I don't know how you could possibly turn this into a pedophilia debate. Discuss aminals

I don't know how you could possibly turn this into a pedophilia debate. Discuss aminals.

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why the fuck would you mention it in the first place. sage

the bird is the watchful keeper of chastity forever vigilant of the safety of minors

the snake is the yucky disgusting pedos who are venomous and unpleasant to be around

the fence is a wooden barricade, presumably around a property

there's grass looks pretty healthy

he gets paid for it, mods allow shills and only ban unpaid shitposters, it worked really well in the last threads in which it was tried

you can't sage me for NOT wanting to discuss pedos. So shut the fuck up and post an aminal.

though i think OP is just making satire about how stupid we are for never saging and how stupid mods are for never autosaging.
"because MUH FREE SPEECH people totally can't just create a new board we must PERMIT EVERYTHING HERE!!!!"

whoops left the title in the name


I like goats because they herbivorous and good but will still kill a motherfucker if pushed.

we're all out of cleam we only have meelk *schniff* can i offer you coffee with no meelk

The eternal fight between avians and serpents is a powerful allegory for the occulted forces of nature that drive humanity towards apotheosis. To pick a side is to miss the point entirely. They are a cosmic cycle of virtue and vice that must play out so that we can ascend to higher realms of consciousness as a species. Revere both the bird and the snake, for they are archetypes of the primordial man who will appear in the stars thousands of years from now. After we've breached this babylonian prison world and ascended Jacob's ladder to Orion.

This spider pretends to be a content worker as he destroys the fascist ant society from the inside out.

ants are feudalist

this mantis was once forced to work in the mines. Now he has don the colours of an anarcho-communist and uses his pickaxe hands to murder the bourgeoisie

Ants are comrades you fucking fascists.

ANTZ builds hegemony

This guy is a leftcom

Incredibly interesting digits user, ants are commies 100%. Bug people world is conveniently overwhelmingly socialist/communist

user is right. Ants are the ultimate comrades

apologies i just wanted to force spiders into this because I love spiders

The queen is not actually in charge. That's just a name given by feudal people who didn't know shit about their behavior. Hymenoptera (bees, ants, etc.) use the queen to churn out more of them.

The queen IS the means of production

No singular ant nor class of ants are in charge of a colony. They all serve different functions acording to their ability and take acording to their need.

I hear you bro!

So far people seem to like ants for their eusocial tendencies. Time to pit them against other eusocial critters:
naked molerats (likely to survive most apocalypse situations if your into that sorta thing)
wasps (cool bees)

Actually, being queen is against the interests of the ant('s genes). The queen's offspring are less closely related to her than they are to the workers. IIRC the workers share 3/4 of their DNA and the queen shares 1/2 their DNA. It's basically dictatorship of the proletariat, putting the queen('s genes) in a sub-optimal situation to benefit the workers.

Some ant comrades

Why the fuck was this thread anchored?
Seriously mods?

do not forget about my ugly son though

a thread that is nothing but pedophile discussion is apparently fine, but a thread discussing animals is TOO FAR

BO was raped or something,
they have an irrational fear of people who are attracted to children (different from child rapists), and its driving this board apart.

To me its clear BO is being a bigot and we need a more free board

Sea Bunnies!

its so adorable! I want to eat it.

Get out kidfucker, I sepcifically started this thread saying NO pedo discussion. Post animals or get out

good animal 10/10


Oh my goodness I'm in love


you won't trick me this time

suggest an animal the nerd

How can you not have CATS?!


okay fine lets have:
secretary bird

what else

ayy lmaos