Last one died.
Why haven't you made a Main Bus yet user?
Last one died.
Why haven't you made a Main Bus yet user?
Also OC
Won the game for the first time, my spaghetti was pretty bad. I might take pictures tomorrow and post them.
meant to post this image
Main buses are shit.
This is some cancer. Making future bob's/angels runs way more tedious than they need to be
Why do my inserters sometimes refuse to grab whatever item on the conveyor belt? They got electricity going through and everything.
Because it's not the item they need. They don't grab it unless they can insert it.
To clarify the item is on a conveyor belt, and the inserter suppose to feed it inside the assembly machine. There is no output chest, but another inserter suppose to grab the products as theyre being made. Then some times later they just refuse to add that last item in, so when I manually drop them in they produce about 3 items then stop feeding that same last item again.
What's a "main bus"? I have had to radically rethink my building techniques after they revamped the science pack recipes. I put so much thought and refinement into this one, gonna miss it.
Even my old research loop idea doesn't quite work anymore now that there are 6 science packs (and only 4 belt lanes). I have an idea for fitting them all onto a single lane however.
I've heard of Main Buses before but never actually seen one; I still tried to make what I thought was one. It's a lot less spaghetti, probably really inefficient, and a chore to do, but it works.
maybe you aught to learn the intermediate recipes to craft some soy for yourself if you gonna be this much of a bitchboi :^)
these are photos from the Steam tutorial concerning Main Bus design and are like from 0.14 or some shit.
Our lord and savior Main Bus provides salvation from the Devil and his Spaghettification.
In short, it organizes most of your production lines. You put the main items that go into basically most recipes. Each main bus is different, some people put gears on their bus now too with the increase gear usage over the last couple patches.
That's why. I don't know why the fuck it does this and to be honest it fucks me off but if there are about 3 completed products sitting in the machine and there isn't any arm to move it out of the machine, it won't continue feeding things in. In my mind it should continue going until it has max stacks in the output but I guess it stops it from getting super clogged and stealing everything from the machines downstream that potentially still have a demand for their products.
Still, just slap an output chest and it'll fix your problem. You can use the red x on the chest menu to tell it to stop at however many stacks if you only wanted one.
Have you tried doing pic related? 3 belts in means 6 different packs. If you find yourself with packs in hand you can just dump them in the first lab and the arms will automatically take them to the other labs until each of them have 3 packs per type.
robots > belts
Main bus is for poorfag.
why does this work this way
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Use solid fuel from infinite 1% wells to supplement your nuclear. You do use nuclear power, right? Four generators right next to each other for that efficiency bonus.
Get the fuck out of here you god damn hippie.
Main bus for everything is a crutch. I like using a thin main bus for basically all sorts of factory construction items I want a modest stockpile of, like assemblers, inserters, lamps and such, and automate absolutely everything I might need at a time. That's where it has its place. But putting everything, including science on a main bus is asking for a neverending story of supply shortages somewhere because you're overproducing some random thing. Even belts should be automated separately once you start to deploy red or blue belts in large numbers.
And you're a special sort of scum.
you need to get your eyes checked
I have no idea but I just looked up "nuclear shitstorm" in an attempt to acquire some kind of meme and got embed related. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Either way, nuclear is delicious but I also want a boiler that runs on petroleum gas.
muh UPS
I recently bought this game, where do I get started?
Where'd you buy it from user?
Steam, because I don't have a credit card
We burn the sick, the young the lame,
We do our best to kill in his name
Because the kills all count the same
Napalm sticks to biters!
Riding low right through the trees
Winners doing what they please
Dropping Frags on Colonees
Napalm sticks to biters!
It made us feel right good inside
When big biters and the spitters cried
But what we wreally did like was when the bases ignite
Napalm sticks to biters!
Turret and bots that never tire
Fucking carapace broke my tire
Napalm makes the fire higher
Napalm sticks to biters
Spitters chugging at my walls
Worms as large as terran malls
Chemical plants takes it's toll
Napalm sticks to biters!
Burn some shits when you go minin'
Chop the woods when you start buildin'
Hose them down when they come screamin'
Napalm sticks to biters!
A group of xenos in the trees
Can you smell it in the breeze
Crispy critters, get some o' these
Napalm sticks to biters!
Trains rolling through the ancestral grounds
Larvae, running all around
No brakes, keep moving, they get ground
Napalm sticks to biters!
Main busses are used to reduce spaghetti to a bare minimum, but they require you to FLATTEN and entire strip of land, and they are extremely hard to upgrade.
They accept Paysafe though.
The thing about main busses is that it's simply not practical to make one from the very start of the game. You just don't have enough resources or production to build something that massive, nor are you powerful enough to clear enough biter nests to have the space.
What I used to do is start a factory and just spaghetti it to get shit done, building up several chests full of inserters, belts, splitters, underground-belts, and assembly machines. While this was happening, I'd research all the science that only took red and green packs. Then, when it was time to do the BIG JUMP to blue science, with oil and all that, I'd abandon the old factory and build a brand new one with all the resources to construct a massive main bus, and start to organize everything more sensibly.
Now that they've switched up the science production, I haven't been playing (enough) to figure out where the correct point to make that "jump" is. Either way, the theory is sound: don't start off making a main bus; wait until you have the space and the resources.
I don't think anyone puts EVERYTHING on the main bus, unless they are specifically doing a challenge on those lines. There's no point to bussing things that are only a prerequisite to making a couple of things, like science packs. You just have a dedicated science area next to the main bus that handles that shit.
But it's largely up to individual preference of aesthetic. I like lots of belts full of things, and seeing twenty belts crammed with copper cables whipping by to feed circuit machines is orgasmic. I make an exception for that. Direct-feeding of resources into one assembler, that direct-feeds the secondary resource into another assembler, just feels like cheating to me. That old design of three cable assemblers direct-feeding two green circuit assemblers, that can tile infinitely? I hate it! It's too easy and convenient. Every single fucking factory has the exact same design for their circuit assembly areas, almost as an afterthought. Boring!
>six lanes of copper wire
Please do not.
basic bus is usually
Because I don't play Factorio, user :^)
Real men build their factory organically, resulting in a huge spaghetti of belts going through your factory. There is nothing more statisfying than burning your factory down because you were too retarded to leave any space for future expansion
Spaghet factories truly are the best.
Pasta main bus confirmed.
Autistic planning is actually easy mode confirmed.
All I want is a game mode that scatters knotted and fucked up factory ruins all over the map and charges you with getting the entire interconnected world-spanning behemoth mass-producing rockets using as few components as possible.
Hard Mode: all robotics tech is disabled
Nightmare Mode: nothing may be deconstructed and even ghosts can't be deleted
Slaanesh is my Spirit Animal Mode: resources, intermediates and products may only be transported via train
i do that already, are splitters and underground belts allowed?
No transport belts, splitters or loaders are allowed in any form, no. Only inserters to get them in and out of the train.
Oh that's what you meant, misinterpreted the train as a bus/belt.
polite sage
Well Holla Forums, it's basically done. The first rocket launched 180:01:07 into the save. 180 fucking hours. AT 190 hours in and I'd launched a total of 203 satellites into space. That's about 18 rockets an hour, or a rocket every 3 minutes or so. I could do more but I'd have to expand the rocket fuel production. I've killed fucktons of biters around 756k of them. All in all it was extremely fun.
The last screenshot is of the original base. There was never a main bus. A main bus was not an option, because a main bus is massively space inefficient. It was fun because the easy solutions didn't work. We ended up moving almost every large scale industry (including turret production) offsite and supplied by rail. Artillery shells are also mass produced at their own site.
That looks like an interesting map. Is the map generator actually good enough to choose high water setting like this now without expecting a bunch of isolated islands to ruin your game?
Just you wait. This is a concept I'm working on for my next factory. No idea if it'll actually work, since the base of this bus will be like sixty fucking tiles across, but I want to try. Fuck your main bus; I'mma build a goddamn Main RUNWAY.
You can build land bridges if that happens.
What the fuck am I looking at?
I don't know Warhammer lore good enough to know exactly how entire chaos thing started but I am pretty sure it was close to this post.
A bunch of belts carrying intermediates in some direction. The idea is that instead of thinking about what resources to route where, you just build your factory along the belts, so you always have everything nearby. It saves you a bunch of planning or later spaghettiing.
Robots are the astroglide of factorio. It makes things easier but the downside is you're a homo.
My endless supply of autism has produced 2-way to 6-way balanced splitter and merger that fit within 7 tiles width limit, for fastest train loading and unloading. Upgrade belts as appropriate.
The idea is that 6 maximum upgraded stack inserters can unload at a maximum speed of 74.5 items per second, so two blue belts on each side is as fast as it gonna unload, same in reverse. Technically it can load slightly more than twice as fast if you bypass belts using bots, but then you're looking at 83 lifts per second with maximum cargo size upgrade, for each vagon. Also chances are you won't be able to move trains in and out of stations to be able to utilize any of the extra throughput.
Also deathworld is fucking brutal, I have to spend most of my time and resources tending to outposts. Doesn't helps that there is no oil in any sort of vicinity.
Not having oil is a severe problem, Death World pretty much requires laser turrets. The steel cost of piercing ammo just becomes a ridiculous drain.
Well I intend to use all of that uranium for ammo, so I think it'll be fine.
Uranium research will require plastic and therefore oil.
I take offense to that! As an actual homo, I can assure you that I don't want anything to do with those damn robots!
as pretty as it is, there are seven types of science packs with one of those being postgame only. You'd need three belts soon enough and with the way you've crammed everything in, you're going to have to move something.
What do you think of having science labs feeding each other in series like ? I get the feeling it's a bit inefficient because it has a moment where the active packs are in the arms and not in any labs but for saving space it's great.
just do this
That's a minimal factory. I don't intend to use it past providing basic supplies for building modular factory.
Fixing to torrent a copy of this game. Any tips for an absolute newb?
Have autism.
Best beginner tip I can give you is to make sure everything goes from digging up the ore to producing a final product without you having to move things from chest to chest. Also setting up some assemblers that make arms, belts, and maybe gears and green circuits and just letting them tick over pouring into a chest each will save you a lot of time. Later in the game you can change that chest for a logistic chest and save yourself walking to it too
Ideally you want to make as few things yourself and have everything automated. Keep that in mind while you play.
Try to reduce micromanagement to an absolute minimum, its fun making your first spaghetti factory, but I abandoned mine because it was too hard to handle.
I find the game a lot like programming, you can make really elegant solutions or brute force everything. Blackboxing is key, and have fun!
I don't remember "biters" being used in lieu of "kids"
Is this a mod? How do I get to this spraytime fun?
Yeah I'd say so. I also used RSO for resources, but turned on vanilla biter generation because it's way denser. It took a few retrys to generate a nice peninsula, but now the map exchange string in 0.16 doesn't quite produce one.
You can use the map preview to make sure you're getting something non-fucked, fortunately. You still get islands sometimes but landfill means you can reach them easily. Fortunately I have some other peninsula saves from 0.15 that I can boot up if I ever want to do this again. That said, now that cliffs are a thing I think that I can do something that doesn't require so much water but still gives satisfying 'difficult terrain' results.
However, In 0.16 the starting patches are WAY tinier with the settings I used. Like, game-endingly so. I'm not sure why this is, I thought that RSO maintained starting resources at a decent level. Pic related is the resource settings.
It's vanilla. Flame throwers researched pretty early on too.
Play the game, user.
I heard about uranium being rarer and far from spawn but holy shit they didn't tell me it would be the same for oil too.
I don't know what the default settings are but it's almost like they've jacked up the amount of copper and kept everything else the same but more spread out. Then oil only comes along once in a blue moon but when it does it's several thousand percent yield patches.
I mean, look at this shit. There's fuck all iron anywhere near the spawn and there's only two patches of oil in that whole area that are worth setting up and they're both fucking huge. I had just about everything in red-green-grey science researched before I had oil properly set up because I spent so long searching for any.
Exactly the problem I'm having. my starting spawn of Iron is tiny, about 450k though I've mined it down. The lack of more throughput is insanely crippling.
factorio autosaves, they're called autosave1 2 and 3. as long as you don't play another game and play over those, they autosave every 10 mins or something, you can use those.
Mate I know that. That's the thing, I was playing another game and I accidentally saved over my nearly-200-hour save.
so not only did you play over factorio's autosaves, you then manually saved over your old manual save
I ahve a 400+ hour game that I was playing on 15.1.1, it crashes after a few minutes on the new patch.
Feels Bad
Fuck, losing 12 hours doesn't seem so bad any more. Is it a mod that fucks you now?
That's a hell of a map too, I didn't think there were many other people doing MAXIMUM BITER type worlds.
UPS is improves a lot in 16, in 15.40 its about 11 ups.
they really need to get multithreading going. it's the only way to have the epic endgame.
i realize it's hard to do and it's all sequential, but they could let you draw a big ass box around something, and say no connections with this box to the rest of the world except for somekind of big input/output trainstop or something to cross the core barrier. then that box/factory would be on it's own core and not computed with the rest of the world on the other core, except for those transfers. and then let you do a bunch of those boxes.
this is one of the problems with early access though. something like this i'm sure would require a lot of work and reworking a lot of things. they've already made 90% of the money they're going to make with this game. there's no motivation to push hard anymore. they'll drop little updates here and there to keep the interest up and the money flowing, but they're not going to do anything radical or anything that requires more significant time investment.
UPS wouldn't had mattered if these faggots didn't go with the easiest possible route of having fixed update rate thereby tying game speed to UPS. And it's not even that hard to completely decouple game updates from frames. You would still have to throttle game speed if your game needs more than 1 second worth of computing time per second, but at least it won't be slowing down just because an update takes more than 1/60th of a second.
Yeah that's not gonna work that way. For many reasons but mainly because factories tend to be large and singular, where this method fails hardest. Optimal approach would be to simply map-reduce updates for everything that doesn't immediately requires any interaction with the game world, and do the rest linearly in the main thread. The ideal approach would be to map-reduce based on chunks but they've fucked themselves over out of it by designing it in an incompatible fashion.
Apart from UPS probably slowing down exactly because the game needs more than one second of computing time per second, your solution would completely break multiplayer which relies on synchronized, same-sized timesteps.
So like one of those warehouse mods, but at a much bigger scale or a 1:1 scale? You'd need to make it destructible by biters, though, or else they couldn't interact with it at all, which opens up this whole new can of worms.
Any game in this late of a development stage is unlikely to tear up everything for a change of this caliber, it's not just early access. Since they seem to be still optimizing, I hope that biters get sped up somewhat more since they seem to be a big source of lag right now.
rate my babbies first base I made when I first played the game
Switch to 30 UPS baseline if it can't run at 60 UPS. Switch to 15 UPS if it can't run 30 UPS. Problem solved. Also the event driven system doesn't even have any frames to synchronize, it only has timestamps which are synchronized by default.
Old version / 10. Also I have to wonder how much time it took to get there with so little production power.
My oldest screenshots from this game.
that's the good shit right there
I've gotten used to the new guy, but I do miss the blue dude.
I dunno, looks pretty androgynous to me.
I was wrong.
I was so wrong.
You don't get whatever you need from omnite. You get everything at once. The clusterfuckening I'm dealing with right now, barely a fifth of the way into green tech, is already reminding me of the time my stupid ass dared to install angel's petrochem.
The entirety of the mass of factory on the left is power generation and some watery egg-noodle factory that barely produces 10red/10green per minute. It regularly gets clogged as hell because I'm retarded and can't think more than two seconds ahead.
On the right, I've come up with a brute force system to sort output into their own belts, as well as a large complex to attempt to devour as much of the god damn crushed stone omnite vomits out as possible - and I've also been laying stone brick all over the place because my chests keep filling up with that shit and I don't know a way to incinerate or consume stone brick quickly yet. Maybe walls, but I'm playing on peaceful mode right now so I can figure out what the hell I'm doing.
The only way this shit is going to be remotely bearable is if I make a huge train network and freight all of these different intermediates to different corners of the planet for refinement - and a dead-end line that dumps entire trains laden with stone and brick into the largest biter nest I can find.
ya that's exactly the thought that popped into my head. there's already that warehouse mod that let's you attach belts of shit to pump in and out of a big building, and then you can go inside into this separate much bigger place and stick factory stuff in there to attach to the belt input/outputs.
Why couldn't those be multithreaded? and on a much larger scale.
doesn't KSP do this? if you have some massive rocket the game slows down but I think the FPS stays up. Factorio would be much more playable with low ups if the fps stayed high.
this is the way to do it. ups dips are terrible going from 60 to 45 or something constantly, it's much more tolerable once you leave the 60/60 to drop the baseline and stay there. I don't know how people play at sub 20 though. It's a slideshow.
Doom runs at 35 UPS but can output any FPS. The trick is to use interpolation to have the graphics moving in between updates.
Man, that brings back memories. Remember when the game "car" looked like a 50's red cadillac? Remember when the endgame was plopping a flat white box that literally said "Rocket Defense" on it? And this resulted in biters swarming your base for 10 minutes… but if you had too many biters around they would all glitch out, freeze in place, and nothing would happen? Good times. I don't understand everyone's beef with Early Access; it's like watching someone else's kid grow up.
I don't have any screenshots from my first few saves. This is probably the oldest one I have (three or four factories ago). I still like that wing-shaped red circuit design, but holy shit was the throughput of greens ever horrible.
I think their beef is that it's like paying for someone else's kid to grow up. I don't mind as long as that kid's mowing my lawn and shoveling my snow and shit, but if it's sitting there doing fuckall after taking my money, I'd be pretty fucking mad.
Luckily for Factorio, it's fucking fun.
Eh, in real life I pay more than that every year for his birthday and Christmas. And yeah, he literally might die before reaching adulthood, but that doesn't mean the time or money was wasted. It just means life is uncertain and you have to take chances.
Thanks for the protips, never got a chance to play it yesterday after it downloaded due to normalfags dragging me out of my neet hole but currently fucking around making mini spaghetti factories while getting use to the UI. Shit's fun.
Perfect analogy for why people don't like paying for early access.
Heyyyy, I made oil finally.
I also just unlocked the third tier of random ore grab-bag and apart from uranium I don't even know what the other four are. One's probably cobaltite, I guess.
I haven't even found a use for four of the second tier of ores yet. I'm kind of happy and sad at the same time about that. Happy because my headache would be even worse, but sad because I really wish it would evenly distribute these new ores and materials across all modded and vanilla recipes. 5dims did that, with basic shit like transport belts requiring tin instead of iron gear wheels for example. That's a pretty okay mod right there.
Something from a modpack?
The devs wouldn't really add something like that to factorio base, would they? I hope not.
No, this is all from the Omni- mods. Omnimatter, omniscience and whatnot. It's probably bad load order or something with bob's mods, which it claims to support.
Either way, I'm giving that mod a rest for a little bit. It's interesting managing the chaos that processing 15+ ores from a single "omni-ore" produces, but I think I may just give standard angelbobs another try instead.
Give yuoki a try, lots of fun mechanics like toolhead replacement, drill resharpening, and weird jap autism components to build everything. Also the buildings look nice.
I've installed it a few times, but I could never really figure out where to begin with it. I like what I see when I look around the tech tree, though, especially all those extra trains and whatnot.
I just need to figure out what ore to start with and how to get it going. All I've been able to figure out in the past is that one of the ores can be pulverized to make a paint or something.
If you can hand craft something you should be able to machine craft it. You probably need a higher level machine that can take the right number of ingredients?
The yuoki tech tree helps a lot, the issue is more how many buildings are unlocked each research. The solar plant might be a good thing to shoot for, it's like 2.4MW in one (expensive) building.
Another thing I noticed when I was playing just now is there's a yuoki machine group for pulling pollution out of the air, compressing it into bricks, and burning it again.
Also what the fuck happened to angel's smelting, I had to make ten buildings just to make some clay bricks!
So turrets basically need piercing ammo to not suck, but piercing ammo is such a gigantic resource investment that lasers are just so much better, especially with their longer range on top of the not-needing-a-supply-chain deal.
So I've decided to make a little tweak-mod that changes piercing ammo to require 1 steel plate, but 9s to manufacture.
Here it is, if anyone wants:
It was pretty bullshit that they changed it so you need normal bullets as well as steel and copper as ingredients. If they intended it to be used for dumping unused (and obsolete) normal magazines, the recipe should have reflected that change in resource balance.
A better change, I think, would be that two normal magazines plus the five copper and steel results in two piercing magazines. The logic here is that you're making the better ammo using the steel and copper, but reusing the same magazines (as they are the same size). This way, each piercing magazine only requires 2.5 copper and 0.5 steel.
I'm not a masochist.
Clay bricks aren't in the base game, you're probably thinking of stone bricks. To make clay bricks you need like 8 washing plants, a blast furnace, an assembler, and a furnace.
yeah good luck satisfying the 50x ore demand you get from angels without infinite ores
Yeah, but that's the point. If you have both an increased supply AND an increased demand, nothing has actually changed except the numbers. It's basically inflation when the prices have changed to reflect it. Instead of paying four dollars for a loaf of bread, you're paying two-thousand, except two-thousand dollars is now worth four dollars.
Good idea. Now I've got to figure out what variable controls # of things created.
Exactly. That's why I don't really like that shit. it adds complexity without… meaning, I guess. It's inflation.
A lot has changed because you build a different setup, and this is a game about the setup, not the result. 10->lots of shit -> 10 and 1->simple->1 are different and 10->simple 10 times->10 is also different.
I just realized from the way you talk and your stale memes that youre a fucking cuckchanner and need to kill yourself ASAP
yeah no, literally everything changed but the core game principles
I've been around since 2014. If you mean how I use linebreaks, then that's something I've always done.
This isn't a normie game, so you can take your normie behavior and cram it right up your ass.
How's this? It makes piercing round mags take 3x longer to make, but produces 3 mags for the same resources.
Your use of line breaks is fine but you do need to lurk moar if you can't tell the difference. Maybe the other user does too.
I've wanted to get into creating mods for a while now but I can never think of anything that I would want to add or change in a game. Least not something that has already been made by someone else.
Is the actual coding part hard to do in factorio? I was thinking about adding some more biter types and changing their resistances around to make carrying more than one weapon necessary. Maybe add a few new weapons too.
Adding new weapons and biter types isn't too hard. Have a look at Natural Evolution enemies. If you've got any kind of scripting or coding experience, lua is quite easy.
Yours is probably better than mine user, I've only managed to get halfway through the game so far because my production output is shit I can't figure out any good configurations for the belts and I don't wanna cheat by looking it up
That's how I feel too. I am glad I eventually managed to come up with something similar to the main bus before I stumbled on it here.
Angel has less ore demand lategame though. Ore smelting doubles your ore output, then you have bobs modules which break the game. Even if you don't use bob's modules you have higher level crafting and mining machines that can take 8 or so productivity modules, and overall longer crafting chains means more steps to use modules in. And if all of this isn't enough you can just mine infinite nodules and get ore from slag like in Seablock.
The worst feeling is the feeling of dread as your long-used iron pit starts running dry.
Or the annoyance of an oil field dropping to near-unusable amounts, I guess.
Kill yourself.
How about the feeling when the barrel nerf hits and your power plant dies until you've somehow quintupled your feeder belts?
I'm a shitter and feed my power plants with solid fuel from oil delivered via train with fluid wagon and processed on site, so I haven't had that problem yet.
Multiplayer in Factorio is always garbage.
You always get people going off working on their own shit instead of actually working together to improve the base. You get that one fucktard who insists that everything be done HIS WAY, even when he's not very good at the game. You get people standing around because they're too timid or "want to learn". You get someone who goes and snatches up literally all the fucking level III modules for himself, without asking, so he can make new power armor, leaving none for the factory or anyone else. You get one guy who wants to have the train emptied by robots, and the other guy wants inserters and they argue about it every five minutes. You get someone who goes and lights an entire goddamn forest on fire and then sits back giggling while it burns down half the factory nearest it. Whenever the biters attack, everyone looks at the map and argues over who is closer and needs to take care of it; or worse, they say that "it's YOUR ore mine, so YOU go fix it!" You get one guy who spends three hours trying to design an overcomplicated train station with twenty signals and some ludicrous 12->7 belt balancer or some such nonsense, and doing nothing else for the factory. You get that one guy who actually goes around finding problems in the factory and correcting them, but nobody notices or gives him credit. You get everyone screaming and finger pointing and arguing because someone accidentally turned a single goddamn inserter 90 degrees and all the circuit production shut down. You get one guy who figures out how to get FARL working and starts whipping around the map laying rail lines everywhere willy-nilly and running people over like a jackass. Then, finally, you get that one guy with a shitty internet, and suddenly everyone else has 2UPS.
It's like all those stereotypes about multiplayer Minecraft and being filled with idiot 12-year-olds, except they're idiot 25-year-olds, and the stereotypes are TRUE.
If it wasn't for the Spaghetti niggers it would be alright.
Don't forget the jolly fellow who goes around with water barrels and an assembler and slips a few drops into every pipe he can find.
is this with other anons or just randoms?
It's like you thought no new players will join and none of the existing ones gonna die, so there will be no demand for these items.
It's like you actually want to lose your outposts to biters or something.
Yeah it's called being a faggot. There should be a mod that disables requester and provider chests. Use it on your server.
Boo hoo hoo, go be attention whore somewhere else.
Gotta be the same kind of faggots that use electric furnaces.
I think one of the last patches added recoverable corpses so there's no real loss from death now.
Can't 8-8 beacon steel furnaces bro.
I will never understand this.
r u havin' a giggle?
Or you can just, you know, play the game and make more mining posts. It's not like the map gonna run out of iron.
You might as well call using bots """overengineering""".
My ridiculously huge factory has to produce something besides science, might as well be modules.
Why don't you make ammo instead?
What's actually expensive is time, which is what you spend when you need to clear out extra sections of the map of biters, lay down a larger defensive line, set up and entire new mining outpost, set up a new train line, and set up a new smelting line.
Or you can just run past your miners, smelters and crafting machines and throw in modules.
I'd certainly rate it higher than stamping down a dozen copies of an inefficient design :^)
I'm lazy and can't be arsed to do the logistics for gun turret defenses for larger bases, so lasers it is. I ran a factory to space on gun turrets and landmines and don't really feel like doing gun turrets again, though I do feel like using landmines again.
The artillery train exists to make this automatic, you only need to slap down stations now. With good blueprints you can shit out outposts in 5 minutes either way, and far out they last for a while.
I've never tried placing a train with a bot but if so you could make a station blueprint complete with train assembled onsite.
Or you could just produce and load modules once, then you need to throw down all outposts way less often forever.
Modules on long-process items stack multiplicatively. You end up getting to the point where you tech 200% faster on the same resources and launch rockets 300% faster.
Not enough concrete. You should have walked around with giant concrete ghosts and used construction bots to concrete everything in your territory.
Sorry I think you should use modules I just got autism for a second about clearing nests.
What are some good solutions for this? I can't be running around manually clearing machines or buffer chests? How do I sort these things into two clean belts with burner tech?
Just put it all on one belt and either have inserters to assemblers making stone or inserters to furnaces for plates since they'll only take what they can use. Though I found this to bit touchy so I ended up just doing it manually till i got filters. They're not far off, iirc its pretty much the first thing you make with basic elecronic boards which is the first thing you need tin for which you get from bobmonium.
Thanks for reminding me about another gripe with MP.
If you're that obsessed with mathematical precision, go play with a literal spreadsheet instead of playing a game. I have ACTUAL AUTISM, and I can't understand this horseshit.
You can use splitters and underground belts to do that.
Do note that you have to place the underground belts backwards then reverse them with R first, since for some reason only the second one placed in each pair will block incoming items, which is what allows this to work.
Can't believe I put this game off for so long damn this is fun
Didn't they say they were going to patch stuff like this out of the game? I always felt it was sorta buggy and really cheaty, same with (if you remember) when inserters would take items off of the blank space at the end of belts.
Alright, I'll just work with it and rush filters, I suppose.
This is a cool workaround, but it does feel a bit cheesy to me. I wouldn't begrudge someone doing it, but I think I'll skip it myself. Thanks, though.
I was okay with that when it was in because it was like the items fell off the end of the belt but it's much better now that they've changed it.
Do something like this.
Just prevent the chests from filling up and make sure your inserters are always pulling 1 at a time, they will output all resources into sorted chests for you to draw from
More efficient? Saves time? Let's do some math then. Productivity module 3 gives 10 percent boost and makes it run 15 percent slower. Which means it'll take producing about 10k iron, 4k copper and 3k plastic on the machine it's installed on, per each module, before you start seeing any return on investment (e.g. if it's used iron smelter then that's 20k iron equivalent for every module you use). It also bumps up power use by 80%, so just to even it out you need 8 efficiency modules per 5 productivity modules, which increases return time by factor of 2.6 since efficiency modules don't contribute to the output. You can also try speed modules but that boosts energy consumption by 70% per each speed module too, so to even that out you gonna need 7 efficiency modules per 5 speed modules, increasing return time by factor of 1.4 (speed boost will make physically take only 7% faster to accomplish - waste of resources). Or if you're going full productivity and/or speed then you're looking to, per each module installed in every machine, use 70-80% more solar panels and batteries, or mine coal and/or uranium 70-80% faster therefore having to put up new mining sites almost twice as often, and have 70-80% more power stations. Per module in each machine. For 10% better yield on raw materials from these machines, making you set up new mining posts 10% less often. Even if you go full solar so that you don't actually need to mine coal or uranium, you still need to produce the modules, solar panels and batterries, that amounts to 1k iron, 500 copper and 500 petroleum per module combined, per 10% better yield. If you had 100 modules you'd had to work through a full large patch of ores to start seeing any return on them. Sounds like you're doing way more work and waste way more time setting up new mining posts with the modules than you would without them.
Once I learned you can disable train spots via circuits it was a pretty major game changer. My plan is to essentially make a bunch of train stops to deposit ammo, and have them disabled unless the relevant chest is below some value. In theory the train should just chill at the loading point when its inventory is full until its time to restock.
Make sure all of your ammo outposts have the same name then, because otherwise it will wait for that one specific outpost to signal for ammo and will ignore all the other ones in meantime.
Pretty sure they just skip disabled stations.
productivity modules in assemblers surrounded by max beacons on both sides with speed is the most efficient UPS setup. solar is free. also productivity modules are better in some things than others, ie science and circuits.
productivity + max speed beacons is also important for smelting which is the largest ups drain
Speaking of UPS. With the latest updates I've been having inexplicable UPS drops on a very small factory, literally fits on the screen. I think they've been linked to biter attacks but that's not a very strong connection.
I remembering hearing some hardware would make it run like shit until you minimized and restored it since the last patch. Don't know if it's related.
Is there some sublime downside to balancing outpost chests with circuitry that I'm not aware of? It just seems like splitter spaghetti is outdated when it comes to that particular topic.
Subtle. And obviously I meant the chests for buffering cargo wagons.
Also the throughput is guaranteed to be sub-optimal because you'd be working in PWM mode, i.e. inserters will be shut down a fraction of the time. Technically, if you feed from two blue belts and use full upgraded stack inserters for loading, then you don't need any ballancing hardware because a packed blue belt can just slightly oversaturate 3 stack inserters.
But it's just a single ALU providing the ore average of the chests to the set of inserters for less than average comparison. It's as easy as circuitry gets, really.
Pretty sure you can use generic signals and convert them to simplify it if you want, but I find it easy enough to just set the first inserter manually and copy paste drag onto the rest.
We must be thinking of different things, because the space difference when it comes to the chests/inserters is really only the ALU and cables if you want to consider those.
As for the belts, I just split all of them onto a single lane so that it's always compressed and it worked just fine to ensure all inserters only have to wait on the inventory average instead of belt throughput.
Like I already mentioned, it literally boils down to splitting all the miner output lanes into a single train loader lane, it's as simple as it gets.
Since I'm usually running trains on Full Inv predicates, it's far more important to me that the wagons are loaded evenly, instead of the first two being full in a sec and then single or double stack inserters loading the the rest over the next 5 minutes.
I'm at mid-game so I don't have blues on average and the ore fields don't really go bigger than a million on average, so I suppose the thing here is that the circuitry is helpful early on and not so important later when the sheer throughput can compensate for it.
What do?
o fug here they are
How quickly should you try to expand out from your spawn zone? Unless you're playing on rich resources, it seems sketchy to keep using it's resources for long.
Use it literally for as long as there is anything left. This applies to all patches of resources. Concentrate your efforts on getting the factory running. You will start expanding when your existing patches start running dry.
I guess that makes sense, no point in wasting resources that are laying around.
I've played this ages ago, does it scale beyond those flying drones yet?
Back then it felt silly to still run around with my dude when I can have robots fly wherever I want to build my things. Does it have a more RTS like camera controls yet?
There's a Robot Army mod that adds command and conquer style RTS combat to the game. You research combat droid tech - mostly treaded rolling turrets - and set up construction loops for them. You can give them patrol routes, direct commands as long as they're within radar range and so on. It's a neat idea, but I've not played with it extensively yet.
You can zoom in and give construction orders from the map now., as long as you have line of sight through radars. The only thing you can't build or remove remotely is trains, though you can update their schedules from anywhere.
It's not buggy at all, it makes perfect sense if you think about it. The hood on the UG belt covers half the tile so the half of the belt that leads to it can't place items onto it, meaning that only items from the other half get through. If anything, the inconsistency with it is that the hoods on the entrances don't block items on the half of the belt that hits them.
Until they add a version of the splitter that actually separates the belt's contents (which, realistically, would be as easy as simply placing a wedge in the middle of the track) there's no reason not to do this.
The hood should cover entire side though - belts under the hood and on the ground are not aligned and one cannot feed to another.
Also there's a mod that adds belt wedge.
That's cool, pretty much what I wanted, thanks.
This also sounds neat.
Why would you ever need to separate a belt's contents if you deliberately put them together on the same belt in the first place?? Just run two separate belts side-by-side.
Saving space. If I don't need the throughput of two full belts, then why should I use two full belts?
The trouble for me is machines that take a single input compound ore and output 2-5 different intermediate ores all at once. Dealing with that kind of mixed output before you have access to filter inserters provides a fair logistical challenge.
Unless you use mods that won't be a problem though, so introducint a new part to stock to fix mod author's shit isn't really required, since you can get mods for that as pointed out.
>have fun, manage to make a somewhat compact semi-automatized lab with the first two bottles need to supple chests with iron and copper manually
Since I'll be starting from scratch anyway, are there any fun but balanced mods for a first complete playthrough or should I beat vanilla first?
Also, r8, bully, mastub8.
Sorry for the shit pic.
Beat vanilla
Dumb fucker.
t. 700 saves from first run, taking up 4.86GB
There should be a button on your Keyboard that says "Print" or "Screenshot". Press that, open paint or any other image manipulation program, and press Ctrl+v. This will paste the screenshot you just took into the program and allow you to save the file like any other program does.
You can also use the Steam overview Screenshot thing, all you need to do is find the Game .exe file, right click, create shortcut, and then open the steam Library, press the plus symbol in the lower left corner, "add mod or non-steam game" navigate to the new shortcut and select it.
This allows you to launch games through steam without having them on steam. Also useful for keeping track of your pirated games.
Technically it's blue.
i'm totally taking pictures of my screen to get responses like this from autists such as yourself from now on
And because you don't think the explanation about how to take screenshots will stick.
You are the type of person who will struggle their entire lives, never make anything of themselves or get anywhere, and deserve every bit of suffering that they experience.
Lurk two more years before posting again.
I'm kind of impressed we live in an age where you can find Holla Forums, can muster enough autism to play Factorio but can't find the printscreen key on your keyboard. Nothing much to say about the factory, it's a decently well-organized cookie cutter babby's first green science factory, and you should naturally learn how to improve on it as you play the game. That's kind of the beauty of this game, it slowly eases you into best practices, economies of scale and not doing things by hand.
Uranium glows green, very faintly. The bright blue glow is cherenkov radiation, it requires that electrons in the medium travel faster than speed of light in that medium. Speed of light in thin air is almost the same as it is in vacuum so cherenkov radiation doesn't happen in thin air unless extreme radiation levels involved. It does pretty easily happen in water though, in which speed of light is 75%.
What did you expect? They added a shitty "snipping tool" progrm back in WinVis, which requires you to alt-tab out of the program you are using, start up SnippingTool, go back into the game, set borderless windowed mode (if it even has that) and then select the entire screen using the rectangle select option.
It's shit, and even Ubuntu comes with a better built in version of it.
Alright. I even got a good open area now and giant ore veins, so I guess it's fine.
When I see the game autosaves I just ignore saving unless I have to quit. I didn't expect it to overwrite saves from different sessions.
Now I know.
I took that pic to send it to my friend. I was going to take a cap to post in the thread, but my saved got nuked before I could, so I was left with only that.
Small breasts best breasts
Is it that autistic? I thought I wasn't that autistic since I couldn't into dorf.
Yeah, it's pretty good on that aspect. It eases you in pretty well.
In my previous attempt, I got to a point where I would have to rebuild my base to be able to expand. Now I already know what I'll need up until that point, so I'm building in a way that won't fuck me over later, or at least until the point I got before.
Games that let you learn by yourself are the best. I wish casuls didn't exist so we could have fun games again.
D-Do you want some help?
Oh yeah, just noticed I forgot to fix that.
I made it when I still didn't have underground conveyors, so it got kinda fucked up. I'm setting up my labs for now, so I guess I'll fix it after that.
Learn to read IDs before you judge people, idiot.
There we go. The lab is functioning though I didn't plan it as much as the previous, so I'll have to destroy it and rebuild it to allow for expansion.
W-what do you think of the boiler?
I can't into dark webums, no bully.
Dear god that boiler/engine setup causes me physical pain to look at. What in the actual fuck are you doing?
W-what's wrong with it?
Do I need to make you a non retarded blueprint?
I-is this better?
W-what do you mean?
Slightly but it's still shit. The proper ratio is 2 engines per boiler. Gimmie a minute to boot up my game, I'll show you how to build this shit properly.
Make it something like this. 2 rows of boilers feeding into a single steam output pipe means less space used and the steam dooesn't have to travel a long distance to get to where it needs to be. Plus it's very easy to expand, either by remaking it with more boilers/engines or adding a second facility next to it using the same coal feed.
Also don't make a separate belt for a single coal drill like that. You're only using half the belt that way.
O-oh. I didn't think of that.
T-thanks user.
Just note that if you do build like this and your base is still small, some of the engines won't be running at 100% capacity. This is because they won't bother producing any power if there's nothing that actually needs more power.
Also make sure you don't cross any pipes that carry different things. it's not that big of a deal with something like this because it's easy to fix, but it becomes an enormous pain in the dick later on when you're working with oil.
Do some math on how much each component is being produced each second with your setup and realise you could be shitting out tonnes more science packs with the same setup.
You've made the mistake of packing things as close together as possible but when you try to expand it you'll figure it out.
Doesn't really have any room to tile endlessly like that.
Don't be afraid to tear down the factory as it's given to you and reorganise it.
It's not supposed to tile endlessly. You either make the whole thing bigger or build another copy next to it.
I miss 1-14-10 steam setups.
I used to have three rows of boilers feeding two rows of 15 steam engines each to exploit the coastline better. I've also seen people do the opposite, make very boxy designs where the engines fold back to avoid having a long obstacle in their bases. The new system feels like it's made with one setup in mind and everything else is suboptimal.
Did that at one point, but the later mining outposts aren't connected via one large logi network, I've got an outpost supply train that supplies outpost's own smaller logi networks
Not a problem on small scales, but you should be aware that fluid throughput drops every 4 tiles of pipe - both underground and overground - dropping to about 50% at extremely long ranges (150+ tiles). For a 20-length pipe, you'll lose a couple hundred units per second of fluid throughput (not the same as pipe capacity, though that factors in).
If you want maximum throughput, you need to place a pump every 4 tiles. Every 8 or every 12 is more practical and the drop in throughput will only be noticeable on extremely large-scale systems that are taxed near their limits.
For normal small-scale use, you don't even need pumps at all, as everything that requests fluid counts as a pump. You may consider always putting pumps leading into your storage tanks, however, as they do not have any pump effect built into them, and I've found that refineries can slow down waiting for fluid to trickle into the tanks if you don't force it in.
Hostfag of the usual potato server here. After lots of sweat and tears I have come up with an option for the server to not become a laggy piece of shit near endgame; through a private VPN I can route my local not-shit server and allow public connections (port forwarding still does not work for no apparent reason).
The downside of this solution is
With that said, I could host the game as usual on the potato server and move it to local once it starts to lag.
More importantly, would anyone want to play MP? Mostly QoL mods with some tech price increase, otherwise vanilla railworld-ish map.
not shipping steam via train to specialized engine facilities.
They really are delicious
Doesn't it cool off if you try stuff like that? I'm being fucking retarded by even considering trying this aren't I?
I have no clue if they ever implemented a feature where steam turns back into water, I kinda doubt it actually
Someone wanna try?
Only slightly, but that's just because of the impracticality. Steam is treated the same as any other liquid, whether it be acid, water or oil. All the train does is add another step in the electricity creation process.
Nah fluids keep their temperature forever.
There's no temperature naturally cooling down ever. The only way to reduce temperature of steam is to run it through an engine or turbine. Steam-filled storage tanks are actually really great at storing energy
I thought this game was fun.
I'm still astounded there's no belt-splitter that specifically divides two to four belts down the middle. You can divide a single belt into two belts with a splitter, but if you add another it will start randomly jumbling everything together in the output rather than doing a clean 2:1 split with the ratios of what's on each side of each belt kept intact
Just use splitter+underground belts or build two belts, poorfag
Nigga read the thread
Doesn't that only work if the two sides are always full?
Nah, I'm producing fast conveyors automatically, so it's not like that a problem. My only problem is how cramped everything is. I'll have to fucking leave this place eventually.
I didn't see that, sorry.
Have some not-porn for my autism.
Build your tank fields far apart from your refineries and pumpjacks
Build your chemical plants far apart from your refineries and tank fields as well
Spread that shit over a huge wide open area so you have room for every pasta mankind has a name for
While were talking about weird power I like to put the steam from nuclear power into trains and haul it off to be processed elsewhere. It's pretty great and you get a built in buffer and can also run far away outposts off it although I never bother.
It's actually pretty rare that I get killed by a biter. I'm too careful in combat, and if they eat a hole in my base I'm just going to reload an earlier save before they get in deep enough to kill me.
But I get smashed by a train at least fifty times in every playthrough. Next time, I swear I'm going to make designated paths and put safety-gates at every rail crossing.
Embrace the spaghetti with oil. There's no way around it. Just make sure it's far enough away from your base that it doesn't spill into it. Fluid wagons for sulfuric acid and everything else made on site then shipped away.
Underground pipes and long arm inserters are a godsend for when you need a fluid in your factory. Pic related two setups for fluid into your assemblers.
Nofuns get out.
It was my first death though, I got close to dying when I went to attack a nest far away with just my machine gun and my car, turns out it wasn't such a good idea. My car got mauled after hitting a tree and so did I after getting out, I had to run all the way back to my base to get saved by the turrets, lost 9/10ths of my health on the way..
I can't wait to get into nuclear, make a nuclear energy station, then nuke the fuckers once they try to attack me.
Wrong webum.
This is what the developers were supposed to implement in the first place. It's even been in their dev roadpath for a while. Really sad we have to rely on mods to get this now, this game really is turned into Minecraft.
Due to popular demand, the fagtorio server is back!
Tech 5x, recipes 1x
Version 0.16.14
Piratefags can connect for now
Server browser: 8/v/
password: vidya
First somewhat serious attempt at a de-spaghettified base. Some stuff is bound to change or be moved around but at its core should remain similar to this. Just started playing this week so I'll probably fuck up later on with the higher tier tech & when I find oil.
Made resource spawns to be fairly limited since i kinda like the scarcity/survival part of the game. Gonna be fun to see when i hit a brick wall and run out of materials or get overrun by those critters.
Doesn't look like you have any nearby oil so you'd better get exploring.
Neat. I never thought of that. Only useful for the really early game before electricity but that's a really good idea.
I asked for this. We're going to have lots of fun tonight
Hopefully it doesn't take you as long as it did me.
factorio is certified linux vidya, get fucked micro$lave
I think I made oil a bit too rare after all
how many anons so far?
So I just downloaded it a few days ago and have been messing around after work with it. . .
Is this as bad as it feels like it is?
It's terrible, but don't worry; it's just your first factory. When you get to the point where things seem impossible, abandon it and start over with a new factory. It's unlikely you'll be good enough to actually beat the game until your fifth or sixth attempt.
Surprised that's still an issue.
Why did you do this? Also don't spaghetti over your ores and build more than one assembler for each thing.
What's the problem with it?I wanted a lot of iron plates up until I got the long arms I had to run around that thing like a retard with stacks of coal in my pockets
I'm wondering why you didn't just make those arms put the plates on the middle line and instead chose to put them on single tile long belts off to the sides.
I think I was having problems with iron plates blocking other iron plates so I tore the whole thing apart and rebuilt it bigger to try to fix it.
I think that means you're just not using them as quickly as you're making them. Or is it that thing where the gaps on the belt aren't big enough to fit a single plate and the arm doesn't drop it?
It was the second one, the ones on the bottom just never dropped their item. I'm sure I'm to blame for that in some way but this seemed to fix it.
Not your fault. That's a problem more noticeable with slow belts though you can't really escape it unless you put a faster belt right under the arm to stretch out the gaps or a slower belt to compress everything.
I have never seen a more suspicious filename.
Get with the times, user. How else are you going to share full games on an imageboard when you can only post images and videos?
Really? How stupid do you think we are?
Did you try it?
Tried using .zip, .rar, and .7z. No secrets for me.
Never minding, I have achieved secret.
what do?
Using of head, friend user.
and paying attention to the file size discrepancies between the board's version and your PC's version also helps, at least for troubleshooting
I found it. If you squint really hard looking at the reflection in the faucet, you can tell she's naked.
Thanks for the fun, fellow anons.
Clicking the (u) or (h) works where right clicking on the image doesn't.
2 as far as I know. I'll be on during euro times, other guy is burger.
Squeak Through was left out of the modpack and pipes started getting annoying,
or get version 1.1.8
Are you working for X-Files user? Did you take the knee today?
Also updated to 0.16.15
Removed mod folk-stopthat, replaced with EquipmentHotkeys.
F1 toggles exoskeleton
F2 toggles personal roboport
F8 toggles night vision
Updated mod collection, contains all current mods:
Several biter holocausts later we have discovered a super safe location with oil. A whopping 260% yield with not a biter in sight! Looking great so far.
Slap down a huge pile of radars so they'll reveal the map for you.
I hate to admit this but I took the map seed & chucked it into a sandbox game to manually explore. I put the oil & uranium frequency too low and i checked really fucking far away and this is one of two of the nearest locations. Thankfully there weren't many spoilers of what is in the unexplored areas because most of the major resource spots were discovered beforehand and the rest is just empty fucking land with biter walls. Just getting to that oil required putting up walls of turrets to cut through all them critters.
That 2.8k uranium at my home base is the only uranium for an extremely long time.
Still having loads of fun by the way. I wanted long treks for resources & scarcity to begin with but did not realize that lowering the uranium/oil frequency to be this crippling. Good way to learn the game at least.
I have mine set to default values and oil is ridiculously far from spawn. It worked out because I've moved my whole base further away when I built the non-spaghetti version. You need oil before you can even get into blue science and that's basically the starting point of mid game. You'll find later you can get a oil products from coal but the reality of it is that it's fuck all. Four oil refineries with everything converted into petroleum is only enough for two chemical plants making plastics continuously. Coal liquefaction is so inefficient I'd only really use it as a last resort but even then you only unlock it with purple science and you have to have had oil for a long time before then.
So whats new with the game since release?
Is this a big deal or just some minmax efficiency autism? I was hoping to just explore and create gigantic maps to play on.
Every fucking time.
When it hits you, it hits you bad. Game starts playing like slowmo. It happens to any game, but on a good computer it happens much later.
i'm less concerned about slow-mo and more concerned about 10-15 fps. right when you finally have all of the hot dogs and can finally start kicking ass the game turns into a slideshow.
i do need a new processor but considering the current state of x86 it might be better to buy an amiga.
Someone was connecting last night and getting mod mismatch errors, use the new modpack in or see pic related, don't have any more mods enabled than these.
Also we usually have players on in the 900-1800 GMT0 range, if you want to run into someone you should try in the burger morning-late morning hours.
Can we perhaps ramp down the scarcity.
Mega or latest torrent link please
Is nuclear fuel worth it? or should I stick with solid fuel?
whats wrong, dont you have a factory to make more wagons?
Turns out someone pressed the big "Delete Empty Chunks" button, which fucks with RSO and the areas that got deleted had all biters and resources wiped from them permanently. It's possible to make RSO regenerate all that, downside is that it will respawn all the biters, including ones that were cleared from within our walls. By editing some RSO functions I can sort of circumvent this, will see how it works out.
Top fucking kek.
It's fixed now, I'll probably edit the mod later to be less annoying to run
15% top speed boost and 250% acceleration boost (as apposed to rocket fuel's 15% and 180% respectively). Makes a big difference to how long it takes your trains to get between stations but has the problem of only stacking to 1 instead of 10 like rocket fuel so it isn't fantastic for cars and tanks. That said, it's all about throughput. If you're struggling to get your trains to arrive fast enough with their goodies then either put more trains on the same track or make them faster. Just be fucking careful on the tracks because holy shit those trains travel at the speed of sound and this makes them get to that speed faster.
There's essentially no throughput problems with trains that can't be solved by simply making bigger trains.
IIRC you even get better returns on speed for a given engine:cargo ratio as you build bigger. e.g. a 1 engine 4 cargo moves significantly slower than a 3 engine 12 cargo
Is there some sort of main bus equivalent for oil production? Everything is set up & working well for me but its a disgusting mess and I've no clue what an efficient way to get that oil flow going
not pictured is beacons or heavy oil/light oil cracking, just attach it somewhere to the main product lines. you can fit atleast 1 row of beacons on one side i think. i don't think you can fit beacons on the other side because of the 3 pipe length.
it's gonna happen soon, right?
I should probably just restart if I want to do trains properly I guess. At least it will go faster this time.
Mind you this was still my first factory so bare with me
Well I guess it was about time I made a factory that wasn't comprised of 99% spaghetti anyway
the tank flamer is a pretty good tree clearer as it doesn't light fires or produce burning ground.
Trees also consume pollution so the more of them you have the less it will spread. I use poison capsules to clear forests because I always have tonnes of them on me but grenades work really well too.
According to logs, the Attach Notes mod caused the crash, if it happens again I'll remove it.
Turns out it was the speed limit sign on the road, if someone drives over one it causes a crash.
He went to 88 miles per hour and loaded an autosave
Fresh broadcast from the frontline