Victory screech

victory screech


Other urls found in this thread:

mmm yeah. i sure wish i had somebody to drink with though ;-;
its friday and closed, i might have something to go off of tomorrow.

you never did answer why youcalled me a shota the other day btw

youre almost as bad as my mother

tokai grew up on estrogen

ain't a bad tattoo



luka grew up on welfare


My life is one loss after another
GG m-me

*pat pat*

you're fine~

yeah i was thinking of getting something like it under my arm

have you ever bricked 2 computers in the same week before?

it's fine in order food

I have not.


wouldn't be a bad idea, just make sure the person doing it is decent

Because you mentioned being left home alone with alcohol and getting drunk. Seems like an underaged thing to do is all. :3

Also I kind of just get a shota vibe from you.

What appeals about the word "ghoul"?

Not yet

django unchained on channel 5 britfags

Just started?


I suppose I am also sweaty.

I'll show you awkward.

You're a weirdo.

Salem isn't, or at least wasn't before a weird name.
I guess it's uncommon now.

Seilum is said the same way.

This is still my theme song.

oh.. right yeah
well hey i dont like to drink when theyre around at all!

I ain't never seen a nigger in a horse before

man i aint a chump what do you take me for

the meaning

literally just starting

what is this, the mid 2000s?

well i suppose i cant talk, i just ate shawarma because i couldnt be fucked to cook fish

i have
its really quite fucking annoying
i want to vent about it but nobody cares

nothing weird about strawberry lips

Stop being so ghoulish.

Only this version, because symphonic power metal is great.

You realize if you wear flavoured lipstick in real life, it's not gonna stay on long, right?

i seen that on

Part of my life problems uguuuuu

Better audio quality in this video.



Urghis that a furry joke

such is life i suppose

not a chump I guess

dont be mean to meeeeeeeeeee

thats right

thats the idea
wouldnt want it parading around

ur practically a lady :3


give me yiff or give me death

S-spank me then?

Wish furries would sie

Or die

It just reminds me of Salem the place and seems like something someone who practices Wicca or something would pick to me. :3

You've told me other people get a similar feeling from you, haven't you?

I guess it's probably mainly the last sentence for you, unless you draw symbolic meaning from the other parts. ^^

Trump plays Overwatch instead of being president

wish furries would sire me

Nice butt.


Of course you would you slut.



Ain't it though?

*snuggles you like a teddy bear*

You think sabs would be ok with dressing as a fox

so whats up?

Ask them. Give me a real reason to delete them and you.


That one is supposed to have text! It's an insult image, like this one.

It's a pretty attractive bum.

Seff named me that, lol.
I asked him to give me a name when I was playing LoL with him, so that's my summoner name on that.

so thats why you ignored my reply last thread

ive never seen this side of you

in public at least

you drunk again?



Oh nice, Canadian Blood-chan is posting

God I wish.

Oh fuck legal immigrant kroni is posting

No no! It's because I was solving something.

nothing really, what are you drawing?


Fucked it up

i guess youre just a bitch


I dunno if that was directed towards me or Goldfish

What were you distracted by 'this time...' ?

Fuck guats

A code, someone made a code and I've been solving it, only managed to convert it twice so far though, working on the third time.

The fuck you call me, nigga?

idk whyy


bitch nigga


program code?
for what!? ♥

Well it sounds nice; just go with whichever name feels best.

How've you been?

Because ur a cute fuccboi

Did Mari message you?

looks pretty neat sebs


needs a lot more work though


Commando tho
Cant beat a arnie flick

yeah but its not fair if I tell you that about a work in progress lol you're still working on it so it's great as far as being at that stage

No no, just a cipher or whatever you call them, letters into numbers back into letters and stuff. I don't really care what it makes but the person posting it is making me want to do it c:

no ;-; i saw your message earlier in group chat but forgot to say something in there about it

Ima bout to bitch nigga slap you, bitch nigga.


weird thing to be working on

*lufs you*

except you can and thats why his career is stale as fuck

You should message her now. Post results.


Its the 80s

I'm a pretty weird guy.
*lufs you back*

were drugs easier to get in the 80s? if so lets do this time warp, otherwise no

Drugs have always been easy to get


a bit nervous tbh

stick around for a while~

I said easier, words senpai woooords also don't you have an asuna folder?



Why? Do you actually have an e-crush on her?

I guess people do tend to pick up a kind of intimidating aura from her.

i plead the 5th

Just do it. Say hi.

Unless you ARE too much of a subby fuccboi

I will, I will, at least until I solve this.

I just saw my dad spear some goon with a pipe. Lets go home

am want, are you willing to share it?

More than likely. You'll have to remind me tomorrow though. Currently at work and this is an old form of the folder.


where will you go next?

Hey dudes, I was wondering if anyone plays Don't Starve Together?

I never really touched it, I just got it through a deal.

I will be sure to, thanks senpai!

No worries.

Probably to bed, or maybe to play with some friends.
I don't think that'll be for a while though, this is hard.

Yeah, it's a pretty entertaining game. You can add in a lot of custom stuff too. Really really fun with friends.

Hence why I asked. ;w;

scanner play dark souls with me :3

Don't have dark souls.
Don't think my laptop can run it either. ;-;

;~; wat do you play?


Well nowadays we're playing heroes of the storm and sometimes league
Overwatch, world of warships
I play hearthstone on americas.
I play co-op missions on starcraft alone because nobody has fun playing the game, and I'm not good enough to compete online without either getting completely stomped or stomping someone who just got the game. It's not fun online.

What about everyone from here? I'm sure people would like to play with you.

whatcha packing in there?

OwO what's this

gonna be quaking

Add me on Leeg ;~;
and Overwatch! ♥
HS is too expensive! lol :P
and i have touch my SC2 in years... yet i keep it installed? ._.

Its tight


your little nuts

Gonna be shootin

Hard to get people onto things.

I'm embarrassed to say. >///>

you're gonna shoot HFGHHHH CFGHHHHHHH

aint nothin to be ashamed about fam, weve all ran toasters at some point or another

i ran an atom desktop for about a year before



hot cum

Alienware 17 laptop. I got it years ago after saving up a shitload of money.

post speccy

Do I have to? ;///;

if you dont want to post here just add me on steam or something, look for the frog called dirty casul

I play league on EuW :c
Same for overwatch, American servers are unplayable for me.
HS isn't expensive if you're lucky as me c:
I have every everything below legendary in the game, been playing that garbo since beta.
Did you play starcraft? There's a fun co-op mode now for casuals and it's fun.

I'll patch it and hit you up if I have time to play, then.

i'm in heaven

K, done. ;3

Rank 3 get. :D

Loli is pedo

What's that?

who here #wantstodie?

Flat is justice


Flat a shit

Everyday till I like it


fat womanly milk jugs


I think that's a little too far

Trump is a diddler of kids now?



Yeah nevermind, just didn't like her face.

they are not unplayable....

ur lucky?
i miss starcraft...


This election really has no hope. Sorry America.


350 ping is pretty unplayable, I've tried.
Sometimes I lag, too. On Euro it takes me from 110 ping to 250, on US it takes me to 600 or something.

I'm super lucky, I got Ragnaros, Sylvanas, Cairne and Jaraxxus in a row.
I unpack legandaries every 5-10 packs, pretty lucky I think.
And I get rid of all the golden cards, doing dailies everyday is pretty good.

How much did you play? What expac? Wings of liberty?

Nevermind, that's pretty good, still don't like that first gif though.

boobs tho

Tell me something cool about yourself.

they fixed that

200 ping on NA leeg is perfectly fine, and i would know... i played on JPN leeg server for a bit and felt no difference... a very minor incosquintial delay that did nothing bad.

huh? are you like far out on sum random hill in the middle of nowhere? isn't EU supposed to have ultra Fiber optic internet

........wait.... you arent in the EU are you?

i dunno wat all that card stuff is... i havent unlocked half the tutorial card thingy characters even....

wat's expac? i just have the Core game...

youre in the wrong place for that kind of shit fam

Google my flag, fluffy.

lolis in csgo where?

In hindsight I probably should have bought those cigarettes
Oh well
Win some you lose some

Where do you find all the cool kids?

Wasntnt cAnon drom the lebanon?

From the lebanon

oh wow....

so you live near all that explodey stuff and terrorists and war...


Who woulda thunk?

Something interesting then?
or just depressing.
or anything, talk to me please.

Yes yes, if Syria is lost, we have a border with ISIS.
Tuff life, but it's a life.
Well now there's two expacs. If you party up with someone with them, you get temporary access to them.
Arcade and vs AI modes are free now, anyone can download the game and play them.

Another lebo poster?

Once upon a time. A lifetime ago.

The game?
RWBY: Grimm Eclipse

pls escape that dangerous desert of middle east

i don't want bad stuff to happen to you

its 10 to midnight where i am, im sat at a desk, eyes drooping, sucking the tea from a teabag so i dont have to get up and make another brew. i have a partially disassembled PC occupying one corner of my desk, this PC another, which i will occasionally post on between attempts to recover my data from my now dead new laptop, using another laptop ive just had to juggle data off in order to wipe. meanwhile my boyfriend, an ex gfur poster who seems to be detested by almost everyone from those threads, is sat in the exact same room, playing strategy games on a better, working version of the laptop i bought for myself, but now lies in pieces on my desk.

That could have made a bestseller-book.

Atleast it was better written than fiddy sheds

Fun? I really really like the art. Wanted to buy it but eh..

It's a strange world.
We've met before, cap. Remember me?

It's not dangerous, I go to college here and eat good food and everything. I'm safe, no worries.
As safe as I'll be in any other arab countries, just lower risk of suicide bombers because I'm further away from heavily populated areas.
Though I guess a college would be a pretty good place to bomb.
Also there's no desert here, that was in Saudi Arabia. Lebanon is very green.
Expacs I mean expansions, there's Legacy of the Void and Heart of the Swarm now. They've finished though, now they just balance multiplayer, make extra campaigns and work on co-op commanders.

kek, thanks, this is what I wanted.
What strategy game is he playing?

I enjoy it a lot.
And now Tokai plays with me, so ask him how he enjoys it if y'want.

it's great

That was more of a sarcastic comment towards the people who still haven't figured it out after it has been explained multiple times, but yeah, strange brave new world.
Yes, I am aware.

Tokai is drinking


if only i were so inclined

post cock

is it a fighting thing?


Drinking is only really good when ithers are doing it. Otherwise shit goes awry.

Maybe in the future then.

seen it before

a nice beer is always nice tho, dont need to drink just to get drunk

unlikely, ive little regard for the quality of my own writing

wow... ur so exotic

i've never got to play those 2 expansions...and i've only partially got thru the campaign

More of a beat'em up.

Dont haaaaaaaaave to.

hack n slash em

Well then, I thought it was pretty great though.

fucking flay them alive with magic bolts n shit nigga

but it is nice, especially with a cooked dinner

oooh that actually sounds fun, how much is it?

Kek, might buy it then, does it involve any thinking?

Right right, went over my head.

Thanks for the pet, but you need to buy me dinner first.

I've never been called that before, thank you~

Aw, shame. They're really great xpacs. I love the Starcraft universe and story more than any other game. Shame about the actual gameplay, I don't enjoy it enough to play it alone.

I do not tend to alcohol at the table.

Well, it was more so aimed at the people who've been here for long enough so they should already know.
It's better that it went over your head, I mean I've heard that things that fly at your head do tend to hurt quite a bit, no?

Not really, not.
You can play pretty mindless.

Ah, okay.
Thankfully most things have never hit my head, which is good considering where I live. I guess you could say I'm pretty lucky in that regard.
Either that or the people throwing the things are just very unlucky.

Neat, got a fighting game with cute grills to play now.

fucking turn into a wolf and tear out their throats

it had shit structure and terrible grammar

buy me something


errywherein bhop servers and comp

Buy me pizza

fucking slow ass upload speed

eh, you can come round for a pastie if you like, but im not much for dates while im seeing someone

so alcohol on the couch?

Well, it's not like you're in the imminent danger zone.
Ha, get it? Danger Zone? Okay, no, it was a bad joke.
People throw things there?

Now you're just over-criticizing yourself like a perfectionist.

thanks bae, you are the best

i got a D in GCSE english

Ahah fucking hilarious




im too tired for thought, explain


If you and Spoilers start playing we'll have a full team.

Don't worry, I main Weiss.

No problemo.

We can get super good at horde mode together and get all the achieves.

At least you've got the soul for making some text.



lolis belong in the trash

i more or less got forced to take the lower paper, despite being in the top sets, on account of me being a misbehaving little twat

only when things piss me off

sounds like it'd be fun

lolis are bin-sized for a reason



There you have it, source of inspiration.

I-I... don't get it...
It went over my head
Well they do throw things like basketballs and such, but for some reason, they're fond of throwing things at me while chanting certain phrases.
Pretty weird country.

I'm down for that, I guess I'll get my bank shit sorted fast so I can use my card.

Well then, should have watched Top Gun.
I assume you're not a full native then?

Just remembered thaT I'm still in thread.

Just been too busy learning sailing on Civ V just to bully more City States with spears.

I did not watch Top Gun, I'm a young'un.
Nobody throws things at me, just messing around.
Both my parents are Lebanese and I was born here, but the problem is that I was in Saudi Arabia for most of my life and a few years in Dubai. Most of the schools I went to people spoke primarily English.
Now I think in English and translate it to Arabic when I speak, so people notice I haven't been here long when I don't understand certain words or phrases. It really does mess with my social interactions.

remember when like you wanted to talk to your friend, so like you called their house, and like their mom picked up, and you were like, "hey mrs. schmidt, is joe there?" oh man good times

I'm so glad voip is a thing now.

Where you had to sit with each other to play games.


and that's why I dont drink anymore




What a coincidence, so am I.
Got a bit worried there for a second.
Well, that's a pretty odd thing.

This, so much this.

what the hell is voip?

yeah man those were the days. just sit in the dark for hours hella blazed with your bros playing gta

dude those webms are gnarly


Voice over Internet Protocol. AKA Things you use to talk online like skype, discord, mumble etc.

do you like this sexual hatate ?

not at all

it's cool though. who doesn't want to feed wish poutine and fuck her each and every friday

oh yeah it's pretty neet to be able to talk to someone across the world for free

sexual cirno ?

a lot of people probably

I'm chiefin'


those people are absolute donkey brains

way to rub it in


no wait

I'm a pretty odd guy.
I like to exaggerate about the situation here, problem is most people believe it.


smoke a blunt with me


I remember when I was younger I'd get so anxious having to talk to my friend's parents. Although it was worth it to talk on the phone for 6 hours while playing neopets.

No. bye

What's up

Well, not everyone really watches the "old" classics.
It's not really that unbelievable considering the state in which most countries are there.

wish i could. i ran out last night

had to scrape resin this morning. also a resin high is a little more clear so i wasn't as paranoid on the expressway

i vaguely remember neopets but i think i was a little too cool for that

yeah i still don't like interacting with my friend's parents


i got nothing

do you think grim would be upset if I posted 2d lolis being f*cked by dogs ?


he would probably get a boner and then deny it

it's just part of the hustle my dude

Power pets is what all of my friends switched to. It was like Neopets except you had real animals and they could die if you didn't feed them. Makes it actually necessary to feed them. But I wasn't a cool kid ( ° ʖ °)

gross dude mordin does the same thing

That's true, but I've lived around these countries most of my life with just one major incident. I'd say that's pretty good for my lifespan.
It's not safe compared to your countries, but it's safe enough, more than what people think of it.

Nice. Very nice.

was that like tomogotchie or whatever the fuck those pocket autism pets were?

man i'm just remembering how like in high school i essentially had my own phone line and could talk all night on it (as long as someone wasn't on the internet)

who are you btw way

what, scrape resin?


mordin blazes? wow i thought he was a square homo

Hey what is going on no- ooooohh nnnoooo....


That's still quite something, not like anything ever happens here, not even earthquakes or anything else.


oops i thought desu was neko up there

everyone looks the same lol

I'm nobody from around here, just a random person.

where are you from?

no namechanger has ever claimed this

Check my flag

Fair enough. I've never really browsed Holla Forums except as anonymous before though

cupcake obvs has something to do with it

i meant like your thread history and such

oh it probably is cuppers huh

no not cupcake




google his moonspeak for me

too lazy

reported for spam

lookin good!!

get more

"completely flat" i think it is. i looked it up earlier.

It's pronounced pettanko.

remember when like Holla Forums would take like 8 tries to post and shit would take forever to load

probably will hit up my guy when my drunk wears off

so it's another failtrap


too close to lenko

would call you tank but there's a bamboo tank

calling you pet would be too gay

tt sounds good

or a lolicon

double t

what is the appeal of loli anyways?

wait you got banned for child pornography

maybe i should ask someone else

yes, please do


you dont even know me

i have a feeling he was wrongfully convicted though, cause the mods are pedo's and like to project

Who knows? It's a mystery.


Yeah, I guess you're right. I think it can be summed up with something my Euro and American friends told me when I was explaining why is was okay to live around here.
"Anywhere with even a little bit of war is not alright"

i think there's no other explanation than wanting to fuck children

imo loli should be vanable


if only it would run more than 15 fps on my computer ;~;


how long will that be

Well, it's not there, it's just nearby.
I'd still rather not live there considering the car bomb dealios.


i'll finally wake up from my hangover around 7:30pm tomorrow. just in time for the cubs game

24 hour turnaround ftw


How are you, TP?



great man. busy week. man i realized i never listened to this album but like most early rza produced wutang off shoots it's based

cuppy wubby

he just likes to bring in his cyber buddies

i thought the fake new guy might be you

Wuppy Cuppy

Tokes, you're drunk, go bed.

jesus i hope he brings in all of them. we will pass Holla Forums

Good luck with that one

I aint drunk

youre the second person who has surprised me with having interest in our relative popularity on Holla Forums...

he just used su·per·ca·li·fra·gil·is·tic·ex·pi·a·li·do·cious in a rap

fucking dropped

I'm normal.

Lies, blatant lies.

you calling me a liar?

ghostface can do whatever he wants

why are you not replying to the replies i give you

oh i don't really care. we are like the 4th hottest board.

as long as lewd is half as hot as us i'm happy


yeah i guess he has some weird beef with action bronson lol

Hungry, too fucking into playing as Aztecs and bullying every civ under the sun in Civ V

drink water, tokai.

oh. you're like the third person to think that.

tokai wub.


Yeah, it's a bit annoying, security measures and feeling unsafe and whatnot.
Anyway I'm off, probably to sleep.
Seeya cap.


hey ana.

ur a fuccboi

Also, you guys realize that Tokai and I have been in VoIP for the past 6 hours?
He hasn't been drinking, lol.

actually we're more like 25th

cyber buddies. like you know each other from cyber sex.

LOL i loved that video he made. kinda funny

I want in on this smug action.

dude stop playing whatever historical reenactment you're playing

i think it's because this last time you came back you did that "don't worry about it. i'm nobody important" sschtick

that's an unhealthy amount of voip time

get some jobs

Yes, because you are in fact lying.

I'd hate dealing with that all the time.
Sleep well.


( Ana )

no pph we're always like 4



here are all the boards above us

It ain't historical re-enactment
It is fucking with history.

yeah like have you thought about getting another waitress job?

I think that guy might be copying me.

im not drinkiing

cubby subby

oh actually i was thinking about total posts sorry

i think we're like 4 or 5

still gay


it's the goto fake new guy thing


i think youre talking about velocious threads

I thought you'd be like the other old Canadians from the group that would spend like every waking hour in a Skype call with one another or someone else.

then you're just being silly for no reason? how silly.

I did it before it was cool.

What is gay as playing war games as dumb as Aztecs?

reason is for those folk who are black.
and I'm not in a gang.

no thoughts?

i was thinking about total posts

hey how much did that tat cost?

and 100 before you

hell people like eva have done it 20 of those


so like you chuck skulls at people?

p gay b

i dont have it

though im saving for something like it

i would expect 200ish

is this canon?

ohhhh i thought you got that

pretty cool tat actually

Kinda apt, yes.

i wish cuppers would love me ;-;


Cuppers doesn't like vaginas.

cuppers is so gay he's probably only like .5 % straight

just talk about your fetishes non-stop and he'll love u in no time

You even give him .5%?



no one is full gay

That's a good thing that he doesn't.

no even murder

I guess he did date that girl that one time.


Murder ain't gay.
He's just a complete narcissist.
So the closer to him that you get the more attracted he'll be to you.

really fem'd out bottoms don't count

It's a tragedy


He said it was a real bonafied girl, IIRC.

yeah murder actually isn't that bad of a guy

he likes putting on a big jack-esque routine

well alright then

nah brah. nah. I'm OG.

you'd better.

He gets cute for me when I go full psychobitch on him.
It's really fun.

you questioning me??


You're drunk, Rin.

Tummy tummyyyyy

i don't know if i will ever get one

as my body degrades i'm running out of attractive canvas

that's the first time i ever remember you doing that new oblivious, obviously knows everyone, thing

be careful, next thing you know you'll call him creepy and kick him out of your house like mana did

I found a picture of Tokai that I can post. :^)

If he doesn't, it means you're normal and/or close enough to become normal.

Jk, that's me irl.



That's literally a girl Soto fucked at an anime convention.

Oh, now I get why you did it.

i bet he didn't even laugh out loud

Til that/

It was just some random image in my folder that I chuckle every time I see.

kinda want to go to the next anime convention so i can do blow and acid and fuck traps

Holy shit. Finnally made it to the hotel. Test is not here though.

I don't?

Daily dose of cancer.

I also have way more pictures of ISIS-chan than is sensible.


Whoa even Aussie chicks are brutal


Salt qqueeeeeeeen

I want to be Hatate's friend! I want her to be obsessed with me! I want to go out, and have Hatate clinging to me the entire time! I want to get constant texts from her, and if I don't reply in 10 seconds she gets worried! I want to subtly imply that I want to see her naked, and wake up with hundreds of Hatate nudes on my phone!

It gets worse the further you get into it.

those nipples look like fucking millk duds

This is probably still my favourite photo on my harddrive.

usually you would have sent salutations by now

but like what the eff dude

dude chill on the loli lust

Me irl.



I believe that.

talking about little titties and shit

most of the time

so because I talk about means I lust about it?


I am not sure why you would even want to come.

Sorry about that, I'm tired and watching some netflix, so my attention's kind of divided.

good evening

this pixiv artist is pretty fuckin rad



where are you?

i just don't like being left out ;;

Who is this?
My mind was like "Is that Momohime?" but it isn't.
... is it?



Kansas city.

bagg up before you get smacked uuuup bruh nigga hood swag

oh yeah i would never go there probably

are you there to fuck or something else

Me in the back, honestly.

yeah they are.

i'm just kinda bored... not per say... but i just kinda heavily dislike not being noticed... i unno... i wanna be loved too ya kno!
eh... just minor stuff like that.

Renaissance fair. Ill take pics.

It's uncomfortable how frequently I pull this off.


HAHAHAHAHA that's awesome not gonna lie

please do

For squash

Its one of the biggest ones. Im buying an ale mug.


Is Test your bar wench?

Haha because i fuck dogs. Haha lol so top kek


Tou seem keen on him being a girl

Like if you know this feel.


Being Arizu is suffering
Seriously, give her a hug, a warm hug ! Show her your love


so like last sunday i started hearing a shit ton of sirens and went outside and fucking the whole berwyn police force was participating in a fucking parade down my street

then fucking medieval times. like hella horses and heavy metal drummers riding horses

i was like i am too high for this and went back inside

like subbysribe and favorite

dont laugh!

*hugs tight*

I've made jokes emasculating him for years now.
Why stop?

Anyone want a coke?

Are you never high?

i know qq

i have a vagina, it isn't meant to be

fuckin rude

important announcement

I cant see whats in the pic.

rin have you ever done coke?

cause i think you shouldn't, cause you would like it and it's expensive and you would need to get a job to support your habit

Stop watching my 2D you filthy disgusting normalfaggots

I'd a saber

i actually just started smoking again this year. i took a three year break!

For comparison.

For your sake, not his.

fuking kanker mongols go back to tumblr

OH SHIT tsuchi your rangers got BTFO again

why do they always implode in the postseason



why do u feel compelled to always talk about how ur a girl btw?

Almost fell for my own trick.


new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

new thread

They're both Arturia Pendragon.

And I hesitated to say anything because I wasn't sure from just her pantsu if it was alter or lily.

Yeah, lost in the first three.
No idea. They've consistently been one of the best teams in the AL for years but always blow it in the playoffs, invariably because of pitching changes.

who are you supposed to be?