4 AM

Losing control?

What was your favorite game of 2017?

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Work was dead tonight. Might not work tomorrow. No clue what I'm doing for New Year's Eve.

Mario Odyssey. I actually formulated a top 10 list this year.

I don't have one.

I'm the best cook tbh

Persona 5 > sonic mania = yakuza 0 > grimoire = nier > EO5 = SK PBS > raiden 5

Morning everyone, Ritsu here

Yesterday was max comfy. I woke up at like 3. Drank a bunch of beer, ate a ton of kfc, went to sleep after only being up a couple hours. Woke back up and drank a bit more then ate more kfc.


Either, Nier Automata, Persona 5, or Yakuza 0 if that counts.

I enjoyed Nier and got called an old man today.

How old are you?

I'm going to drink and watch stuff with the lads on new years, gonna be comfy.
How goes user

It doesn't have to have been released in 2017
Whats good in the hood monica?

You played a lot of games. How goes user

What'd you do today user?

Play Nier, Persona 5, or even Yakuza 0?

Just stay inside and play vidya.

You're overrating P5 tbh famallama.

How old are YOU?

feeling just about over my illness, should be right as rain in time to ruin it all on new years eve with binge drinking. My friend is stuck working again and my other roommates probably won't come out so I might even be drinking alone for it
yakuza zero, easily

also castle was here the other day


Not even 30.

Played vidya all morning then had a several mile game of tag.

I played alot more this year, so many i cant remember them all. Went to church and chickened out on talking to people. Played more nier. TARO GET OUT OF MY HEAD AAAAAA

Went out and played some warhams today, also had a brutal cold for the last couple days and now I have a fever.

Super Robot Wars V

P5 is the only game i played twice this year. 175 hours in it

Sonic Mania.

Drinking alone is the comfiest anyway.
What'd you do today fam?

What why and with who

When you learning to drive

Go to the doctor if it gets worse.
Come on

Nice taste.

That's lewd why not spoil it?

Not even Nier?


I only just started neir and multiple playthroughs of that doesnt count unless its a fresh start.

How goes user

Just dew it

Goes fine I guess. Got the 2nd half of my gf's Christmas present sent off today.

Gonna see if I have any friends who are having parties and crash one of them.

I already can drive, im just afraid to. Merging is scary.

I know, was just checking if you knew.

Go to a fellow NEET party or something.

Today just depressed me. Got into a fight with my mom today saying I'm not getting up early enough for work. Now she's threatening to kick me out and force me into a boarding home. I got so consumed by my anger at this point that I was ready to choke her. We haven't spoken to each other since that fight. I'm going insane and there's nothing I can do to make it better. She mentioned I should try counseling or therapy, but I know full well that shit doesn't work. I just don't know what to do anymore, and the moment I lose control I don't know what I'm gonna do.

Just spreading father's love
Besides, it was mostly magic players today. They deserve it.

I like to live dangerously

Neir hit me hard but automata is hitting me harder. Holy shit this game is a ride.

I think thats abuse, user.

Whats the present?
A ring?

Just do like I do and when you need to merge go 30+ over the limit and don't look back.

Look into government assisted housing or something. You got plenty of money to move out if you get that.

Yeah fuck anyone whos still playing sjw the card game

I want to avoid crashes, thank you.

I don't have any favorite games from 2017

Close. It's a Kakyoin daki.

p5 monica shieeeeeeetttttt

Kid came back dressed to operate then told me it was a game of tag. My knees are in pain.

Try merging while on a motorcycle. That shit is scary.

Get her a joseph daki at the very least

You just have to be sure that any crash you get into kills you so you don't have to deal with the aftermath.

Did you play anything older you enjoyed?
How goes user

What is kakyoin

How was kwanzaa monica?

watched some deadwood, played with the roommates cat, played siege, some laundry. If i'm feeling 100% again tomorrow i'll get back to my workout routine

the fuck is a boarding home

What is wrong with your fam?

k don't get banned

I'm playing old Nier first since one of the endings seems to have to do with it.

Ate 500g frozen vege mix, 750g beans and a box of Savoys.
Almost finished watching Twin Peaks.

It wouldnt be so bad if i was more aware how exactly how big the car is at all times.

Whos kid?

How the fuck do you learn which walls are destructible in siege anyway?

How goes user

Live slow and leave a fat lazy corpse

It has Dio on the other side. She picked it out. She said if I got it for her, she'd sit on my face.

Guy from Stardust Crusaders.

People keep saying automata doesnt have alot to do with neir, but those people never played neir. Automata has alot of refrences to neir and shit that people will miss.

I like slow

Oh I know, right from the fucking start, Beastbain comes to mind.

Just remember things look bigger innamirror


Good because you are

Never heard of it. Some space anime?

Just beat Golden Sun. Don't know what to think.


Better to be slow and alive than fast and dead

I just wanna be able to go on dates and shit with qts.

Part 3 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure you uncultured swine.

Thats pretty gay

The bean and vege mix is pretty lame but i plan to eat it for the rest of the week.

Speaking of personal GOTYs, Do you ever get the feeling that if you don't play a game the same year it came out, you're missing the bandwagon? Because that's how I feel about a game if I don't play the year it came out.

I don't know. All I do is work and sleep, and she complains that I don't do shit at home. She also wants me to start paying rent despite that It's still the same house I grew up in. Bitch wants every fucking dollar I make, I swear to god.

Can't remember but do you got a cute daughteru?

How goes user


someone gay post with me, I'm bored tbh

baller monica


How can you eat the same food for so long? I'd go crazy

That only really matters if it has multiplayer.

Did you get any good gifts? Or does black santa just leave crack?

generally anything made out of wood/drywall can be broken, if you're not sure you can just hit it with your melee and if you'll knock a hole in it if it is


You'll learn in time.

you are so noisy, how do you hear yourself think?
shut up for a minute and just look. youre not where you started.

I dont really care when the game came out. Im not a bandwagoner. Playing persona 5 on release day was 10/10 tho.

I just need to drive mote.

Shit, is your dad around? Also, I feel ya on the bandwagon shit. It's more fun when you're on it.

Not really, since single player stories can have tons of inside jokes within image boards.


but I'm where I am when I'm not around

Ohhhh smart can't believe I didn't think of that.


Is this a riddle?

I don't really browse the internet besides this thread anyway

P5, also no. I just graduated this year. No more schooling for me for the rest of my shitty life.

black santa do wut he want

Must be boring.

P5 is nice, but I feel there have been better.

What are you going to do next?


The game ended with a cliffhanger and there were a few things left to do and even a pretty good sized Doungen too but you can't visit anywhere once you beat the boss and saved so I am just left with the cliff hanger and have to play the sequel, took me a while to firgue out how to get the save from a rom to the sequel. Great story, decent combat, overall I give the game a 8.5/10 pretty good.

Im so glad i missed neir spoilers somehow. The shit that the game pulls is fucking insane.

I tried to play some Doom 2 multiplayer earlier. Due to the size of my room I can't use a mousepad so I have this weird and sorta fucked up wooden plank thing for my mouse. Sometimes if the mouse is in a bad position it becomes really hard to move around and that's what happened earlier so I had to quit early. Since the Switch was hacked I took a while to think about whether or not to get one but there's still a lot of other things I need to get and I don't even know what I'd play if I did have one, so I guess not.

Meh refreshing the same websites all day got old years ago. I spend most of my time gaming and watching fun stuff these days.

Well glad you had fun user

It has all the things you need to live, taste is far less important. Each week these holidays has been something different. 48/52 weeks of the year i eat the same stew every day.
Cook it on sundays, that way you dont have to think about what to eat.

There might have been, but I haven't played them.

Wageslave I guess, if that doesn't work out then suicide.

I have fun with it.

Nier on a tomato and Yakuza 0 were great.

Yes. Although every time he talks about how much of a bitch mom is, he does a complete 180 once she's nearby and starts insisting I'm the bad guy.

congrats, mate. What are you gonna do now that you're stuck with a debt you're never gonna pay off?

How freaking tiny is your room?

Sounds truly miserable.

What kind of degree did you get?

Tell your dad to stop being a pussy and get your mom back in line.

Call your dad a pussy. My dad at least tries to defend me.

I didn't actually pay a dime of my own money.

I want to play nier, just haven't gotten around to it.

Comp sci

Play the first one.


Not when you get called old for tiring out after running for 7-9 miles. I'm legitimately bummed out about that, what is next failing at vidya

Wait what

Ouch. rip your future career. The poos are gonna have all your jobs.

Make me a video game

I might train to run a marathon. I have the right body type to be able to do it.

Who called you old?
I'd probably die if I ran even 1 mile tbh

Not really. Its pretty much the culinary equivalent NoFap.
That way when you eat something else you can truly appreciate the flavor.

I go crazy enough from eating the same shit around my house like ramen and hot dogs. I'd probably snap on your diet

*blocks your path*


I wish trump weren't such a sellout. Outsourcing should have been one of the first issues he tackled if he meant any of what was in his inauguration speech.

Making one is my life's goal, like how some people want to write a book or go traveling.

My kid, I got called old like four times. Most I've ran in one go was 16 or so through some thick woodland.

Don't fuck your knees by weighing yourself in any way.

I think he did do something about low wage workers coming in. He might do something about outsourcing in the future. I say give it time, he spent most of this year on the wall and the tax reforms.

I dont understand **but i weight 85 pounds if thats what you're asking.

Spank her

What kind of game would you make if you could?

he means by throwing a weighted bag on or something to train

Fair enough, I guess I can wait a year or so before assuming the worst.

Fast action platforming.

Fuck doing that shit.

Based on everything I've posted in these threads, what do you guys think my new year's resolution should be? I can't decide.


to post saya next

With cute girls?

Either move out or learn how to assert yourself.

I mean, people will run around with weights in a bag or those weight belt things to work up endurance, that will fuck you.

I think I'm just not gonna visit innasummer although I do want to climb fuji.

I have 2 restaurant tables adjacent from my bed on either side horizontally that I use to hoist up my computer and consoles. I have only barely enough room to do this.

I'll give him until year 3. He has alot on his plate and he already did alot more than most recent presidents have.

Im gonna use my light nature to be faster.

Move out and find a nice comfy apartment or something. You got the job thing done, I doubt you're fucked like me.

It isn't how fast you can run, its how long you can run.

Really? Thats terrible

Why not get rid of the tables?

It would include optional waifus.

I won't be that generous, its far more comfortable with my jade gasses on.

I get out of breath easy, but i can train my endurance back up in no time.

I still think trump is gonna do a good job.

Where would I hold everything up then? I only have just enough room on these tables to hold up all my shit.

I hope you're right, but I don't.

Muller is going to impeach Trump.

If that happens its immediate civil war. People seriously want trump in office and all the calls for impeachment lately are gonna put people on edge if he does get impeached.


If theres no Ritsu knock off then I'm not buying

Is the floor made of lava or something?

Did anyone else get ding dong bannued last night?

Either way I guess it's nioh. And I'm only staying a short while tonight.

It would be free.

Fuck yeah I'm losing control.

Breath of the Wild.

Nope, what happen

How goes Smoke


Turned down by who. Story time user

This doesnt help my social anxiety.

I don't usually tbh

Because I shamelessly pirate games left and right. I'd have no right to charge for it.

A "friend", I guess.

I don't like referring to my friends as friends, I think we're growing apart.

Sorry, user.

Got a 24hr ban for avatarfagging, and I certainly wasn't in any other thread. Is it even avatarfagging if it's not the same character?

No, Ritsu.

I'll be your friend.

Found your problem.

I don't have any Saya. Sorry mate.

How can I assert myself against people who have me under their thumbs?

The one thing stopping me is that I live in leafland, and making money is harder than in the USA.

Did you get banned last thread?

Turned down by what?

I be she ugly.

I know how to be cruel beyond any imagination.

You're gonna need to hit the gym.

What are you? Some faggot that can't talk to strangers?


I know the feeling.

Im gonna start when school starts. Im gonna have to miss these threads tho. They start at 1am for me.


You're right.

She wasn't.

Seems like a waste of time then

What did you ask them?

They are silly with bans sometimes

Then put them on the floor

With a gun

What HAVE you done to her?

Exactly. Im terrified to talk to strangers.

Well then work on the fat then.

Honestly this place is really getting worse.

Not really. I genuinely love this hobby and I want to contribute something.

I just wanted to be with them, but we're in two different places in life. It might've been for the best, but I don't know.

Is it even worth it? It doesn't fix a fucked up face and it's not like I'll find anything I want at school.

I guess I could try with the tower but I'm afraid I'll drop it or something as I'm lowering it. Maybe someday.

Do you have an email or something?

I'm in leafland, there's no way I'm gonna be able to do that. I'd prefer some actual advice tbh

I just looked at her in the eyes and said I'm getting too old to be flown around in planes so I'm not gonna be here in the summer. I could threaten to sporterize the gun I gave her a couple of years back. Its the simple things in life that torment the best.

You might want to hit up the pool too, swimming does wonders.

Its been at cuckchan levels of moderation for years now

But you could turn it into a career

Like sex?

Seems better than not being able to use your mouse

Well your mom sounds too crazy to reason with. You could try just being a dick constantly but I don't know if that'd work. Might be best to just move out.

I've been saying that for so long

Im so good at swimming. I could do all kinds of shit in the water. Hell, if i wanted to i could do olympic swimming.

How are leaf guns laws anyway? I know they're restrictive but just how bad is it?

But the post quality has really followed suit and become worse. I guess I'll ride it out until 16chan or some dumb bullshit happens.

Nothing that's worth anything, anyways.

At what point is suicide a viable option in life?

Easier to get a gun in leafland than it is NJ or Commiefornia

True, but I don't really want to work in the gaming industry. Besides, if I remove market forces from the pursuit, it will allow me to create what I think is good instead of what will sell.

I have a friend who knew a lot about Canadian gun laws, so I'll have to ask him about it. I'm not that knowledgeable about anything outside of vidya tbh.

At any point, it's your life to throw away.

I guess.

I'm done if 8ch dies. I barely browse this place as it is.

Never user.

If you make something good, it will sell anyway

At all times.

New Jersey has shit gun laws too? I wasn't aware.

Never looked them up in hopes of getting a gun?

If 8ch dies i hope the irc stays alive.


Post FEMC now!

This tbh fam. Femc is best girl by far.

Whenever you want to. Just make sure you don't have any regrets if you go through with it.

Nope. I always thought that Canadian gun laws were really restrictive IIRC.


Why did I buy into the Starjew Valley meme? This game is absolutely NOT comfy like I expected. I'm constantly worrying about time management, and just watering shit takes up pretty much all my energy. I was fucking lied to, I wanted comfy.

That's optimistic. If quality determined sales numbers EA would be dead several times over by now.

Why the fuck not?!

New Jersey is a place forgotten because nobody worthwhile lives there. It probably surpasses leafland as of the modern day.

How goes user

I'm not saying it'll make millions of dollars but if its truly good then it'll at least get some niche sales.

speaking of comfy games, which purseowner game is the most comfy?

Because I don't have any saved.

Automate, nigger, automate. You got all the tools to completely automate the whole process.

Get some saved nigger.

Alright then, I'll see if I can find any sometime. To be honest, I thought you had given up about over FEMC.

I gotta get some sleep. And this is the last time I'll be in 4am for about 11 weeks unless I stay up on the weekend, so see you guys around.

Restrictive does not mean impossible or an outright ban.


P4 is comfiest, p5 comes close. P3 isnt comfy at all but is is the 3rd best persona game.

I guess I could leave a donation area open. It still doesn't feel right charging after all of my piracy though.

Cya next time furfag

That could work at least

See you in 11 weeks.

Im gonna have to do the same thing too, but i might be able to stop by on fridays.

I mean she's not my waifu, but the fact that you keep omitting her triggers me a bit.

Going to bed. Night.

Cya next time fam

someone showed me something good so I don't care that you losers aren't replying to me tbh

See you next thread.

I just don't think she's that interesting to me tbh. I might change that opinion in the future.



My next day off is New Year's and I'm pretty sure everything's closed on new years.

Are you sure? I thought that was only Christmas and Christmas Eve.

Unless I'm not remembering things correctly, I'm pretty sure most stores are closed on new year's.

Well, I'm a neet so what do I know?

Not much about the outside, I guess.

Yeah, but i do go out occasionally for family events maybe.

I don't really do outside events with my family anymore tbh.

Understandable. I hope you don't get entirely alienated.

ur gay tbh

I'm going to bed. See you guys next thread.

Honeslty I can't stand my family at times so I don't care if I'm alienated or not.


never too late for a fucking


Have my current sketch in return I guess

finish ur sketch tbh

Hey an artfag!

All if not majority of vidyas in 2017 were shit tbh.

So, any /insomniafags/ here?

Stop that meme already. This year was fine compared to the rest of the decade.

year was fine, just burned out from last year
I'm still trying to recover from the massive hype that was the end of 2016

Name a single 7+/10 AAA game that came out this year lad

There's your problem.

Still up, and late to the thread, because I was watching animu. And to be honest, I have yet to play anything that actually came out this year, between most of my systems being older anyhow, and what newer ones I have barely getting releases at this point (that I can at least utilize without losing out on things down the line; wish Vita CFW could feign OFW checks like PS3 CFW can). Been the year of the backlog.

Also, Nier and Persona 5 were fine.

I hope those count as AAA.