sitting in an english garden
waiting for the sun
if the sun don't come you get a tan
from standing in the english rain
sitting in an english garden
waiting for the sun
if the sun don't come you get a tan
from standing in the english rain
Other urls found in this thread:
is this from something?
it's the beatles u dip
the beatles "I am the walrus"
who made eva go ham on me lol
so back to stage 1 of the rotation again are we? wew you must be really triggered to do it so many times already, even grimmu keeps it to once per engagement
oh I know a good few of their songs but oddly not that one, then again I was only ever introduced to certain ones and a few from there lol
Tp is a bully...
Glad spoiler caling him out on his shit...
gotta admire nezi still being in his own little world despite anything that's going on around him
man i'm sorry for even getting you so worked up eva
you should never been a mod is my point
The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit The Beatles are shit
stop that lol
I'd recommend checking out their full catalog.
but he cybered chii thats not easy. i think it's fair he gets something out of it.
Overrated as fuck
tp is more a bitch than he is a bully, he couldn't actually bully anything more than the most easy of targets and at that point he's just coward not a lick of fun picking on those that won't even fight back picking on the little retarded shits that think they are tough shit like him? fucking gold
I just might do that, honest opinion though should I stop bullying tp? I think he can't handle the bants I might have broke him into a circular rotation of fallacies and idiocy
soilers was "new" when those people made him mod
it's just silly
i don't really have the energy to laugh at your rants atm
can you tone it down a bit
yes. I don't really care what anyone does around here, but I find the pointless bickering and fighting back and forth to be very stupid and usually drives people out of the threads or they jump in and make it worse.
I mean you know I basically never get involved in this shit, nor do I start it. I just try to get along.
Tp should consider leaving
holy shit this post is hilarious
based cuppers defending me
Maybe if tp wasnt a heap of shit
If you cant take it, dont dish it
nope. just wishing people would not have these pointless bitchfests. you're one of the worst offenders of that, you start shit with people all the time.
I get it, I never liked the idea of being bullied til I can't answer right either so it must suck for you. I'll do you a solid and lay off the bants for tonight but you can be sure I'll grab your pussy every time you return to your regular rotation
not what I asked but I'll take it as a yes
cupcake is going to pity cyber spoilers later over this episode
You are doing God's work. Never stop.
go back to the liver pool ya limey cunt
lol scoots why are doing that
but if you noticed i wasn't even feelin it
not reading
the very first word was yes.
you never seem to be, other than with bebop. it's all stupid though.
i almost got ticked
thank you darwin
Because i like the chaos
what ever you say, babycakes keep it tight for laaaater
yes but the rest was really not needed, insightful yes but more just extra fluff don't ever change except for maybe get happier, that is acceptable
i really need you to be on my team
I generally share my opinion when I feel like doing so. if you'd rather I not do that in the future just specify that you only want a "yes" or "no"
why is he calling me babycakes when he was talking shit about my family
I am on no one's team. least of all my own.
wew I guess you missed the one part but right
what do you mean?
cuz now he wants to act like you were more triggered than he was
kinda want to hug cuppers so he doesn't ky
dude so what you got dumped
it's been months
you're a fantastic human
just let him have it, some people need the back up to not crumble
let him do what he wants fascist. fantastic is a bit of an overstatement.
if you want to act sympathetic you're doing a pretty piss poor job. but I don't want or need your sympathy anyway.
I doubt I will. I feel pretty entrenched in myself by this age.
Wow tp cant help dragging up people's dirt. As usual
Fuck off
bitchy response to a nice post
i don't care what you want
i don't want you to kill yourself
and then a bitch responds to my bitchy response. how quaint.
have u been here this whole time..?
jury's still out but it seems like I will not be doing that, so worry no more.
I'm not sure where this is going, can I just nod and say okay?
that is the correct response to almost anything I say.
I'm always here all night
it's been going on for like 2 hours
How come this is acceptable but when i do it everyone flips shit on me
come on tho bro that post was cute
i actually felt things
dude relax we dont need u to start sperging out also
Actually tp
Please die
at least at times as it's coming to seem
you should stop feeling things. it makes life easier.
I think you have the least chance out of anyone on earth of ever upsetting me, honestly.
all the time. I'm the worst.
nobody actually thinks this is acceptable except scootaloo cuz he's retarded
i like ur rants tho theyre actually good
Maybe one day alcohol poisoning will claim you
gosh I hope so. why else do you think I drink so much.
I was referring to to
if you're looking for brownie points or something I'm not feeling up to the effort
fyi nobody is ever impressed by how little invested u claim to be
friendly tip i would stop that just be real
ur a limey
spoilers i'm sorry for pwning you tonight
soilers is a great alternative to your name
but i'm sorry for making you cry
i can't help it sorry
Also bard its because spoilers is right
you constantly tell me to be real, then tell me that my real isn't real. not sure what you want from me, sci.
you should be very very sorry.
i really am
Never heard that one before. Maybe you should try it again.
you don't seem sorry enough. grovel.
Literally getting triggered
I wouldn't say the worst, you're one of a handful I still actually feel like is worth much here whiiiiich might be setting the bar low but I assure you it means more than it seems I guess
u know all i do is give my honest thoughts i never pander
i want people to be real when i think ur real i dont say anything
dude what
About what?
No body from either side has raised any issues
It's just baseless mudslinging, namecalling, and cheap attempts at personal punches
well thank you.
you heard me, faggot.
what makes you think you get to decide what is real or not for another person?
I have been nothing but genuine at all times here.
get fukken triggered ya liverpool limey
brad scoot is just being confrontational for reaction cause his dumbass should be in bed
scoots agrees that eva is overstepping his bounds
so it's fair, if that ever changes I'll let you know just to make sure you know I'm not just lying to make you feel better **cause at this point that nicety is a lot more rare from me, at least here lately*
i sense some serious posturing from u sometimes
eh i kinda don't want to grovel
I wouldn't really like it if someone were to lie to me just because they thought it was what I wanted to hear.
that's great. you sense it all you want. your opinion is not one I value in the slightest.
so you're saying you're not actually very sorry.
wew tired enough to bust my spoilers damn
well good cause I don't plan to, ever lol
good. I appreciate that.
you should sleep.
I strongly suspect I am far from the only one who feels that way.
i am sorry but i don't want to grovel lol
When almost anybody else goes off theres a huge community backlash
Does nobody care? is that the issue here?
btw ur annoying af
i strongly suspect ur full of it
For fucks sake man right when I start to lose my ability to be entertained by my material possessions everything dies in the one place I go to getaway
This is the only thing happening in my life right now and I hate it
I really should but you should also be there but also super tired so probably in a few minutes or ssomething
btw you are a peophile
Im crying
so stop relying on animus, it's like a shitty broken crutch
how disappointing.
that's super nice.
cry more. your tears are delicious to me.
ebb and flow of the threads, bard. sometimes it's just like this.
I'd go to bed if I hadn't already slept so much today. trust me, I sleep as much as I'm capable of sleeping.
got me man
soilers when hard tonight
man this is dumb we're both being bitches rn i dont wanna do this ur actually all right sometimes
seems weird
oh there'd have been a bit of lacking in sleep then buuuut I digress
Because bard go fuck yourself
Plwase... daddy
soilers when you see yourself do you see yourself in charge?
I do not feel as though I am being a bitch.
ur weird.
why are you not getting enough sleep?
Large and in charge
like ur mom
i don't really see why
If I leave, that's one less person in an already struggling community
Not implying that I'm the backbone of animus or anything
But I post alot and if I stopped, that would be a large quantity of posting that stops until someone with a similiar psting style comes along
what would that leave for me in my life
sure, I'm bored with it, but it is the only thing there is
I have an instrument that at the moment just feels like a chore to play
I have a music library of things I've listened to hundreds of times thats just boring and repetetive
I spent in between three and six hundred dollars sometime last month on a new console and games and a nice entertainment systm that brings me no pleasure
Normally I would take solace in the fact that I can work towards a goal of mine and when I make that goal happen things will be fine
but I dont even have anything to strive for here recently
i feel dissatisfied with my life
when winter comes, I won't even have my friends anymore, and they've already been started to avoid me because it's getting cold and they dont like to get out alot
I cant blame them I dont either
i feel grey
reasons that won't b shared on the board, it's a thing
don't worry about it. pick another topic or drop convo whichever suits ur fancy
I'm just shitting around as usual.
and I feel empty. you get used to it.
I see. well I hope whatever it is works out.
I find very little to worry about here.
wow only bard has the balls to follow up a cuck getting blown the fuck out
yeah or something at least, been in that junkenstein's revenge at all?
Bard going full overcuck
kinda sucks cause i love bard
and it will be hard to blow him off
not really feeling it
yeah, it was pretty fun. found a group to do it with and we managed to get all the achievements in a few hours of playing.
stop worrying about animus it doesnt matter if it dies
i prescribe sky-watching
u should do more of that
trust me it will help
yeah only really duo queued it and trio a few times but it was rather good, hard is the only really difficult rank barring the randoms being complete cucks and running away from the "scary robots" that don't even shoot lol
Get fucking rekt bard you scrub
dude why even
yeah hard mode is the real ball buster challenge, but we finally managed to pull it off. you really need four people unless you luck out and get insanely good randoms.
this is the truth, we managed to get lucky a few times the ana mcree ult duo is ungodly most of the time
You started this. Deal with the consequences for once you manchd.
yeah that's the way to get it done, but it's still a crap shoot once the tougher enemies show up, like roadpig.
oh fine
yeah he's a bitch and trying to down him and mercy with everything going down just hoping that mcree's ult takes her down or enough that she can be ended before it all gets fucked lol
yeah, and meanwhile junkrat spams bombs all over the place making it hard to even walk around and if you don't take mercy out in the first ten seconds or so you're basically fucked.
kinda wonder if eva would talk so much shit if he wasn't a mod
nigga is going personal
kinda unforgivable
No one wants yo play junkenstein with me
Had to solo with randoms
Tral talk batd. You are cool. 😎
there's limited slots. I just went with the first group of people who all wanted to play. sorry mang.
kinda going to dox him lol
and then i'm going to rape his family
fuck i just threatened him
yes i will dox you
im flabbergasted some people dont realize tp is the best poster in the game right now
and then rape your family
Its not a bother
Cant say im genuinely fussed
thanks but i just broke the rules
yea i saw that
I really should sleep now lol night cups
sometimes you have to grab the pussy
goodnight, spoilers.
I should go too. see you all.
hold on bro can we talk?
later cuck
here they go
auf wiedersehen
are u actually going to sky-watch pls?
its cold
I biked out to walmart earlier and saw plenty of the sky, since i had a chance to get out of town by a mile or so
not really feeling it
sit by the window then
ur not supposed to feel it
watching the sky isnt fun
thats the point
dude why is michelle obama so based
i can enjoy plenty of not having fun in my room where its warm and dark
pls just do it
a lot
im serious
Can sci leave
Then we'd have good thread
I wish I had a violin or a cello
they are such a beautiful sound to them
i want to die
Or a double bass
Grab my pussy
What'll you give me?
hey there traveller
Khajit has wares if you have coin
god damn it my throat
Suck 2 much dick
I am
The Silver Shroud
This is my partner
the mysterious
of mystery
What nigga
how do i become aesthetic
you up to much today?
I'm feeling quite sleepy
going on 7 a.m here so about my bed time
Nico nico Nii
Playing some warships and being sad that I woke up so late, it's like 2 PM
Why you up so late? Isn't that gonna mess up your day?
Ah it's not too bad
I have to work at 4 o clock
So I dont really needd to sleep until 10 p.m
but I like to fall out around 6 a.m to 8 a.m
usually wake up right bfore work, so i can get that out of the way first thing in the day. usually get off round 9 or so sometims a lil later sometimes a lil earlier
i didnt use to be like that but over time It just got hard to sleep earlier lol
what about you how do you enjoy to sleep time wise?
I wish I wasn't so mediocre at this game, kek.
Wait what so you slept, woke up, now you're going back to sleep?
I like to get a lot of sleep, like eight hours minimum up to ten. Sleep at night, wake up in the morning. Sleep is the most important meal of the day.
oh yeah
happens every day lol
I go to sleep around the time most people wake up and wake up aroudn the time most kids get out of school here
Gotta agree there
8 to 10 hours is just perfect
Sleep is the best part of the day
I love dreaming so much
i can't catch a break
Try working every weekend. And doing a 54 hour weekend shifts Then talk to me about breaks
You feel comfy doing that though? Not tired at all?
I love not being awake.
Its cool because during the day I'm usually never tired
Kinda sucks waking right up and rushing to work but its a pretty easy job
when I get off I have all niht to do whatever I want if thats anything and I usually dont start to feel tired til around 5 a.m or so
works fantastic but just bcause I dont have alot of things on my plate
You dream alot?
But I'm not doing brainless busywork.
That does sound like a pretty good deal, yo. Having the discipline to do that is pretty impressive though, I don't think I could control the sleeping schedule that well.
I guess I do dream, I can't remember it though, Goldfish memory after all.
It's never anything relevant, just the sleepwalking sometimes fucks me over.
awww man I dont think I can in all good heart claim any discipline
Rather it's lack of discipline really
every night I ended up just stayig up later and later and eventually everything just shifted frward x:
You are a sleepwalker? What is that like?
Ikt get rekt and ky
but there's only 48 hours in a weekend
Kek, fair enough, that's still fine.
I don't do it often, only when stressed or angry. I get up and start talking to people and yelling at them, sometimes throw things.
If I went a long day without sleep and somebody tried to wake me up, from what I hear from the people that did try, I get angry and start yelling and pushing them while asleep. Just yelling random things that make no sense.
Come in for the hug, friend, we can sleep endlessly together.
You ever wake up somewhere you didnt go to sleep at?
Real talk, a hug actually sound super nice right now.
How was your day, dude?
Friday is a weekend faggot
Yeah, a good few times, different rooms, different areas in the same room, sometimes on the floor or near the door. It's weird.
Again though, it only happens when I'm stressed or angry, sometimes at random.
Nooo, why's that? I'd hug you if I could.
Day started about an hour ago, playing World of Warships with an angry german roleplaying as my father. He's a pretty fun and nice guy. Very salty though.
It occurs to me that I almost put "How was your day been"
I need a coffee or something.
Hmm? No reason.
I'm just a chronic cuddler, so hugs are always nice. When they're done right.
Sounds nice. Kinda. Are you sure he's angry and not just German?
Chronic cuddler sounds like a fun illness.
It's pretty nice, it'd be more fun if I wasn't trash at the game. He's a German in the navy, actually. Yells a lot but is actually a super nice guy.
If that was a reference it went over my head.
*wakes up from my nap*
Morning, fluffy.
Doesn't it though?
I bet it's one you wish you had.
It was more a jab at how German is a very harsh sounding language.
Morning, Theseius.
what have i become
my sweetest friend
my ana is home!
what should i eat today?
A healthy balance of foods.
Maybe start with an apple.
Enjoyed the nap?
I wouldn't want it, I don't have anyone to cuddle with.
Yeah it is, I like it though, not more than french but I like it.
somethin wrong with me
somethin wrong with me
somethin wrong with me
Neither do I...
French is a pretty nice language.
I kinda wish I'd kept up with it all my life.
French and france are disgusting
i dont have any
broke my fucking heart
Why not?
Good good, I slept pretty well too, just playing some games before I need to get out and get something to cook.
Such is life, though.
You knew french? Only a little or...?
Moo :D
I was fluent.
It's a requirement of all Ontario students through most of primary education.
But I stopped using it after grade 9, and it just kinda faded away, so now I'm wishing that I hadn't've let it.
Im glad rin forgot french. One less honhon
que tal?
You can't just forget a language.
adorable pic
i dont want them to mold in my fridge
which games?
You're adorbz
Like, maybe not thoroughly?
But yes you can.
I do understand it yes, and I could speak some very broken, and rudimentary phrases, but I'm not a fluent French speaker anymore.
If you ate them, they wouldn't.
Good. Rusty is good enough.
they have weird skin on them and a core and are not very soft
Not for literally any purpose in which the ability to speak a language matters, no.
are only good in juice and mushed
Strictly untrue.
apples are disgusting
You are disgusting
Therefore you must be an Apple
sometimes it comforts me knowing that a weaker person in my position would have killed themselves already.
maybe sometimes I wish I could be weaker...
Like, if that were true, then we wouldn't have candied apples. Or Caramel Apples.
Or apple pie.
Fruit Salad isn't complete without some apple in it.
Like, what the hell?
I think it's less that you're a stronger person, and more that you're just not retarded.
I wish swedish fish would drink a gallon of bleach and neck themselves. But that is just me.
not strict
post yfw girldick
Over here, French is spoken as much as or more than English, with Arabic being spoken more than both.
So when I was going into school I got to pick between Arabic and French classes as a 2nd language, and I made the mistake of choosing Arabic. I regret it so much. My Arabic stayed as basic as ever.
Warships, bored kinda.
apples are muh jam tho
dehydrated apples
honey crisp apples
apple juice
apple crisp
caramel apples
that's a BIG claim you're making there
More like
you float around going pew pew at angles and weird stuff?
Death come to me.
I want to relish the sweet release from this hell.
KILL ME NOW. please
god damnit now I want apple crisp and vanilla ice cream and egg nog and motherfuckin apple pie
The prospect of a shotgun blast to the cranium is quickly becoming soothing
goodmorning lovely people
Hey, bae.
morning trapkin
it's 4pm
whatcha doing?
what are you my mom?!
Call me mommy i need to fap
not helping with that
ever morning I wake up with the desire to fuck/be fucked
gib trap gf
Watching videos, heh.
And yourself?
i'm doing it to your posts so you're involved either way
may as well make it a good one
fun fun, bodypainting again?
I just showered and enjoy my honey scent.
but I should get something to eat soon.
*rape whistles*
you whistle a rape whistle. rape whistling is whistling to be raped. like a rape bird call.
Pretty much, lots of pew pews, but the german is not a very good teacher and my current battleship is kinda bad.
the swede and gold fish should bang
wait who is goldfish I'm still a newfag and don't know half the people here
Tp is alive
No, not body painting for now, though that's a really interesting show.
Just whatever's in my youtube feed for today.
There's a stream at 1pm my time that's super interesting.
Did I ignore you? Totally sorry. Ehm.
I dunno, I had to learn french, and I guess I just never felt any reason to keep up with it.
If you could learn any language in the world, which would it be?
Was kind of hoping that tp choked on his own vomit
if only it was cooler and less uber techincal difficulty...
this is literally the first time I've ever seen them post chillax man
Is it friday in murrica?
the one who is called goldfish
it's fucking saturday in fuckin hawaii and alaska man
owh cool what's that about?
after shower I made a lil something.
want me to send it?
it's saturday
Swedish should OD on hawaiian meth
It doesn't hurt to, like, see if there's someone who's labeled as that before asking who it is.
It's that stream I mentioned a couple months ago.
Where they made a tabletop game and are playing it.
hey light it's actually not friday, it's saturday
what the fuck is Hawaiian meth?
genuinely curious
Ask DOG you swine
Everyone in this thread needs to self terminate immediately.
meth that locals do
fucking howlies i swear
what's different about it from regular meth though?
kinda wonder what andrew's pussy feels like tbh
Please terminate me
I'm not going to either.
adorable backpack!
i want moar
why is there never food in the house holy fuck
oh sweet, I'll prolly tune in too.
luka what does your pussy taste like
because you live with your moms?
tokai how does your moms feel about your canadian internet girlfriend
trap dick tastes and smells like vagoona
did you ever suck mayaka's girldick?
I don't have more.
Remember, my time is yours today.
that's hot. she is so ungrateful
it was all over when I ate DAT RAVIOLI
No such thing as "girl dick"
follow up question: did she cum in your mouth?
show me what u got~
I'm not entirely sure
it was me and ali double teaming it
I don't even know what all I have.
not gonna lie, mayaka has nice guy tits
fish's tit's are floppy and unappealing
Imma get coffee at ah and food etc
I do rememberr
we'll have fun no problem
i have floppy ones as well ;;
Just makin' sure, love.
these are mayaka's though. kinda nice for a trap
genetics granted me good hight and facial features but no boobs and less than decent ass
pretty old, hers are a lot bigger now but they didn't really grow that well
damn dude way to ruin my image
goodmorning everyone
most of my family has largish breasts but I seem to not be getting any genetics from them. I don't really look anything like my mom or dad, but I was next to identical to my brother when we were babies.
Your little nuts are gonna be quaking
I look like my mom.
it might have something to do with you being a male and pumping illegal estrogen doesn't really have legit studies to say if it is safe yet
I'm in love with Alice, both the poster and the touhou
My dad is like outrageously australia, looks fuckin bogan as fuck from what I remember of the couple pictures I saw of him.
mom looks like a potato
nobody's disagreeing with you
wanna check out her cave?
just so you know
your tits are vomit inducing
Already have !
Fish is just TP with tits
Me too.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking too, but he bought me a month of premium for some reason and now I can't stop playing without feeling bad.
Gameplay isn't very fun if you suck.
Shame, it's nice to know more than one language.
I like French and German, probably one of those two.
Maybe Japanese but that's cause anime, I guess.
Hello, that's me
she hates you huh
haha not gonna lie this is true
nuh we're friends
my tits are floppier but way more appealing than fish's
and i don't even take illegal hormones
everytime i see the word "trap dicc" and "boi pucci" I always imagine them being spoken with a heavy indian accent
Oh fondle my samosas and tease my lady dicc while you destroy my boy pucci
c-can i see?
she takes whatever she can get slave wise
n-no x///x
It's a good feel.
Kind of a weird question for me, because I want to learn every language I could.
If I had to choose just one, I might pick Cantonese, or Chinese.
Is this a jealousy look?
oh shit my prescriptions are illegal bro call the police
Ooble post tits
a lot?
at least you have fun... ;~;
please don't bully my ojou-sama, she is a nice lady
sounds about right
rin mostly cybers dudes overseas
a doctor actually approved you being a fuccboi?
holy crap
alice also has a dick
Did alice rape a dog?
ok thats fair
it was worth a shot
that was a thing that soilers created
he may or may not have sucked off a dog
8.7k in just this folder.
gween tee
oh wow goodmorning scoot jesus christ
I was speaking italian :S
Thank you for the pets, they are much appreciated and have boosted my confidence and happiness.
It's a sad agreement feel.
Cantoneese? Chinese? Why?
I'm not really having fun, but the people playing with me are enjoyable so it's alright.
i would like some gween tee as well
if you can't understand my vernacular, i'm speaking large dong
che cosa?
I only self med for the first year, and even so, not a controlled substance, so it's merely frowned upon and not illegal at all
Donde esta biblio teka
Bobeda boopi?
Fair enough.
There are a lot of Chinese in my area, so it'd make it easier to communicate with more people immediately.
Plus, one of my friends is Cantonese and the last girl I was sweet on was a Cantonese Canadian.
any respectable doctor would never prescribe you anything besides a fucking bullet to the temple
Donde esta la thread?
Io non parlo spagnolo
beebiddy bop
Aeiou brb work travels
au revoir
No hablo espanol muey bien.
Toco taco.
Yo taco guitarro. :^)
I played a human hunter.
Donde esta happiness?
kinda wish taco bell delivered
why is this not a thing
Woah, rad. You see a lot of different races in Canada? I didn't think there were.
I have the idea that Canada is just this one bit on the edge of the world that nobody really goes to. It's just like 3 people in every town.
Kinda wish we had a taco bell here so I could see what it was all about
my doctor straight up said "ya that's pretty much exactly the procedure, right down to the dosages, the timeline for increasing them, and the dietary precautions" and I got my prescription day one
i desire them all
i mean look at that adorableness...
why wouldn't you want more?~
i'm jelous
taco bell is garbage mexican food but it's hella fast and cheep. and they have a drive through
it's the only time i drink cherry pepsi
not sure what that means
Canada is big
and multi cultural
do you plan on cutting off your dong eventually?
canada has like 5 black people total
I wish I could tell you.
Well, mostly Chinese.
We might have a bit of a jewish population, but, at least in the Nipissing area (where I live), I genuinely think our largest minority is Chinese.
It may just be because we have a technical campus that, if memory serves is pgood.
This folder is mostly just what I save from dump servers.
So I get more literally all the time.
I need to pee but I don't want to stand up and my piss bottles are full already.
dump servers????
that feel
Well, I call them servers, but they're more like group chats that we use solely for sharing images that we like.
i find something weird with your images you know actually?
man now i just got all nostalgic from my piss bottle days
depends on how the technology and cost goes
as of todays current technology, I wouldn't do it for free
Brings a whole new meaning to the term "Party Popper" :^)
How do you mean?
I'd a Sinon.
Would you a Sinon?
yeah guy pussies aren't quite there yet
also you probably will never have enough money anyways
i did at 23
lexi had the surgery right?
does anyon?e have his guy pussy pics
the 'dump server' images you get... almost always... are heavily "jpeg'd" imo
they have really superb pixelation i must admit...
i'm sorry but it's just noticeable...
i can't help that i can't see how detailed they are pixely...
and i just have to wonder... how do you get them to be that way.
not to be be mean or anything..
Having more fun typing here though, the polack is pretty fun tbh.
Stopped playing, it's so meh.
Oh, okay.
Cherry pepsi? Never heard of it
Now that I think about it I guess it's not surprising, Arizona had a lot of chinks too. A lot more Americans than here obviously but not as much as I thought.
Too many Jews for my liking though.
kinda tempted to give luka 5 bucks for the surgery but he will probably blow it on a foot long
wat's a pollack?
cherry pepsi is delicious but for some reason i only pair it with taco bell
It's a person from Poland, got a diverse group of friends. They're all really great, everyone with their own flaws and quirks. Like you guys, but I don't know you guys well enough yet.
That's strange, do you like it or is it just available there or...?
honestly if there was a taco bell instead of mcdonalds across the street, i would eat that a few times a week
Yeah I think lenko posted it in thread
I mean.
I guess if you zoom in to see it. The issue there is that, because, as I said, they're converted on upload, and to make them not is just a pain in the ass for everyone involved.
If I cared, I could reverse search all of them to get better versions, but I don't.
I'm not sure if my area has many of those.
I mean, I guess we must, since we have religious structures for them, but I just never see them, myself.
I hope this was intentional.
stick around~
i've been here years...
never gets old ♥
especially now that you are here!
I return
i like it. i'm just weird. like i always have dr. pepper on planes. i always have cherry pepsi at taco bell. except the one by work does not have cherry pepsi. i get triggered everytime. but like hella indians work there and they have great service
Tailor Davis does, in fact, expand dong.
I meant to erase that message but misclicked trying to select it.
Pretend that last post had no text content.
png's are safe from it tottaly.. yeah.
but i always hovering over the nice looking ones to see them in high detail all the time!
much be a weird converter i guess... :\
not fine tuned would be my guess.
i can understand how you feel though. just savagely ripping them an easy way is more easy for you at the cost of HQ
in the name of efficiancy over beuty.
hmmm... but i wonder~
if u set it to capture mostly png's i'm sure the quality would jump signifcantly!
since png is lossless format
most people see your blogs as mental filter worthy i would imagine
luka types more than three words
still says nothing
The Jew is invisible to the naked eye, you must learn to sense them.
I will, for a while at least, you guys are fun.
Nice and calm thread with barely any shitposter spam.
Indians are good workers there?
They're the equivalent of Mexicans over here.
Where do you work? What do you work?
Not strictly true.
In fact, png only has worth for drawn images.
I'm not ripping them from anything, so the idea of me changing what I save is flawed.
I'd need literally everyone in the group to stop doing quick uploads for any image to change.
that pic is a qt3.14 but probably is shooped
those are her natural eyes you fuck
all pictures of cute girls are photoshopped
Or just contacts lol
The eyes are probably contacts, rather than photo shopped, since it saves effort in the entire shoot.
Then there's going to be some post processing for any cosplay pic that's professionally shot, just to make the image in general look nicer.
yeah the eyes are something called circle lenses
koreans fucking love those things
yeah it depends where you are but it's not atypical to have indians being mexians. illinois, the difference is that the indians are also going to college and the mexicans are illegal
we were the original anime thread on Holla Forums
years ago....
png is stronger though!
and drawn images are nice to have...
I sure wish
Now that I got a closer look at it. aside from the eyes being extremely large and the skin being ultra pale (might be due to make up). Red hair is wig(black hair strands protruding just above hair line). 8/10.
not exclusive to Koreans you know.
If you'd been pay attention you wouldn't be asking what I meant by group.
Now you're getting how to look at cosplay.
Good work, lad.
freckles are unnatural
i kinda feel sorry for korean musicians in that they have no talent and are interchangeable. but i do enjoy their butts
yeah I know, it's just koreans go fucking crazy for theat shit.
that pic is worth saving~
what group tho? .____.
where da deets tho... hmmm! lmao *hugs*
So are furries.
you think you can just put me on blast
don't encourage him
now he thinks he is a standup
This is also true.
It's kind of glaring when you know how to see it.
I'm pretty sure that's not a strictly true assessment.
That picture probably has it worse than any other image I've posted, so I don't know why that one's worth saving but the others weren't.
I cbf to share, and I'm especially not gonna share the details of a private group on a public image board.
I couldn't help myself.
because she got style~ lovely furry coat and beutiful hair and pretty face
and enchanting composition and nice ratios of drawing and porportions and adorableness
mature aura....
it's private?
Goggles ahegao-ing.
ay fuck you
Why do I like the Black and Yellow Sketch mashup better than Sketch Switch.
That was rhetorical, don't answer it.
you fuck
man I really wish my ex wasn't pregnant and our relationship didn't fall appart
i'm not lewd!
ive seen that fetish list of yours
You know, Fish.
If you hadn't have freaked out over it, it probably wouldn't have fallen apart quite so spectacularly.
show me!
Also, Theseius.
The best 2man team in RWBY: Grimm Eclipse right now is Weiss and Jaune.
How do you feel about that one?
man you posted it yesterday dont be dumb
it looks like it would be funny.
but it mostly make me miss watching RWBY...
that's how it make me feel.
i'm no man.
and r u jus talkin' bou tha quiz thingy?
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