What are some GOOD games that happen to have a diverse cast of party members of characters?
And by diverse I don't mean tokenism or identity politics, just diverse, unique character designs (monsters, robots, etc)
Chrono Trigger comes to mind.
What are some GOOD games that happen to have a diverse cast of party members of characters?
And by diverse I don't mean tokenism or identity politics, just diverse, unique character designs (monsters, robots, etc)
Chrono Trigger comes to mind.
>any kind of (((diversity)))
I bet you believe there are "good" jews too
So literally every game ever?
Piss off, (((journalist)))
this isnt Holla Forums, stop LARPing
this isn't Holla Forums, stop LARPing
literally kill yourself you fucking cuckold
This isn't /tg/, don't expect that much effort or imagination out of them.
No larp, faggot, this is a common problem. How new are you?
Yeah, /tg/ are real experts on how they want their hobby to get more pozzed. We have to learn from them how to take it in the ass.
Fuck off, you stupid fucking faggot.
How about you learn basic reading comprehension you insipid fuck stain?
Come on.
user, whenever someone brings up politics they are away Holla Forums.
I just wanted games with cool monsters, dogs, robots and aliens as party members.
Here (((you))) go, one of the games in the series even has collectible gay pornography, which sounds right up your alley, as a bonus t's even fun
Holla Forums can also use one more cocksucker.
Ya fucked up with that bait title, and your OP didn't even include why you found it to be such a good cast. Its obvious why but your own opinions could've provided some insight
In short this was a lazy OP
This isn't cuckchan, stop being a cuck.
I want a thicc Xeno amazonian female to bully me when she's not being dominated by my dick
Frog knight is a lot more interesting than a short french knight with a moustache, I can tell you that much for free. OP made a terrible post but diversity of design is important to making a game not a bland mess.
Thanks asshole, I just got fired.
pretty gay thread here
You couldn't deserve space AIDS more.
Not only do you have shit taste in waifus, you have shit taste in fetishes too.
also checked
damn that /tg/ post was 100% accurate. I don't bring up politics unless I'm responding to someone who made a political statement. Essentially a reactionary policy. Leftist make the political personal, it must be crushed unapologetically otherwise it spreads like mold.
You need to sprinkle threads with a little bit of right wing politics and jargon to root out the Marxists and make it known that it isn't their neighborhood and they are not welcome.
I wish it had sound, I have it because these are hard to come by from this artist.
Heres one with sound
That's implicit on her being dominated by my dick.
and for some reason the Holla Forumsyps took this to mean that we're pushing politics.
goddamn imagine how poorly principled you must be if you have to sperg out at even the word "diverse" to protect your brainwashed worldview
I sure love post-2016 imageboards.
We read OP's post, we deemed him a faggot, just like every other OP, and proceeded to burn his shit thread to the ground. Next time he might put some more effort into the discussion if he can pry his mouth away from Jamal's dick.
Diversity is a bad word. That's not what you're looking for. Diversity in games, movies, and TV means token minorities and the bad guys are all white dudes. You are looking for unique characters who provide different gameplay experiences and provided different ways to play the game.
The meaning of diversity has changed by liberals, just like the meaning of racist has changed from
Thank you for checking my digits my friend.
"Racist" is an invented anti-white slur created by Trotsky. It is a meaningless term because hating niggers is not irrational.
That looks like it's from cuckchan. 8/tg/ for the most part actually talks about games instead of getting angry about them.
Also if you message our BO in the meta thread, he will eventually get around to replying to it.
You're about the most amateur degenerate I've seen in a while. Who bussed these faggots in?
So, diverse characters?
I just wish everyone would shut the fuck up about politics for once.
While I agree, I have to point out that discourse doesn't have to be molded by how other people misuse vocabulary. I fucking despise the people who misuse the word "literally" but I won't cut it out of my vocabulary and refrain from using it when appropriate. The point is that words alone can't be used as a confirmation of your assumptions about those who utter them.
We don't use "diverse" for the same reason we don't use "toxic". Leftists are poisoning and weaponizing the English language. Diverse means pic related nowadays.
The definitions haven't changed, retard. If you actually think the definitions have changed then congratulations, you've let the SJWs win. Great job you fucking defeatist faggot. You've given them an inch with taking over the language, and when you give an SJW an inch, they always take a mile.
very nice digits indeed
shinig forces come to mind:
humans, centaurs, birdmen, werewolf, and insect guy that even now i dont know what the fuck he is suppose to be
Tell that to the left. We're not the ones shitting up games.
Yes, they can. You can easily tell someone's political affiliation from the vocabulary he uses.
fuck off, you faggot. use the words properly and push back against the retards that want to subvert language off-topic
I like my feral thicc females
What are you going to do about it?
They can have "diversity", because once it becomes poisoned by them I can finally enjoy games and shows with an all-white cast once the pendulum swings back and people lose their shit at the merest hint of leftist taint.
You forgot that user also comitted the
Fallacy. That fag can speak for himself. I'm not surrendering words to SJW kikes and pretending like I'm not allowed to use words because the people I don't like use them. That's retarded tribalism and it's finest.
What is it user, dont you like our greatest allies from r/the_donald?
You're shitting up this fucking thread.
That's absolute horseshit. Language isn't some static resource that is meant to be cut up and distributed between demographics based on their ideology. You should probably take your head out of your ass and think about what you're suggesting.