Games where you own/sell slaves

The only 3 that come to mind at the moment is a Russian hentai game by Jack o' Nine, Loli Sim from /agdg/, and a slavery mod for New Vegas (pic related).
What are some others that let you own or trade human livestock? I'm mainly looking for non-lewd games, but do share anything you have.

ボクの奴隷娼館 translated

Free Cities

Mountain Blade

Those are more prisoners of war than slaves proper, though.


I'm working on a game. Working title is "Space Slaver" expect it to be out whenever I get around to finishing it. I've got nothing to give you for progress updates. Just know someone out there is making a game in which you practice slavery, in space. It's about slaving and making a tidy profit off of slaving. Not a pornographic game, either.


there are a few morrowind mods that let you own and buy/sell/trade slaves etc, just search 'slave' on nexusmods. i haven't used any tho, so i'm unable to vouch for their goodness.


Slave management is just like playing any other resource management game. It's boring number shuffling, playing the role of accountant. That's probably why the theme isn't more popular outside of h-games where there's a payoff in the form of rape.

Skyrim with mods

It's like you hate shekels or something. Tell me you're at least going to do one of the following:
1) Open a patreon and bill monthly then release two lines of code per month
2) Open a kickstarter and take the money and run
3) Release it as an early access game then never do a real finished version

Sid Meyers Pirates! has it I think

I'd play the shit out of Pickers of Cotton. Manage your own plantation, buy niggers from the Jew, hire guards to make sure the niggers don't escape, whip and lynch niggers for being lazy. It would be Harvest Moon, but you can actually order the farm equipment around.

Any time the subject of slavery comes up in a dev interview, that's never what they say to dodge the issue. They always go with "That's sick and disgusting and has no place in the game." Hilariously, I saw this bullshit spouted with both Star Wars: Galaxies (because the Hutts totally didn't have their hands in Tatooine's slave trade) and some vaporware pirate game that, laughably, prided itself on its historical accuracy.

dark elves in total war warhammer 2 has a slave mechanic but it's shitty and pretty much just moving numbers around, you get more slaves when beating armies, send them to other provinces, probably not what you're looking for

Well, I do have this red-dressed nigress that I'm willing to trade away, if any pokemon Master wants her. I already made sure she's well-trained to pick cotton fight all your battles.

Currently looking for a beautiful Gardevoir, world-renowned for their superior white skin.

The girl with the red collar is a slave game where you need to fight in a coliseum and win champion within 30 days or it's bad end. It's hentai but the battle system is fun and there's an actual fight system for the sex, like different positions and stuff.

Also, both skyrim and fallout have slavery selling mechanics. Also, some quests in tryout for new vegas from ll have you collared and a slave for the duration of the sexual deviancy.

Elona has a slave trader where you can buy and sell party members, but it's not really a key component to the game.


Rimworld technically has it in vanilla but it's pretty basic. Thankfully mods that expand upon the idea exist.


I regularly buy and sell 500 ton loads of slaves in Elite Dangerous.

Sort of reminds me of how, in spore, you could abduct creatures from other planets, but couldn't do anything with them unless it was for a mission. Can't wait, keep us posted.


As long as you hook them up on cocaine flour, they will do anything.

Reminder that every fucking slave merchant ship was either directly owned by a jew or a jewish interest.
Reminder that at least 40% of "white" slave owners were jewish.


Dude even then it's like less than 2% of the population back then even being wealthy enough to buy slaves from africa from africans anyway, stick to the less retarded shit that actually matters to people.

Sure thing, Moishe

Even vanilla lets you operate on them, though. I was surprised you could harvest their kidneys/lungs/hearts and remove their legs to prevent escape.


That Conan game has slaves in it. I liked enslaving a bunch of /fit/ women and turning them into nude guards of my town.

Morrison's have slave mods that give you the option to make use of the existing slave markets and buy you companions
I wish there was a way to employ them for money, but I can't find any mod for that


Skyrim has lots of slavery related mods.

It's sad to see someone so blinded by ideology.

Gothic 3, but you only deal with the aspect of ensuring they remain with the orcs, or you choose to free the ones that want out.

Streets of Rogue is a pretty bog-standard early access roguelite, but it does let you

You're going to get more biters pointing out the africans were the architects of their own pointless suffering than pointing out jews bought them.

He was talking about the trans-Atlantic trade. Context, user, context.
Sage for off topic.

But thats not slave

Theres a roman glatiorial game where you buy and sell gladiator slaves and fight them. it's like a football coach game, but instead, the roman colloseum



It's the main reason I'm pirating the game as one of the first games for my new PC whenever I can afford to make the jump from my toaster. Skyrim in general runs like ass so it would be nice to see how well it preforms as a stress test. The only thing I dread is the wall of shit I have to learn to mod effectively. It'll be easier since I'm decent with Oblivion but Skyrim has what? twice the amount of mods? I can barely keep track of Oblivions.

Rimworld would be the best since you can treat them as livestock with mods expansion. You can have them in the feilds picking cotton, house slaves, sex slaves, etc You can do mostly anything except make them fight for you? But to the point you can do a lot with them in Rimworld.


Too old

Fallout 3 lets you capture people.
It's alright if you're bored.

U wot? You need to abduct creatures and use them to populate planets you terraformed.

Your slaves better be dark skinned.

I would preffer a more grecoroman kind of slavery, with european-looking slaves and black people being savage animals.

Holla Forums infected me with the truth and now I can't think of anything but niggers and jews.
