Sexual orientation based class system

So comrades, I have to the conclusion that the way a society should be organized is based on sexual orientation.

The lowest class of people, also known as the worker's class, would have massive orgies to produce as many workers as possible.

The members of the class in charge of managing farms and factories would have traditional 1 female and 1 male marriages. This is to make them focus less on sex and more making sure the means of production run smoothly.

Then the lawmakers of this country would all be gay men who would have massive gay orgies or sensual one on one love making. This is to help create unity across the land and make it so they would see less reason to form political parties.

The members of this perfect society's military would only be attracted to fictional characters and would orgasm to their personal fantasies.
This will make them want to fight for a future as bright as their fictional universe. Even if it would cost them their lives.

Finally the the leader of the country would be attracted to himself.
He would place a mirror in front himself and masturbate to what he has deemed to be the peak of attractiveness. This is to make it so he is less susceptible to corruption for he would want to ensure the being he fapped to would be as perfect as possible.

This is the perfect society for it uses the power of sex to forge its structure and fuel its economy.

purest form of idelogy

A thread died for this shitpost, you know that?

This is not a shitpost, I am dead serious.

then you might want to leave
>>>Holla Forums might suit you better

Ladies and Gentlemen, Holla Forums.

Replace the orgies with serial monogamy, and you've got basically right now.

Also, manipulating people by exploiting their human drives is a liberal pastime.


It is not manipulation if you ultimately give the people what they want.

Holla Forums sees anything different as fun, only here among fellow intellectuals can I show people the truth of using sex as the basis of society.



lets go guys

My political ideology has yet been tested and therefor it is just as valid as any other found on this board. So how about instead of saging we can debate as to how effective this system would be.


Can't argue with these numbers


Oh, pic very related. What BO of Holla Forums should do someday.

nigga that's literally fascism


meant for



Codemonkey should be ASHAMED of knowingly kissing up to this board with its mostly garbage memes, and ADL shit eater community.



Very low energy raid, Holla Forums

This is sort of a schizo picture of what the social order was like pre-Industrialization or at least during the bronze age. Youve got the plebes with their dionysian rites, the artisans and merchants with their wives, and then the patricians/rulers with their spouse-concubines and then boy/young man lovers.

Precisely, the whole purpose of this society is to have a well working class system but it uses sexual orientation to decide what role you full fill in it.

>>>Holla Forums


If we establish a society like this then evil capitalism will be obliterated once and for all. Also the most systematically disadvantaged will get their power back.

Would you prefer if I used the the term preference?

I know this is a shit post, but your idea is a decent one (not a moral or ethical one) but a decent functional one. Now fuck off


How would this not be ethical? It gives the people a stable society that allows them to work with those who share their desires.

But lawmaking is boring.
Why can't I be an engineer of some sort?

For very skilled workers such as engineers they shall be able to have multiple wives and have many children. For an intelligent parent can lead to intelligent children.

Engineering isn't even that special in difficulty, it's just more bearable than the other jobs.


Nice projection

Your tumblr is showing

What about lesbians? Where do they fit into all of this?


OP is more of a faggot than you, user, but you're giving him a run for his money

Reminder that the Ba'ath party is closer to Not Socialism than any form of Communism/Marxism
Also, Communist Che "shitbag" Guevara hated blacks and anybody who wasn't heterosexual. He put the latter in jail in the name of Marxism. The mainstream media usually hides this fact.


Nah, it's just an old as fuck unfunny meme newfag

Ok then.

Yes it is a meme. But unfunny is subjective.

that totally isn't the equivalent of 'I know you are but what am I?' when you provide no proofs :^)

wow sure are a lot of anti-SJWs and trumpies on tumblr

nice proofs

Feminists->Lesbians->Adoption prohibited->Feminists go extinct->win

I could smear shit all over the walls and use that as a defense at to why the room is clean. Triggered wasn't particularly funny at the start and it isn't funny now.

how to sage?

Look it up, or find some books about Che that don't kiss the ass of that ball of filth>>1408491
NO it isn't, libtard fuckwit. Just because you disagree with some idea does not mean its wrong or invalid, punk. Lastly, your analogy is utter shit(pun intended)

3rd part of
meant for

Except I A NOT a trumpcuck, Berniecuck. I am also no Hillarybot. Trump is just the other side of the same Hebe coin of Controlling the USA. Also, pics related. 2nd shows that not all humans came from Africa. Boas is
a damn FRAUD!




More like enemy of THE JEWISH/HEBE PEOPLE!


Nice try you capslocking, loud typing meme lord, but nobody has laughed at a triggered joke this year. That is a true science fact. I can't prove it, but it's a fact.

Except autists. Only the autistic who feel a warm fuzziness over familiarity have laughed at a triggered joke in 2017.

What is this, a Plato X Autism slashfic?


I wonder who's behind this thread

so you're saying you don't know or were trying to blow smoke up our ass. got it.
not him but it isn't.

come on man, you're trying way too hard. I mean that's on the pic of you and everything.

seems that way

Not true
I can do that too!

Its not a fact, you just shitposted.

I do not own 90% of the things in the picture in my room.

imo this is a funny shitpost and shouldn't be locked

Found your flag OP


hi fictional dystopia