MGSV Thread

What went right, what went wrong? Also, anything and everything Metal Gear.

everything else

Kojima is a communist and "his" "games" are no longer allowed here.

The bait was not of high quality.

Stay delusional, Kojimacuck.


Delete your thread OP this guy already said almost everything

I suppose it made decent may mays too.


I liked the general gameplay. The AI was the best aspect. I like how it adapted to your playstyle and I like the tactics that they'd employ to try and defeat the player. I liked the variety of weapons, although I felt as though the game sort of discouraged the use of lethal force by incentivizing the capture of soldiers for Mother Base.

I didn't like that R&D took so fucking long to accomplish, I didn't like the Outer Ops, I didn't like how it wasn't possible to use the Battle Gear out in the field, I didn't like how the majority of the story was told through audio tapes, I didn't like that there weren't very many boss battles, and I didn't like how the game was essentially unfinished. I also didn't like how Mother Base was practically empty and devoid of any worthwhile features. It's also pretty disheartening to know that the game didn't have any co-op mode.

I didn't get a chance to play the invasions and MGOIII.

FOB infiltration was a letdown but MGO 3 was hot garbage, stealth camo was fucking broken, and the game had a low skill ceiling and felt like CoD.

FOB infiltration was extremely good, especially once you got to very high level gameplay and they fixed the hacking
Extracted something like 300 nukes before I got tired of not seeing the global count moving at all because Konami can't be fucked actually giving disadvantages to people that make nukes


Uh… you’re talking about MGSV? Because you can’t be. They haven’t fixed anything. People use trainers CONSTANTLY, and they’re also hacking the fucking system somehow to INSTANTLY notify them and their friends of infiltrations. You can tell which FOBs are owned by people who use trainers because the enemies are set to non-lethal weapons. They assume that infiltrators are ALSO using trainers, and while infinite HP means they can’t be killed by regular guns, no trainer blocks against tranquilizers.

It has gotten to the point where I just keep zero people in my security team because they’re all stolen or killed by FOB invasions that can’t ever be retaliated. If I try to invade anyone, they or their friends are instantly alerted the second I do anything or extract anything. And they use trainers, so they move at 5x speed, have infinite ammo, and are invulnerable (and tranq guns don’t fire fast enough to take them down before they kill you). “Fixed the hacking”? You’ve never played at all.
Why would they have disadvantages? They should have advantages, because they’re nothing but more visible targets. Konami doesn’t give a shit about MGSV anymore at all. The “events” are just the same three events every time. It would take almost zero effort to make new ones, but nope. It would take almost zero effort to ban hackers, but nope. There’s a “nuke hunter” absolute autist (who updates his steam name as he extracts more of them) that always uses a trainer. He’s up to 5400 nukes extracted, I think. Even if you catch him, you can’t stop him.
Fuck’s sake, you’ve made me mad.

Oh, and I forgot about the mines. You can eventually unlock (after years of waiting for MB coins to buy more FOBs to even get enough people to get a high enough level to make it available) enough user-placeable mines to make it impossible to progress in an FOB without tripping one (and consequently alerting the owner). Now, I LIKE that from a defensive point of view (or would like it if it mattered, because all invaders always use trainers and can’t be beaten), but there really ought to be a way for an invader to disable them from a distance with an EMP item or something.

>Simply discussing vidya and what makes MGS fun

Kek, triggered little kojimacuck kys

Who died and made you king of Holla Forums?

controls, varied playestyles, it wasn't MGS 4
level & mission design, spreadsheet simulator, no true hard-mode, game gets progressively easier, wrong priorities overall

GZ was the true MGS V

I won’t apologize for MGSV’s lack of completion, but if you install Infinite Heaven you can give yourself the hardest Hard Mode possible. I’m talking not only a naked deployment, but even up to and including a mode where everyone in a 2 km radius is alerted to your presence at all times and you can’t even extract from the map until you fight your way outside that perimeter. You can set these things for free roam or missions, as well as make all missions require perfect stealth (and other features). So that can certainly be fun, but –it’s a mod– so that doesn’t excuse the game itself.

Oh, and Peace Walker was actually supposed to be MGS 5, but Konami didn’t want a numbered title on a handheld.

Needs a Game Over screen. I can't find the Hidamari OP webm else I'd post that here.

It would've been great to have Peace Walker's boss battles and the linear missions for co-op in MGSV. Even though the boss battles were incredibly repetitive, they would've added more incentive to keep playing, especially if you could drop in and out of co-op with other random players. It'd be like Dark Souls, where you park yourself in a single area, leave your sign, and fight the boss over and over with other players. Maybe you could even get something out of it, like extra crafting materials or something.

Here's a game over screen.

We had this thread yesterday. This is a Chen thread now.

There here is what went wrong.

people don't actually believe that, do they?

I want to believe

it is possible for a human to hold an idea in their head without it becoming intrinsic to their process
for simpletons: you can hold information in your head you do not agree with, but not take it to heart and repeat it as fact

You're assuming brainlets can even do this.

I honestly find it very hard to believe that a game where gameplay, performance and look are so high quality failed in the story and content department because of poor design or planning.

When everything else around the game is of that quality, it's a much more logical option that external influences caused its problems.

Don't take this as an apology for Kojima, I'm sure him and maybe his team also are partly to blame for the problems with Konami, but the game beingunfinished is more likely fault of Konami themselves.

Your reason for expecting it to be wrong is what, you fucking faggot? 360 and PS3 are utterly shit hardware now. Plenty of other games have suffered due to compatibility with them.

MGS5 doesn’t look very good.

I respectfully disagree.

Yes, I'm sure a filthy gaijin doing level design for a japanese yakuza company posting in the chans is the most believable source

You could've just named the thread "MGS general". MGSV was trash.

Terminate yourself, tbh fam.

What part of:
Did you not get?
What stops you from talking about other MGS games, user?

open world

Who said he’s white? You don’t have an argument at all.

It looks good… if you’re comparing it to the OTHER games shoehorned onto the 360 and PS3. But since that happened, it looks like shit for every other piece of hardware on which it was released. AND WHY THE FUCK AREN’T THE NIGHTS DARK? Holy FUCKING shit. There is no reason to EVER use the NVG. Ever. Night is just blue tinted day. It’s fucking awful, and there are no mods that can fix this. Look, I just started playing Witcher 3 because I’m suicidal and it keeps my mind off it. There’s a sequence where you swim through an underwater cave and it’s PITCH. FUCKING. BLACK. I don’t know about the above-ground nights, though. I want that for nights in MGS V. That’s what STEALTH is. I want to NOT be able to know where all the guards are unless they’re near a fire, electric light, or I’m using an NVG. If there’s moonlight, sure, make things visible. But if there are clouds/rain/sandstorm? Dark as fuck. I HATE that in video games.

mgs5 looks and plays like shit, plus the story sucks horsecock.


t. brainlet


Yeah no shit the story sucks


The one thing Phantom Pain is missing, is a strict story mode that lets you skip filler and optional content. Just like playing any previous game.

They didn't and faggots burned themselves out on optional content, or forgot about the story. Same problem with Peace Walker and Ground Zeroes.

I liked blacklist better though I did enjoy the game. After I'd completed everything and went back to repeat the missions I enjoyed I couldn't think of a single one that stood out among the rest. They're all very samey and the complete lack of bosses or maze-like puzzles to get through to access new areas really brought the game down.

The language storyline is about cultural takeover, by destroying the common language they would stop cultmarxism from spreading.


thanks kojewma

We should have seen it coming.

I didn't really have that problem with Peace Walker. I'm pretty sure you couldn't unlock side-ops that used locations beyond your current position in the story, and it was really clear when you weren't supposed to be challenging things with the current level of equipment you had (though I did it anyway), so there was never too much to do until you were towards the very end of the main story. For me, burnout came while fighting the multitude of damage-sponge tanks that you had to get through before being able to fight the upgraded AI weapons. Only after that did it get fun again.

Out of curiosity, how many of you got to play PW multiplayer in real life, rather than single player, or online? I found it much more enjoyable.

I'll say the same thing I always say. Other than the obvious story problems, having access to so many resources and always being outside fucks it up. You never really feel hung out to dry or in a shit situation, and while being able to attack any outpost from any direction creates a lot of possibilities, it's the same open world bullshit where nothing feels like it's experienced a fine tuning.
I was at my most hype playing the game when I was going into the Russian base to rescue Huey and I saw the hangars built into the cliffside on the far side and I thought "Fuck yeah, time to actually do some infiltration and go into an enemy base/structure."
Nope, Huey is in a warehouse.
The closest to the kind of enemy base I wanted/expected that the game had was the oil refinery in africa and the castle where you go on Mr Bones' wild ride.

Nah, famalamborghini tbh smdh.

it really doesn't since most outposts are surrounded by a mile of nothing in every direction, sniping everyone off is too damn optimal save for a select few zones that are actually compounds you can sneak in