Is there anyone else playing this game? I know granblue is popular on here, and I'm curious. I picked it up recently and think it's fun enough. Way more polish then it has any right having.
I used to play it a lot when it came out up until the third expansion, gave up after I realised they'd just keep adding more cards and new mechanics. Unless you play it religiously every single day grinding the rewards and missions it's hard to keep up with the meta and get the cards you need or unless you pay. Shame because the art is amazing the premise was way better than rngstone, which isn't really saying much seen how that's fuming shit.
Mildly interested in this as well. I lost touch with Yu-gi-oh now that there's 10000+ cards and a cardgame about WoW is not very appealing.
Does the game have power creep issue?
I dropped it in favor of 100% OJ. TCGs all boil down to RNG. Same cycle for every one I pick up and drop. Play it to get your fix but you'll get tired of it and move on eventually. I pity those who spend real money on digital cards.
I tried 100% OJ once way back. I don't remember really understanding the game, getting wiped by a chicken and just uninstalling from there.
Lost interest once I learned they censored a lot of cards in the english release
Yes, its a card game. You constantly need the next sets cards or your deck will start to lag behind.
To be fair, you can apparently replace the censored version with their old original versions.
I mean, yeah. But some card games have it a lot worse. Like Duelist Alliance was for yugioh.
I guess my question is more 'how bad is the power creep'.
When I quit each new set completely changed what decks were good. Some of those decks did use cards from older sets but were centered around whatever new shit just came out. Since when I quit the only game mode that was rewarding was ranked, and since you could not rank down, you had to use meta decks past a certain point. If you did not have meta decks you would consistently do poorly. Usually these decks core cards were the highest rarity and thus very expensive to make as well. You could make budget versions of some of them though and do alright.
Used to play it a little while back, but you need to be heavily invested in it and get the rewards every day to keep up without paying lots of cash. Shame; It's good and the setting and the art is more interesting than Hearthstone and they give you more free stuff.
They censored some titties it in the English version and now censor cards in the Jap version too
Yes, it does. Each new expansion just renders older cards weaker and eventually useless, yu-gi-oh tier.
They didn't quite censor a "lot" of cards, just a few really and it's very easy to mod them back to their original artworks.
It's censored trash.
it's mobage gachashit
Everyone here has essentially said everything worth saying.
Art and characters are nice, but I would read a visual novel if I wanted that.
As far as I can tell, there are only like 10 cards that are censored, all of which can be restored just by replacing files. Doesn't seem to be as big of an issue as you guys make it out to be.
This is like saying every first person shooter ever made is just a clone of wolfenstein 3D.
I don't get it.
How dare you associate Mizu with your stupidity.
There are lots of Taiwanese qts streaming it on Twitch. Apparently, it's really popular over there and in Japan. Been trying to chat with them in English because they are way out of my league. Makes me want to learn Mandarin, desu.
yeah me too, censored one of the main decks characters too, ridiculously cucked
?? That girl is over 18, dude.
This entire post. O Lord, forgive user for his faggotry this day.
I'd love and cherish her
Which part specifically?
You tell me, user.
Saddest poster on Holla Forums right now
The fact that children there grow up with it.
You dropped TCGs because they boil down to RNG, but then you picked the biggest RNG fest to play? What?
Anyone else find it funny that western women are trying to destroy 2D women. However asian women seem to see it as a challenge and are trying to become as cute as 2D women?
Naw if shit is censored at all I don't support it because then you are telling devs it is ok to censor shit as long as it isn't too bad. Then it just keeps getting worse and worse until they are all wearing burkas. Just look at Bravely Default 1 and 2.
My counter to that, is that it seems like the devs made it incredibly easy to just mod back in the uncensored versions of the pictures.
Also, slippery slope m8ty.
I believe you, but she don't look 18
The slippery slope fallacy isn't a fallacy it's just a thing that happens. Look at bravely default they censored like 3 or 4 costumes in the first game it sold great. Then the 2nd game they essentially edited every female outfit in the game. Also how do you get the uncensored shit on your phone or tablet? Which is how the game is designed to be played by the most people? Not to mention it's an always online game and they can just decide one day oh let's not let you do that anymore and maybe ban anyone who is. Cygames seems like devs who actually care about making good games because all of their mobile shit actual does grab people who actually play games so they have to be doing something right. However whoever the fuck if getting them to censor all their shit needs to be fired. If it is being forced by Apple/Google then I wish they would call them out on it.
All these white roasties. She's adorable.
Get your eyes checked m8, looks like she was born in a test tube and her nose ran into the glass