Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/

It's almost time for new years, so, have a happy new year, anons!


>Beginner's guide: >>>/agdg/29080


Feel free to contribute to and update the wiki. We want it to contain information for current and previous games, as well as helpful beginner articles.

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Java's fine. Eclipse is terrible. You will want a better IDE sooner rather than later.


You bastards' new years resolution better be to make a fucking video game.


Mine is to make more video games and unfuck my health bullshit.

Release a demo on 2/2, maybe 5/5.

how to make gaem

Mine is to stop being a NEET and get a job
Making a game comes after

I probably won't make it, but I want to release Manlet Simulator by April Fool's.

Hell yeah, motherfucker. NES programming. Holy shit, I was expecting it to be difficult (though I'm already a professional programmer experienced in assembler language), but I wasn't expecting the NES hardware to be this fucking ass-backwards and retarded. The number of stupid subtle errors you can randomly run into while doing technically nothing wrong is nonsense:

OAMADDR is also unreliable with OAMDMA if you use any value except $0 for the ADDR, and dealing with PPU memory corruption and degradation is fucking retarded. Leaving memory in certain places for too long causes the system to corrupt the memory automatically, and even doing things completely correctly, you can still deal with random fucking corruption.

That's right, the NES's memory corrupts itself, so even if you change nothing, you have to refresh a bunch of memory with every single frame to keep it from going retarded (it might work in an emulator if you don't do this, but on a physical system it will slowly get more and more fucked up).

I fucked up something with my game and don't feel like going back to a good checkpoint, but here's a screenshot of it in its current broken iteration.

download EasyRPG Maker :^)

Are any of the books here particularly useful for devving?

There are good and bad ones on it. Anything you're looking for in particular?

The ones in the CS section are the essential books for programming.
IDK why people don't like the SICP book, but it gives good insight as to what happens, step by step, when you do 'this'

Do you want to make games or engines? If you want to make games, that's a lot of unnecessary shit.

Probably because it's borderline philosophical and not "HOW MAEK GAEM"

Oh, and The Pragmatic Programmer isn't even on the list. That one is a must read that belongs in the Software Development category.

Try Atari 2600 programming, that thing has 128 bytes of ram. Not kilobytes - BYTES. Try doing fucking anything with that.

Well, you can make an ET game with that. :^)

Yeah, and that was done by one guy in a couple weeks. Still a fucking amazing accomplishment, considering what he had to work with.

Mostly the compsci stuff, although the Programming Languages and Software Development sections have some good books too. A lot of the rest is stuff you can learn just as easily from web articles, reading the source code of other games, and looking at developer papers and presentations.
Pics related have some useful stuff too.

Delaying my game to make sheckles. On one hand I don't care much for money. On the other hand I want to gain some financial independence and the ability to contract people.

Where the fuck did you get that picture. Reddit? It is absolutely abysmal. First off the secret to programming is you just practice and do research, but if you'd rather use just books. Look at how many fucking books they listed? Do you think the person who made that list read more than 3 of them?

Everything in level 1 is fucking worthless, it's like those introduction to computers courses at junior colleges where they teach you what a fucking printer is.
Why the fuck is there a book on operating systems in there?
Algorithms? For what?
The only 2 books that look ok are the math and computational ones, and even then everything in them you can probably look up.

Level 2 is also fucking shit.
Why the fuck is there a section of lua books? If you know any other language, which you basically need to for lua, then you can pick it up easily. The only thing that might be worthwhile is the gems one and even that is suspicious.
Why the fuck do you need 30 C++ books?
Why the fuck are there books just on how to use the standard libraries (something you'll learn when introduced anyways)
Why is there a book on templates? If you read the other 15 C++ books you should already know how to use them.

There's a book for fucking boost. That alone tells you that list is garbage. I used boost once for literally 1 thing. Network connections. It took a full 30-50 seconds to compile. Every error printed out a page of garbage. It was bloated as fuck, hard to read using their shitty style and probably slow as shit. I ended up throwing it out because it was buggy and ended up coding my own network connections with libevent. and not only did it compile in almost half a second but I could actually read what the fuck was going on.

Level 3 is about running a team, and all the methods they give you are probably useless since they're intended for large corporate environments. Everytime I look up how old studios did things it just sounded like 5-10 guys just trying to rush out a game as fast as they can. All on the same page since they where super tight nit. Everything in that level is for managers with large teams and everyones only motivation is money. The only book that seems worth while is clean code. Everything else stay away.

Level 4 is math. It's really hard to know if any of those are useless because any "Math for Game Programmers" is bound to be dumbed down for anything useful, and chances are you aren't writing your own engine and shit.
Stay away from Level 5. Anything that says "Game X" that involves math or programming is going to be a scam and too watered down to give any useful information.
I have no idea if level 6 is useful. With this list most likely not. Engine dev'ing is hard as fuck. Personally I learned everything about this from modding other games and watch actual game devs give talks on how their engine works. Even if you're writing your own engine it's probably worth staying away from because most of it is just there to sell books and not give useful information.

Level 7 is also a hard one. I noticed that Opengl ES (opengl for mobile) is burried halfway down the list and is beyond even plain opengl. Further evidence this list is fucking shit. I have the super bible and really the only thing it has done for me is worked as a guidepoint on what to research on google. GPU gems could be a good one to. I remember finding a bunch of references to them online.

I'd do the rest of the levels but it seems like more of the same. Shit just to sell paper. Animation will be covered in the graphics books, and physics will be covered in math. Audio I'm not sure about. AI I would be VERY skeptical of as game AI has not advanced for the last decade. Multiplayer I'd be skeptical of because anything you do will specifically be tailored to your game and you can just research it.

TL;DR That list is fucking shit and you're better off just practicing than buying books you'll never read

You may also want to read and for an alternative perspective on software design. Video games are inherently more complex than most software but there's still much you can learn from studying minimalist "just werks" software.
Here's a web copy of The Art of Unix Progrmaming for good measure:


Personally if I have a book I'd rather have the actual thing infront of me than reading a PDF. But like I said. Books are fucking worthless.

Think of all the time you spent writing that, and think of how much programming you could have gotten done.

Actually, good one. That is now my new years resolution.

Hold me to it fam. I'm gong to start being in this thread whether you faggots like it or not.

You'll have to tell us what your project is or we won't know if you're here or not.

Quick question: is Love2D any good? I was originally going to roll my own engine (yeah right, like that would ever happen) because most existing engines do too much in my opinion, but Love2D seems like it would be what I was looking for. It gets the OS technicalities out of the way and leaves me with a blank slate for my game. All I want to know is if there is anything shit about it before I devote more time to it (I don't mind Lua, it has some dumb design decisions, but nothing that would put me off).

It will be a gay ass RPG maker game. I have like two versions of that fucking shit. Will probably be MV since I already know some JS.

Beyond that its gonna take some planning. This is just me saying I'm going to finally Shiah this shit and just do it.

someone make a video game where you capture people

this will never ever happen

Just keep that flag safe, then.

captuuuuure~ "wow" I got another one "tee hee"

Coincidentally for you, I love gay ass RPG Maker games.
Tell me about your shit, user.

i fulfilled that one thanks to the ludum dare anons

Good call. He will nut inside us.

Alright. Making a game is a bucket list thing for me like many game nerds. I've been making strides to learn about the process, but I've found when I take my ideas too seriously I get bogged down. So, now I've decided on an idea that it is impossible for me to take seriously that I can just have fun with. At this point I will say what motivated me to finally post here is that there aren't enough fucking Christmas games. I want to make one. Will it blow? Probably. In the end will it have about as much to do with Christmas as the Star Wars Holiday Special? Probably. Is it an idea I can have fun with and just call my first game and maybe have a few lulz along the way. Definitely. That is why I am choosing this topic.

All the same, gonna take this motivation and work on some early assets/characters.

It's to both make a video game and to stop my fat fuckery. Have a lot of ideas I scribbled on a legalpad while at work that I hope to get playable by the year's end.

Anyone have any pointers/tutorials on making textures for a 255-color pallet by hand? I have a feeling artists back in the day did it by pixel, which is something I'd like to avoid to save time.

Camera controls are now fully implemented, so I have my first most basic movement system. It looks a little chunky because it has no client side interpolation, also it has some tweaking that is needed since I didn't implement friction into the physics model yet. Thus, velocity drops to zero if acceleration drops to zero.

It will be
it will be
I'm improving my /loomis/ and then I'll learn to program a bit

Looking forward to it, dude.

It's on the list.

programming is such a tedious piece of shit process, what kinda game can i make with art/3d models that isn't a VN

A narrative driven experience. :^)

sculpt user here, i just want a second opinion before a boolean anything, how does it proportions look, and please explain what i can do to fix it and/or why it wrong, i hate people how just say it sucks or looks back. next is the hand im worried about it i think it looks ok but i just want to feel safe. also for retopology i was looking at blender bsurfaces anyone use that and can tell me their opinion on it, is it good or bad?

mine is mostly just to get my demo done i just need 2 models min a man and a woman maybe 3 for a boss but i can live with a capsule for a boss, but also to stop shit posting here everytime i get stuck i think im asking for my hand to be held far too often that i might not be too self reliant.

I never did decide whether this game takes place in an apartment complex or a hotel.
S'a big building for a small kid, though.

The thumb is too big, and the palm seems fat near the wrist.



Damn right it is.
I'm going to get this one published before my birthday.
And I'm getting more productive every day!
Except for yesterday, when I spent all day shitposting on Holla Forums…

index / ring finger ratio determines how much test your guy has, ideally you want women to have a lower ratio than the men

good luck mustering the energy to do anything other than work, I've had a steady job for 2 years and still can't manage to do anything if it isn't the weekend, by then I have a week's worth of chores to catch up on and that's my weekend gone

what in the absolute fuck is he doing in that picture, he's holding an opened up power supply in one hand, there is a fucking incandescent lightbulb sitting in it, and it looks like he's trying to plug the power cable for the motherboard into a serial port, gripping it with wire cutters
who photographed this, who was the einstein that composed this image, they need a slap in the DICK

I've been told that I shouldn't use love2d's physics calls, and that I should make my own physics, but when querying about the issues with the built-in physics I found others dismissing the issues as stemming from a lack of knowing how to use them

here's a few things I managed to do with love2d

love2d uses box2d for physics, and yeah, you should just roll out your own system if you don't need realistic collisions. The reasoning being that you're going to spend just as much time fighting against box2d trying to get it behaving exactly how you want it to as if you were to write your own physics. It's not unfeasible to use box2d for simple platformer style physics though, Shovel Knight uses box2d iirc.

A platformer was all I wanted to do in the first place, fuck me I just looked at my own dates on those files, I haven't done anything in over a year…

OpenGL programming Guide 9th edition (red book) is good but I recommend OpenGL 4 Shading Language Cookbook instead. Reads better, smaller and more concise, far superior example and GL boilerplate code.

Open GL Super Bible (blue book) is nearly worthless. It is good for OpenGL 3.3, or if you need to know old and deprecated OpenGL for some reason.

OpenGL Shading Lanuage 3rd Edition (orange book) is outdated and not that good. all of the shader code is online if you look.

K&R C is a great book. Do the example work. Effective C++ is decent, but older now. Effective STL is not that good, mostly because I recommend not using most of the functional features of the STL. If you do, do it the C++11 way (not covered in the book).

Code Complete is pretty good but mostly can be boiled down into a few simple pointers and design guides.

AI For Games 2nd edition is a good overview book with some OK examples. I haven't finished reading it yet.

The GPU Gems series can be downloaded for free from NVidia I think. #1 and #2 are pretty outdated now.

Sounds almost easier, from a holistic perspective. It's less space to work with, so you know your limitations, you have less code to write (but you have to comb it and optimize it harder), and you don't have any real assets to produce.
The NES gives you enough size to really have to worry about large-structure coding in assembly, and gives you a lot more to think about in terms of how and wear to store and represent data.
Why do you think there were so many Atari carts by every fucking guy with a computer floating around and almost no NES ones, even after it was discovered how to bypass the lockout chip? It's the same reason there are so many 2D indie games compared to 3D. Assets production and work take a massive portion of coding and prep time. Anybody can throw some polygons on a screen. Most "hello worlds" are just throwing polygons on the screen. There's a barrier to entry that the NES necessarily had in the complexity that became expected of games at the time. If you had an NES game that played and looked exactly like an Atari 2600, people would find it really old-fashioned.

Note that I have done no Atari 2600 programming, and am largely speaking out of assumption.

I don't think you want to fully throw out box2d. You can code your whole physics world and simply use box2d for collision work. It's incredibly effective and saves a lot of time compared to rolling your own collision plus physics.

Years ago I promised /a/ I was gonna make a book about loli dragon riders and I never did it. So I can't give any guarantees about a game.

Are there any simple gamejams going on?

Never too late to deliver, user.

Fuck you, my resolution is to not be single and kissless.

Hoping to have a game demo ready halfway through January or sooner. Really just need throw together a few more spells and then it's cleanup and bugfixing.

I had that one before, but then I go out, talk to girls and realize they're the most unbearably normal of normalfags. I only met one I liked but it didn't work out. It seems like one of those things you don't rush unless you want an unfulfilled relationship with a mindless drone.

i'm gonna make a neural net city builder simulator

Thoughts on One Game A Month?


alright grandpa

Bet your ol' man can't into ctrl+f

Considering it's taken me a month to make one LOCATION in my game, that doesn't sound doable. I'm sure with a simplistic concept I could push something out but I like comfy long stretches of work so personally not something I'd go for.

It's often recommended when people talk about mobile games. I remember hearing that often in the Unity forums. If you plan on making mobile games, then it's fine. For PC/console games however, one months is not a whole lot. It's certainly doable, but only if the idea/concept is simple enough to be comparable to mobile games or you only create a techdemo. Think about The Binding of Isaac. That's possible to do in one month, if we're talking about creating the mechanics and some basic content to test them out with. If you're going 3D, it'll be more difficult.

I think if you've already god a bunch of modules made (character controller, dialogue, inventory) then you can probably slap them together in a month and make something different.

I do like the idea, but a month is way too little

How about a seasonal game?

Interesting point, althought I don't think "devs" who does this kind of challenge have this line of thought. In the long run it will be quite inevitable, even when you make it something from scratch the algorithms are still in your head, you may not have the modules there but you are probably going to make 'em twice as faster then before. A friend of mine spent months researching and developing a lighting system and after much pain he made it work, then he made another game from scratch and remade the same system in one week without consulting his previous code.

I'm thinking of starting a patreon to make videos of working through C and OpenGL books for millennials. Doing the examples, explaining the reasoning. Build up a simple distance field rendering system as the core of the examples.

If you want the real shekels, you should make tutorials for how to code Minecraft for every console/8-bit computer ever made. I'd actually watch that, probably.

I'm planning on remaking old atari 2600 and NES games, so is doable for me.

You can do it if you use premade assets and just focus on inventing new gameplay paradigms.

In Gamemaker how do I make some enemy shoot something is like a laser and keeps going in a straight line until it hits something? I don't mean a projectile that moves, but like a solid line. Like that thing they do in Dragon Ball Z.

As a retard that can't learn from books and can only learn by his mistakes, in depth video tutorials where you explain everything are extremely bad to learn.

Every time I tried following one I just followed along and copied their code.

What I'd really like to see are mini-tutorials to explain how to do very specific things. You could start off trying to replicate certain things from certain games and make examples out of those.

Also you don't start a patreon and then make videos, it's usually the opposite.

I think GameMaker has a built-in drawline function, so basically you'd have an enemy shooting out the tip of the laser which behaves like a normal moving projectile, but a line is drawn between the laser tip and the laser origin using the coordinates of both.

A line that extends? You'd have to use draw_line. Here's what I'd do.
Define x1 and y1 as the start point. Keeping with the Dragon Ball analogy, it'd be the coordinates of the player's hands. Then have a var_length that increases with every frame. Depending on the direction you're facing, define x2 or y2 as x1/y1 +/- var_length.
Lastly, check if there is a solid wall in coordinates x2; y2 and if so, stop the laser. If not, draw it.


Initial attempt at both a game name and a logo. Torn between Null or Copy.
Since it's inspired by Japanese puzzle/horror games, I wanted a sort of engrish-y, vaguely tech-y style name that made use of symbols.

The black lines in the black should just have one split, like the words.


how was you're day today anons

I coded an armor system that works with the way I have bodies set up. Basically when someone is hit, the game randomly determines where. For a humanoid, the options are head, torso, left leg, right leg, left arm right arm (considering splitting limbs into upper, lower, and hand/feet, but that's probaby overkill), each weighted differently (torso hits being more common than head hits for instance). Each piece of armor has a list of locations it covers (Usually one piece except for legs and things that come in a pair like bracers), and I set up a pair of functions that correctly remove existing armor from any of those locations before equipping a new piece.

Probably not going to bother with things like layering plate over mail - more work for me that makes things more confusing for the player without really adding much.

As for actual damage mitigation, each piece of armor has a flat damage absorb value and also a resistance modifier for various damage types. Either the full damage around the flat amount and then multiplied by the appropriate resistance value, or multiplied first and then reduced by the flat amount. Not sure which is better, though the latter would make armor more powerful in general.

God damn it.
I got the idea by having the space between the line of departure of a bullet and the actual path of a bullet cut out of a shape, and a square seemed like a solid, symmetrical shape. I put the name "Terminal Ballistics" at the end of the bullets path. Warm colors because those fit best with a company selling explosives.

It's close enough to look deliberate, and far enough nobody would be arsed to sue. I'd say it's a keeper.

If you really want it to be different, you can just tweak it a little bit.
Otherwise, it's a happy coincidence.

I changed it to pic related just to be safe. I think so long as it's different enough enough to not confuse the average consumer into thinking I'm affiliated with Benelli I should be safe from trademark law.

got path finding to work, my game now plays like a game, also i'm changing my egghead mc to something more anime

Are there any good resources on writing games/engines in C and Lua. I know both languages. I want to handle intensive things like networking and general engine code in C with Lua being the actual game code. I don't know if there's any gotchas when working with embedded Lua/Luajit other than that calling functions between languages is slightly expensive.

Shouldn't that blobby mess of points also get subdivided? Why do some divisions start in the bottom left instead of the top right?

If you had pic related and put a point at (0.5,0.5), would you have to query the entire structure to see what nodes were near it?
Quad trees still trouble me

I'm thinking of making a 3D engine in Python. Would python be efficient enough to run fast?

Python is slower than C#.

Yeah, but python isn't for homosexuals unlike C#. Main reason I stay away from C#

Haha what? You've got that completely backwards.


That has no bearing on whether homosexuals use it.

Anyone who supports CIAniggers in any way is a 100% homogay though.

If both answers are no it doesn't really matter to be honest, use whatever works for you.

I hope you're not using an x86 based PC then :^)

take a shot every time she says quantum *if you want to die**

is this real?

no, it would run like shit

I don't think there are really many actual resources on writing game engines in general, just a bunch of resources that might help you write a specific component of your engine. You just have to start programming stuff and eventually you will see it all fitting together.

Start with a "hello triangle" program ,etc etc

I'm more interested on resources about embedding lua in games or at the very least realtime programs.

I-is it ever coming back I just want a new hack and slash ;-;

Make one yourself. You can't trust the mentally ill to do anything.

What happened, it's been over 2 years since I saw this webm and I've never seen what happened of it.

I'll just wait for someone to post the montage pic.

Oh no.

I don't have a "montage pic" but I do have a few things

just sounds like embedding a scripting language in any other program - I doubt it has a specific category.

Short story is that the developer said that Neir:Automata (not sure how to spell it) plagiarized his project, and also said that Neir fans were following him around and harassing him. That incident was the "straw that broke the camels back" I think, since the developer isn't in a good situation at all. Lots of rumors go around but the general idea is that he inherited a lot of debt, and has to be a NEET and lives in some slum since any work he could do would just go into the debt anyway. Now that he is ostracized from Holla Forums he doesn't post anymore. Whenever he gets brought up the same people who made him leave, like generally rush in to shit on him all over again. So, you won't see him again.

Kind a shame because it looked like it could have been good too. All well.

I should state for the record that I quite like Tetrachrome and I'm impressed with Tetradev's work. I'd like him to get over his persecution complex and finish his game, but as you mentioned, he has more important concerns than that right now.

Tetradev is very intelligent. He learned to code in just a week.

Tthe bottom line is that as long as he keeps getting shit on by Holla Forums at every mention of his name, like what you're doing with the filenames, he will never come back.

The game was supposed to be the way that he got out of the mess that he is currently in, but for that to actually work, he would have needed to be on the same kind of pedestal that Holla Forums put yandev onto before his falling out. Obviously that didn't happen and the people that would have been his fans (Nier fans) are all pissed off at him. I only brought up his situation since it can explain why Neir was such a big deal to him.

I don't particularly care whether he posts on Holla Forums again or not. If he can't handle the bants, then I don't want him to get triggered or whatever. I just want to see his progress on his game, which I can't do because the only site he regularly updates is his Tumblr, which can't be viewed without an account.
Well yeah, because he outright accused the creator of plagiarizing his game on completely circumstantial evidence. I'd be pissed too if some guy I never heard of said I can't like a thing because it has a robot waifu protagonist just like his game I'd never seen before.
If he were willing to admit that Yoko Taro probably didn't plagiarize his game, I'd stop posting about it, but as you can see from pic 2 above (which is

+Space spiders.
+cells instead of map-wide visibility
+vision range
probably need to make cells bigger or raise the vision range to a 5x5….

I don't know if the guy got plagiarized or what but that's pretty spooky. I remember that guy too, he was too proud for his own good. If I was working on something that nice looking I wouldn't show anybody.

I know, i'm sure you knew the second half of my post too, but maybe someone not familiar with the drama might find it useful.

I agree with you on that, the game can still be a success, but the ball is in his court, so, we can only wait and see what happens.

Along with some other tweaks to make things more visible and embrace the mixel to make things look more disconnected.
Might start up a tumblr blog for this to get some early marketing done and to force me to keep going on it.

Why aren't we seeing a shit load of decent 3d platformers now indie devs have all the tools for them pre packaged in shit like unity?

Turns out making a game is hard?
I guess yooka-laylee was "decent" though.

Releasing a similar movie around the time of a block buster tends to be a successful tactic for spoiler movie producers. People are aware of the genre and get curious what else is out there.

While I thought Nier was a complete fucking mess that needed to pick a damn genre. It's clear that waifu bots have mileage. Make your character appeal to the autistic drawfags and it will sell it's self.

Well there's definitely tons of games coming out.

And yet I can find less and less I wish to play..

Because 3d platformers are shit? Platforming is not a mechanic that translates well to a 3d environment. You can have platforming IN a 3d game, but basing one entirely around platforming is a recipe for failure. Even the 3d Marios don't really try the pure platformer route.

I have no doubt that whenever an indie developer starts working on a 3d platformer, he inevitably either converts it into some other genre that's easier to make a half-decent game out of, or gives up because he can't figure out any way to make his game "fun".

3D platforming works fine as long as you don't fill it with bottomless pits. Crash, Gex, Mario and Sonic have all done 3D platforming well.

Sonic has become the laughing stock it is precisely because they never figured out how to do 3d platforming well at all. Gex relies primarily on gimimicks and is estremely light on platforming at all. The only game on that list that goes pure platformer is Crash, but it does hallways to get around having to be 3d at all.

Never said any were perfect only that they were good in places.

Platforming in 3D works well if you have a large margin for error. No tiny platforms or ways to instantly die, and an input buffer that lets you jump, even after you've fallen off a platform. It's most enjoyable when it's on the loose side, instead of trying to make you do anything precise. Mario 64 romhacks try to do precise platforming and it ends up being the worst shit imaginable.

You can't hang your game on loose platforming. I totally agree with you that precision platforming in 3d feels like shit, but the alternative is to make the game too easy. As a result, your challenge has to come from something other than the platforming, which generally results in abandoning the game as a "platformer" and turning it into some entirely different genre that might have platforming in the background.

Why not? Mario 64 gave you a bunch of playgrounds, and that worked. You just have to make the movement fun to play with, and allow for lots of tricks. The challenge comes from trying to do things in better, more advanced ways, simply because it's fun.

Platforming in and of it's self has never been the only mechanic used in platforming games. Games like Magical quest has multiple power ups which complement the platforming. It's like saying a FPS game can only have WASD and a shoot button.

Interesting. Thanks. What kind of mini-tutorials? Any specific thing or effect you would be interested in?

Maybe procedurally generating height field and then triangulating chunks of it into an OpenGL vertex buffer object for rendering?

Or a simple real-time smoke effect using feedback buffers?

Early 8bit wouldn't have enough power - memory bandwidth. 16bit though, like Atari ST or Amiga (motorola 68000) systems could maybe do something interesting. I think it would still be pretty rough. The Amiga could barely pull off an extremely low resolution and limited wolfenstein clone.

Sure. Depends on what you mean though. Don't ask too much of python in terms of native speed. It's pretty slow. Use C/C++ libraries with Python bindings.

PyOpenGL gives you access to OpenGL 1.2 through 4.4. pybullet gives you a binding to Bullet3D for fast collision and physics. Done and done. Have fun.

The only gotcha I'm aware of is splitting your dynamic game data between the Lua runtime environment memory and C/C++ memory. Everything I've seen points to keeping everything in C/C++ controlled memory and having Lua operate on it through functions. Consider the mess if you don't do this: you need to save a game object. Part of it's data is inside your LuaJIT state as Lua variables & tables. Part of it is in a C++ class or two. Also, what happens when the Lua state is reset? Oh no, we just lost all objects dropped on the floor throughout the level (as a random example). It's better if everything lives on the C++ memory heap.

I am impressed, at the very least it's not in the drawthread requests and your'e actually doing it for once.

Back on demo day I posted a Mega Man-like platformer, and the feedback I got helped kick my ass into high gear. I don't post much but since we're coming up to the new year, I wanted to share it with you guys and show that I'm still working on it.


I've got some webms in this thread and a download link on the wiki
I'm hoping to go public with it sometime in January, depending on how things go with my musicians and my own work. Definitely going into crunch-time now, though. Any feedback you guys could offer would be a huge help.
Mostly, though, I just hope it's a bit of fun.


yeah I like the process of making 3d more than drawing/making 2d.
I won't go pro level but I think it's decent enough for a free game.

the model I posted is going to be used for practice/test mesh I guess.
I still don't know what the hell I want to make (I blame myself for being a fanartfag than being an OCfag)
my pipedream is to recreate yo-kai watch 3 on the pc

He got shat on for being fucking insane, this is not a daycare.

Not really. In all cases, the beginner books are sufficient to get started and create what you want. There are some antiquated or unhelpful books in there that are just thrown in to confuse you. Lots of redundancy too. If you read through all of those, then you will be able to work at a company, but you will never make anything on your own. Knowledge can paralyze you if you cannot utilize it. Knowing the best way to do something won't help you if you do not have the skill to implement it well.

I'd ignore the suggestion of reading The Pragmatic Programmer if you are a beginner. Many developers follow that doctrine and shill it at companies. Unfortunately, half of the book is poor advice and useless platitudes. A person wouldn't know unless they had around 20 years of experience in the field. A far superior book that would benefit beginners is The Practice of Programming written by Kernighan and Pike. It will help you cut through all the bullshit and stupid advice you may run into reading those 100+ other books.

Forgot the image.

Surprising enough this book is included on the chink's list. Looks like was outplayed after all.

Programming books are worthless. You're at a computer all the time so why not read online tutorials? Programming is simple. All languages work mostly the same and have similar syntax. The biggest differences between languages are their standard libraries. You look up as you go along when you need something from one. If you need an external library, you look that up too. Once you gain some experience, you'll know what to expect from a language without even looking at its documentation.

When I was starting out, I was told to do a lot of stupid stuff. I had no experience so I didn't realize how stupid it was. I was told about the Eunuchs Philosophy which is a joke considering how poorly Unix is made. I was told to make games in Lisp and Haskell because those were the "good" languages. I read SICP which is nothing but a meme. Don't get me wrong, those languages do have value but not for making practical software. The "bad" languages that I was avoiding like PHP and C++ were the most productive and where I learned the most about programming. I'm still interested in Lisp and it has many interesting features but it's not for productivity and there's a reason for that. It's not perfect like the evangelicals like to say. Unfortunately the evangelicals often drown out good advice for beginners. It's hard to find good advice for beginners. It takes a lot of work to sort through the nonsense. I feel like an idiot for trying to use crude tools to do projects when I could have been using tools are that simple and well maintained. Most programming books are archaic and irrelevant. They're often intended for schools or simply to look appealing by having creative looking art on the cover and catchy titles. Don't trust anyone that profits from ignorance. Using C when it's possible to use C++ is retarded and one of the telling signs of an incompetent programmer. C++ has all of C's features, is compatible with C's libraries, and has a lot of features of its own like templates, namespaces, a bigger standard library, and classes. The one big thing C has over C++ is faster compile times mainly because of templates but you don't need to overuse templates in C++ and you shouldn't be making monolithic projects anyway.

Programming really clicked for me when I started doing my own projects and learned to read API documentation. Before I learned to use libraries, it was mystic to me how the basic things I knew like conditionals and loops could be used to do stuff like render graphics on a screen or play sound. Avoiding bloated IMEs like Eclipse or VS and frameworks like Rails or Boost helps a lot. Every language has its goto bloated framework. You often have to use them in jobs which is annoying. Bloated frameworks are cancer. I started learning programming to make video games. I made my first engine which took a lot of begging for help online. I later retired it and did a lot of smaller projects and generally studying programming. I remade my engine several years later and it's a lot better. It's portable(platform wise), doesn't have bloated dependencies, doesn't have performance problems, fixes a lot of bugs, has more features with a much smaller and simpler code base, and is generally better.

tl;dr: Beginner programmers get a lot of retarded advice so they should work on their own to find out what works best for them. Programming can't be learned through a book, it has to be practiced.

Spot. Fucking. On.
Someone should screenshot and post it cant bcs I'm on mobile

Here ya go.

Very much this. Everything I know is pretty much self taught. In high school I started with romhacking Super Mario World and wanted to code my own enemies to I read the guides people had written for how to do that. When I started amateur gamedev, I did the same thing - thought about what I wanted to make, and looked up youtube tutorials of people doing similar. I started by following their example as-is, but then I started tweaking and adapting the code to work in the way I wanted it to rather than the way some guy on the internet had made it. As I got more practice, my web searching became less about how to code a specific thing and more general questions to fix smaller problems. Learn by doing - all of the information you could ever want and more is out there, just decide what you want to know and look for it.

I picked up pic related since I couldn't find any equivalent online. But that's really one rare exception to the general rule.

Also, I don't ever use C++, just because I don't have a use for its features. A programming language is a tool- so since C can do everything I want, I don't need a different tool since I don't believe that C++ can make my programs "better". C++ programs are generally really annoying to read because of the amount of language features that make it easy to write obfuscated code. I haven't written any C++ since 2014 but i've had to read it, and it's always made the language look bad to me. I've heard about some of the features but I haven't been convinced that it C++'s reinventions of the way I do things in C can make my programs better. Most of them are just reinventions of the wheel, and some of them just look harmful to use.

I also did hear about the compile times but I have no frame of reference, right now I am programming on a toaster and it can compile my engine (~8500 loc) in about ten seconds, on a core 2 duo using Pelle's C compiler.

Looks like it's time to quote Linus Torvalds again.

emebed related is another resource on why someone would use C over C++

I think you're a (1)-and-done hypocrite, and the fact that you have a bunch of (1)s fellating you is suspect as well. You claim that "Bloated frameworks are cancer" but refuse to acknowledge that C++ and PHP are bloated languages. Also, whoever told you to make a game in Lisp or Haskell (which probably never happened and you just misinterpreted what they actually said) is a fucking retard. The reason you should learn those languages isn't to make a game with them, it's to get a fundamental understanding of how computers work and how to make software design decisions. Certainly you don't need it and you can "learn as you go" instead, but the concepts introduced and discussed in e.g. SICP will help you understand and overcome future programming challenges. It's why having a math background is also really useful; sure, you don't need to learn everything about the Law of Cosines and conic sections in one go, but if you already know them you can use them when they're relevant to what you're doing.

Although I agree with you, that's a bit of an ad hominem, considering he explicitly said Boost is shit and the only other reasons Linus gives there are "C keeps out C++ programmers" and "C++ causes you to do stupid things".

Gamemaker 2 is on sale, should I?

Don't waste your shekels.


You're a kind soul, thanks

The point is, is that it's "just like make game".
Which is best done through trial and error.
Most here I bet are at an age where college level knowledge is taken for granted, and should already know up to, at least, calculus in terms of math; in addition to equivelant levels for other field.
I.e. Background knowledge is the foundation that you built upon, and should already have been acquired by the age where one is prepared to start + finish the long journey of making a game (economically, mentally, etc).

No, although i am quite surprised at how long Gamemaker has survived. I remember using that shit around 2003. Gamemaker, RPG maker and modding morrowind were pretty much how i spend my freetime in middleschool.

It's had like ten major editions by now. From Animo, up to Game Maker 8, then Studio and now Studio 2. I've only used as old as 6, but a lot of features from then still carry over to the new ones.
With the newer ones, it's easy enough for soyboy hipsters to make their interactive experiences, and competent enough to be a tolerable 2D engine. That's why it's popular. It's the go-to for babby's first engine and for some, they don't need much more than what it offers.

Darn, if I knew someone would want to immortalize this I would have put more effort into it. I was just ranting out of boredom.

Because the inventor of Linux and Git is an authority on software development. He's a raging narcissist.

You're right about Lisp and Haskell being good at teaching programming concepts. I tried to touch upon that in my post by claiming that I still like parts of them. I like Lisp's tree based syntax. I'm a fan of static typing and immutability which I try to work into any software I make. C++ and PHP are bloated languages, that's true. Most software is bloated. Most software is a bug ridden mess. There's definitely a lot of room to improve on both of them. I use them because they're the least awful out of all the choices. They're not idealist languages, they're kitchen sinks. They're languages with big communities, library support, and are the most practical for their domains.

Not really. From a technical perspective modern Game Maker is awful but the UI is sort of normalfag friendly.

If Linus fucking Torvalds isn't an authority on software development, who is? I'm more of a Rob Pike or Theo De Raadt guy but I'm not stupid enough to say Linus' opinions don't matter because he's a narcissist or some shit.


when I say half I mean 95% minus lua

I will make a video game engine.

True, it's an opener for a lot of people who might have turned away otherwise. While it does invite a lot of babbys, hipsters and morons, it also can intice talented people and good future devs into deving more easily due to accessibility and low learning curve. Who knows, i might not have gotten here if not for RPG maker. Everything has its pros and cons i guess.

I'm gonna work hard today.

Remember to make games using only free software.

Remember that using free software is ethically and morally correct and frees you of paying expensive licenses and companies sueing you because you pirated their software (It happens).

Why not LibreOffice?

Orthodox C++ is acceptable.

If you like Rob Pike, you might be interested in this:
It's sad to consider that the world's primary OS is a Unix clone.

I don't follow celeb programmers so I can't say who an authority is. I do know however that I don't believe in Torvalds. He rages like a mad ape and the software he's made is not a pinnacle of good design. His claim to fame is being endorsed by (((Stallman))).

I'm just worried about getting fucked over by something stupid, like the fact the map library groups it's keys and values together so it rapes cache.

Torvalds seems like one of those guys that gets all the credit for the work of others, while doing little himself in comparison.

Copyleft is not free. Don't be fooled.

He likes to brag about this. He makes money off of other people's work.

Even though I wasn't working on my game in a direct way, I still got a lot of shit done. I'm now tired as shit, because I spent a couple hours today sifting through my Internet posting history. Even though it looks like the outrage mentality is getting more and more push-back, I'd rather err on the side of caution with shit like that.
While I did have enough sense as a teenager not to link my online handle to my real identity, I did make the mistake of using the same one almost everywhere. Now I want to find out whether I made a mistake and my real identity and handle are connected after all, and whether I posted stupid shit online that SJWs could attack me with. And finding that out is quite a lot of work.

t. bsdfag that enjoys getting cucked by corrupt corporations using his code in closed source botnetware

As long as you don't use the cancerous features then really it's probably fine code. Also if you don't like the way part of the library works, why don't you write your own version?

It also should be simple enough to write everything with char pointers, although kind of tedious. How much code do you have? You can really probably do it one function at a time. Although, it really doesn't make sense to rewrite in C if C++ is working fine for you.

The only software I use is my C compiler :^)

He did a lot more early on. Nowadays his main role is policing pull requests and shitting on retards, which upsets SJWs and overly sensitive babies like Lennart Poettering.

don't forget awesome bump, Stallman-senpai

I don't know enough about operating systems to evaluate Linux, but Git is excellent version control software. The only other on its level is Perforce, and that's because they're a commercial product with a decade head start. Hg is floundering, and all centralized version control is criminally bad.

I'm not sure what you're trying to prove with this. It appears Pike's impression of Linux was that it would be a flash in the pan that no one would ever touch. I think he underestimated the desire for a modernized clone of Unix; even so, just because it does something "conventional" doesn't mean it's necessarily bad, and Pike does nothing to prove such an assumption.


Maybe expand the file column so you can see what file and line that is, doofus.

solved it with the friends at IRC.

Why not just make a new online identity?

Nigga you're living in the time where you need to sell your game against thousands of others.
If you actually manage to spark the outrage of some feminists, you will automatically get a bunch of attention. If you use it well, then that's all free publicity.

There's a lot of idiotic shit I've said online that people could trace back to me with a bit of effort. I'm sure that if I ever gained any notoriety (a big if, I know), it'd most likely come up eventually. I can only hope that the quality of my content is good enough to make people not give a shit.

In my case, I was retarded enough to mention my game, with screenshots, and talk about it in detail with my old identity. I considered several times abandoning the project as a whole but I'm too attached to the idea.

Pick one


How do I ascend programmer art? I just want to make pixelshit that's not complete garbage. My game looks like complete shit right now.

Did you know that in C++, if you inherit a class, then you can reference variables defined in that class? Thus, you can write code where you reference variables that are not defined anywhere in the file that you used them. So, when I'm reading your code, I can come across variables that aren't even defined anywhere in the file?

Beyond that issue, it's just another system that is designed to stop you from freely using data. It's OK to associate functions with structs- but with OOP this is done in the wrong order. In C, for example, I can decide that I have a problem, and that the solution is to make some functions associated with my struct. In C++, I have a solution, OOP, and I have to invent some problems for it to solve. OOP should be an emergent behavior from structured programming, not your starting point.

I am still trying to free myself from structured programming, this is why I have adopted goto's into my programming style. It's been going well for me since I have stopped using structured programming ideas in places where it isn't needed.


These should be added to the wiki, they get uploaded almost weekly.
Also, I think my filenames aren't correct, but w/e.

Because that won't work if your old online identity is somehow tied to your real name. I need to know if I ever made an account in some forum where I used my real name. I may have forgotten about it, but some obsessives (like the people who searched through Tim Soret's twitter history after his E3 presentation) might just find it. That shit could come back to bite me in the ass.
Besides that, even though I might create a new identity, I'd like to at least have the option not to, if I don't absolutely have to.

I don't know who said it, but there is a rule for if someone has dirt on you. The best thing to do in that situation, is to break the story first and put a spin on it. That way you're not on the defense from the get go. Getting caught off guard by a scandal about something you've forgotten about is the worst situation.
As best I know I've never said anything that's really damning, however that's only as far as I remember. So a part of my rationale is to find out if I ever said something that could cause problems in the first place, because I've been on the Internet for quite a few years by now.

But Mister Trips, I don't have a problem with pissing off feminists (quite the opposite, in fact). I'm not trying to wipe my past off the Internet, but trying to get an overview over what's out there that could be used against me. If I've ever posted some shit that's just truly awful, I want to know about it before someone digs it up.

Did you know that in C++, if you use a using preprocessor directive, then you can reference classes and types defined in that namespace? Thus, you can write code where you reference classes and types that are not defined anywhere in the file that you used them.

+Have shooting bullets
-Have lag

The future is now, old man.

no but the fact that there are multiple ways to do it makes it even more cancerous

added here:
wonder when scribd will delete it if at all

oh wow, time to rake on patreon cash, lol.

2018's gonna be a good year. I can feel it.

These are good books, thanks.


+ lag fixed

That and relicense the Linux kernel under GPL 3.

we really need a pirating resource for these 2000 dollar textbooks.

Someone needs to get educated on the current income of the general population and the infeasibility of paying for this shit on top of the regular bills. I've literally had a car crash that costed less in repair expense then these damn books. There's no excuse for this shit, the internet is the great uniter in regards to information, this stranglehold over every sort of knowledge that can lift people out of poverty has to stop.

someone make a futuristic desert open world driving game

I refuse to believe these books cost $2000.

I recognize that Kashiwa Daisuke when I hear it…

+reworked boolets to use dead-reckoning as motion prediction
just about ready to start hooking up collision detection now, and then I'll have a REALLY basic MMO where you shoot at space spiders or something

I have too much crap on my playlist and just record with sound on because I'm too lazy to set OBS just to capture unity.


I had the urge to make this, its kind of like a diagram of how the components of the engine i'm making work together, although it would be easier to do this on something like excel 95 my current computer doesn't have it, right now, so I made it in paint.NET

It has a few simplifications but in general it explains how my engine is supposed to work, it models the code structure sort of. I have some structures that are never "updated" but accessed and modified erratically by all of the other parts, then I have other parts that get updated each frame, etc.

Remove the colors, add some number labels, and you're halfway to a software patent.


Try VioletUML. It's more for programming, but you should be able to make decent flow diagrams with it.

r/gamedev is good if you're just looking for casual advice threads or perusing around. Also good if you're wanting to keep an eye out for people posting free to use assets (particularly sound or music).

But yeah, as for all the other subreddits I never visited them and I'd assume they're a complete waste of time.

Ehhh, I'm not so sure.

Boost is everything that is wrong with C++ developers taken to a polished, professional level.

When people give you advice usually what they are actually doing is telling you a small story about their life. You have to understand that their experiences are the most important and meaningful things in the entire world, from their perspective. Most people are only vaguely aware that other people exist. Almost no one recognizes that other people have different frames of reference and experiences. They are so wrapped up in themselves. So when someone gives you advice, maybe consider just nodding your head amiably and gracefully bowing out of their self-aggrandizing monologue when it becomes too tiresome for you.

I've had a very few people give me what I would consider valuable advice. They didn't start off by giving me advice. They started by asking me about my situation and what I wanted to achieve, and what I thought about why I wasn't having success. It's pretty obvious when you are about to receive shitty advice or good advice if you know what to look for.

Of course, there are also people that are self-aware and aware of others, but have entirely unrealistic worlviews. These people will hand out advice that is based on how their fantasy-world works (how they think the real world works, but doesn't, because they are deluding and lying to themselves). This is of course always bad advice, but amusing, and a window into their thought process and experiences.

it's an exaggeration. if you want to buy a textbook these days it sums up to about 300 dollars per volume, which is still fucking expensive and each book only covers a limited subject, if you wanted a full primer on making a game, involving each subject needed outside of art, it would sum up to about 1600-2000 odd dollars, most people rent each for 50 but you can only do that on a college campus.

To put it in perspective let's say you're a math major and need to cover Algebra, Calculus and fucking basket weaving, there's usually 3 sections in each for stuff like Algebra 1, 2, 3, etc, all require different textbooks. And on top of that if you decide to invest in one they change their sections and page numbers around for their next yearly "edition" which usually has nothing changed at all aside from moved sections and differing wording for chapter titles, which in a 300 page book usually makes it impossible to follow along in a regular class structure since you go by page number and chapter for assignments.

You'll pay more for textbooks in some cases then you will for tuition, and you can only rent them for a small time, so if it's a subject you're actually interested in and won't get a worthless tuition payment for, you'll still end up paying more for it for self-education.

This is why pirating needs to exist, the various colleges have been trying to keep a stranglehold on knowledge for years, so that you HAVE to go to their now worthless courses in order to have access to any real matierial, the cost of these books to buy them outside of college is fucking insane.

They do not, minimum price is $9 and it comes with all updates included. Haven't found PDFs of the new chapters yet.

+server side collisions
+effect RPC
+"""basic""" combat

Done for the night I think. Happy with the progress I've made today.

I want to finish GMOTA. That's gonna be a hell of an undertaking though.

i want tetradev to finish his game because it looks great and people would play it regardless of nier automoto (which i'm a huge sucker for)


That's literally impossible because of how many thousands of contributors there were, without copyright assignment.

Its not bait though. OOP rapes performance because it doesn't work well with cpu cache (goes for double if you include inheritance), and it is very easily abused (especially when people try to force it where it doesn't belong).

I wanted to get into it on the side, but sadly it won't even start up anymore for me. Version 2.14
I even ran the prior versions and they do the same thing now.
I looked into it and it seems it's my old laptop's graphics card. Intel HD 3000

But I have no idea what happened since it would start up normally before but today out of nowhere it gets stuck on a white screen when you open it.

read again, it's saying that OOP is not cancer. Then, says that it's baiting to say that OOP is not cancer. He's agreeing with you.

It's just rough flash drawings. Not really a unique artstyle you can identify people with.

It looks like you have a pretty fast graphics card, it even has OpenGL 3!

I re-installed the drivers, which after a restart for a brief moment had a positive effect and took care of the blank, white screen but after closing and starting godot again it just went back to it.
Trying godot on an older laptop made it run without an issue.
I checked their forums and all threads with similar if not the same issue either never got resolved, are locked or have no answers at all.
I mean it got to be my card, but I'm too retarded to figure out where to even start.

Isn't ModPlug Tracker better than Milky Tracker?
At least, the UI is anyway.

try downloading the code, put in some "canaries" into it while it starts up, like calls to messageboxA in certain spots, to see how far you get, then you can narrow down what part of the code is having the issue pretty quickly. Probably something stupid that the developer didnt see since it works on their machine fine.

Anyone ever try SunVox?
It looked really interesting.
I think it's open source, it's made by slavs

Either that or make another thread in their forums.

I want to make a brawler that is just a metric fuckload of everything crammed together…

Characters from movies, TV shows, games, memes, etc.

Arenas from FPS, isometric, platformer, top-down, racing, etc.

Just a literal "final game" kind of thing.
Would obviously have to use sprites because fuck doing 3D models for it.

And as much music and sfx as possible from other things.

How the heck would you go about doing this, with things such as ISDN blocking your path?

Do you just release the game and call it "Copyright Infringement - The Game" and host it on a torrent site?

The opportunities would be endless if using other peps stuff didn't matter.

Alright then, just give me your name and I'll go check.
If you are really this paranoid, just make a new identity.

Unless you already have content associated with the old identity, nothing of value will be lost.

maya has better functionality than blender

Art textbooks and paid tutorials like those can be pirated at cgpeers, user. As well as art programs and tools.

Just don't tie your new identity to your irl one publicly. The only people who have to know your actual name is the government if you register yourself as a one-man-company for tax reasons if you sell your game. But the real answer is to just not give a shit. Tim Schafer is an asswipe with tons of dirt on him all over, yet he just pretends it isn't there and has no trouble scamming more people whenever he feels like it.

I'd just rather err on the side of caution. Besides that, it has actually been quite fun. Seeing those old forums brought back some nice memories. Back then I was just happily playing videogames. Stuff was simple and there were no SJWs, games journalists, etc. hating my hobby and my guts for no god damn reason.

post ur shit

Pretty sure the project he's talking about is and the fanart is

How do I figure in the code if the arrows point inwards or outwards the polygon?

literally linear algebra fampai.

they don't teach these things here in hueland

I've tried this
float angle = Mathf.Atan2(cur.y - prev.y, cur.x - prev.x) - Mathf.Atan2(nxt.y - prev.y, nxt.x - prev.x);

but I am not sure what to do with the result
If it's between [-Pi, Pi] then it's pointing inside?

I've been living my life trusting that stack overflow would solve all of my algebra problems, and so far it came pretty damn close of solving at least 80% of them

Do people ever sue anyone because of software patents, or do they just accept the massive stealing and copy pasting? Not that you can sue chinks and poos in the first place, but i honestly never heard of any case except Apple suing Samsung or someone because of screen swiping or whatever.

there you go fampai huehue.

What do you want to achieve?
Do you have a polygon with given arrows and what to know if they point inside or outside?
Or do you have a polygon and want to make the arrows point outside if the corner is concave and inside if the corner is convex?

The end objective is to create an algorithm that splits concave polygons in many convex polygons, the previous implementation I was using have a bug that I can't figure out because I simply don't understand the method, and I've managed to figure out an algorithm that will always manage, even if it ends up splitting in a million triangles, but I can't figure out how 'in the code' determine if the angle is concave or convex

One way of splitting a 3d scene into a series of convex hulls is to use the same methods used to generate leafy BSP trees. In fact, that's basically what you're trying to do. What you have to do is organize your polygons into a list, pick a polygon to use as a splitter, then place all of the polygons in your set into front lists and back lists. If a polygon intersects the plane that your splitter is on, you cut it into two polygons based on its intersection with the splitter plane. Once you are done sorting, you then recursively sort based on new splitter planes, eventually you will be able to prove that if all of the polygons in a certain area of the tree are in front of each other, then they are in fact a convex hull. It's a pretty complicated thing to think about but this should give you some ideas:

I didn't understand most of what you wrote, but it seems that
bool isConcave = Vector3.Dot(prev - cur, cur - nxt) > 0; is correct, so I should be fine now

Seconding this, they really don't.

I was giving you an explanation for how some game engines partition their levels into convex hulls (or convex polygons in 2d).

The general idea is that you can split your space up into sections by using the plane that a given polygon lies on to divide the area into two areas, one consisting of the polygons in front of your plane, and one consisting of the polygons behind your plane. If you do this recursiely, you will have organized them into such a way where it's easy to prove that certain groups of polygons (or lines in 2d) are convex. Maybe pic related will help.

Nigger, your RPGmaker game is good and all but why can't I use the Restorative Tissue out of combat?

If you don't get why it works I recommend you read this simple explanation until it clicks

That link and Graphics Programming Black Book were my go to when doing my BSP trees. Shame I moved to portals instead and only really use the tree for determining what sector something is in right now.



Your header guard isn't complete.


that helped me notice that the dot product can't help me.
I am trying to figure out convex polygons, so I don't care if a angle is > 90 or < 90. I care about if the angle is > 180 or < 180.

So back to the start

Back to the first problem at , if those lines crosses with odd lines then it's pointing inside, if it crosses even lines then it's pointing outside?

stop thinking about angles, this is trigonometry thinking and it will only limit you. The way you prove that the polygon is complex is that every side of the polygon is in front of every other side. You can use the normals to the lines to prove this (since it looks like 2d), this gives you the line that the line segment lies on, you can then test your line segments against the line to prove that it is in front of the line or not. Once you realize that the question about convex hulls is not about angles, but about linear algebra, you will start to understand what i'm talking about


not him, but i tried using it and is so fucking slow. is there anything one can do to make it faster or do i keep using blender?

It's not the angle you're after, you're checking whether the point is in front or behind the normal for the plane. Having a point behind a normal for a plane means you have a concave polygon. Being at a right angle to the normal gives you a result of 0, in front >0 and behind

We just released 1.1, it fixes that at the expense of items being usable by all party members now. The issue is that for whatever reason, using items in the overworld is done via the 1st party member: the head, and item use was restricted to the arms for mechanical reasons. Putting the arms in front of the head could cause additional issues and healing items still wouldn't work in the overworld if both arms were dead.
Shit like this is one of many reasons why Die Totenmaske 2.0 won't be using RPG Maker.

Well, I found out what the major source of lag was - I was serializing the entire set of data every time an update was being sent out, to print it out, but removed the code that printed it. It was happening every time anything changed, which cause firing lots of bullets quickly to bog down the server with pointless busywork…

Man, I hate forgetting stupid cleanups like that

This is correct. Here's the full resolution.
Suffice to say, I'm fucking pumped. Hell, I'm still pumped.
I'm gonna work hard today, too!

So it's just a bunch of doom mods?

joke's on you, i already made two
but both of them are trash

Fucking why? The initial conditions such as scale, rotation and position in both cases are identical. Why does it being parented make such a difference?

And those are just the notable lawsuits.

Unity is bringing realism into video game development.
You have to raise your child right, otherwise it'll be slow to catch up, if at all. Just look at the population of blacks around the world and see what growing up without a parent will do.

Now, how do I parent stuff to two objects at the same time for maximum parental quality boost?

Can you create deadly diamonds in Unity? Not sure if Unity allows those. Having two parents is generally frowned upon these days, because it's easier to depend on the powers that be for all your needs.
Maybe it'll make your thing update twice on the first go around if it works.

In any case, when you initialize the object independently of a parent, maybe try reading out the relevant values before and after the first render. Maybe there's some stupid call you need to make thanks to shoddy API design.

i wanted to ask you niggers a question, why is it when i ever play some unity game made by someone, it always keeps spinning and not allowing any mouse input, except for menus?

ive tried doing, Windows>>Device Manager>>Human Interface Devices>>HID-compliant game controller (right-click>>disable)

and it still does this shit.

The solution for that is simple, you just need to works on my machine :^)

This likely won't help, but my old PC used to do that on a number of games (not just Unity), including working fine on menus but not with free camera. Alt-tabbing then alt-tabbing back would fix it. Give shit like that a try; might get lucky.

just take any one line and call that a plane, if all points are on the same side then it's a convex polygon?
Or you mean to:While(polygon list changed){For each polygon, take any line segment and extend it to infinityIf there are points on both sides, split the polygon on that line}

I don't plan on creating new points on my polygon. What do I do if there is just one single point on one of the sides? Take the two adjacent ones and make a triangle?

**What if there are two points on one side? which point I pick to be the 3rd?
Or should I just take another line if that happens?**

half to midnight over here. happy new dev year, all.

Well, this is enough to make this year the best year ever, I finally learned C++.

gotta make next year a better one.

Now that's an IDE I haven't used in a long while.
You're using SDL's own drawing API and not OpenGL, aren't you?

yeah, trying to learn SDL for 2D shit then maybe learn Opengl2 for 3D shit.

What's your New Year's Resolution /agdg/?
Mine's to no longer be a nodev.

Still six hours to go for me.

To release something worthwhile on every demo day this year.

This basically

The method Sigmadev was talking about relies on you splitting the planes by adding points so you end up breaking up a concave polygon into smaller convex polygons. If you don't want to add any points you probably want to look for a different triangulation method but keep in mind those will rely on the specifics of the polygons you're going to be using, like if they're simple polygons or have holes.

Mine's to cut down on scope creep and get something, even if it's bare bones, done.

Cheers! To the current year! Let it be the year of dream games becoming a reality.

Szcześliwego nowego roku

Making a prototype of my game would be good enough for me also getting a job


to fucking kill myself because I can't decipher notch's code, I spent 4 fucking hours trying to figure out how the statistics page reads statistics and I could not pull a value from the stat list, there is no way he could even understand his own code, it's fucking incomprehensible

You mean this? Apparently the stats are stored in a json file. I haven't worked with minecraft code in awhile, but pulling a value out of a json file shouldn't be that hard.

Yes, I was under the assumption that the statlist is stored in memory and doesn't need to be read from a file constantly, so I dicked around for hours trying to return anything from statlist but to no avail. This took me on a wild goose chase through more than 6 different classes, to figure out how they were pulled from statlist to be displayed in that page. Lead me to what I think is a dead end, because it creates 2 new hashmaps with generic function names from a single hashmap and calls the statfilewriter class.

what's the song in that commercial, it's not as bad as I thought. Minus the fishheads.

It's Especia「きらめきシーサイド」鳥取砂丘で踊ってみた
For some reason they put "feat Especia" in yt title for this ad. Pretty unusal thing to do but otherwise I'd never find it..

To form a dev team, to participate in a bunch of game jams and to get fit.
I know I'll probably only be able to do 1&2 or 2&3 but I'll try my best damn it

Thanks bud, but since it's a webm and I don't know moon runes I'd never know that you cheeky fuck.

To get enough stuff done for a kickstarter campaign. I honestly think this might finally be the year.

Happy current year+3, y'all.

What kind of games do you want to make with your hypothetical team?

You are supposed to split the line into two lines so that it can be added to both front and back lists. You simply have to split lines or it is impossible to create a convex shape. Also for a shape to be convex every line in that shape has to be in front of every other line. Not just the splitter.

The code is run through an obfuscator. You don't have the original code

i resolve to make small game and finish it. and sell it.

I don't know moonroons either, but here's my secret: I tried searching words I could read and write like "cocolo bland" that appears at the end of webm

How far have you made it with your game, so far? Sounds like you're doing it for a while now.

In terms of actual progress? Not very. I came up with the story and first concepts around 2015 but didn't get to the realization due to failed collaborations and becoming too busy due to class. Since late 2017 I've essentially concretized the whole game and just been waiting to get the time for it.
On the upside, I get to choose my graduation project and a friend of mine also got started on coding the logic, which is coming along nicely. I feel like I should have a solid demo around summer at least.

I have a feeling it wouldn't be much more helpful if I did, honestly.

nigger, no, reevaluate life. that is too much time for a demo, I started two weeks ago and we are already polishing for demo day

I don't mean a basic bitch demo, I mean one that's presentable and has content. One you could use for a kickstarter pitch. Besides, I don't graduate until summer and got other stuff running on the side.

How do you handle say, achievements, quests, objective tracking, for example? I can't imagine it being efficient to have a listener attached to your state and poll the whole fucking thing every update


happy new year, /agdg/. I hope post more progress this year, which I do rarely.

You know what? Let me take this seriously, here's screencap of a feature I recently polished in the editor. I'm generally shy to post stuff here, because I have a tendency of abandoning projects halfway and dissapointing people.

As far as I've been able to discern with vanilla code, when a player entity is created it tracks a bunch of useless shit like how many times the player jumped, how far they've gone, etc, usually tied into the on_update_living method so it's called frequently and for each time it sends an update to the statbase for stat.jumps, stat.distance, etc. It's really easy to send the stat updates because it just increments what's there, but retrieving the stat is a fucking mystery.
Stats should be stored in the public StatList array, but when trying to access it like for say "deathStat" to count how many times the player died, ends up only returning the string associated with it, so accessing StatList.allStats.get(Integer.valueOf(2022) or get(StatList.deathstat) only returns 'Times player died' or some shit

If it's a string, it's probably used as a key in another dictionary somewhere else.
(With C# and Java, every object has a GetHashCode() function, which just returns a raw int, for sorting object instances into hash buckets, so even a string object as a key in a Dictionary isn't a bad idea because under the hood its really an int value)

I really don't think it's storing anything as an array, or a hashmap, or anything in memory… everything I've looked through seems to imply that it's pulling data from a json file every time it's requested, and writing to the json file every time a player does something that would require an update to the statistic
I can't find ANY array or map anywhere, that contains something other than the string descriptors of each statistic, not the value.

Hey there guys - anyone got any resources regarding the general principles involved in making sure a physics-based objects replicates well over a network?

I've grown tired of the vanilla CMC in UE4, so I've decided to make my own character controller using a rigidbody with a locked rotation and movement code mostly taken from Source. Now I've got to make sure this whole thing actually works in multiplayer.

Happy New Years, everyone.
It's still New Years somewhere, damn it, I'm NOT late.

I don't have anything specifically UE4 other than the official docs.
I do however have this set of other networking articles which, while it's not UE4, should be helpful.

Maybe if you post here more often, you won't give up as easily because you'd disappoint people.
Also, why is there a directed cyclic graph of wood?
Wood traversing cyclic graphs in a clockwise manner sounds like a pretty good gameplay mechanic.

A G D G - Adult Growth Dork Genetics.

A G H D - Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency

Why? Are you trying to make your games run on really old hardware, or are you one of the toasterdevs?

I made this in LIKO-12 yesterday evening.

Am I gamedev yet

Why not OpenGL 1?

Is this supposed to be like PICO-8 but not a meme?

Yup. I'm really looking forward to what will happen once I get an actual game out. It's exciting! Hopefully people enjoy it.

In the meantime though bloody hell my flashlight shits itself when it comes to stairs, l e l

What did you excepted from Graf expert OpenGL Vulkan coding?

I have a question. I recently stumbled upon the game reassembly on steam over the christmas break, and came to find the developer had completely abandoned it because he's a pussy. Now, I've wanted to make a game for years, but couldn't settle on quite what kind, what mechanics, etc. I want to more or less copy the base idea of this faggots game but I will be improving and expanding upon it. Infact, I want to adapt the whole build-your-own-structures concept into a 4x game that you can play just like you'd play reassembly and you can jump in and out of ship to switch between 4x and space shooter

I'm not gonna get shit for copying right? This game spurred me into finally developing a game. And it's not like he owns the building block ships in spess concept anyway

It was, actually. So here I am.

Considering he doesn't care enough to even finish making the fucking thing, I doubt he'd care enough to sue, especially if you don't use any assets that he made directly and are just "inspired" by it.

You know that shit is just a literal rip-off of one of Jagex's games, right? There is nothing "original" about it and it's just a carbon copy of a web game that was released in 2010. Whoever made it has absolutely no ground to stand on when his game is just a clone.

Interesting, I didn't know that.

Thanks though, then I'll continue.

What's a good networking framework? Ideally, C#, and ideally I can get it as a precompiled .dll and just drop it into a folder

I'm working on a rewrite of some code, this will allow me to use similar code for my map format's version 1 and the code that is going to be used for compiling the map into a BSP format. What it does is convert the data structures that the map editor is using into data structres that the BSP compiler is going to use. Right now it has some bugs with the UV coordinates again.

So if I have like, 60 types of tiles, would it be a no-no to just shove them all in an enum type, then having my systems use a hashmap/dictionary to handle shit? I tried having a TileType class, but there just wasn't enough information to go about justifying it

why not:typedef struct tile_s{ ... uint8_t type; void *data;}tile_t;typedef struct portal_tile_s{ uint16_t target_x,target_y; float recharge_time; ...}portal_tile_t;Thus, a tile is a struct with a pointer to another struct containing internal data. Another option is something like this:typedef struct{ union{ portal_tile_t portal_tile; stupid_tile_t stupid_tile; }; enum { PORTAL_TILE, STUPID_TILE, }type; ...}tile_t;The second option sounds like the best one. Although i'm sure there are a ton of ways to do it.

I've been working on the rest of the party members. I only need to finish 8 more player characters before I go back to improve the characters I made early on, because I've clearly gotten better in the middle of the process, and I need to make some things more consistent across characters.

Yeah– less hipster bullshit anyways. It's one of the many clones being called "fantasy consoles" spawned from PICO-8, but it has a lot less of the utter bullshit restrictions, as well as being FOSS. You can modify the default palette, there's no limit to how much code you can write, and the editor runs natively on android, so you can aggydaggy on your dedicated NSA tracking device. It gives me something to do other than shitpost on 8ch when not at my computer

The dev is a pretty cool guy too, he took the time to show me how to use multiple sprite sheets in a single game, which is absolutely fucking necessary if you don't want to use meme-tier 8^2 tiles.


Well instead of doing something useful, I reimplemented particles again

I want to create an interactive graphical desktop as a dosbox emulator. Should I use godot, or the barebones C open gl engine I've been working on?

The fact that both of those names sound like Ubuntu release codenames makes that pic that much fucking better.

maybe you should Re implement your life

why not the barebones engine, I mean its not even anything aside from like one room with a computer in it

Yeah, but I want to use gravity so I can play around with floppy disks and shit.

write a physics engine or use bullet , I dunno maybe godot is better if the engine side of things is just a means to an end

1/2 I think I've optimized network+server stuff enough now I can work on visible progress things again.
Like different mobs and spawners and stuff.
Maybe I should work on leveling or inventory next or something that gives players progress as they murder space bugs.


Are you making an Ultima clone?