I'm not sure where all the hate for this game comes from. Anyone care to explain?

I'm not sure where all the hate for this game comes from. Anyone care to explain?

If you get a serious answer will you fuck off and leave?

Yes, I play league often and I keep seeing anons here bash it. I don't really see a problem but maybe I've got rose-tinted glasses on.

I got permabanned for calling a guy a faggot because he was being a faggot. Not a perma-mute so I can play ARAM and ping, no, straight up banned forever. Fuck Rito, the game was good until S4.

gook/chink clicker and it's an ASSFAGGOTS + pic related

Same problem as every other MOBA, shit balancing, microtransactions, devs do fuckall to actually improve the game and instead roll around in the money from skin sales. I've barely played league, but I play SMITE regularly so I'm well aware of this shit. As long as they keep making money and the tournament players are happy with the balancing, they couldn't give less of a fuck about the regular players.

The game is just trash when you get right down to it and that's not even going into the community and the moderation.
It's ONLY saving grace is having a cute loli and you don't have to play the game to enjoy that.

What's wrong with the balancing? Every champion gets used in every meta, save for the pros but that's only accounting for 1% of the playerbase. Also, the microtransactions don't get you anything besides fancy skins.


Shitty stale 1top jungle ap mid adc/support meta
microsoft point cash shop system
carebear devs / playerbase
vast majority of said playerbase doesnt have fundamental grasp on mechanics as a result even though mechanics of game less complicated / more forgiving than other games in genre

Considering how much you'd need to grind for characters and runes if you never paid real money, League can be called pay2win.

Oh I'm well aware of the cancer in smite, it's just something easy to play while talking with friends, fun if you actually have a good team comp which you will never fucking get with randoms, I'd rather kill myself than solo queue

I'm pretty sure they changed the rune system so that now everyone gets access to all of the runes as soon as you hit account level 10 or something. There's no pay2win there.

On the other hand they made buying champions like 10x more cancerous, so…

>boo hoo muh (((copyright laws)))!

It's because you're clinically retarded and fully adapted to eating shit.
Does your top lane tower still have infinite armor before a certain mark?
how about mid.

The sort of childish shit like "no you can't do that now the tower is immortal for 15 minutes" "no you can't AP that champ now AP does nothing!" approach to strong-armed "balancing" Riot does is fucking atrocious, I wonder how people can even tolerate devs just forcing the meta in the game so everyone is forced to play the exact same way forever.


I'm not sure where all the bait for this game comes from. Anyone care to explain?

Assfaggots in general are bad because of few things

downvote herbs negated

retarded sjw devs and an even more retarded community


It`s essentially baby`s first MOBA, intentionally streamlined for young people and women and the ranking circle jerk reflects that, heroes are BEHIND A FUCKING PAY WALL and the whole game is designed behind sucking people`s money with a soft p2w model. The company is real shady, being obviously puppet of the Chinese gov with the money and info going god knows where, I also remember that fun anti-harassment document players were forced to read and sign if they wanted to keep playing. Besides that it has all the problems all mobas have with autistic playerbase, horrible MM experience and overall no fun mentality, it really takes a toll on you.

So if you really don`t understand why people dislike the game, it means you are their target demographic: Either under aged, low T male or a women so make us a favor and go to cuckchan, they obviously love this shit there.

Let get you the real answer OP. LoL is merely a stand alone theft of a custom map made for Warcraft 3. Because of the pervasiveness of LoL, DotA and HoN, kids will never get to experience the variety of modes and maps to be had with the rts control scheme. This is the only reason you need to know, these fag stand alone custom maps killed the custom map scene. Also fuck Riot in particular, they're just inept on every single level, I'm sure some user has pictures of the lead character designer profusely claiming that sustain has no place in PvP team games.

I want to get fucked by Yordles

Worse is when they try to control the meta outside of patches, like banning the guy who won a bunch of games by creepskipping as a hero called Singed who has an ability like Batrider's flamebreak. Or in the professional scene there was a team that was running a roaming support duo and they asked them to stop before the tournament because they didn't want their precious meta to be upset.

I had more fun reading through the Tribunal than I did playing the actual game.

'nuff said really.

You could post double the cancer but you never do, disappointing!


Well, it used to just get the usual assfaggots ribbing, but that was when I played it.
I left when I learned how they treated the tournament players and their sponsors, started making really shitty balance changes, doing reworks that weren't needed, and then finally got militant over toxicity. I just can't keep up with so many things I disagreed with so I left. I really feel bad for the pros is all

Tencent doesn't own Blizzard. That's those French faggots, Vivendi.


Activision bought itself back from Vivendi in 2013, get with the times user.

Every aspect of the game is completely controlled by corporate greed through exploitation of players.

There is nothing else in that game anymore.