Fixing Games That Are Otherwise Complete Ass

What are some games that really grind YOUR gears, anons?

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MGS series is pretty garbage with its shitty hp system and cringy characters. It could just be like death to spies or something, that would be a start.

HL2 is arguably far worse than HL1 and MGS is an incredibly poorly designed cutscene simulator.

Original Wolfenstein
There, I made it into a good game instead of shitty propoganda.

Arguably? Clearly we have not been playing the same games, faggot.

What you're really suggesting is making it into an actual FPS instead of a first person action adventure and while that's something I'd be ok with you're basically overhauling the entire game rather than just fixing it. Play Timeshift, it's basically 'what if HL2 was a shooter'.

You're a fucking retard.

Does anyone actually give a fuck about the original one? You know he meant 3D, which is just a reskin update of Catacombs 3D.

I thought that HL2 was just fine the way it was. EP1 however sucked dick big time.

HL1 was the better game in every aspect.

The original has a degree of importance mostly for its early attempts at stealth mechanics and obvious just outright popularity at the time.
He should have said 3D then. Most of the bullshit he suggested is still incorrect when considering 3D though, you can't just magic in later additions of the FPS genre and the use of the nazis wasn't propaganda as much as their being present in the earlier games in the series and utterly non-controversial bad-guys.

I know for a damn fact you didn't grow up with it, that means fuckall.

Sure I didn't grow up with it, I'd have to be fucking ~40 years old to have done so and I doubt there are many on Holla Forums of that age. The non-3D Wolfenstein games are still important and calling Wolfenstein 3D the 'original' game shows a complete lack of knowledge. We might as well go around calling Duke 3D the 'original' Duke Nukem game.



but then who would fill in the waifu role?

There would be nothing left if you did that.

Literally any human being on Earth who isn’t a nigger-chink mulatto.


Basically any game with leftist characters is going to be nothing BUT said characters.

So what's the problem with removing the game entirely from your view if it's shit?

The guns, hopefully.


You forgot

I guess that means Space Wars wasn't important either.

Half-Life 2 was pretty underwhelming in enemy variety and the few enemies that they had were variation or stronger versions of the base unit.
Also, the weapon selection was very lame, based on the same progression system that the enemies had. It took way too much time to access the better weapons of the game, something as basic as the shotgun was only available in Ravenholm (you could pick one as early as the office chapter in HL1). So, this means that you spend almost half of the game using only Crowbar + Pistol + SMG + Grenades and maybe the Magnum .357.

Not to mention that the best Gravity gun was only given to you for a short time.

The problem is with its existence in the first place.

I cannot abide a waifu that enjoys the taste of old tires.


Sorry, user, Autism is Unstoppable. You just have to fuck with it until it REEEEEEEEs itself to sleep.

My only idea for fixing shit games is to remove the people responsible for making them shit.

Somebody should make a mod where the farther is white and she is white as well. And the evil chick black.

It's a deviantart drawing, user, notice how it is clearly not made by a japanese artist.

SauceNAO says that the artist is japanese.

oh, you mean like the immolater, flare gun, hopwire grenade, tripmines, gauss gun? nope, deleted, we don't know how to put them in the game, enjoy standard boring fps arsenal
oh, you mean like the enemies that were established in HL1 but removed for no reason and additional enemies with great design concepts that were removed because valve was too incompetent to do anything with them?
nope, can't find out how to put them in the game in a six year time span, enjoy only fighting humans with guns, humans with claws, and antlions and literally nothing else aside from a few boss battles when our game from six years earlier did this 10x better
oh, you mean like in the concept art where the sky was red during the day and green during the night as opposed to just simply brown buildings everywhere?
early stages was going to have this, citizens actually treated you like shit in the first portions of the game and told you to fuck off because they thought you would get them killed by interacting with them which is correct because that happens numerous times in the final game. there were few rebels in the city to call you god, the conscripts rebelled against the combine and fought the street war which makes more sense that a grizzled and angry military force can rebel as opposed to a mostly unarmed civilian populice
but we have a physics system, here's another physics puzzle to give you a breather even though you did one 15 minutes ago, did i mention we're not going to add a single puzzle that doesn't involve physics?
so remoe the entire game and focus on gunplay? nah fuck that, enjoy this gimmicky bullshit where everyone hates at least one segment.
too much effort, we could have designed the coolest synth ever that's 50 feet tall or something but nope, have two gunships or something.

You'd really be getting rid of the whole game.

That’s not how body proportions work, holy shit.

It wouldn't fix the gameplay.

RIP original HL2, german kiddo who stole the beta killed the spirit and valve shat out something to sell and push Steam

that's actually not what happened despite common belief, the leaked beta was "evolving" into the final game with most character designs being finalized and many models being nearly identical to the final product (zombie, poison zombie, soldiers and cops, antlions, all of these models are nearly identical to release but with different textures), the main cast looks identical to how they do in the final game except their models are very low quality, and most weapons had already been cut. the juicy shit is what lies in the leftovers that were never removed from the compiled prototype including very old weapons, npcs, and assets from 2001-2002 like old pollution skyboxes. i suggest using the website belong if you want more info, however my link shows you that most models were near completion

That always stunk to me as a Tigole-tier hoax propped up to justify a shitty product.

The only good thing about HL2 is all of the mods and games that came out of it, and season 2 of Freeman's Mind. Otherwise, it was pretty mediocre.

Is Timeshift any good?

Yes, the leaks aren't real user.

the modding scene was pathetic compared to hl1, sad really because if anything hl2 post-release had potential it was this

try playing the game outside of 2007 when a lot of people have stopped kissing its ass

actually, play hl1 first and you will see how much better hl1 has aged because hl1 focused on actually being a good, fun game with satisfying gunplay instead of a glorified tech demo like hl2

It's probably the best 2007 single player shooter but that's not really saying much.

The leak was very real user, but the people at Valve didn't know what the fuck they were doing with all that content and the game wasn't nearly even close to finished by the time it was leaked (like 3 months before it's actual release date if I remember correctly).

And the fatass lied because he's a kike.

wouldn't really improve anything, the weapons are designed around filling niches and the ones in hl2 do it well enough. The actual feel of the weapons needed improvement. The sounds are pathetic and they lack a sense of impact. Lack of world lighting from using the guns is also pretty lame.
its a pretty colorful game, i dont know what you're talking about
they do establish why he is the way he is, but it ultimately comes off as every NPC is stroking the players ego.
i didn't care about them and im not sure what the issue is
they did and they were gay teeter totter puzzles
correcting the enemy variety issue would likely naturally solve this problem and result in those levels being squeezed out or notably repurposed
these were the worst parts of the original HL and I'm not sure if the genre is really fit for boss fights. first person shooter games are at their best when you are focusing on dealing with a variety of targets instead of just one guy.

stalker and crysis came out in 2007

Dark Souls 2
>Fix every enemy placement in the game
>Get rid of every bullshit mob-boss, that' s just fucking lazy
>Get rid of random drops I FUCKING HATE RANDOM DROPS
Yeah, i think that's it

If TES was good which would you choose: a RPG with dialogue choices stats mattering and traits or a actual dungeon crawler with great loot, character upgrading/progression and well made dungeons and combat? I'm guessing people have it in their mind that Fallout is the first and TES is the second.

OP game is called "0000001864.1920x1080" ?

Scholar of the first sin my man.

the only niches the arsenel has is crowbar/pistol for headcrab/zombies and the pistol for sniping enemies from far away with its massive range, shotgun for fast zombies, rpg for boss battles, that's literally it. smg/ar2/shotgun/grenades/crossbow are all used for soldiers, that's garbage in comparison to hl1 where it was crowbar/pistol for headcrabs and zombies, shotgun for vorts/grunts/bullsquids/finishing wounded soldiers, mp5 for soldiers and houndeyes, magnum for alien controllers/high damage in a pinch, crossbow for shark water thing, and grenades/tripmines for flushing out/trapping soldiers.

but yes, if hl2 weapons were done better (pistol has range like hl1 pistol, smg is a powerhouse in cqc, AR2 holds much more ammo and is better for long range, shotgun is a powerhouse in cqc, crossbow holds much more ammo like in hl1) then correcting enemy variety as you listed below would fix the issue, though they could have at least given us the gauss cannon instead of abstaining from giving us any interesting weapon at all.
gotta agree, the color is actually pretty nice though i would have preferred the pollution era because it's more visually interesting
which is dumb, freeman shouldn't even be known at all because only the government knew his name and things went down the shitter right after the black mesa incident because portal storms forced everyone into cities, there was no time for an investigation. oh, then the combine invaded.
they're very poorly written and act like a cast of good buddies when they're surviving in an alien-infested post-apocalyptic wasteland where the human race is going extinct in 10-20 years.
50% of all dialogue from allies is praising the player in hl2, 80% of all dialogue in the episodes is praising the player, often for doing jack shit like climbing in a fucking air duct. it's an extremely lazy way of connecting hl1 to hl2 and fails horribly, it should have been in the leak where nobody knew freeman except for barney and kleiner, even that's dumb though.
i always liked the nihilanth fight but i can undrdtand people who did not

are you actually 12? either way get hl1 first then play hl2 because hl1 is much better Z(and aged much better) than hl2


i'm still searching for mods that will make alpha protocol or jagged alliance back in action playable from a gameplay perspective, alpha protocol especially since the story fucking rules

sorry, i fucked up in first paragraph, hl2 pistol doesn't snipe but hl1 pistol does

Is a perfect example of taking a bad, broken game and making it worse.

They tuned the enemy placements, the weapons, placements of items and way more. It's objectively better than before.

They turned every encounter into "fuck you, more mobs". The fact that you think this is an improvement meshes well with the fact that you enjoy DS2 at all, an objectively terrible piece of shit game.

The gimmick levels were the best part because the core gameplay is ass. Most of the guns feel bad to use and the ones which feel good have a pathetically low ammo pool.

that's why removing the gimmick-orientated levels (.ak.a. the ensure game) and overhauling the gunplay to be in line with HL1 with massive enemy variety is the best option

Highway 17 was by far the worst part of Half-Life 2.
Large empty levels that you drive from supply area to another supply area with the occasional enemy encounter.
If you remove the car, all these areas could be put well together without any loss of gameplay, it was basically a shittier version of On A Rail.

You could just lure them out one by one. What are you going on about.

Why there's always this betafag waiting for a HL2 thread to talk about how all this cringy shit was remove from the game?

Not really. Pulse rifle was redundant, the bouncy death ball was a cool feature but they should have just made that into a separate gun. No reason to make another machinegun other than the SMG. If I remember correctly, it was even less accurate than the SMG. Same with the magnum and the crossbow, although that redundancy stretches back to HL1. The magnum was always a weird gimmick weapon where the game would give you a miniscule amount of ammo every 4 levels and pretend that this is somehow worthwhile.

They are basically the same games

someone didn't read the op, also they are actually nothing alike outside of general connections like a crowbar that fills a similar role in both games

because hl2 was a disappointing mess and many concepts in early stages would have rectified the issues like shitty retcon characters/interesting arsenel/decent enemy variety if they had gone through with them? it would have been an actual worthy successor to half-life 1 had they included new characters that don't know who you are, a decent selection of weapons that don't feel like shit to shoot shit with, and extremely high enemy variety like in hl1 (in comparison to hl2) as opposed to adding gimmicky tech demo shit to each level to make up for gameplay shortcomings in the form of awful weapons and shit enemy variety.

Also have you never played HL?

most hl2 fanboys just die constantly in hl1 then whine the game is too hard because hl2 is a cakewalk in comparsion, hl1 is actually a challenge on hard mode, god forbid.

I have replayed both very recently, thats how I noticed how similar they both are.

And my dad works at nintendo.

Similar, in some respects, but they both play and feel very different. Saying they are the same is a huge ass compliment to HL2 and an insult to Half Life 1. Half Life 1 may be horrifically outdated in terms of graphics and engine, but it is better than a 6(?) hour long tech demo.


I played both HL1 and HL2 and found them to be very simnilar also; extremely boring, terrible gunplay, couldn't finish either.

shit opinion desu but okay. hl2 gunplay is garbage though, it's somehow more bullet spongey than hl1 outside of soldiers which are gunned down in droves effortlessly. hl1 sound design is also GOAT, meanwhile 50% of hl2's sound design are just literal stock sound effects

Can Might and Magic IX be fixed?

The only sound design I REALLY disliked was the pussy ass pistol firing sound. It didn't sound powerful at all.

I distinctly remember quitting HL1 when the human soldier enemies appeared. It took unloading a full magazine into the head of one of them to kill him, and I decided I didn't have time for bullshit bullet sponge enemies. This was several years ago.

HL2 was just ass all around, those damn driving segments are terrible. It also felt that I was shooting paper bullets out of paper guns and hitting paper targets that barely reacted to damage.

Actually the more that I think about it GTA 5 is rotten to the core. I would keep typing up this list for an hour but I'll go play a good game.

I'm pretty sure HL2 gave me a uniform/armor fetish
Fucking cuddly looking overwatch soldiers

I remember playing this on my brother's 360 and couldn't stand it after 30 minutes. The main characters and every NPC are just so grating. How the fuck do you manage to make Carl "bury a foreman alive in his own shit for catcalling my sister" Johnson seem likable by comparison?

Every FPS ever made-
Remove snipers

It depends. The issue with snipers in FPS is generally the fact that you can't do anything about them.
They completely remove your actions from the picture, you're going to get sniped and you can't do anything about it. You can always run in zigzags to throw off the sniper's aim, but you're going to get sniped anyway.
Taking more than 1 shot to kill and being able to run into cover when you're shot is a good starting point for balance, but some games screw it up by having easily clickable heads and making headshots 1 hit kill which ruins it..
Battlefield 1 is a shit game all around but it does something pretty cool, snipers do less damage from very close and the in game explanation is overpenetration. Although that's only used to make snipers 1 hit kill in midrange so it's kind of moot, the idea could help here. 1 hit kill headshots could be relegated to very long ranges where assuming the game isn't hitscan aiming for the head can actually take skill.


The shittiness of snipers is usually due to big open spaces in the maps that you have to cross with no cover. Halo actually got it right by making the sniper a power-weapon with only a few shots in it, and having fast vehicles you could use to avoid being shot, but it was still rage-inducing when it happened.

u fug an alium

I don't know what disgusts me more, the fact that you tasted Jack Daniels, or the fact that you tasted old tires.

Would licking a new tire be more acceptable?

Snipers are extremely dependent on map design for their balance. Second smoke screens are a must have in games with snipers. As much as people bitch TF2 got some well balanced maps for snipers. You can't find a proper nest, there is always a way to get your ass blasted from the side or behind. But of course it lacks a smokescreen so choke positions can only be pasted by throwing bodies at it.

TF2 is a whole different beast, and snipers are stupid there too. He's a spy with none of the risk.

Another thing, every tf2 class has a different height so you can't just point your sniper at head height and wait for the right moment to click. TF2 also includes much more vertical movement than the average shooter, the scout's whole point is being a twitchy twink and the demoman/soldier can fly around by blowing themselves up.
Snipers are very balanced in tf2. If you're good you can get some nice kills, and then that famed situation where your team of F2Ps who suck become snipers and can't do anything because they suck happens.

Fixed. Now back to playing some other game since I'm banned for not cheating.

The difference there is that for a sniper in TF2 there are areas to hang out and nest in, but even those spots have a weak point where a sniper can't dominate the game map. For example the nest on 2fort focuses on the base, but has blind spots on and under the bridge as well as keeping your back open.

There's a funny reason behind that actually.
The cheats obviously include measures against being banned, for instance they generally block ports that send gameplay information to rockstar, some of them send false information to rockstar, other times they even spoof your player account to someone else in your lobby.
So what happens is you're more likely to trigger rockstar's statistic-based anti cheat (because they can't detect the actual cheats, they'll gather gameplay statistics and ban those deemed illegitimate) by playing legitimately, because there isn't anything protecting you.
This is even more extreme when it comes to money, there are people who made millions of gta$ during the 2x rewards event for import/export missions and got banned or had their account reset because rockstar's anti cheat figured "Hey this guy made 8 million when his missions only add up to 4 million, he's a cheater!".
Meanwhile my gta online profile says 85% of the money I ever made in game is illegitimate (it keeps track of where your money came from, 80% of mine is "other". "other" is robbing stores and picking up wads of cash, which both are the game's smallest source of money) but the single time rockstar punished me was when they wiped my cash after I spent a whole day glitching heists.

Yes but the first hour or two is a bit crap. It doesn't truly get good until you get the crossbow with the exploding bolts.

Scholar didn't fix the downgrade.

It upgraded it. 60Fps, 64bit engine. Doesn't sound like a downgrade to me.

The existence of statistic-based anti-cheat in a game where cheaters are routinely mangling the statistics of other players is ridiculous. Even if making a stupid mistake like this, a developer that gave a single shit would have immediately reverted it on seeing the damage it was doing.

I really enjoyed the car segment in ep2, for what it's worth

Scholar's visuals don't match what was shown pre-release. Massive changes to models and textures in the environments, not to mention the lighting. As for Scholar's pathetic attempt to re-arrange enemy and item locations, all they did was re-arrange deck chairs on the Titanic.

I cannot abide a waifu that enjoys the taste of dead brain cells.

The problem with snipers is not them being too powerful, it's them being too weak, and their presence encouraging bad players to be even more useless.

I like the bleak, empty urban spaces. It's much better than metro 2033's cluttered look, even if the graphical quality isn't up to par. Abandoned and neglected places are more emotive than ruined ones. Art style is something half life 2 gets right.

The main problem was however pretty much what you posted at the end - a need for there to always be a new gimmick or unique scenario, and focusing just on that. I played through the series recently and things like controlling antlions and using vehicles are entertaining but never really satisfying. What's more, it was unsustainable. They ran out of ideas for weird, quirky mechanics quickly and had only kind of mediocre fps gameplay left and they knew it, so they shamefully cancelled episode 3 and as a result we'll never know how the story ends.

Look up interviews from around the time of episode 1 and 2 to see what they were all about. They were really proud about the way Alyx behaved in those games, both her companion NPC behavior and the way she commented on how amazing you were and sucked your dick every five minutes. That was something they considered innovative. Their other big, fresh new idea was…different kinds of gravity gun ammunition. Pathetic, huh?

The Monster Hunter games
Make Rewards purely based on performance (how fast you cleared the quest, how much damage/deaths you took, etc.) instead of random chance.


You mean "mostly same weapons as HL1". And to be totally fair the beta arsenal was too big for it's own good.
both are fucking tripmines
Oh wait lets make one shoot grenades
Better add a light machine gun incase the first two aren't good enough
Gunships were very fun to fight when they could shoot your missiles down

That's a bad idea. It would probably make people only want to play whatever the most optimal way is (while they still want rewards) instead of experimenting and having fun. It would also probably make people less likely to play more supporting roles online and only go for DPS. Plus you have factors out of your control like monster AI choices and spawn locations in higher ranks that can eat into quest time but aren't due to performance.

fucking this. if snipers were ridiculously hard to use but were devastatingly powerful that's fine with me, and honestly the earlier battlefield games (pre 3) did this in a way that i was fine with. the maps were big enough to give you routes around them, they had bullet lag and drop which made them useless in unskilled hands, and there were always other options. the problem with the way every fucking game handles them is that they're usually as powerful as the other weapons or slightly better, can be used at a longer range, and offer a lower risk higher reward playstyle which means every fucking scrub in the game wants to be xXxSniPerWolFxXx and hide. BFBC2 was fucking ruined for me by this; every single team ends up having at least 50% of the players being hideforever wookiees who contribute literally nothing but lock down objectives so nobody can fucking do anything

But BFBC2 had bullet drop and shots didn't hit instantly either.

BFBC2 also had magnum ammo that increased their power even further, and in hardcore mode could kill on a torso shot with one round

But that's how they are and the problem is that they draw shitty players who think sniping is cool but lack the skill to do it.

Yeah but we also had the shotgun slugs

Battlefield 2's snipers were broken on urban maps for an entirely different reason: Claymores. You have absolutely no way of dislodging these other than blowing yourself up on them.

yes, that's exactly what i mean with maybe one or two more additions, that'd be pretty good. the exact same arsenal is 100x better than the shit hl2 gives you. you do realize that not every single beta weapon was to be added, right? for example, the smg1 is from 2001 and the smg2 is from 2002, it's an evolution, they weren't meant to be put in together for the most part (they intended for you to switch out weapons very early in development but that was quickly scrapped because it was retarded so most weapons are simply natural evolutions)
hopwire grenades have a massive radius, you could throw one into a room and it might be something, doing this with tripmines is not possible
did i mention the submachine guns? hl2 one still sucks ass in comparison to hl1 and it's way too fucking loud in comparison to every other sound in the game
did i mention adding these? oicw is objectively better than the ar2 though, the ar2 is a repurposed model that looks out of place as fuck, especially the third person reloading animation and the fact that gordon holds it with one hand even though it looks like it's 30 lbs+ is beyond retarded
i think the word you're looking for is "tedious". there was one helicopter fight in HL1 and it was optional for christs sake, and that's more than enough. the entire HL2 saga has you fight gunships like 7-10 times.

Actually I would just remove all the blacks and mixed-race people completely

niggers should be in the game, but only seen getting beaten/executed by cops

that would just make players want to join the cops

i would still prefer to be with them than stronk mixed womyn #731 and the ass-kissing rebels over here




yes and no, there are more interesting things than heists
nah, but you should be forced to make a choice before heists that would impact them considerably
this would be disappointing for 99% of fans and completely pointless, if anything one should at least get away

he had little potential beyond "nigga mothafuckin bitch ass boy" dialogue and being the token nigger

Fuck, I hated the gunship fights. It also falls under the "gimmicky shit" territory, because there were specific arenas set aside for them. Anytime you came across an area with fuckloads of rockets lying all over the place for no goddamn reason, it was because you were about to get assraped by gunships or striders.

I disagree. To compare it with Half-Life 1, there the visual design was done in such a way as to evoke a unique, living, breathing world, even in places like Xen, even though the level of detail was far worse. In Half-Life 2, the color palette is painfully limited to greys and browns and the fact that there is so much empty space only makes the Source Engine's limits even more apparent. It doesn't feel like a well-designed world but a sterile borefest with dull designs everywhere. I don't know what Viktor Antonov was smoking during Half-Life 2's production but the visual direction in that game is a low point of his work.

The crossbow puzzled me because unlike Half-Life 1, there was no need for it. There were no underwater threats in the game so they might as well have given you a proper sniper rifle which would've made far more sense lying around that a crossbow armed with…heated rebar? Who the fuck even makes something like that? And how does the rebar automatically get heated upon Gordon placing in on the crossbow?

Fuck the vehicle sections so much. I don't think Half-Life 2 managed to do them well in ANY of the obligatory driving levels. Water Hazard may have been the least shittiest one mainly because it didn't have nearly as many "stop vehicle, get out of vehicle, do some shit on foot, get back into vehicle and keep driving for all of twenty seconds before coming to the next vehicle stop" sections as the other ones.

Yeah, Alpha Protocol's gameplay really was kind of crap. All the more pity they never made a sequel.

Franklin was by no means a good character but he was the least annoying of the three, I'd prefer more of a blank slate character for this kind of game over a poorly written defined one.

hitscan snipers are bullshit

Hitscan in general (or ultra-fast projectiles) is pretty bullshit, I'd only be okay with it if it were shot by something with a fixed turn rate like the cannon of a tank so you can still dodge it.

This is possible in some hitscan games like F.E.A.R. and Half Life 2 since enemy turn rate is slow enough to be kited if you're close.

also, check those sick ass trips

Fuck off, newfag.

The chief writer posted the story on his website. It wouldn’t have been worth the weight.

t. z'er born in 2000 who wasn't even able to comprehend the game when it came out and instead played actual garbage flash games :^)

Maybe if you have shit taste you fucking shill

Funny thing is that the Spy is designed to counter Snipers in the first place.

>This is possible in some hitscan games like F.E.A.R. and Half Life 2 1 since enemy turn rate is slow enough to be kited if you're close.
This, the Vorts in HL1 are hitscan enemies done right.

Half-Life 3 died on a blog
What a time to be alive

then valve forgets how they're supposed to work and tells you to fuck yourself numerous times in interloper

That's not a game that's a tech demo.

Born in 1992, actually. I'd played enough games that I was able to tell that Half-Life 2 was uninspired garbage 5 minutes into it. Now fuck off, Gabe shill.

ITT contrarian cuckchanners and smart af tweens critiquing games twice their age

Those pics are incredibly derivative of blade runner and 1984. In the final HL2, those are only foundations while the game has its own style that's never been used elsewhere.
You can probably count two hundred games using the same grimdark cyberpunk setting. But only one which crosses elegant russia architecture with clean scifi.



Demons, dark 1 (and to a much lesser extent 3), bloodborne are all easy to get back into, 2 doesn't feel like a souls game it feels like lords of the fallen

Name a game that wouldn't benefit from a "fix".

playing STALKER is nearly impossible without the Call Of Chernobyl mod. nice game though. nice aesthetic. NAAAAT so no nice original game playability though


What made the first two so great was even though they had silly things like the mechanic shops be called "rim jobs" and the fast food resturant be called "freckle bitches", they was still serious games.

What made the absurdist jokes work, was that it was so out of place for the world of the games.

"freckle bitches" and "rim jobs" sound absurd and out of place but, in the 3rd where the saints are nothing more than a meme and you can get a dildobat as a weapon, the jokes have no punchline when the entire game is nothing more than a piss take out of it self.


wew lad

The only thing worse than a Melee fan is a Saints Row 2 fan.

Add gameplay

Remove the ebin underage interracial homosexual relationship.
Remove the ebin "humanity sux" message.

To add to what you said:
Make the story not shit by just fucking removing the ending and adding a good one.
Add more solo-survivors and communities which aren't based upon military aid from the government. A /k/-like group of autists surviving in the woods would actually have been cool, but no, instead we get the firefags or whatever the fuck they were called.

This. Fix MGS by deleting it.

So like CJ?

I played BF2 months ago when the revive thing was fresh. Most of the sniper rifles where two shot on the chest to kill and one headshot to kill. Also, the fact that you had to move your sight depending on the distance was a neat touch. And also the fact that the netcode was pretty shit to being with that you could abuse the hitboxes by jump+prone+crouch your way to cover.

CJ is only a token nigger in the sense of San Andreas being the token nigger of the gta series.

really perspirates my pistachios

The only real problem I've had with HL2 is the shitty AI, "Messiah Freeman" and the diverse nigger led resistance things. I don't see any issue with the gimmick sections of the game, if anything those are the best part to me.

Ravenholm till entering the prison is the highlight of the game. Then again I'm a super weirdo that thought the blast bit though surface tension was the best part of HL1 with Xen being a close second.

But Surface Tension really was one of the best chapters of HL1.

you're correct about early concept art being generic, but these were only early concepts for the game, had they gone through with the pollution idea it could have evolved into the final stages of eastern european architecture mixed with cold blue alien tech. a large problem in final hl2 that ruins the setting is the lack of elaboration on lore like basic explanations on things like where are bullsquids and how the citadels arrived which are all explained in either emails with marc laidlaw or in raising the bar which need i say is fucking retarded. this is because sequences with lore explanations that were coincidentally scrapped never got a replacement, leading to the entire game leaving much more questions like these asked than answered when all of them should have been answered before hl2 ended. early story fragments have npcs giving much more exposition, and retards will defend hl2 telling you jack shit by saying bullshit like "b-but you're supposed to feel left in the dark" or some retarded shit. yes, the oppressive atmosphere is cool and all, but it's not okay when my questions are not answered by the time i've completed the entire fucking game and even all of the episodes.

when destiny leaves out lore and forces you to find it externally it's okay, but when half-life 2 does it it's swept under the rug because half-life 2 is the best game ever or something despite being inferior to half-life 1 in every meaningful way

like someone else said, 50% of the game is gimmicky bullshit and the other 50% is gimmicky tech demo bullshit. ravenholm is pretty much the worst level out of any video game ever because it barely even has any gameplay, zombies in HL2 are never a threat under any circumstances for a variety of reasons

classic zombies walk at a quarter of a mile per hour and also have to stop to swing their claws, if you spawn one in gmod and hold the walk key (hl2 doesn't have a proper walk key) they will never be able to hit you even if you spawn them right next to you then walk away immediately, now combine this with the fact that gordon can sprint at 20 mph and these enemies are literally harmless. fast zombies can damage you but it doesn't matter because they only do 4 damage per swipe and stop to screech after hitting you twice, and the game showers you with medkits anyway so that 8 damage will be nullified very quickly. next, poison zombies are harless because they are never in a location with fast zombies where you could get hit by a poison headcrab then be instantly killed by the fast zombie, otherwise the poison headcrabs are easy to dodge if you know what the sprint button is. i don't even need to mention how harmless how harmless individual headcrabs are.

all of this combined with the fact that ravenholm has very scarce ammo forcing you to use the gravity gun leads to really, REALLY shitty gameplay. the atmosphere is almost good but it's far too in-your-face, the intro music is telling you "this is scary, there are legs dangling and you should be very afraid right now" which causes most of the atmosphere to be lost, not to mention the atmosphere is lost completely on all subsequent playthroughs, that is if anyone even wants to play ravenholm again due to shitty gameplay which is honestly pretty unbelievable.

the coast segment is the best part in the game solely because it's the one part where you can actually have some gunfights, you're in the car a lot of the time but when you get out there's no more gimmicky bullshit, just you and gunfights with soldiers. the coast is more atmospheric than ravenholm imo, it lets you explore the rural post-apocalyptic earth and see how aliens changed things even though they didn't go too far into depth with it unfortunately, which they also had ealy concepts for like the alien fauna or antlion caves which were meant to be in hl2 before getting shafted.

the AI is pathetic though, yes. they should always be taking cover and never standing out in the open and they should also sprint much faster and always be able to shoot you while jogging. their accuracy also needs a major buff, they should rarely miss and have the maximum amount of accuracy in close-medium range before it becomes blatantly unfair instead of shooting like a crippled toddler. even cops should have had pretty good ai, instead all they do is literally rush you like retards.

Now that we're on the subject of the HL2 early concepts, has anyone played the latest release of the mod Dark Interval?

I loved the atmosphere but it could use a bit more work (mostly the facial expressions it's like everyone is dead inside when talking).

i thought facial animations were automatically generated by the source engine? never played it but it looks cool to me, they seem to have at least one dedicated model and texture artist which is cool. god knows missing information will be finished by the time episode 3 is released. i have more hope for it than the retards claiming they're going to "finish" episode 3 at the very least.

No, I think you have to manually facepose the new dialog you make for the characters.

And right now they're working on part 2, which I believe is everything from the canals to the AirEx but I could be wrong.

Rockstar doesn't give a shit, they don't even play their own game.
One time they made a stream with one of the developers playing, the developer had to learn the game live because he never touched it. and then he hopped online and got stream sniped by a cheater

i don't believe this, post vid

I recently replayed this thing because I had good memories of it. The nostalgia did NOT hold up at all.

First and biggest problem: the level design, which alternates between boring, empty hallways/combat arenas, and horrible, annoying gimmick areas that do not mesh with the gameplay at all. Most of the "traps" are retardedly easy to avoid and just waste your time, and the ones that aren't are basically just cheap shots. Any area with bounce pads or "wind" should have been immediately deleted because the physics of the engine and the design of the weapons do NOT support either of them being fun. The only good thing about the level design is the secrets, which are for the most part fun to discover and sometimes funny.

Second problem: The enemies. I'm not talking about the iconic Kleer or Kamikazes, those guys are fine. I'm talking about enemies like those giant lizard bastards that do nothing but stand still and chuck projectiles from a million miles away. it's pathetically easy to take these guys out with nothing but your pistols because they never fucking move. But doing so is incredibly boring. The charging bull guys aren't the worst, but their hitboxes are incredibly wonky and it sometimes looks like you've dodged one but you get hit anyway. The Scorpion assholes do cheap, hitscan potshots from a million miles away before you even see them. Need I go on?

Third problem: The weapons. I don't know how the hell I ever had fun with the weapons in this game because they're all so fucking boring. Say what you will about BFE, at least it introduced some new, interesting weapons like the C4 and the laser lasso. The only interesting weapon in the original Serious Sam is the Cannon, and ammo for that is way too rare. Every other gun was both generic and lacking in the feeling of power they should have had. The only gun that felt like it had the kick it deserved (other than the Cannon) is the double-barrel, and that is ruined when you realize how not-powerful it is at anything beyond arm's length (making it basically worthless because the Chainsaw exists and has infinite ammo)

So yeah, if there was ever a game I'd like to go back and fix, it would probably be this one, but honestly I'd probably be fixing so many things that it'd be easier to just make an entirely new game. Or, I don't know, just play Painkiller or EYE or something.

Make them less grind-oriented.

congratulations, now no one plays your piece of shit game. Grind is literally all MMORPGs are.

Weren't the jump pads and wind only in the second one?

they were less frequent, but they were there. And the complaint about shitty traps still stands, especially the crushing walls that are so slow that you'd have to be literally retarded to actually die to them and waste so much time.

I was just making sure because I haven't played it in forever and probably won't any time soon because the lack of visual variety just wore me out by the time I was even halfway through the game.

Have multiple savegames in pokemon.

Wrong. MMORPGs are supposed to be just that: multiplayer RPGs on a mass scale. MUDs have nothing in common with the modern Gookclick MMO.

We've Got Hostiles and Surface Tension have always been my favorite parts of Half-Life, and Nova Prospect and Anticitizen One in Half-Life 2, and you know what they all have in common?
Just straight up shooting, no "horror", no puzzles, no cinematic action, just combat.

i'm sorry that your taste in games is gay like you, user

What's wrong with sr2?


I played the game for the first time back in 2014.
And I played that back in 2006, I wasn't amused.

The Chainsaw wasn't in the First Encounter, either you're mixing up TFE and the TSE or you played the HD versions (that would explain your complaints about the physics too since HD changed that also).

Make the game about the girls and their fighting styles.

if you play on PC, just about everything and no, mods don't fix it


With regards to HL2 I'd just give some basic exposition. There's so little narrative in the game that you just feel like you're being shunted around from area to area without any rhyme or reason.

They planned to include Vance giving you some backstory about the invasion and what have you, more environmental storytelling with an extended train ride into City 17 and what have you, but they scrapped it all for some reason.