Will the continued over-saturation of STEM be a great way to finally increase class conscious among millenials and Gen...

Will the continued over-saturation of STEM be a great way to finally increase class conscious among millenials and Gen Z?

I feel like STEM is pretty much seen as the guaranteed path nowadays to reach a decent middle class status in today's economy – when this becomes a non-reality for a lot of millenials and Gen Z due to increased competition, over supply of graduates and lower wages then those who see STEM as their way into a the lifestyle of their parents will have to be forced with the reality that the system has let them down also.


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We will see complete system collapse within the next 10 years. I see no way how this is salvageable.

You mean we can't all become robot-repair-men in our fully automated society??????
Well I suppose the rest can earn a living as artists and authors.


or inherit a business.

sure, the half of mankind who works as robot-repair-men needs entertainment.
maybe some of the non-robot-repair-men can temporarily work as door-to-door-salesmen for the artists if they can compete against the robots doing that job.

of course this only prolongs the system collapse until robots can repair each other.

While i agree that STEM is overcrowded i don't think their work conditions will be similar to the working class. And they still have the developing world to expand/exploit.

STEM are still proles. They still have surplus value extracted from them.

Working class is no college degree, not the same thing as proles.

Do they own means of production? Do they extract surplus value from workers? Do they rent out property? No, so they are proletariat.
Upper/Middle/working class isn't the classes Marx was talking about

Yet their wages are way higher to the working class and live separated from them.

wages are set by the Borgies. A shelf stack makes less than a plumber or a builder, doesn't mean either of them aren't proles

"Working Class" doesn't depend on income level

Overproduction of graduates extends to the liberal arts too. It's a nice source of cheap labor for the porkies running colleges and collaborating with the banks to get them loans. Education is a racket at this point. Businesses needing contractors also needn't look far or pay too much.

Lurk moar, read moar


Shut up

As long your pocket is healthy you don't give a shit about anything besides some charity. They are too busy traveling around the world, fucking their 7+ gfs and showing it on Instagram.

They may be exploited in some sense, but are inside a bubble.

They are exploited as you said so they are proles. Most of them are just like you and don't like those 'decadent' lifestyles you are putting up as some kind of argument. Also, do you really have no idea how much the middle class is squeezed right now? The people who do what you say aren't guys who work as engineers or as researchers in a drugs lab, the people going off doing those stuff are prokies who have either inherited money or are in some way exploiting via some sort of business they run.
You're the one in the bubble mate

Sounds like a personal issue

Do you know any good articles critiquing higher education, user?


I think you are confusing actual stem workers with porky in tech
