Daily reminder not a single person has been able to surpass him as a one single guy making a game.
Daily reminder not a single person has been able to surpass him as a one single guy making a game
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Isn't ZUN a single guy?
there's more impressive comiket games every 6 months tbh
He looks like an Asian Anthony Burch
i didnt like it
Surpass him at what? Most hot dogs eaten? It's kind of a vague statement, user.
Were Kero Blaster and Pink Hour that noteworthy? I don't know if you can call Pixel the best solo developer out there based on one game. One of the most influential in the indie scene, maybe
What's that motherfucker?
You want a third nuke?
Cave story was 10/10 but
Blew you the fuck out of the water in under two minutes. Thanks for playing.
Steph since sucks salty schlongs since she's sailed so say, "Sayonara", Sam.
Stupid slut.
Nice thumbnail
What game is it he created?
blocks your path
mimiga erotic simulator.
Cave Story > Kero Blaster > Pink Hour
I can't say much for a guy who sticks to one genre and makes a few games.
Are you fucking shitting me? How is that blowing anything out of the water? ZUN makes the same shallow uninspired UGLY shit over and over while nobody encourages him to improve.
What about Kenta Cho?
Wasn't the first Guilty Gear made by just one guy?
It would take Cleve over 50 years to make a working nuke.
Apparently this company is just one guy making all the games, and his wife testing them.
too bad ika chan sucks and he doesn't make anything else
if we look at their respective oeuvres as a whole ZUN definitely wins
if each only gets their one best game to represent them Pixel wins like OP says
I'm more thankful Touhou was made than Cavestory though, ZUN is (by proxy) responsible for hundreds of thousands of great songs
ZUN is a good musician but he can't draw or make a decent game even at gun point.
well no fucking wonder there are so many spots where you can just get stuck with no way to progress or go back
Crimzon Clover was made by one guy as well. And it's a damn good shmup too.
they were pretty damn good, if you haven't played them yet. Pink Hour and Heaven were just little demos that I didn't even know about until Blaster had already dropped.
back to the codex
check my downvote
You can eat a bag of dicks.
Pink Hour and Pink heaven are demos.
Kenshi was also made by one man. Very ambitious project.
Did the later patches make Cleve's game actually good? I got bored after spending ten minutes killing a couple of bugs.
I am interested in this. How are the games?
They're decent RPGs, you've never heard of Spiderweb Software?
Kero Blaster is decent. But no where near as a masterpiece that Cave Story is.
Cave Story is good but OP is a faggot
Call me a newfag if you must, but PC RPGs outside of mainstream ones like KotOR I haven't paid much attention to. What interests me is the fact that it's a family affair and I'd be more willing to give them a try to support the effort.
no one can dethrone the champ
No one will ever top his high score.
just because there arent any fuckable robots doesnt mean it doesnt exist any more.
Exterminate those who play Touhou and are into the "Touhou Fandom".
Please return to >>>/tumblr/ where you belong.
Is he a furfag? He seems pretty into his "little dog" persona.
wouldnt shock me
He is; i remember seeing something about it on Holla Forums back on halfchan years ago
The demo came out in 2013, you double Nibelung.
Speaking of furfag gamedevs, when is Harmarist going to finish this?
Try again faggot.
And if you wanna go the freeware route, there's definitely better singular freeware developers as well. Vacant Ark and Iwanaga are easily better than anything Pixel has made.
Why are you so upset?
I will never understand gays.
As a tremendous Touhoufag myself, I still think you're wrong. Touhou games were created entirely as a vehicle for music. SHMUPs aren't really bastions of game design for the most part either, though maybe Touhou gets a pass for having invented the Danmaku subgenre.
Because fuck your shit board and your shit game you literal autist. Fucking ZUN!bar faggot.
Touhou didn't invent shit, it was late Toaplan and games like Cho Ren Sha and Dodonpachi that developed the danmaku genre.
sad times.
It's going to have an all ages version
Check the credits again?
is this bait?
You referring to the backers or the QA?
Pretty sure the only one doing actual work on his game was his girlfriend, and that was just art.
That's the average tohoe fanboy for you, they can't see past Zun's cock.
You realize that's a touhou character on ?
The only porn is only in the cutscenes. Otherwise it's just Knightmare 2: Ancient Egypt Edition.
If the game doesn't loop, that's a grave sin, because
Confirm game needs loop
The ass and the "crotch" area seems a bit too detailed.
Anyway it will be another furry title on the steam catalog, at least it wont be another VN shit.
If you don't count his brother making two guitar tunes, Toady made dorf fort by himself.
no u
Well he is a furry.
Also that's not fro Anubis it's from a mockup of some other game or something. This is what Anubis looks like.
And here I thought I had seen the worst humanity had to offer.
oh come on now.
For shame, Holla Forums.
More like "La Mulana 2: Now With Furries".
I don't even think Anubis is actually gay. He milks the "essence" from the bosses with his ass, sure, but doesn't even get a boner. He's obviously not enjoying it.
Shit man is that actually good? La-Mulana got me really into MSX adventure games.
Nasir didn't surpass him because he was already on top years prior
And it's all great. Literally no weak points whatsoever.
He even programmed the music format. What the hell.
And he did it all for free too.
I've never felt like such a brainlet in my life.
I really hope someone can surpass him some day, at least reach that level.
There is no equivalent for this generation, who do these kids have to look up to?
I found it to be pretty fun. It's not as difficult or as mysterious and atmospheric as La-Mulana but then again few games are. The current demo only has 3 bosses and sub dungeons but it's a solid little game.
I'm not sure if this is the sfw demo or the nsfw one.
i don't know why this made me laugh so hard but i did
That's not the Silent Hill 1 guy who did all the 3d models and fmv's literally by himself.
Loops are shit, kill yourselves autists.
One fucking post in the entire thread about this masterpiece. Hellsinker is 10x the game that Cave Story is, Pixel is totally out of Tonnor's league.
Underrated post here too. Cave Story can't touch the Exile series. Shame the remakes are so lame.
Cave Story's good considering it was made by a single person, but that's about it. Playing it just makes me want to turn it off and play Super Metroid instead. Very boring.
The story also makes no sense, and I can't even decipher the art style. Are you a human surrounded by xeno/furfag scum on some furfag planet or what?
Fuck that game.
But 2hu is a drug, not a game.
Terry has already surpassed this chink. He created 14 games and created an operating system to run them and a compiler to compile them.
Don't you have glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers to be running over, Terry?
You know what, you anons are alright.
Terry's probably dead right now. No one knows where he is.
Kero Blaster received a major update, including hard mode and extra levels. It's as good as CS now.
Near the end it's revealed you're a scout android sent to the floating island to perform reconnaissance before the humans came but you got wrecked and remained inactive for 10 or whatever years, same goes for Curly. Furfags are a ancient bioweapon. Hell, the entire island is actually a prison for an even older sentient magical weapon who's actually that cooky old lady's brother
The true one-man-dev legend.
Toby's a music guy who hired a bunch of artists and cobbled together a memegame in babbys first game engine after working on music for a meme comic.
He recently got carpal tunnel and can't play half the songs he wrote anymore.
He's probably in jail again. He had some court case back in 12/27.
There will be game released late January unless it will get delayed again, made by one person. He's both coder and artist. Too bad i suspect it will be less of game and more of weird visual novel with some battles and statcheck in dialogues/action scenes.
MC basically getting send into "garbage bin" land.
How we soon forget.
He then resigned from his guard job and hired some guys.
>ken (((silverman)))
most engine devs need a tech demo. take your gay history videos and end yourself
Too bad he became a massive corporate whore and is porting his FREE game to other consoles with revamped graphics (that look worse than the original), revamped soundtrack (that sounds no way near what he originally intended it to be) and dlc that looks like mods some anons could come up with in a couple of days.
Is that game releasing soon ? It's been on the back of my mind for a while now, I see that the version number is at 0.9 but sometimes it doesn't mean anything.
By the way, Vagante is releasing in February, I remember there was a few threads here to organize some games between anons.
Not only TTD is better in every way than anything this gook could do, it's better programed, better designed and better optimized. It's like comparing the Everest with an anthill.
It's because it was programmed in x86 assembly.
Pink Hour was a kind of free demo/prolouge to Kero Blaster though.
Forgetting someone? He made Metal Gear Solid 5 entirely by himself.
That's not him that Nicalis. They do that with pretty much every game they get their hands on.
You know what's sad?
DarksydePhil was absolutely, 100% correct.
Cave Story, iirc, was in C and ASM. Either way, the argument of TTD being better programed/optimized is kind of a moot argument considering Cave Story has been ported over to literally everything.
Also, Cave Story wasn't open source. It's was a closed source project made solely by one guy without any outside input besides beta testers.
it's a great game, but having cucklefish as a publisher didn't help it at all.
hearty kek
nice dubs, too
What's wrong with them? I've only played a bit of Avernum: Escape from the Pit and I thought it was pretty good.
I remember Pixel saying that CaveStory was programmed in C++ using DirectX. TTD and RTC are better programmed/optimized because ASM is closer to the hardware.
That doesn't count because that game is programmed in C# with MonoGame.
i don't think the manner it which it's programmed should be more important than the end product. if you're going by that logic rtc might be the greatest game ever made.
did he ever finish this crap? i wanted to fuck that cub anubis so bad
I wasn't saying that TTD and RTC are better because they're programmed in assembly; I'm saying that they're better optimized. Pixel obviously surpassed Chris Sawyer since Pixel also created the art, composed music, and wrote an original story. Chris only did the programming and graphics iirc.
That's hokey. Source?
Most places put DirectX 5 in the minimum requirements of the game. Some old BBS archives seem to confirm that Pixel used Visual Studio C++ and DirectX.
Probably not too surprising, seems like most doujin games used DirectX back then. Which was probably horribly obvious to most folks trying to run old titles in the halcyon WinXP days, trying to find the right version to make them not crash and burn on launch.
Simon Foster was the artist.