they seem to be able to articulate their jaws, lips, legs, arms and hands just fine.

No kid zombies because people would bitch and moan about being able to kill kids in a viddy.

The T-Virus is bloodborne I think, so only if both bleed. Stay away from anal and you should in theory be fine, like with Aids.

Well technically they'd probably want to elimate that altogether as the quicker it works the quicker you have a zombie.
Wouldnt the womb shut down on death?
Unless you injest any of her bodily fluids, no.

Children and the elderly dont survive the infection to become zombos.

Is there fanart of Nemesis as a nerdy schoolgirl?

nah, like kids what got got by zombies and then turned into zombies

Does the T-virus still let you fuck?

Guess we're both fags, user. Too bad you caught the infection.

Gaiden implied that Leon was infected at the end, it's not Canon you dumb niggers.
“Gaiden zählt als einziges Spiel nicht zur offiziellen Kanon" / "Gaiden is the only game not to belong to the official canon”



No it rots your genitals off, as evidenced by naked zombies at the end of all the earlier games.

Leon was originally supposed to be infected for RE4, with it revolving around him trying to find a cure for himself.

Damn it I was hoping for Rebecca or Sherry. Ada is still pretty good. Not used to looking up porn for Ada

Sauce. RE4's original development was supposed to be about Leon in a spooky Castle looking for the origins of the Progenitor virus.

there's several versions of RE4's development, hook man version being the one where leon is infected with something or other


better be good

Gee user, how come Kek lets you have two Ada Wongs?

Wrong, that's the first version I'm talking about, there's no evidence that he was supposed to be infected with something linked to Gaiden at any point and time. The Hallucinations bit was the 2nd stage of development.

Shame, didn't roll a 4.

What Ada is that and how did they fuck her up so bad?

I'd appreciate dropping the pretense and getting right to shitting on RE6, I won't stop you

well, how do you know it's shit? :^)

Why does she look like that? Sherry and Leon's girl both looked great, from what I've seen. Shit like this makes me think Capcom hasn't bowed to SJWs they just have a shitty modeler or 2 who cannot sculpt a face. I've never played RE6 because I didn't have a reliable co-op partner at the time and I was told like RE5 the game is fucked solo.

Sure why not?


Give me that presidential 7

3,10, or 11 if there is a God.

plz 11

Here's the original trailer that showed Leon infected with the progenitor virus and hallucinating ghosts and shit.
Here's the IGN article from the original 2003 reveal, which talks about him being infected.
au.please use archive.ism/articles/2003/05/14/e3-2003-resident-evil-4-first-look
Finally, here's some gameplay of that original version of RE4 before they scrapped it for the shit we got.
You can read more about the "hallucination version" of RE4 on the wikia here:
Leon was originally infected in the "Castle" version, the hallucinations and the Hookman came later, and then finally it was all scrapped in favour of killing mexicans with headlice.

Welp too bad, you get some jill and you better appreciate it.
Now lets see what i get.


Can someone make a version of this that removes the two extra Jill's so it's straight up single digits that we're rolling for?
And put Rebecca in position 0 (because she's the MC in RE0) and Claire in 2 (same reason).
Mine would look very sloppy if I tried because I'm shit with the pixels.

Can't go wrong with this roll

and RE4 was so different not even capcom could pretend it was resident evil, so they renamed it devil may cry.


Meet Julia Voth, she was the model Jill from REmake was built on, and lucky for us she did some cosplay as Jill. Sad to say it never gets full on lewd though and it seems she's never posed nude.

OK you triggered my REautism.
These are all the versions of the original development process.
Here it states that Leon was infected with some new bacteria sized virus (I know it sounds stupid mixing Bacteria and Virus but hey.) Something having to do with this creature created by the new virus that was making him hallucinate. I've seen that trailer so many times at it makes no reference to the Progenitor virus.
I know they fucked up the accents a bit but they're in Europe you dunce. Might be a joke.


how come they stopped using her likeness?

not the darky
not the darky
not the darky
not the darky
not the darky

No Alyson Court no buy. They didn't even fucking ask her last time and she said she'd totally be down for it.

Why did they do this? Fuck Capcom.

No niggers pls

Jake had a hot mommu


I mean I'm usually not into blonds due to how fucking played out they are but fuck it.

It says it right there in the "Castle" article, linked to in the "Hallucination" article I linked earlier.
It says it at twenty fucking seconds in user.
< The Cradle of the Progenitor virus
Right there.
Yes it was a joke.

No you're reading it wrong you mongoloid. It's a reference to the new virus that had something to do with that monster Capcom canned because they couldn't properly animate it.
Cherrypicking without context is bad, and you should feel bad.


Also, forgot that was this.

RE noob here, only games I played were RE1 for psx and RE4 on gamecube. Gamecube RE4 was really great imo, not sure how it stacks up with other survival horror games, cause I generally hate the horror genre and horror movies.

How does the Vita RE:Revelations 2 compare? is it worth playing? will I like it if I liked RE4?

correction, the canon in RE is treated as such:
if capcom says it's canon, it's canon. if capcom says it's not, it's not. gaiden is, however, a mystery because it either retcons or outright de-canonizes it in later games or just… doesn't pay off

also the parts of the chronicles games that are retellings of previous games are treated as exactly that, just retellings. everything else that didn't happen in RE before in those games is canon though
also 2 of the 3 stage plays, the mangas, and ALL the cg movies(including 4-d executor) are canon too

I loved REv2 but I hear the vita port is really bad, like super low framerate, horribly smudged graphics, green blood, glitches everywhere, etc

Is the Ada epilogue in RE3 still canon? Nothing has been said about it and it was never continuedm unlike every other epilogue, but it's never contradicted.

I guess the state of it is, if capcom doesn't explicitly say it's not canon and it was made in-house at capcom japan, it's most likely canon

besides, it sort of makes sense for other characters to know her as Ada since that was what Leon knew her as, and Leon's the only other person besides Chris who still actively saves the world every now and then that was around for basically ground zero since Claire's in a relief group, Jill's got capcom-itis where she's just irrelevant for the time being, Rebecca's a doctor now, Barry's retired, and everyone else but Sherry is forgotten

Fuck, we're going to be here in 2048 with RE14 and that Ada epilogue will still be canon and completely unresolved.

Resident Evil 5 is okay.
You can see how it started to go in the wrong direction its just a far shittier Resident Evil 4 that removes the campiness, the fun, and the interesting settings to become "more serious" game but instead just comes off boring and forgettable.

The levels in it are utterly forgettable, save for the beginning "Its Resident Evil 4 but in Africa" Village level. No other location felt as enjoyable as that whole early section. Everything after getting on the boat and going around to the different tribal villages was pretty most generic and boring.

The game is also obviously designed around coop which is a hinderance especially if you picked up the game late like I did when no one else is really even playing the game. Sheva is actually annoying with how slow she responds to things. If Sheva gets grabbed by something, I was always able to save her before she took damage,but anytime I get grabbed its like there is an intentional pause before she reacts and tries to save you. The AI also goes through ammo like water and will pick up and use herbs without mixing them which is just frustrating. Also, the game completely shits the bed once it starts sending zombies with guns after you and employees context sensitives cover mechanics which are god awful. Also the inventory system in this game is complete AIDS and whoever designed it needs to be shot, only thing worse is the botched abortion of an inventory system from RE6.

Overall, the game was just mediocre, not terrible just kind of meh. Shame they killed off Wesker, I liked how absolutely ridiculous and over the top he was in this. In fact I would like to see a game were we play as Wesker and see how he became so insane and how he got is god powers and what he does with them. Overall best thing to come out of this game is Jill in a body suit, because I am a man who likes body suits.

personally, I liked how hammy wesker was
DC douglas did a great job in hamming it up and I appreciate just how hammy wesker was, but it's a shame his extreme ham was so out of place in the srs business theme of the game


IS DEAD nigger.

Give Sheva all the Machine guns you get and take her Pistol away. It works surprisingly well for me.
Umbrella Chronicles partially does such a thing, exploring the scenarios where he awoke and gained his new powers and defeating the other God complex lunatic Sergei and his Tyrants.

her game is my dick. ay
Rebeca is a shit. ayy
**that dyke is a bitch. ayyy*
I fuck your waifu to bits. ayyyy
now seriously, this mary sue is nigger tier and her haircut is fecal, just get her off this game please

They are the highest selling NOT BECAUSE THEY ARE GOOD GAMES, but because RE4 gave Capcom massive PR.

is the reason why they makde RE 4 launch on every plataform possible, because everyone that played thought "wow capcom really gor this RE business together"

they just milked the PR. the games are not that amazing, SPECIALLY RE5, 6 is bad but meh, 5 is an abortion .

RE5 Jill best Jill

You take that back you swine.

Mansion Jill is always best Jill.

everyone knows dino crisis jill is best jill

it's a known fact that rebecca is best girl


Think that new Dino Crisis game is real? Would we even want it to be? If it is real is there any chance Regina will be back?

we gotta believe
there's no way capcom would make another dino crisis 3, would they?

I've lost all faith in Capcom.
I've been patiently waiting on ANY news for the REmake 2 and they have just remained silent.

this would be the 20th anniversary of both RE2 and the raccoon city incident so it'd kinda make sense for 2018 to be the year

How about giving Dino 1 the REmake treatment?

Did rebeccawave start just because of that movie? because Rebecca was never impressive.she always lost hard to Jill or any other female around, honestly where is her romantic pair, so she became turbo scientist in a little more than 7 years considering it takes that time to ONLY FINISH COLLEGE?
she is a mary sue, you gotta give me that, an absurd character.

It's (You)

my man
you're overthinking it
all you need to know is that rebecca is cute
people have known this long before vendetta, because rebecca was always cute

I am talking about the ex-con, you dummy.


billy died in a barfight in mexico to carlos in 2006

There's a new rumor? I doubt it, and absolutely do not want Capcom ruining more shit.

The thought of this only makes me harder, then… pic related

Literally just a chemistry expert.

what about the novels?

All the RE characters are geniuses and excel at everything they strive to accomplish. This is because in RE1 their backstories are ridiculous, so they just ran with it. For example, Jill was born in 1974 and the first game takes place in 1998, so Jill was in Delta Force at around 21 to 22 years old. As a woman. Who is 5'5".
And that's just one of the characters.

I think Rebecca fags just like her because of her design. She's a cute, petite girl, with short hair. No one else in RE fills that niche. She isn't much of a character probably because Mikami hates her and refused to flesh her out.

In an MVCI leak there was mention of possibly putting in Regina as a character because another game is being considered. Also there was a leak of SFV costumes, that is pretty much confirmed now, and one of them was Regina.

akchually, jill trained alongside delta force in bomb disposal or something, though chris was apparently an officer in the air force at a really young age

the novels are their own canon, and the novelized movies are movie canon.

mikami was weak and did not accept cute girls into his heart. this is why he's forever cursed to make kinda mediocre games forever

Chris joined at 17. He's 25 in RE1.
Rebecca graduated college at 18. She's 18 in RE1. She went from college to fighting leeches and hunters in the same year.
I think Barry is the only normal person from the original surviving RE1 cast.

Wasn't she the squad "medic" or some shit? She then decided to go BACK to college afterwards so she could research those viruses again. At least I assume from that red shirt that took her orders. Did she ever display any genius level thinking in the other games, or do you think they just gave her college credit for hands on experience?

Yeah, she's the medic. Rebecca can treat your wounds in RE1 if you talk to her.
Well, not really. She panics a lot. Not really a girl made for combat, but she also didn't see any before the games. She mixed V-Jolt and found the serum, but Jill does that, too. There's RE0 where she realised the Queen Leech can't handle sunlight. She's only in RE0 and RE1 as canon games for her, I believe, and as everyone knows her attitude in RE0 does a complete 180 by the time RE1 rolls around since RE0 came out way later.

no it doesn't compare, like yeah is a stretch but on the games you come to understand it because after all she is able to do. taking on Nemesis comes to mind.
Now Becca is absurd, she was able to surpass the knowledge of all those who were studying for the finals while she fired a myriad of weaponry of different calibers. She is like also a master of science and doesn't look a day over 30.
too much, she deserves the mary sue stamp and you know it.

sure, Chris career is fine, 8 years of experience with firearms by the time of the events on the mansion seems perfectly fine.

you really shouldn't worry about it too much.

Remember, Japan has a hard-on for youth and youthful people achieving great things.

Fuck, i'm willing to bet the original draft of RE had to deal with highschool teenagers.

Did you just call Rebecca a "Mary Sue" whilst posting a pic of Ada? Are you fucking retarded, or are you merely pretending? That smug hapa cunt is the definition of the label.

The entire series has dog shit for writing, so any attempt to take the plot or characters seriously is pointless. They should have just gone full campy and kept it that way.



there is literally no reason to like her besides that because limited back story and simplistic characters. Rebecca is not a Mary Sue you autistic fucking retard kill yourself. She was totally unable to adapt and needed Chris to save her she was an imperfect young-un that had educational but not combat experience and needed to be saved multiple times. She was merely lucky on many account and somewhat decent day 1 on RE0. Billy still had to save her more than once, so piss off already,.

rolling for Ashley in white outfit

I'm ok with this. looks like you got the godroll, user

I think it's more about they modeled RE0 Rebecca after some jpop idol which explains why she 'doesn't age' or appear often. As the former would hurt the pr of the idol and the latter is because of licensing/royalties.

You're telling us you wouldn't like to watch pimple-faced teen Jill Valentine dab on the Nemesissle?

Do I look like some anime fan, friendo? no way, no Ada for me, I would prefer they brought Claire back than the Ada naked clone insurrection or whatever Leon is dealing with.

but still Claire is not best girl, best girl is reight here. Gorgeous Ashley Graham, daughter of the good president. but you know hat JIll, ada, Claire, Ashley and Sherry have in common?

They are all better than overpowered broken ass Rebecca. ayyyyy

Carlos is brazilian though, Oliveira aint no spanish name.

I thought he was from Argentina


First, that would need to be Olivo, not Oliveira.
Second, hes too tanned and tropical for that, hes more like someone from the caribbean.

Stop bullying rebecca you masive ass, shes cute, smart and a good girl, and she was always meant to be cute.

yeah but where would you go to if you were a trashy south american guy or a death row inmate charged with war crimes? mexico, my man

my man, this entire time you're shitting on rebeccafags and you're an ashleyfag? now, don't get me wrong, I can dig ashley, but c'mon man

As a Venezuelan, id say either Colombia or some central american shithole where drug and dollars flows

bump with a rump

Your telling me this was in a Resident Evil movie ?
Because I am getting some porn vibes from this.

Claire…perhaps my first waifu

Pretty sure thats been the vibe since Resident evil 3.

the entire movie was about a man who wanted to make rebecca his wife, former and current

Any of you guys want to go get some burgers?

It's the newest movie, vendetta
Shit was cash

don't knock the best girl objetivelly speaking. for real, don't.

she need's to go.


How about you go get cucked like your false best girl?

No, but I like to think that Billy became a peon, a zombie infected with a new virus, called the P-virus, that allowed him to retain his intelligence and talk but made him socially retarded that Wesker engineered as an afterthought to making the Mold from RE7.

I also like to think that Ark Thompson assumed Vincent Goldman's identity and became a bioterrorist himself and he also ate the two kids he was protecting because they annoyed him and he wanted to see what it was like to be a cannibal.