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Amerifats can't be this stupid…
You posted these yesterday, phoneposter.
I dont get it?
>unspoilered LOL thread.
This thread is killed from the start.
What did you except? Neogaf faggots mirgrated to Cuckchan Holla Forums after the site went down. Now it’s just PlayStation 4 and SJW circle jerks there.
Go home OP. You're drunk.
I’m french. That pretty xenophobic
No one here actually cares what cuckchan thinks.
Va sucer des bites, espèce de double nègre.
Speaking of cuckchan, didn't site start injecting malicious script?
At this point caring about cuckchan is a crime.
Shame for nightmare waifuists, clangers and xenofucks on /aco/ threads.
That's what I also heard. It's funny how the Holla Forums boogeyman just seems like a distraction from the real monsters.
No life for buyfags and piracy always wins anyway.
Every porn board is filled with thick faggotry, niggers and cuckshit.
>Shame for nightmare waifuists, clangers and xenofucks on /aco/ threads.
Bah. They didn't care enough to leave years ago, I doubt they'll care any more now.
Besides, the activity and probably numerous drawfags and OC production most likely outweighs whatever malicious data stealing scheme that comes their way.
Thanks for the don quixote role.
Those are considered good teeth for the English.
No shit OP
The fact the PS3 emulator adding 4K support. Is proof Sony is worse than Microsoft.
Whats with everything going up the ass?
Niggers compose 12% of the population of the USA indeed.
4cucks are pegged
Nothing on there says anything about a Buy 1 Get 1 Free. Hell, what the text says is "One per customer limit"
Some people can't handle the slowness and lack of interaction. /xen/, /clang/, even /m/ are pretty much dead nowadays, and I doubt halfchan drawfags even know they exist.
I also wouldn't be surprised if people actually went back to halfchan out of curiosity or for the sake of change.
Let me retract that melodramatic statement after actually checking in on the boards: they're just really slow.
Those boards are shite, regardless. Xenos loving heretics are subhuman. Clang is borderline, but that falls in line with loving inanimate objects, such as toasters. Nothing inheirently heretical, just poor, confused, appliance fuckers.
Nightmareebin creepypasta wifus are also shite, and a waste of sexual energy for all parties involved.
Pretty much that is not on top board list is slow as fuck.
t. 40k Commissar
Holy fuck is that a realistic shop of the 56% face?
yes lmao
That sam hyde one is one of the only funny ones I've ever seen. Bravo.
thanks m8, thats actually my own oc
This board is 56%furshit
Are you sure?
I love when shills try to use our language against us without knowing what it means. Also I'm cracking up at "MSG" V, imagining the entirety of Snake's legacy being about Korean cooking