Lads, a new Petscop vid just came out

Lads, a new Petscop vid just came out.

A new FAKE UNITY SHIT video came out.

It's still fun to watch, niggerman.

You have to be a special kind of retard to think anybody expects it to be a real PS1 game.

Why couldn't it be?

The player sounds like a jew.

It has been proven already that this is an ARG, dummy. I'm just playing along, like most people involved with this.

Forget this shit, WHERE IS BUTTERLORD?

I know, but what I mean is: why couldn't the edgy creepypasta teenager who's responsible for this have made an actual PS1 program instead of unityshit?
I guess I just answered my own question.

Because that isn't even a game. At one point, the "videogame" predicts his exact movements, there was a video somewhere that explained it all. I'm not spoonfeeding you though, fag.

why is this proto game from the psx shilled so hard

Good, because I don't give a shit about your cuckchan trash meme.

Reported for youtube shilling.

I knew something sounded familiar when I first heard of this meme. The menu sound effects come from Graffiti Kingdom.

Then get out of here.

Did you get lost on your way to reddit or something?

Keep shilling your site when it doesn't apply, nigger. Really dig it down into utter irrelevance.

Your mask is slipping.

good for people cant tire of five nights at fredricks


I never mentioned the word creepypasta, you dumb zipperhead. Go play some Starcraft, gook.

hahaha no, it's a thing a dude went above and beyond to make a horror story from. There is no ARG. Check your information first before you make such a baseless assumption.

Shame the guy doing that shit couldn't properly research his shit, this fucking think cannot pass as a PS1 game if you know the first thing about them, should've went with N64 complete with VIaseline filter and shitty composhit capture card.