Hey guys, Orge Lambart here. Super awesome trader and good friend to play games with. Feel free to add me on Steam!
*What in the fuck.*
Steam Friends Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
sent ;)
Well, I fucked up.
Mark pls delet this.
Why are there so many weebs on Steam nowadays? I can't even join an online game without some retard with an anime picture or cropped hentai joining the server.
Fuck off Goon.
You clearly haven't interacted with these people.
Sasuga, user.
Please add me.
You have 3 friends,i can't tell if that's from a lack of people adding you,or you removing them all when they try to.
Seriously hope this isn't actually you.
That name gave me a rare strain of chinese super aids
I've posted here before, faggot.
This is a weeb board.
May God have mercy upon your soul.
don't post my link for me, you fag lord
So do you want friends or not,i'm confused
I don't need people nagging me.
Fucking weebs need to fuck off, can't wait for my ban now that I've criticized weaboo faggots.
Maybe you're the problem, and you shouldn't be posting on an imageboard which have their origin in anime and Japanese culture you fucking nigger.
I'd prefer discord friends tbh
I post wherever I want, you nigger.
Highways were invented by the nazis. Guess you shouldn't be driving there unless you love hitler
Does this perhaps perturb you?
I go offline so my friends don't judge what games I play
This ain't cuckchan, friendo.
no they weren't lol
agree wholeheartedly tbh
Reminder that when posting in these threads, you're free game for the mods no matter what
If that's still a thing that is
Yes they were.
is this the shitposting bread :^)
who the fuck is erin
Where do you think we are?
this rule isn't on the list anymore because the mark has just been out right deleting these threads
I was just pointing out his stupidity.
as you can see here. /sft/ isn't a free for all anymore
Reported for not even trying.
Also kill yourself.
Oh I am so scared.
Reported for admitting to it.
You better be, coon.
Are any of these rules enforced anymore?
Jim doesn’t enforce any of the site-wide rules, so I doubt it.
yes actually
good, go back to cuckchan with these (((steam))) threads
somebody is keen on removing i see.
if you want to stay on my friends list, actually talk with me rather then being a awkward loser tbh
then again, if I kept random fuckers and rack up a number of "friends" I'd just be called a friend collector
I wish.
this a smug thread
you generally suck at this tbh
My watch spontaneously broke on both straps today. It was a shitty resin strap, but I was surprised how sudden it was. I ordered two Nato straps and also a new watch.
is the watch good?
Now back to >>>/cuckchan/
Gets me everytime
Nothing fancy, but dependable. The original is a Casio F105W, the new one is a Casio W800H. I got the W800H because it shows more information and can be modified to have a countdown timer.
You asked for more smug?
Reminder that weebs are cancer and the niggers of imageboards
Look no further than the Nu-FE community for proof. These are the fags who will support gacha shit because
and support a series dying if it means more fan service and anime tropes to appeal to their fetishes
Watch out, you'll get lots of smug images without arguments for posting that
but can it play doom?
no I asked for dubs and you fucked that up too
Too bad fam.
lol why are you talking about redditchan?
You tried
Weebs gave you imageboards, goon
took you long enough fag boy
why is thread still up
thanks, nice single
Yup, just like a nigger
Out. Now.
Is someone a little irritated?
Yes goon, like a nigger you think you own what was made by others.
anime was made to emasculate the samurai
check my single