Get off your fat ass and remove this cuckchan cancer that is infesting Holla Forums since their last exodus already. I'd rather post on /svidya/ /games/ or fucking endchan at this point.
Fuck you Mark
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I'm going to agree with this user, and say that something needs to happen, because honestly, at least tell us if you don't give a fuck anymore so you'll at least be better than the cuckchan mods that didn't say a damn thing while doing nothing but sporadically delete shit.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Shit like this. Also general rise in facebook frog/wojak posters is just a coincidence of course and the recent wave of faggots who tried to enforce "le vee is homosexual" again.
Yeah this is getting kinda cancerous too
He can start with you, fag
You do have to admit, for a board considered to be Holla Forums with vidya in it, there is an awful lot of faggotry that goes on around here.
This is the Holla Forums he wanted.
Its just a handful faggots spamming it to make other faggots feel welcome.
Nobody likes furfags or faggots but they spam their shit everywhere attracting other faggots who then do the same. It needs to be curbed from the get go.
How old is mark?
Why not do that then? I'm not even suggesting you stop posting here. The fact that one cake rapist is all that stands between us and oblivion is terrible. There's no reason not to use other boards or sites and encourage a healthier overall ecosystem for imageboards in general.
The "Holla Forums is gay" meme isn't a meme at all, I've made acquaintance with a lot more literal closted faggots than I would've expected, here. It's a sad reality when half the people here are either bi or gay degenerates, but it is what it is.
I've noticed a lot of threads that are the only post by that person. They're usually very subtle shitposts, trying to be as vaguely video games related as possible to skirt the rules. Been deleting a whole ton of shit like that recently. Here is a link to the board log to see what we've been doing. Anyways report stuff that you see, but it has to break the rules. Merely suspecting that someone is a cuckchanner isn't good enough at least how the rules are now. This will be my only post, I don't want to start some huge Q&A or debate, it's not really my place as a hotpocket.
I just so happen to have that information courtesy of his normalfag history.
Thread's done.
What a larping jew faggot. Imagine a jew larping as viking.
This reflects the mentally of this board
probably because you are one of them and want to push your fag agenda.
Nobody likes you, nobody wants you around, not even other faggots.
Oh shit! He's 26, sorry.
You're right, but I still have him a small ban telling him to lurk more. Maybe he'll get the idea instead of being a faggot.
you should ban urself and tell urself to lurk more
No one's lurking
signs of cuckchan
Then change the rules, cakejew
I want mark to choke so I can take over.