Death Stranding is going to be SJW as fuck.
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Kojima: 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' and the Reinvention of the Hero
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Post YFW you never purchased a single product from Hackdeo Kojima
Maybe a mistranslation.
Kojimbo, a westaboo desperate to work for Hollywood.
All he needs is to get down on his knees and suck Jewish cock. Can't be that hard.
What do you think these declarations are?
Is this really surprising to you?
what did you expect from a chink whose entire track record is tryharding jewlywood not-movie games or games that appeal to autists?
MGSV was cancer - not because it's a bad game, but because that was when Kojima started hanging around all the Hollywood Jews like Avi Arad who infected him with SocJus. A Japanese man born in the 1960s has no reason to give any sort of a flying fuck about stronk womens or muh oppressed brown people.
>Mandarin being forced on Hong Kong and Canada is OK
He wants more kike money for funding since the mobsters at Konami kicked him out the door and he thinks virtue signaling is what they want to hear. Everything that went hard SJW over the last year or two has gone down hard in flames. Maybe Hideo needs a kick in the ass to realize that.
Even before this I don't see why anyone would think Death Stranding would be good since we've seen nothing but bullshit for 2 year.
There's not going to be gameplay it's going to be a 15 hour movie you need a console to watch.
He's been at it for a couple of years now.
It'll be 8 hours max, screencap this.
Not to mention that all his older games were unapologetically filled with stuff that would trigger the fuck out of sjws. Remember the ZOE2 easter egg? all the posters from the MGS games? the right stick jiggling from MGS4? the nudity from Snatcher? Paz minigame from PW? Yeah
He once did an interview for critical path group talking about social issues a year ago.
Those are rather ancillary things that could've easily been slipped in without him knowing. The guy's probably had trace cuck in him for decades now, but it was never allowed to come out because he had Konami keeping pressure on him.
I doubt it.
I can't wait until Death Stranding comes out and it completely reaffirms everything I've thought about Kojima since the reveal of Ground Zeroes years ago. It'll be like Spore all over again. I can't fucking wait.
No, Kojimbo sucks American dick hard
He already does
people don't cuck out over night just because, user.
What a fucking disappointment he's become. Makes me wonder if he was always full of shit and just accidentally made really good games before MGS4.
He gushed on Rogue One because his new celeb boytoy was in it.
I mean in the literal sense.
Wasn't Tomokazu Fukushima responsible for most of the political stuff in MGS?
No, he's just really good at stealing credit like all directors.
user, he had a team of people that were there to tether and filter his batshit ideas. Jeremy Blaustein and the scenario writer he had for the first few MGS games are proof enough.
He's sucking jewish dick hard because he wants to be in Loliwood.
I wonder if his good games were just an accident and he is just a fucking hack.
Not video games, take your shitty soap opera writer to Holla Forums.
Shut up, people had to know.
He's nothing without Fukushima.
Death Stranding will be another MGSV shitshow. No one at the studio has any idea of what the story is, not even the actors.
You're right user, Kojima is a movie director!
John Romero is still a manchild who can't get enough of his own farts but Doom is still a fun game.
Guess Death Stranding is going to be shit without a doubt though. What a shame. Also I'm not fucking surprised at all that Kojima is pretending to be a film critic.
Why isn't this Fukushima guy getting all the praise? Most people don't even know that he exists.
Anyone got the "-Warren Spector, maker of Deus Ex" IGN screencap?
He's probably dead. Nobody knows where he went after mgs3. Maybe yakuza shot him for knowing too much.
But it was.
Kinda hard to get any praise considering two things: Japan is a place where it's more important to be a part of the machine rather than the squeaky wheel, and Kojima being so autistic as to plaster his name all over every fucking thing like a shitskin that thinks he owns everything.
I can't believe Tomokazu Fukushima is fucking dead.
I think he left Kojimbo to work for one of Sony's studios.
Romero had Carmack to program his flights of fancy and a few more talented individuals to give his monsters, maps and mechanics shape.
The real irony is that MGSV is the first MGS game I actually like to play. Too bad the writing is garbage and a convoluted mess and half the game is missing.
I remember that post, and I remember that smug ass picture too. I sincerely hope that faggot is here, and I hope he reads this, and I hope he's there with me when Death Stranding drops so I can point at his fucking post and laugh.
Isn't the Cuck from Japan working for Sony too?
I tried to archive it too but it didn't work for me either, I don't get why it worked for the other user.
Or maybe vidya like any other commercial piece of media is the product of a team and not of a single fucking person which braindead fucking audiences like the ones that didn't used to post here worship for some retarded fucking reason, likely marketing.
That's so obviously a redditor or shill, is there really a difference?, that it's disgusting. It's especially funny that he thinks his "how do you do fellow Nintendo players" image made by his PR team for twitter makes him not stick out.
I want to believe that the user was YongYea.
Oh hey a cuckchanner, what do you know.
Because Hideo Kojima is the one with his name on the box. Welcome to business. Corporate cogs never get any recognition, and their bosses and their bosses claim all the credit.
Shh! If you deny the Holla Forumsaggots their scapegoat and hate-person they'll turn bitter like over-ripe lemon.
He wants to be on a website about written pedo erotica?
Okay so Tomokazu Fukushima took Kojima's autism and turned into an actual story in MGS 1,2,and 3.
4 he wasn't their for and that's why it feels way more complicated then it needs to be, and is pretty much only good if you played the previous 3 games and can jerk off to the nostalgia of shit you already liked,
and MGR was good because Platinum just did what platinum does.
Kojima really is the japanese George Lucas. Their is good shit their, but you need people to reel him back and sort though all of his bullshit.
Fuck off goon
user, put down the bottle.
Right, it's the product of a team that managed to make his retarded ideas into something palatable for consumers
You clearly don't know what i am talking about.
I don't know how liking 1, 2 and 3 would make you like 4 more since it's just retcons out the ass with less features.
Fuck Off Pedo, or Borryk will be forced to wear diaper and shake rattle and appeal to your feeble aesthetics so he can get paycheck from boss who thinks this sells well based on "market research." Borryk may be male stripper, but even he has his dignity!
Which is why it's pretty funny of him siding with his jewish friend and cheer on the raping of Lucas' creation. Can't wait till Metal Gear Survive is out, then MGS is fucking dead.
Survive will be better than MGSV.
I'm talking about shit like the final boss with the health bars that was 100% nostalgia pandering, and it worked because me and my brother flipped a shit with hype when that happened.
You can’t even have hordes of zombies because Fox engine crashes if more than 25 NPCs are visible at once.
I have a hard time believing it will be anything but broken crap with lootboxes.
Might even be delayed because of the jewbox backlash we’ve seen lately.
It always came off to me as Smash Bros tier secondary pandering bullshit designed to make people who watched Metal Gear Awesome feel like they're a part of something bigger.
I only found one lime in famitsu that in 2014 he worked at SCE WWS Japan department, there also few records of him working at psp/psvita stuff. So yeah, he works somewhere at sony, he should be 42 now, yesterday was his birthday.
*cucks knee in your direction*
You are wrong.
Kojima only types in broken, silly engrish. There's no fucking way he wrote this whole article.
That's fair.
At the time when me and my brother first played MGS4 it was right after we binged though all of the games for the first time, so I likely didn't even process most of the story properly at the time.
Most of the parts of MGS4 that I liked at the time were blatantly just things from previews games repackaged.
Re-read the article to see how it's still really wordy to express a very basic idea and how it has non sequiturs like how he mentions the film references about MGS3.
Even with a translator Cuckjima can't write for shit.
Every MGS game does that. MGS 1 is like a copy of copy from MG2.
Portable Ops doesn't, that didn't have Kojima though.
He likes the worst shit. No wonder his writing sounds like a 12 year old.
Could you please try a bit harder, user?
Don't bully the ESL, user.
Fuck storytelling in MGS. It's literal sewage.
on this we agree
having an incompetent, arrogant rainbow haired female boss that fucks everything up in a pitiful attempt to emasculate every nearby male is a social ill that aflics many hard working men world wide in le current year
after seing what was left of the revelion or resistance or wathever at the end of the movie, i believe everyone can agree that womyn cause less harm when they are locked up in a tower guarded by a fire dragon
Maybe then Episode 8 isn't bad? A lot of people seem to just love it. I now want to watch it to be able to judge fairly.
His dream has always been to make movies.
no story > cutscenes that aren't ashamed of being cutscenes > just about anything else
Op didn't posted the best swag from kojibro from the article:
All i ever wanted was a sequel to MGS2.
what are you talking about user this entire sequence in DmC being unskipable was groundbreaking and shakespearean.
Kojima is just another Pedowood propagandist by now.
This is a red flag enough to anyone still deluded with this hack.
Don't buy any game by Hideo Kojima.
Give all his titles the same treatment that Ass Effect: Andromeda, Loot Front II and other flops.
Always fight against those that want to save Pedowood.
If you're on an image board, chances are you're too cynical to enjoy it. The general consensus is "half of it was awesome, half of it was flat-out Fucking retarded." Whether the good stuff outweighs the bad is up To you. Also Mark Hammill is just a genuine joy to watch and he carries the film. To me, it wasn't my Star Wars so much as it was my little sister's, especially since they end it blatantly marketing to the "Kids who'll buy our merchandise" demographic.
I played DmC as well to give a thorough breakdown of everything wrong with it to people praising it in the comments sections of sites I used to go to. Only later did I learn the tactic of conveniently forgetting being proven wrong once another thread or article would pop up.
I don't know if nuKojimbo Studios is part of Sony but he managed to get Guerilla Games' engine for free.
I'm a DMC autist, I had to see how it was myself, even though I hated it more as I kept playing it.
Are you seriously exposing your little sister to modern hollywood and feminism?
He also retweeted more of that take a knee shit. I am just surprised how retarded the new X-files is going to be. They pretty much insulted most of their older fans and got invested into politics. It will probably flop hard and fail.
Oh yeah, that tactic….
It's text over a black background. Or a text over a brown background with the occasional picture/video.
DmC is a baby boomer's idea of edgy.
"Oh golly, he swears!"
The best thing that ever happened to me was I actually beat DmC on DMD and Hell and Hell, It was still easy as shit. since your tactics don't change only damage values.
And then I was told that I can't call DmC easy until I bought the Definite Edition and played the new difficulty settings.
Webm related is right before the last boss, and people tell me that Donte becomes likable by the end.
Not my decision, my parents. She loves Star Wars, so we saw it premier night, Christmas Eve.
And honestly, I didn't see much in the way of feminism. Sure, all the women are in charge, and right, blah blah blah.
you mean like Ma Rey Sue in Soy Wars?
Oh right, i forgot she is just some random sand niggress avandoned by her plot irrelevant parents who somehow isn't a Mary Sue despite efortlessly besting veterans with decades of experience in their own fields of expertize
What I don't get is why Kojima just can't nut up and make movies. You'd think with the money he's made he would try venture into making his own independent film studio, but he keeps wedging himself into games, why he tries to make more mike like movies.
Come on.
my God those faggots change goal posts like there's no tomorrow. About the only good thing from that game was the spanish dub and only because it removed the try hard tone of everything.
I fucking love MGS. My absolute favorite franchise. I fucking loved the gameplay, stories, characters and absurd plot.
But all this time I thought it was Kojima who wrote it. I thought it was him. The mastermind behind all these MGS2 and 3 codecs.
Only to learn that he didn't do jackshit and was Fukushima who wrote it. Kojima was just there to put retarded cutscenes that had little to do with Fukushima's more serious writing. I'm fucking desperate. I had already lost every little bit of hope left in the industry and simply waited for Kojima to blow my mind again with yet another MGS2.
But that will never happen. Because Kojima will probably make another shitty over-the-top movie filled with SJW cancer to the core. I just want a good right-wing game designer.
cus he has no goons that will eat any trud he shits in the movie industry, he needs his vidya fanboys as security net
The film portrays them as such. Logic dictates otherwise. Holdo's plan of "Let's NOT tell anyone what I'm doing is flat out retarded, but they still give her the "Leia agrees with her, and Poe was wrong, now she gets to die like a badass."
I see you haven't watched the previous season.
Didn't fukushima leave after MGS2?
it never had a chance.
Another thing, for those that did not know:
In Hueland, Kojima was in BGS (Brazil Game Show) and he took a picture making the hand sign of "Comando Vermelho" (Red Commando), a communist faction among organized crime in Brazil. This hand sign is well known as the sign that convicts use to identify themselves to other memebers of said faction.
Yeah, Kokima probably is already a communist, worshiper of leftists.
Even better I told someone that DMC4 Dante has less weapons but still more moves then DmC, Dante see webm related.
They then told me I was wrong and that they didn't count Lucifer as a weapon, for no fucking reason. I can only suspect it was because they didn't know how the to use it.
Is it though? I mean, were it only her, I could understand what they meant by a badass death, but she had the responsibility of making sure her terrorist organization survived. Instead, she let most of them die and kamikazed all their resources in a game-breaking move that destroys the Star Wars universe.
Any faggot who lets his politics affect his product deserves to be shot, and you deserve to follow said faggot and take your American politics down to purgatory.
>inb4 not burger
quack like a duck
I've seen videos of that dub, it is still tryhard you just can't tell because you don't speak spanish.
I am more surprised about Del Toro being a fan of Lovecraft with such values. He even tried to make a lovecraftian movie or something like this.
You might hear about Del Toro again on Holla Forums with greater butthurt, if he tries to make a current year lovecraft adaptation, since he has a license for that shit.
Holla Forums Apologize
By breaking the Star Wars universe. Now any piece of trash with an FTL engine strapped to it can take out an enemy fleet.
Given how the Mythos went, it's not particularly surprising.
Only when Razorcuck apologizes for think STALKER is a "shitty Deus Ex clone"
thank the force sand niggers are to retarded for space travel, just one space jihadist and the universe is fucked
Find me a single fun video game made by a liberal or centrist - ever.
You can't, because they never made anything good.
That's the fucking problem you braindead nigger. Libtards force their autistic politics into vidya just to be edgy and go against the norm. Their games are absolute unplayable unfun garbage infested with game-breaking bugs and abhorrent asset quality.
Sane people don't do that. Therefore only natsocs can make good vidya.
Pic related every time a liberal attempts to make video games
Natsocs are too busy not existing.
Yeah, that's pretty much how the entire movie is. On one hand, kamikazi FTL explosion was how you always imagined Han and Chewy would go with the Millennium Falcon.
On the other hand, it breaks the universe so bad that they're going to have to retcon why that ship and that ship alone was only able to do that, likely by saying something retarded like how its mass was big enough that it didn't phase through.
I downloaded some lovecraft based comics to read on the shitter and they were filled with gay orgies and race mixing so he wouldn't be doing anything new.
t. leftypol
Is this autism?
They have space Marxists to ruin shit for everyone. Just imagine what Star Wars would be like if it wasn't for Jews.
Star Wars, much like Metal Gear, is now ruined forever thanks to Hollywood. Complaints about Hollywood ruining things go back decades; for example, it's an old practice for them to take great books and turn them into shitty movies.
The fact that all these movie fucks are making "fuck white people" a centerpiece of their marketing presents me two possibilities: either these shitheads have always hated their primary domestic audience and just now feel brave enough to be blunt about it with China and Mexico padding their sales, or "fuck white people" is what makes a movie appealing to brown and black people and they're pandering hard. Either way, I'm fed up with being shit on like this.
I worked around this industry 10 years ago, and while it was always majority liberal, nobody really cared that much as long as you did your job and pulled your own weight. The last few years it's been totally flooded with these virtue signaling pansies and I can't see myself wanting to go back if that's the environment I can expect now. These people's projects are as gross to look at as the people who made them. It's depressing but it's the way it is.
I posit that it is possible to be liberal or centrist or any other brand of politics that does not conform to braindead norms WITHOUT shoveling it down everyone's throats. I also posit that while a subset of natsocs may fall under the category of 'sane' people, them wearing their politics on their sleeves has nothing to do with making good games. Sage for not videogames.
Also, >>>stormfront
Oh, is the European Caliphate still considered the west? You know, Swedistan, Germanibad, Istanfrance?
Social Justice freaks love to pretend to like "racy" things so they can become fandom authority figures and censor the work. Just look at what they did to Warhammer and DnD.
Is the Last Jedi really this bad or is Holla Forums just memeing?
Is this the guy who defended level scaling?
Yes, i think this is the gay who Fallout 3 > Fallout New Vegas
Yeah. Fem-autists are the same as male ones, except replace the disregard and apathy for social norms with straight up anxiety and emotional instability.
Indeed he is, but everyone is entitled to their opinions and some of his points regarding NV were correct like the buildup to Gomorrah
The chinks hate them though. Hell, the Chinese government hates them because they are viewed as a threat to the internal stability of China.
It's fucking garbage. TFA was awful, but TLJ is so goddamn shit even the normalfags caught on. It's sitting at 51% on Rotten Tomatoes.
the other day i saw a review for the latest one, the one with the curry and the niggress
never mind that review, i was surprised that the game had come out a while ago and heard nothing of it, when the last instalements came there was a lot of buzz around, even with the PSP one but then the latest instalment comes out for the current gen consolo with not just one but TWO "fan favorite" stronk independant minority womyn… and i heard nothing about it until a few days ago when that review reminded me that game ever existed
same thing happend with the JLA movie, it came out and i didn't heard of it until a week later because of how meh it was, nobody was talking about it, the fuckin JLA movie, the one thing comic nerds have been wishing for since i can remeber
was Uncharte: the Tomb of Sarkessian so meh that nobody cared to even shit on it?
Any faggot who is against Right wing politics deserves to be shot, and you deserve to follow said faggot and take your American politics down to purgatory.
They exist. The only reason that you don't hear about their deeds is that they get the job done: killing the enemies without anyone knowing. You cold be the next.
The solution to all of this is a simple one: rally People to kill marxists and jews.
It is impossible for liberals or fence shitters to do anything good.
At most, they put their names in the works that they have stolen.
All women are like that, given the right stimulus. Women are merely objects with semblances of thought.
It seems that after Konami let him go, Kojima has immersed himself in the koolaid. He's always been autistic westaboo, but I can't really think of many SJW warning signs when I look back on his previous games. The female characters in his games were always given a shitload of screentime and characterization, and they always had their own agency and got things done. It seems really weird to me that Kojima is fellating disney gender role reversals when he himself has already played with these concepts; short of having a female protagonist.
And why is he acting like role reversals are exclusive to Disney's Star Wars? Princess Leia already accomplished this back in Lucas' Star Wars, so it's nothing new for the series or narratives in general. I don't get why people seem to think that reversing a binary role is such an important and revolutionary concept when by this point it has been beaten to death. It's a simple exercise in subversion; not a bold new step where no one has gone before. Kojima sounds like he's parroting entry-level gender studies bullshit he learned hanging around idiots, and it doesn't make sense why he'd do this considering that he's already worked with this shit. Either he's actually retarded or he's been taken by a snatcher.
It's 50/50 really. The opinions range from "I loved it." to "It could have been better" to "It was absolute Shit. everything was Shit. it's all ruined."
He recently turned around on New Vegas.
Look at that son, a non-argument!
But it is all ruined. What kind of cretin kills their main antagonist midway through the second movie of a trilogy? What the fuck are they going to do in Episode IX? Let Rey and that emo mutant carry the plot?
Talking about females. We haven't yet seen a single female in death stranding yet. Maybe they are non-existent anymore, so that's why Reedus carries a baby.
What does that have to do with New Vegas?
The best part is that TFJ is so bad it actually drags TFA down with it. Specifically when Rey somehow knows the Jedi mind trick in TFA; originally shills for it wrote it off that she might be Luke's kid, so she is predisposed to already being good at the force. Now we know she was an accident birthed by drunken nobodies, making her sudden Forces more nonsensical.
My bad. It was meant for the "autism" woman video.
FAS at least it explains why she's so ugly.
The movie itself paints them as miserable clusterfucks of bumbling failures, though.
yass queen slay though.
work for hollywood is codeword for "fuck children"
If MGS V focused on globalism instead of ooga booga muh English be dominating it could've had a better story.
Instead you get retarded villain who doesn't seem to realize there's a thing called "Latin" or "Esperanto", unfinished mess, Skullface is Hungarian even though it'd fit thematically more to make him into a polack
It was lacking in content severely compared to a fucking PSP game
But good thing kojingles wasted millions on le epic 80's hits, that salvaged the game!
Get back to reddit.
Reported for not even trying
Yeah, I think that's another intentional subversion on Kojima's part. Women are traditionally mothers, and biologically they have to bear children and carry them to term. In all the Death Stranding trailers I've seen, the men are the ones who carry the fetuses in those artificial wombs. It's a reversal, but I don't know if the lack of females is intentional or has more narrative significance other than subversion.
There's a board for that
>(((press))) damage control
>#notmyluke immediatelly followed by #humbledhamill and you can see the mause's hand holding a light saver to his neck
This wasn't just any dumpster fire, it was dumpster nuclear blast, a turd so shit that the stink blew me the fuck away before i even got the chance to see it
Leftist like Lovecraft because for them he represent "atheistic" horror and its oh sooo "deep and psychological".
They completly ignore that his horror in truth is based on an understanding of the physical and biological world at that time and the human short comings in dealing with them.
This is also the reason why most lovecraftian horror media falls flat on its face, they always try to make it "psychological" and just copy the aethetics of the 1920s.
Lovecraft hated niggers.
Wooow, that must be a first
Romero didn't truly become an idiot until he left id in a huff over Quake's development. Romero was dissatisfied with making another shooter more-or-less like Doom and demanded that id continue to push the envelope. Quake was originally going to be a first person action RPG with more melee combat. Carmack and just about everyone else in the company wanted to play it safe, let the technical accomplishments speak for themselves and make a shit load of money, so they scrapped that idea and reused the assets for a shooter. Romero left because he believed that everyone else had sold out. He was right to be angry, but his reaction was over the top and immature, and I believe it permanently tarnished his worldview and idea of what it means to manage talent for a good game. He had a team of developers with which he could easily continue to make the best games in the industry and threw it out over less thana year of fucking design work that was thrown out. If he was patient and seeded his ideas into the heads of Carmack and the rest of the team, they would have come around
can we actually see the game first before calling the game shit or SJW pandering?
Like how forumdads gush over Chris Roberts when in reality it was his brother Erin who did most of the work.
Where's the gameplay?
Even if its good, just Pirate, Hideo is a Cuck
Do you need to eat dogshit on your plate first before you know whether or not it will taste like dogshit?
you mean like Elder Scrols?
I'm so glad Konami fired his ass.
Probably more like Hexen 2 to be honest.
They haven't shit anything out yet tho
Maybe konami did nothing wrong after all?
Mostly cucks who need to flagellate themselves over >white supremacy, and assume everyone non-white cannot possibly learn English.
Like some CNN journo who called Trump's proposition of speaking english as a requirement for migration discriminatory non-whites
Anything is hard for inferior races.
Romero being a complete idiot is what made him "left" the company.
Not the other way around.
Nobody "turns out" like that.
He was always like that, and only after his public meltdowns people noticed.
Shill already desperate and exposed.
The game WILL be shit because of the mentality of the hacks involved.
Regarding Kojimbo, Konami did nothing wrong. The (((media))) wanted to paint Konami as the "muh evil corporation" already in preparation for a Kojimbo + Pedowood joint work.
Kojimbo is, and always was, a hack. Everything with his name is the works of other, truly talented, people.
How fucking Young are you son?
Konami did nothing wrong by firing Kojima. They've done plenty wrong, but at least they aren't Capcom or a western dev.
have these retards ever tryed to learn any other language?
english is piss easy compared to anything else out there
Of course not. Why would they learn language of backwards savages noble oppressed minorities?
They can't learn. They aren't people.
English is the easiest one, and that is why they are so obsessed with it: they can't even learn the easiest one properly.
I guess you could say that, I suppose what I'm trying to say is he had real talent and squandered it by pushing everyone away. Quake 2 and 3 were fun, but id lost almost all sense of originality after that point.
to be honest this is no surprise after MGSV
I bet the Rumours of Konami interfering with development were Just rumours aswell, Hideo is a washed up cuck, and most of the games he takes credit for were actually developed by co directors and other employees with real talent.
Reply to this post
False correlation.
What made id lose creativity was Carmack's obsession with just pushing technology and nothing else.
He is like that even today, lefting id to go to Occulus just because of "muh new tech", without even thinking about the bad consequences from that move.
Romero, if anything, was slowing down everyone's works. By any report from former id employees (supporting OR against Romero) you can see that whenever Romero got involved, everything was derailed, becoming a mess and without any focus.
If he had any "creativity" so to speak, it was the case of "i will say a bunch of crazy shit and see what sticks". The point is: he was never the driving force of id, as the media tried to portray him. This image of him was fabricated for marketing.
The truly competent people did not even talk to the press at the time.
Shit, guess I have to go to Japan now to help run a train on Joosten because Hideo Kojima outed himself as a cuckold.
but i must first see the dog shit to know its dog shit
isnt the game a ps4 exclusive? i wanst even expecting to play it
exactly my point
I don't even want to play MPreg the game.
The only thing left to be looking forward to is Cyberpunk2077 and it seems like hl3 is coming out faster than that one.
To be fair, MGS was pretty diverse
Trailer has a pregnant man.
Imagine a Star Wars movie directed by David Cage but with all the awkward sex taken out and that's TLJ.
Of course it's not a coincidence. Pan's Labyrinth is literally anti-fascist propaganda.
His interest is mostly aesthetic and mostly feigned. This is how these kinds of faggots end up taking things over if they have even a hint of subtlety about it. They start by aping the aesthetics of something people like and claiming that their work is an homage, when it's really almost totally devoid of a creative spark. Then they project their own bullshit onto it and sanitize everything they deem problematic. People who are there for the aesthetics or as fad-chasers (i.e. most people) won't really know about the subversion and if they do, they'll usually try to justify or excuse it.
Raiden in high heels and Snake/Otacon raising a child together as a homosexual coupleis when I knew he lost it. So the jew disease turned him into an SJW huh? I never really liked watching all of those fucking cutscenes, but I did love the gameplay of MGS 1-4, but not 5. 5 Felt just like playing Battle Field Bad Company.
Sounds like the plot of an anime, but the truth is we have no fucking clue what is happening in those trailers. It could all just be a metaphor for something. As always you'll get it when the game comes out, but at the same time, I see the signs that Kojimbo is SJW and I can't ignore them. It seems like if you work in entertainment industry, the older you get, the more liberal you become. Why is that? Jews? Although he has always been a fucking weirdo so maybe this is him not being limited by Konami's hand.
There's the guy who made Far Cry Blood Dragon:
Polygon made a hitpiece about him:
Probably changed now though.
I want to comfort her and tell everything will be fine, then smear peanut butter on her forehead
Metal Gear Survive will not have Kojima at all, and it was Konami demanding that MGSV be ported to the older consoles that it turned out the way it did.
Just try not to imagine what the rest of the world would be like, or you may have a shitty rest of the day dealing with the fact that this isn't the case for now.
Jesus fucking Christ
Man I wish I could find that article where he whines about Brain Age.
Kojima was always a failed movie director who somehow got into games. I guess now that Konami kicked him for good and his savings are running out he must have decided to actually go to hollywood.
What did he say? That Brain Age is ablest to retarded people who can't do math?
he should be afraid (^:
user, sometimes the best products come from frustration. Once upon a time there was a man who built tractors. He was frustrated about the design of Ferrari cars and complained to the manufacturer about them. The manufacturer told him he has no idea about sports cars and that he should stick to his tractors. Then the man got mad and decided to build even better sports cars than Ferrari.
This is how Lamborghini was born. The current state of vidya games is probably a similar situation for anons.
No, something along the lines of "I want developer to make more games like MGS4, not Brain Age" or something. This was back when everyone was complaining about casual games like Wii Sports and Popcap stuff.
Is this it?
Probably, but I remember it being way more vindictive.
kojimacucks on suicide watch
I always knew Kojima was a big dumb leftist, just look at all the Che Guevarra dick sucking in peace walker. Him spouting all this diversity nonsense is really disheartening.
No. The game was decent and fun. I know it's against the echochamber of this board, but DmC was fun to play and chill with. No matter what the dmcucks say about this game, I'll always choose it before dmc2 or that unfinished trash dmc4.
That could be since I played the definitive edition first and enjoyed it to it's fullest. Sucks that pcucks got shafted.
Sort of makes me wonder how bad Miyamoto or other famous guys are.
I Hate the game because everything about it shits all over Devil May Cry 1.
Kojima is a westaboo hack. The only reason his games were good was because of that one writer (the name escapes me), who helped him up until metal gear solid 3.
I like to play Japanese games to get away from this bullshit. Westaboos like Kojimbo can just get fucked if they try to bring this cancer back to Nihongo-Bongo Land
Everything he has touched is now filth.
We can never discuss these games on Holla Forums again.
Everything is tainted because of the meme culture wars.
Retrospective quality judgements now enforced by culture patrol.
Have an opinion and you must necessarily forfeit half of your audience.
What a miserable time when every word must be a declaration of war.
DACA = treason and genocide. No deportations = treason and genocide. This isn’t a fucking business deal. It’s the survivival of human civilization itself.
Help us exterminate the left and we can shitpost in peace.
Assuming Rolling Stone translated accurately and didn't have editorial interference (fat chance), he can say all that and still make women in skimpy outfits and get attacked for it.
In other words: this is bait.
Holy shit, you're right. Might of kept it so secret it didn't even fucking happen.
Where were you when almost all of Holla Forums was cucked by a soynigger salesman?
t. Kojimacuck
He's a nigger loving cuck, time to accept it.
Any reason why this post was deleted?
let me go into more depth about why I hate the game.
Kojidrones have been a feature of Holla Forums since forever, just look at our poor guy as mascot/tan, butchered and fixed with all kinds of Kojidrone accessories like Punished Snake, only for the game to carry on saying all those things mean he was a fake, a tool, a shameful accessory to cuck the fanbase.
Yes, that's out tan thanks to Kojicucks forcing themselves into the board's "culture"
user deleted it himself. What was it about? Also Kobimbo
I never necessarily bought his games.
But at the same time, I didn't dislike what I played.
The entire “board-tan” shit is a holdover from Cuckchan anyway, so nothing of value was lost.
It was just a list of Metal Gear games Tomokazu Fukushima worked on with two images I can't expand.
You'll hardly find a single user here who isn't a kojimbo bootlicker blinded by muh nostalgia
Last panel should be "If you don't like it why did you eat it?"
Kojima is a cuck who drank the Kool-Aid and he wasn't solely responsible for Metal Gear being good but all the Metal Gear games except V are objectively good games, I'm extremely indifferent to this and have lost faith in him ever since you figured out that you couldn't kill kids in MGS V and the new trailer with Death Stranding showing the garbage Uncharted-tier dialogue. The thing I regret is giving him all the credit for Metal Gear when I could've spent some time who did most of the work, he truly Japanese George Lucas.
Never bought/played a Kobimbo game
Also another thing, he said GTA V made him depressed because it would trump MGS V making up a lot of bullshit missions for the games.
I fucking love those star wars fans sperging out
The fuck kind of sense does that make? Mission based "open world" whateverthefucks have been around for nearly 2 decades now.
Take your (you) and go.
Because it was "two V's fighting for the spotlight".
Kojimbo was always an unapologetic westaboo, so he eats up all that sjw bullshit infesting the west.
Then why not just drop the roman numeral? It's not any of the other games used it anyway.
Because it's V for Venom, user, it has to fit thematically.
The dev team was forced to make the game compatible with the PS360 demands by Konami and the FOX Engine itself was being forced into a bloated mess because Konami kept asking for more and more compatibility Everyone on the team knew, including Kojima, but the executives wouldn't budge.
You might have the autism.
But five has a V in it. Hell, Venom has 5 letters. This just sounds like the guy getting bootybothered over a game that came out 2 years before his continuing to outsell it, sort of reminiscent of his Brain Age bitching in a way.
Nah it's definitely assburgers.
so randump xD
See, I kind of find an issue in this because it's pretty well known that Kojima can't fucking speak English. Read through that article and notice not only the verbosity, an uncommon trait in translation, but the usage of terms that really don't translate well from Japanese. Go back and play one of your Japanese video games or watch a subbed anime. Notice the lack of multi-syllable words? The hallmark of a shit translation is one that alters the flow of a piece just to make it seem more wordy. Japanese is not the language of scholars and writers because it simply doesn't work that way, hence the large amount of loan words.
This doesn't read like a translation at all, and I sincerely doubt Kojima took the time to write this up since as i stated previously, the fucker can't speak English despite his insistence to the contrary. Now i'm not going to say they just put words in his mouth since it was highly unlikely he'd ever read this article, but they probably took some serious liberties with his statement, as rolling stone is wont to do. And i'm not going to act like Kojima dindu nuffin.
Keep up that denial, Kojicucks.
Kojima and the other writers collaborated on it together, they would shoot forth ideas back and forth to each other and play off ideas.
Yeah but he wasn't solely responsible for the series, he was the director and "story planner" while Tomokazu did everything that made the series great, .
He probably had a meltdown
Bull fucking shit. You know as well as I do that Kojima just quickly glanced over the scripts for each respective game, enjoyed the "hollywood-esque" parts, and then greenlit it. Kojima doesn't understand true depth in movies, hence why he likes TLJ and all the other shit that comes out of Hollywood. I'd be surprised if he understood the dialogue at the end of MGS2.
That's a pretty nice way of saying "veto or rewrite every brainfart he shits out".
>sole knowledge of politics is in japan where being okay with some temporary work visa migrants makes you a leftist puke
It's almost like you guys purposefully overreact for attention or something.
Then explain how astronomically shit the writing got by MGS4, Kojicuck.
From all accounts from their own interviews the top writers didn't compartmentalize and go off doing their own thing, they actually worked closely together. For guys obsessed with Kojima I'm surprised you ignore those sorts of details and assume that eastern devs operate like western devs.
The reason snake lived and didn't die at the end and other such details is thanks entirely to Kojima's own team intervening, why would you not know these things?
Kojimbo is a westaboo, so he'll eat up shit like TLJs postmodern deconstruction of Star Wars just like the average weeaboo will consume any shit as long as it comes from glorious nippon.
So how exactly do you conflate "guy who's known for a series that goes into depth with international geopolitics, complete with tons of fact checking, gun porn and attention to detail" with "he never bothered to wonder if maybe the news lied"? Hell, fake information is the main topic of 2 of his biggest games. There's no fucking excuse, period.
Opinion discarded
Kojima probably gave the writers a direction or a framwork and that's it.
Would do you selectively pick which parts of Kojima's shit has less corn in it to assume it's good?
Underrated post
No they're friends and they would regularly talk about the story and write down ideas, even on their off hours.
Nice logical fallacy you have there, you say Kojima is responsible for everything but his own team was directly stone walling him and collectively interfering on their own accord. If anything I'd point to Acid to put Fukushima's "credibility" as being the sole reason for MGS's success. Acid is fucking shit m8.
he separates his fiction from reality. There's little reason to assume the media is lying to him, he's not an american so he's not seeing the full picture. The idea that the media is full of shit is fairly localized to the US since our media isn't state owned. Most of the stations in Japan are. He would have to take the leap in assuming his government is lying about trump too, and there's no obvious reason as to why they would since it doesn't really benefit them. It's not hard to see how he came to that conclusion.
international geopolitics in the mgs games boils down to naming names. That's it. Fact checking amounts to making sure to use proper terminology, it certainly doesn't mean he's trying to make a realistic portraying of global politics if mgs3 is any indication.
in what way exactly?
has nothing to do with politics, he puts a lot of attention to detail in his scenes but that isn't going to shape his opinion on trump.
I selected this classic image to accurately illustrate your current circumstances.
I'm telling you that there's no way Kojima could have written stuff like MGS2. Have you seen his tweets/retweets/opinions? He's as left-wing as they come. It conflicts with everything he has allegedly been a part of, as you claim.
Get fuckd, goon.
t. kucknami shill
It's called editors and "having someone else's opinion" I'm on the Kojima and Fukushima compliment eachother train. But I am thoroughly against the idea Kojima did nothing.
He says in defense of a man who whines about Trump in an interview regarding a video game.
And you wonder why no one believes Holla Forums plays video games.
It is pretty nice to see the shills not have a stranglehold on the catalog for once.
What about MGS2 is explicitly left-wing? A lot of the themes could be skewed to both the right and left when it was released. That's changed somewhat now, but upon release, the game was mostly bipartisan.
Regardless, I'm on this user's boat>>14065218
That's just how life is.
Hollywood actors are all millionaires, even though they poorly do a job anyone can do. Meanwhile in the handful of good hollywood productions the actors always get all the credits, and the people who actually do something unusual such as the writers never get the credit.
Matt Groening gets all the credit for the simpsons, not the show's writers who got the boot by the 8th season.
Steve jobs gets the credit for everything apple, even though up until the company stopped putting out products and started living off of his genius marketing he never touched anything and assorted engineers plus his associate Steve Wozniak did everything, and even his marketing prowess wasn't of much use because apple didn't change one bit after he died.
Anthony Burch autistically screeches for recognition in borderlands even though all he did was write a handful of the characters in game, and not necessarily their lines because the voice actors improvised a lot in the game I admit I like tiny tina.
Everyone who worked at rockstar and made it what it is from the beginning got fired or left out of frustration during gta 4's development cycle.
Notch created minecraft, but Jeb is the one who made the game a success. Notch is a billionaire, Jeb is balding.
It happens everywhere.
Nothing is really left-wing. I only brought up politics at all because there are a lot of right-winged conspiracies in MGS2 that are touched upon which a leftist wouldn't dare believe without becoming a full-on fascist themselves.
Redditors pls go
Don't bother, you are not dealing with rational people.
The narrative must now fall within these parameters.
I would just dump Kojima to spare the games, being given that option.
I still love all of the games of his that I love but Kojima is most definitely a leftist. How else would you explain all the Che Guvera fellating in Peace Walker?
You need to be blind AND a huge faggot not to see the criticism of all his games for years now, at the very, very least since MGSV, but ongoing since MGS4 and beginning around MGS2
You must be a fucking faggot or a terrible shill if you honestly believe that. That's like believing John Carpenter is an anti-semitic right-wing genius because he directed They Live.
It's the worst Star Wars film to date. The prequels have horrendous acting and garbage CGI, but the story made sense. I understood why everyone did what they did. Johnson completely rejected everything set up by the previous films to point where I can say, without an iota of doubt, that the franchise would've been better off in the hands of JJ Abrams, because at least Abrams had an elementary understanding of Star Wars rather than some abstract, schizophrenic delusion. The properties of the universe and the Force, the characters, the lore, virtually everything except namesake was stripped away. Motivations remain ambiguous, characters, with the exception of Finn and Poe both of whom are treated as irrational, are entirely illogical. They had a perfect opportunity to kill off Carrie Fischer, who is already dead and was CGI for more than half the damn thing, but Rian forger her plot armor so densely, it reached it's Schwarzschild radius and sucked any remaining hope away I had for the rest of the film. The vice admiral replacement makes it worse, as she's presented as this Nurse Ratched figure, because she refuses to disclose her idiotic evacuation plan that would only ever worked if every officer in the First Order had the collective IQ points of Gabby Giffords (which is the case,) who then is redeemed by single-handily destroying the entire First Order fleet with a kamikaze attack that invalidated every battle to have happened up to that point and was impossible until the new canon. There's also this scene where Finn is willing to sacrifice his life for the Resistance, which would've been an excellent twist, but he is stopped by the new love interest, justifying her actions by saying something along the lines of, "We won't win by destroying what we hate, but by protecting what we love," followed by a kiss and the Resistance base burning in the background.
There's plenty of other irritating things, but I've went on long enough. All the people who are saying the film is good are either normalfags who've never seen a Star Wars film in their lives or all these retards prancing around saying that it's good for it refusing, not failing, to meet any expectation. The latter of that sentence is what makes it so exceptionally awful. It's like contemporary art, in the sense that it's designed with intent to defy every preconception you had, but, to the sensible eye, it's just shit in a can or a copper sheet stained with piss.
This is why you never go into writing for video games, kids.
I agree that now leftists wouldn't touch MGS2's themes with a ten foot pole. A lot has changed since the early 2000s, though. All I'm saying is that the times have changed and Kojima's opinion adjusted with it for the worse.
Most of the criticism I've seen about Kojima's previous games in this thread is fair. Everyone's pissed because Kojima just hopped on liberal dick and that's almost certainly gonna make his games as trashy as the shit hollywood normally shovels.
Nope, I'm saying he's a hack who never came up with anything remotely smart in MGS1-3's stories.
Nice deflection Kojimacuck, but we're not talking about Ac!d.
Wow what a genius collaborator.
The only reason people defend EP8, other than shills and politically motivated tools, is because the movie is just too damn long and nothing really important happens in it. It wouldn't surprise me if most people forgot about the offending scenes by the end of it.
There's a reason why Konami wanted MGSV on PS3 and 360, they needed to make all that money wasted on creating the FOX Engine and on the IPs that Kojimbo took over and fucked up.
Kojicucks like their idol watch too many movies.
maybe older generation that can get pissed at foreigners for not cleaning trash
but the youngs seems to be dumb and idealistic as any other western countries young
Konami shills, get out.
wtf does any of this have to do with Konami at this point?
weak excuse
Kojidrones on desperate measures
This. I travel to Japan frequently as a part of my job and the school systems in particular are almost as pozzed as our own, as far as promiscuity goes.
Konami shills, get the fuck out.
What's it like being one of the last Cuckjima drones?
Cakejew on suicide watch
Why would cakeboy care about a game/movie that isn't coming out on Switch?
What's it like being a bandwagoning contrarian retard?
Cakejew has sucked kojimbos shriveled yellow cock for years.
Did you take classes in being retarded or did it come naturally?
They Live was about money, not Jews. Before you even talk about it, most rich people are not Jews and most Jews are not rich.
Any posts after this point can be chalked up to that.
Par for the course.
Fuck kojima
So yes Konami refused to dump the FOX Engine early in it's inception it was obviously not going to work, out but Konami refused to do so because of the sunk cost fallacy, sounds about right.
Looking at his resume all the ones he fucked up was Castlevania, and that's about it. In fact looking it over I think he's actually a better horror game writer.
What a thread!
Considering how many other liberties have been taken with translations from Japanese lately (like Ganon's MO in Breath of the Wild turning out to be literally the exact opposite of what the English version said it was), I'd like to see one of our many fan translators translate this article. It's definitely possible that it's genuine though. Nothing in MGS2 was inherently left or right, so I'm hoping Kojima's opinions are a bit more balanced than in this translation. The retweet of the take a knee shit doesn't inspire confidence, though.
You need to be at least 18-years old to post on this image board.
"f-fuck you, if you hate kojima youre just underage!!!1!"
How many of you Konami shills are just doing it because you saw a few niche anons spamming it everywhere when MGS4 came out 10 years ago.
Stupid Cucks
All of you
This is your mind on turko-american Holla Forums
He hasn't even been in the country for more than 2 years. He's got a lot of nerve involving himself in things that don't concern him. He needs to fuck off back to Japan. Two wasn't enough.
If you can't enjoy something because the author's ideology is pure shit, you won't enjoy anything, you fucking 13-year old.
When have women ever picked up arms ever in all of history? Women are treated as princesses because they aren't and never have been actual fighters. This isn't sexism, its just realism. Women don't fight.
Unless their bullshit ideology leaks into the thing they made. Which most of the time is true since people know it's more important to entertain if you want to be successful. Luckily Kojima has always refused the artist moniker and said he is merely an entertainer so there is still hope.
People say that the nuke in WW2 was necessary. Since the people were so for the emperor that if all the men were wiped out in the war the women would have taken up arms. Aside from that I cannot think of anything.
There's a difference between someone having stupid beliefs and them shoving them in the game I'm trying to enjoy
The commie shit in peacewalker made it less fun
But 4, PW, 5 are all garbage, Kojima lost his soul and creative integrity after making 3 and its reflected in his work, hes just sucking up to Hollywood jews now at this point, in pursuit of his movie pipe dreams, if he has to throw metal gear under the Bus, so be it.
Nice try Soyboy
Every single time some soyboy tries to push their uninformed opinion into others, it becomes a higher priority than making a good game. And a good game most of the time doesn't pop out of that.
Now shoo, jew.
Fella, do you know what game series you're talking about. Of course you don't, you're only able to parrot the opinions and ideas of others without even knowing first-hand what you're even talking about. You see a few tidbits of something, usually a meme, and dub yourselves "knowledgeable".
Maestro has yet to make a bad game. Stay triggered, drumpfcucks.
Well youre not wrong steinberg….
ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵘᵖ ᵗʰᵉ ᵈᵃᵐᵃᵍᵉ ᶜᵒᶰᵗʳᵒᶫ
Ah, the dead giveaway projections of a goon.
Enjoy your 5 pre-orders of Death Cucking.
Do Kojicucks lack that much self-awareness?
Are you alright?
I haven't played it in years, what commie shit?
you tried >>>Holla Forums
What makes Kojima special besides his love of normalfag movies and pseudo stealth games for 12 year olds?
Kojima's games have always been praised for one reason or another and maintained a large fanbase since Metal Gear Solid. As the accuser and derider, shouldn't you be the one providing reasons why his games are bad and everyone else is wrong?
Well seeing as this is a goon thread now we may aswell make it official
Dont forget to pre order Death Stranding™ Goy
It's gonna be great when Death Stranding comes out and they desperately try to convince people it's anything other than David Cage-tier crap.
Read the thread, and you'll have your answer.
Satan confirms Death Cucking will be shit
Thats enough out of you Kojicuck.
not like I'm expecting anything good from it to begin with
Kojimacucks on Suicide watch
But no one said that all his games were shit. All they've said so far is that since one of his writers left KP after MGS3 Kojima has been acting like a diva and surrounded himself with yes men.
In his defense this is precisely after the moment where he pointed out star wars was gonna go down like a dumpster fire and everyone was calling him an idiot.
Seriously, that's some great bait because I'm mad as fuck at how retarded you are
You are posting with leddit transplants who come here to shitpost about politics. They don't even play vidya in all likelihood.
Hey nigger, you just got btfo:
>calls others >>>/reddit/
So they're in good company then, considering the topic at hand.
le ebin defense of the rusemaster admitting your idol "isn't worthy of polishing che's boots"
It's actually a pahjeet from London.
He should stick to browsing reddiit for memes
Checked, Merry Tripsmas user
that's like saying Crypt of the Necrodancer was SJW as fuck because SJW developers assisted them in development, or that Super Meat Boy is SJW because the original composer is a raving lunatic SJW
Are you retarded?
yeah and I'm sure all of those opportunities the camera had to zoom onto Quiet's tits and ass and her poses in the heli definitely show he is a SJW
I guess you haven't been around for the last few months of story after story of women complaining about getting Hollywood Hellos?
Just because he puts T&A in doesn't mean anything
They better be careful…
user you are hallucinating
my fucking sides
Yeah maybe they were terrorists but weren't the Sandinistas getting publicly beheaded by paid CIA agitators back then? Honestly, Americans should have kept their noses the fuck away from that whole ruckus which was 20th century South America.
Literally every bad thing that happened in central America back then was done by communist agents working from Hollywood and capitol hill.
Except the concept of the mary sue has been around for a while.
they banged didn't they
So he's another George Lucas, Mr. Shitface, and Mighty Nigger 9 - A hollow marketing shell that was only good because of everyone else around them.
No. FaggotFist is still a fag. He is an embodiment of a preSJW goon. He seems like the type that hates anime more than Marxist indoctrination.
So he decided to actually play the instead of just uploading someone else playing the game? He didn't know that you talk to NPCs.
IMO closer to 90% suck to 10% occasional eye candy, even then that might only work if you pretend to see the movie without any dialog.
Holy fucking shit did they ever, the ending scene might as well be a commercial for a happy meal advertising pitch.
But Satan, will you at least show some gameplay trailer?
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
If only that ever happened ever save for two or three times
It is already pozzed. Abandon it.
"The industry" is not a comcept.
Being already an SJW is what make a failed living being be accepted in the industry. It does not change someone. It only bring in those who were already inclined to be pieces of shit.
Found the guy who sucked the dick of Tameme for shekels.
As it should be. Deal with it, snowflake.
Yeah, you sure are aware of everything, citing mainstream media's report on a diversion atempt by some "TUE NATSOC HERE GUYS", aren't you?
The ones that got the job done did it without the media's atention. You may have heard of some "heart attacks", "accidents" or "robbery followed by murder" that happened to liberals recently.
He always sperged about GTA "getting in the way" of Metal Gear's sales. To a hack like him, losing the spotlight (and losing money along with) is like torture.
Deal with it cock sucker. Kojimbo was always a hack and never did any work himself.
You don't point the REASON for that: that Pedowood and western entertainment as a whole, are just cabals/club for child rapists and worse, and those that don't agree to take the jews' collar and be their lap dogs are all pushed aside into obscurity while the slaves get praised and become millionaires to keep them in check. also the reason so many of them end up in depression or killing themselves.
All leftist opinions ARE bad and you are not rational. Yo are an emotional piece of shit that is so attached to your bad games that you want to push the idea that they were anywhere good. They never were.
Only if it is writing for others.
Write for your own products. Never for other's.
Konami did nothing wrong.
Kokimbo is a hack and never did any work.
Your cock-sucking for a failed jap hack is just desperation.
Your idol is a nobody. He is nothing. He never created anything.
Burned JEW books full of gay shit for children. Nazis did nothing wrong.
It does not matter if jews are rich or not. They are subversive and it is ok to kill them all.
If you enjoy something made by a leftist cuck you have just shit taste and carve for attention from your leftist echo chamber.
It is realism AND sexism and there is nothing wrong with either.
He never had a soul or creativity. All the products with his name on them were the works of other people with true talent.
We are knowledgeable. That is why we don't fall for the jew's marketing or propaganda, like you soyboy do.
How are things going there, being a leftist that gets beaten or run over by cars all the time?
The hack never made a game.
Simple: marketing for easily manipulated and emotional idiots like you.
If he's butt buddies with JJ then wouldn't he hate TLJ, JJ now has a shipwreck that nodoby can really steer back on course let alone a hack like him
Kojima didn't write the good metal gear games though, he just took the credit
Kojima had no major part in writing MGS 1-3 and had no part in Ghost Babel
What is Aliens?
DSP Tries It: Being Right
I'm so sure the average movie-goer has dealt with having their planet destroyed by a giant superlasers or being born to be an unstoppable force monk often.
So never play anything other than the first 3 MGS and Kojima is a retarded westaboo faggot hack taking credit for everything Tomokazu Fukushima ever wrote. Got it.
Based Molyneux! I'm glad he's part of our proud and awesome Holla Forums culture.