Why are game journos so bad at games?

I see this all the time, why is this so prevalent Holla Forums? I know random casuals who are better at games than 95% of journos.
What makes journos in particular so fucking bad at games?

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Because they became journalists due to a failed actual journalist career and they've no love for games or gaming. They're also more often than not social justice idealogues who would rather social signal and try to advance their chosen political affiliation rather than report on fun or interesting games, or warn customers and gamers off from shitty games or publishers.

What's the video, I wanna see for myself. At the very least what game were they playing?

It was always a problem. The back of Monkey Island 2's box says that easy mode is for magazine reviewers.

Can the cake jew word filter "game journalist" into "professional blogger" already?

Better to try and get him not to. We just caught him word filtering "normie" to "normalfag", helping redditors and new arrivals fit in with us.

Their skills are terrible because they didn't grow up playing video games and only play them the bare minimum amount possible required by their job, which isn't much. Game journos couldn't care less about games and it's reflected by how awful they are at them. But they'll wear a Megaman shirt and pretend they played it because NERDS RULE LOL

Video games are the lowest quality entertainment form, with all the art and writing done by liberal arts majors who weren't good enough for literature, movies, tv, or any other job that you'd use those kinds of skills in. Gamers are some of the least intelligent consumers in the various entertainment related hobbies. Journalists are just some attention whore asshole who regurgitates information, and critics are just some asshole who opines on things for people too stupid to create their own opinions.

Now combine all this shit. What kind of person would be a journalist/critic exclusively covering video games? Answer: the dumbest most mistakenly-arrogant motherfuckers on the face of the goddamn planet, who literally cannot do anything else for a living besides play video games. And they can't even play video games right.

Fair enough.

Would you settle with "Jew" -> "jew"?

The same reason movie critics are shit at making movies.

Here's the exact video.
If you haven't played the game you might not know what he's doing wrong, but believe me: he's fucking up hard.
You'll notice through most of the video he wears little-to-no armor and what little armor he does wear is really bad. He wears stuff level ones should be wearing as a level 77.

I was legitimately surprised when I found out he was gay as well as jewish, with a boyfriend. Always thought he was your typical american neet beta,

Why change any words at all?



But the game eventually became shit anyways. He's the same kind of guy that thinks hitman 2016 is a good game

What the fuck? She's the easiest boss in the game second only to COEN.
If he was at the very least complaining about Red Napalm or White Steel I could understand, but Jin-Die can be mowed down in LITERALLY SECONDS with an assault rifle, no exaggeration.

The amount of incompetent people can have at video games is shocking when you actually take a look.

Projared gave MGR a 4/10 he didn't know the dodge move existed.
Totalbiscuit said in his (DmC review I think) that he never beat DMC4 because he couldn't get past 1st webm related.
Look at the steam forums for less then a minute and you will find things that are beyond retarded. this first guy couldn't figure out that you pull enemies when you lock on and your buster then when your not locked on.
it's because of this we got DmC, because a with depth is too complicated.

Oh right, because "n0rmie" was totally made up by reddit to avoid using "fag". I guess I'm an r/The_Donald nigger for posting pic related, right?
Gas yourself.

Again, gas yourself.

ha, oh wow
how did he even make it past floor 15

Kinda funny when you interpret that in the context of "why won't women fuck me" instead of a feminism thing.

A lot of the comments were pointing that out as well, what's worse is that's the second fight with her.
He should have figured out by then how to deal with her, but no, he uses the same scrub tactics with the same blind swinging then complains about "MUH SOFT LEVEL REQUIREMENT".
Journos are such fucking retards.

These people are more interested in talking about games than playing them. That is what they are paid for, that is where they gain their social credit, that is where they get their kicks. The games are a means to an end, not the end itself. Games are work to them, so they only play just enough of a game to get them some talking points, then they get onto their real passion of talking and promoting themselves.

On top of not really caring about playing the game, they then have to play a lot games, most of which are shit. They don't get to sit down with one comfy ass game and jam out a few hundred hours on it. They have 40 hours a week where they are working, and they need to produce multiple reviews a week.

Advertisement funded journalism does not lend itself to reviewing things that take multiple working weeks to complete. It is nearly impossible to get a return on that kind of investment. The difference in views you get between "i played this for 400 hours" vs "i played this for 4 hours" is minimal.

I knew SBH was an idiot, but this tells me he's a more articulate version of DSP.

jesus christ

My personal favorite part is when he enters his fighter freezer and you see all but one of his fighters are dead.

I've noticed a lot of them seem to just outright have attention deficiency of some sort. I could understand if maybe you were in a panic but you know like just missing the entire point of a basic dialogue and being aimless. It's a real head shaker. Maybe they just live in a constant state of panic or something.

There is a reason why fags like RazorFist love level-scaling.
To answer your question.
1) Game journalists are usually rejects from the modern journalism. Let that sit in.
2) They know that their opinions don't actually matter.
3) They play a lot of games quickly. Mostly the shitty ones.
4) The e-celeb types usually expected to give their opinions on things that they know nothing about or are uninterested in.

Most of these nu-males are hysterical.
One time I went outside and bought coconuts at the local small market and there was a gaybeard complaining the niggress at the counter used too many plastic bags to pack his groceries and was killing the earth.
That was coming from a guy whose hairspray is probably the reason the local water supply isn't drinkable


people playing games are retards
and yes we are too, just not as retarded as others

Journos get access to a special version of the game with everything unlocked.
People found the SteamIDs of these before and it turns out they play barely half an hour before writing their "reviews", as seen with Rome 2.

I don't understand

The fact that they went to (((journalism))) school is proof enough that they are defective beings.
They can never do anything that demands effort and/or competence.
Much less play games that demand attention, reflexes or even a basic functioning brain to complete.

To understand journos and their lack of skill you have to understand leftism. Leftism is born out of a feeling of inadequacy, of feeling inferior and incapable. They’re bad and lack useful skills overall. That wouldn’t automatically make you a parasite but they also lack willpower and willingness to improve, which is the death knell of being valuable to a society and/or yourself. So if you’re useless and you know it, you demand others to drop to your level to avoid ostracism.

I don’t think these guys didn’t play vidya when growing up, no, but they definitely grew up playing easy vidya on easy difficulties. I see it all the time with a younger relative, he spends his time playing FIFA on lower difficulties and winning all matches by a minimum of 5 goals. Is that engaging? No, but that’s not what matter to them. They don’t play to have “fun” (that’s why it’s such a problematic term for them) but to relieve pain of feeling inferior and boost their ego. Vidya provides a unique balm that is not present on other forms of entertainment. And ultimately, when you think how far left the press has shifted to, it’s not surprising to see them display their horrid skills and demand to be respected (because there isn’t anything wrong with them) yet at the same time demand games to be changed into unchallenging safe spaces (because deep inside, they know there’s something wrong with them). Doublethink.

They won’t be happy until all games are devoid of challenge. That’s why they love walking simulators so much.


You're overthinking shit here, mate

The nature of professional video game journalism demands that you have played a game enough and shit out a review before the deadline so the outlet you're working for has new fresh content by the time the game in question is at the peak of its popularity, which in turn garners the most clicks which in turn garners the most $$$. It's a matter of being able to 'finish' a game ASAP which makes their job easier, which is why journalists love artsy walking sims and the like. You can finish it within an hour and write some pretentious bullshit without having to worry about boring things like game design because in this case there is little game design to speak of.

If you want to truly understand a game, you should play it on the highest difficulty where you must make use of every tool available to you, and learn through failure what works and what doesn't, and once you've conquered the game you can tell what the problem is with the game itself. However, getting good takes up a huge amount of time, which journalists simply don't have. Challenging games which require serious effort to win or multiple playthroughs to understand are fundamentally incompatible with professional video game journalism because of this. And this kind of environment then breeds more lazy faggots who completely lack any kind of analytical ability or the ability to dedicate themselves to beating something, because that's just expected of them at this point. Their opinion only has any value for publishers and uninformed casuals.


Fuck don't remind me of the steam forums. The sheer amount of people asking about what the best hireable truckers are. And then how Promods is bad and the pre-dlc maps + Going East is so much better. Save your anger and stay the fuck away from the discussion page.

Forgot to mention I'm talking about Euro Truck Simulator 2 here.


Why are these faggots always so pretentiously wordy in their reviews, but then play like complete retards to show the world how stupid they truly are?

Music journos can't play an instrument. Movie journos have never been on set. News journos don't read the news.
Sports journos have never been on a team.

Let's face it journalists have and always will be retarded LARPers.

coz they're communist agitators subverting the hobby, not actual hobbyists.

useful idiots


because they are beta kikes, and good games take skill to play, as well as developed, determined practice

That zooming and panning was really obnoxious

this didn't need a video at all. just post the capture faggot

I didn't make this you dumb fucking retards. Complain to the guy who made it, not me.

You obviously found it good enough to repost it, faggot

The Dark Souls comparison should provide some insight. Enemies in games often telegraph moves. Few bother to use animation sequences, audio cues, or even patterns to figure out what needs to be done. They wait until they are anout to be hit to react. They do not bother learning the controls to react in the correct way. As a result, an easy game becomes impossible.

I don't even like this game that much, i just love the salt dropped at the video description and the replies

is this the faggot that almost shot himself and finds vidya with guns scary

Because it is good enough, fuckturd

I don't understand how that works, they might as well play with cheat codes. I can only get satisfaction from beating a game if it beat me down a couple of times first. Without a difficult challenge there is no accomplishment. How they can delude themselves into seeing an empty win against a pitiful opponent as validating to them escapes me. The mentality behind that must be really fucked up.

the issue isnt being a tasteless hack, the problem is when you demand an entire industry to placate being a useless fucking hack

Most of them can be placated with casual difficulty levels and a god mode. Not all though. Some will find creative ways to get themselves stuck such that progress cannot be made. I imagine these people would quickly die in a hostile environment.

Some will even feel offended that they had to pick a lower difficulty.

Stuff like this makes me think maybe we do actually need a "game journalist" mode in video games, and have all review copies be locked to it, along with a constant notification on the screen while playing that it is in game journalist mode as long as it is the difficulty selected even on the full version.

wasn't there a kotaku article complaining about how demeaning the names of the difficulty settings in the new Wolfenstein were, or was it fake?

They are one and the same.

What is really astonishing is how these creatures consistently fail what humans have evolved to be able to do automatically. We are one of the few species on the planet that understand cause and effect and can make logical leaps using past experiences to predict likely outcomes of future actions, yet these subhumans are utterly incapable of even the most basic cause -> effect loops. I don't even know how you can be so born so goddamn stupid, it's almost like they have brain damage.

It's not because they're game journalists, but because they're journalists. The most incompetent profession in existence. I think there's some unwritten rule that if you're too competent you can't be a journalist anymore. Especially if it's science related journalism. If they'd actually understand science they wouldn't confuse correlation with causation all the time making their clickbaits less popular.

There's actual studies done into this and what they found is less intelligent people are less likely to know they are stupid and are more likely to attribute their mistakes to external factors instead, effectively ignoring the cause and effect clause entirely.

In my country there's a saying "He who cannot do it teaches it".
I think it applies here too, if game journos could play video games they'd be playing some goddamn video games instead of writing their shitty articles.
I actually tried to make a game review blog once, but 5 minutes in I thought "it's really boring to play this shit repeatedly while I write everything down, i'd rather just play the fucking gae" and gave up.

Because they don't care about video games. They're controlling and subverting a stream of information that wasn't being filtered by Jews which has now been corrected. They threaten negative/reduced coverage to get gamedevs to poison their own product against whites.


I actually kinda liked DmC tho

pic 4 u

Why are you asking a question that you already know the answer to?

How? It's standard platforming every single kid can do. Don't they know platforming-games is for kids and it's for kids for the exact reason that it's fucking easy and especially not very hard to figure out how to do shit and therefore as a kid easy to just pick up and play without having previous knowledge or knowing how to read?

>I actually kinda liked DmC tho
Just don't let people know about it. To me the core combat is decent, but everything else about the game is annoying. ever time I replayed, it felt worse due to all the scripted events.

Usually failed film critics with no real gaming history.
I say this having worked at one of these places before and it being one of the most mind wracking places I've worked at.

Because they have good verbal intelligence but shit spatial intelligence and their hand eye coordination is all geared towards writing and not playing because they don't spend at least a few hours every day playing games.

One writes what they know, which is why all they write about is faggotry, uggos and being a cuck.

Imagine being this smug and pretentious. Video games are great precisely because they don't get caught up in trying to convey deep, "literary" messages, or at least they didn't until very recently, and even then it's mostly just SJW types doing it. Your implication with that statement mirrors their beliefs, which is that video games are somehow lesser because their primary function isn't to deliver some kind of profound message or social commentary.

They aren't lesser because of this though; they're greater. Video games and anime are some of the only forms of entertainment left that are entertainment merely for entertainment's sake, and whatever ambitious story elements may be present in a game usually just serve to enhance how entertaining the scenario is, rather than to pull some bullshit post-modernist deconstruction of what it means to have values or whatever. There's a lot of pressure on western game devs to make games more "legitimate" as an "art form", but if they do that they will cease being fun or entertaining and will just become another vehicle to promote the same shitty anti-Western, anti-moral, anti-tradition agenda as all the other subverted art forms in the West.

tl;dr you couldn't be more wrong. Video games are the highest quality entertainment form in the modern era. That's why they're trying so hard to cuck it.



I seriously believe they're paid to play badly so as to have viewers feel the need to prove they can do better and buy the game.

Does anyone have examples of good game reviewers/journos? Maybe from past eras. I'm not sure if it's just time gildening the memories, but when it was just words and pictures in a magazine, it was easier to trust them. I think Late 90s CVG was still pretty good in content all around, with the high five rating system.

Because writing is for fags, always has been and always will be. There is no good author, writer or playwrite in the history of man. They're all faggots, they're all cocksuckers, and they don't know what the fuck fun is.

inflating word count to seem smarter than you really are.

Embed is a buzzfeed journo, can you imagine how much lower a bideo gaems journalist must be?

Christ-centered gamer (^:

Because they are paid for amount of words in their articles.
That's why they use complicated words and stretch articles into fucking novels.

Damn, Uncle Ted was on the ball the whole time.


this communist is such a piece of shit. Nigger isn't even a journalist, they are lower then a journalist, a failed English major that waxes poetic about marxist theory. A genuine sophist.

Games journalism isn't about playing videogames, it's about being told by your editor what score you need to give a game (based on what bribes they're given) and what points you need to praise. Then if the publishers don't think you've sucked them off enough, they'll ask you to change it.

You could have been the saviour of game journalism. Can it be said that those who actually play and enjoy games lack the motivation to write about them?

So why don't they do that fucking job and instead wax poetics about the wonders of interracial sex, cuckolding and Marxism?

Because the publishers themselves are Marxist institutions.

Kurt Kalata of hardcoregaming101. He has even made two videogames himself, "Que Pasa, Perro?" and "Christopher Columbus is an idiot". Since I hate Columbus, Kalata gets my seal of approval.

Didn't hardcoregaming101 start editing their older articles to remove all the non-kosher images and comments and will ban anyone on their forums they find making "sexist" remarks or disagreeing with a "woman"?

Jewtubers are just "culturally enriched" English majors who are not even talented enough to work as "games journalist" so they beg for patreon shekels in order to write their communist fan fiction.

Yes, and tons of their older stuff is just gone forever.

I never really found Nero's blade revving mechanic all that useful. You can't really combo into it, and there never really is much of a reason to have more than one charge up, especially in the later difficulties when you don't really have time to rev it up. the different animations for when you do have it charged look cool, at least.

You know you can get instant revs if you use it at the right time during a swing, right? That's how you really make use of it.

Like this user said you should be using Max act when to get 3 charges instantly.


It's quite simple. They want to be journalists, actual journalists, not specifically game journalists. The problem is that they think of gaming journalism as an easy entry point for actual journalism, so the whole thing is filled with people who never cared and never will care for gaming put in charge of reporting on them.

This is why we now have leftism going rampant on OUR stuff, because outsiders came in and started pointing out what THEY didn't like.

What's up gang.
Neoliberal centrism isn't leftism and democrats are not Marxists. Gaming-themed content farms will hire any beast of burden they can find off the street which is why you'll see all kinds of braindead horseshit getting posted on Gawker-style blog sites all the time. It's not reflective of any specific ideology. These people are just social climbing faggots who'll parrot whatever gives them more myspace friends.

Stop consuming singularity content. Public Relations is PRopaganda. If it feels buzzfeedy just close the tab. Watch gameplay videos on mute and make your own calls. Bless up brotherdude one love -HH

Fox News is Neoliberal you fucking retard.

Well, I guess I'm an idiot, then.

All US news outlets are. That doesn't invalidate what I'm trying to tell you.



wrong, that statement is only vaguely true in context of the MSM and as so far as Neoliberalism is a Left wing ideology. Outlets like the Young Turks, Jezebel and Mother Jones are clearly Progressive. The "centrist" bias is far to the left of the political spectrum. To say that the democrats are cryto-Marxist is no more far-fetched then it is to say Irving Kristol was still sympathetic to Trotsky even after developing Neconservativism . "McCarthyismim" is a bullshit buzzword because the man was right about the political subversion. In fact the Venona Project proved that the soviet infiltration was far grater then he suspected. On top of this you have Herbert Marcuse as chief Analysis of the office of strategic services which later becomes the CIA. I just don't get how people try to play down left wing influence on politics?

Granny Fagburner is unironically my favorite Holla Forums memory since the stone cold steve austin edits that i can't find anymore

'progressive' is code for petty bourgeois
these people are manipulative opportunists

no it's not you fucking retard. Progressive is code for Marxist theory of historical materialism. It just paints itself in (((petty bourgeois))) because Marxist agitators end goals have never been Communism. Communist idealism is historically used a a tool to promote class conflict only so far as it is to bring about regime change and prop up a new banana republic that would be sympathetic the Kikes that run the banks.
>>>Holla Forums

It's not just games, but life itself.
It's peak beta.
It's peak soy.
It's peak politics via virtue signaling narcissism.

If they didn't have a soapbox to stand on, they would be the person you avoid at all costs due to the mixture of vapidity and hipster pathetic presentation.

You basically just reiterated what I said with an anti-semitic spin.

facts are not anti-semitic you fucking disingenuous faggot

Marx wasn't a banker and was fairly anti-semetic himself.

marx was a jew, and the fact that he opposed judaism as a religion doesn't make him any less of a jew because jews are a race before anything else.
and while marx wasn't a banker, he was a wealthy son of a factory owner.

Bankers aren't exclusively zionist Jews.

no one was claiming that they were, dumbass. marx was a racial jew, and he wasn't antisemitic at all; he opposed judaism, the religion, but with his actions he supported the jewish race. you're a liar and probably a shill, gtfo.

He was pretty racist against Jews as well.
As for his father being a factory owner, that's sounds like a characteristic the right would defend.

Most Jew bankers are also pretty fond of Capitalism.

Why have I never heard about this before? This is gold.

Pizza kabbalists can't hold institutional power if you dismantle all the institutions.

no, he wasn't; he opposed jews who identified as jews, but gave jews who claimed a different identity, whether it be cryptojew christians, atheists, etc, a free pass. again, jews are a race and religion is irrelevent to someone being a jew.
furthermore, why would nationalsocialists support a factory-owning jew? are you really that stupid? nationalsocialism explicity states that one of its' goals is the nationalization of industry. maybe read material by actual NS before you try to talk about it because you're making yourself look like a fucking moron.

and your third point is wrong a thousand times over. the same jew bankers who you claim support capitalism are the ones who funded the bolshevik revolution in russia, as well various marxist and antiwhite efforts throughout the world.
wealthy capitalist jews are the ones who are today attempting to promote marxism, both economic and cultural, across the west, george soros, the warburg family, the rothschild family, the monsanto family, the bilderbergs, the list goes on. on the off-chance you're not a shill, go read mein kampf.

user the people who promoted Marxism where Jewish bankers and Capitalist. The Bolshevik revolution would have never happened without financial backing and the funniest part is you dumb ideologues still think communism was actually intended to be a viable solution. Marx was just a lazy shit stirring Zionist that had no plans for how to govern after the establishment was destroyed. The only point of communism is to use useful idiots as stormtroopers for regime change. Once the overthrow is final you to take the anarchist out back an shoot them.

seriously nigger this is your last (you).

You mean why are game reviewers so bad at video games? Reviewing =/= journalism.

You know Wikipedia has an actual article on Progressivism and it's pretty decent (considering most political articles are absolute trash there). Progressivism can be broadly distilled as enforcing anti-trust law, advocating for a social safety net, and enhancing democracy/weeding out corruption. Try reading before you run your mouth sometime, you might come off as having a valuable opinion.

gas yourself.

Anyway the answer is access. Game reviewers need to play nice with the distributors in order to get access to the games (early or free) in order to drive the clicks they need to pay for groceries. This promotes an entire industry of laziness, thoughtless or dishonest reviews, and cliques. As long as review outlets are beholden to this sort of business model we will continue drowning is a sea of garbage.

He spoke specifically about the jewish nation, not religion. A factory owner is not a merchant or a banker, your original charge, but someone who is considered an asset to society by the right.

George Soros talks about progressive ideals, but literally in the context of Capitalism.
In his history he has consistently and openly worked against communist interests worldwide.
He basically sees communism and fascism as the same thing with regards to his interests.

It is a mystery.

We've got that too: those that cannot do, teach. It rang true in public education, and it rings true with these people as well.


he spoke of the jewish nation as he defined it, which was those racial jews who also identified as nationally jewish.
he never spoke a single word against jews who claimed to identify as christians, atheists, etc, NOR did he speak a single word against jews who claimed to have left their jewishness behind and become germans, french, etc, in spite of such a thing being impossible. that's the point. he didn't speak out against the jewish race as such, but only against those members of the jewish race who continued to identify as jews.
second, i never claimed he was a merchant or a banker.
third, what george soros says and what he does are two very different things. the actions he does are in concert with the 10 planks of communist society as stated by marx in 'the communist manifesto', in spite of what he says. that's because capitalism and marxism are two sides of the same jewish coin.
and you completely ignored the fact that all of the marxist organizations and revolutions in the west were carried out by jews, such as trotsky (birthname bronstein), lenin (birthname ulyanov), ehrenberg, rosa luxembourg, karl liebknect, etc, all of them were financed by jewish capitalists.
again on soros: he doesn't work against marxist interests because his actions are in agreement with them. he helps import millions of mongrelized bastards into white nations, which supports marx's statement that the proletariat has no fatherland and the workers of the world constitute their own nationality as a class.
soros funds various antichristian groups in support of marx's statement that religion as a whole must be abolished.
soros funds various think-tanks that aim to erase the aryan culture of the west and replace it with a cosmopolitan culture, in agreement with marx's statement that all national cultures are merely reflections of bourgeoise sentiment and don't reflect any organic, racial development.
and the list goes on and on.
how can you claim that soros opposes marxism when his actions support it in every way?
and soros is only one among many! countless jews do the same things he does and the difference is only in the amount, not the substance of what the jew seeks, which is the end of the white race on earth.

it's only "far to the left" culturally.
economically the consensus is one of tax cuts and the state intervening primarily to preserve market competition or provide a threadbare baseline service, rather than to meet wider social policy goals like it did from the 50s-70s. (hence why even Sweden - once the pinnacle of Social Democracy - now privatises and marketises it's public services. Why governments like that of Blair in the UK rolled out more punitive welfare sanctions despite not solving problems, and why central banks care only about inflation - not unemployment.)

nobody wants to recognize the nature of the system we live under because it straddles both "sides" of the political spectrum. it wouldn't be so bad if people would at least run coherent analysis and then blame it on their boogymen, but that never happens. (i.e. "cultural marxists made them deregulate the banks, airlines, trucks, etc, so that chaos would result and capitalism would collapse" / "the bourgeoisie decided to get women, gays, etc, integrated into regular society so they would have more markets and left-wing movements previously sympathetic to them would be stuck with all these identitarian weirdos"

Steps to answering OP's question:
1) Think of a major gamejourno outlet.
2) Think about what that outlet actually cares about.
3) Since it isn't vidya, ask yourself what kind of person they would hire to write their stories.
4) Ask yourself if this kind of person plays games to the point they would be good at them.
5) You have now figured out why this is a stupid question. Congrats.

video games

roses are red
violets are blue
you get what you pay for
read stuart campbell: wosland.podgamer.com/how-911-killed-videogames-journalism/

Because they literally hate being glorified PR hacks instead of being cultural critics who bend the medium to their will.
Back in university I knew a fag who interned at a medium-sized game/tech review site and they he bragged about getting insane (sports tickets, exclusive merch, vacations etc) but he wasn't content with that and last time I looked him up on Faceberg he was working for some pro-rapefugee NGO.

writing about that stuff gets them more clicks.
angry people click more
SJWs who feel welcomed click more.

8.8/10 gets people mad. 8.8/10 needs more female protagonists gets people clicking to DDOS levels.


That was a very enjoyable read, thanks user.

Because they are blabber mouths and bullshitting is their job, same as the game store owners, they don't game, they rather be peddling.

user, their jobs first and foremost are journalism. They write about games, events, news, and things. They are paid to write, not play.

That said, I am not mad that they are bad at games. I am mad that they are not objective, observant, or self-aware. It's not that they're bad at games. They are incapable of understanding that people outside their small circle of friends and like-minded coworkers which they believe makes up a majority opinion could like these games, their complexity, or difficulty. They blame everyone but themselves for any problems they experience or any perceived sleight or 'trauma'.

They are perpetual victims and eternal children. They could be amazing at video games and I would still hate them.

Sage because this shit thread again. If we're going to have twelve threads a week bitching about soyboy journos, we should just have a cyclical. Oh, wait. That would be the GG shitpost thread, but not cyclical.

Because he has actively worked against communism, financially backing its ruin.
What else needs to be said? Does ending communism work towards the abolition of private property?

rofl imagine being this high on ideology.

Then leave >>>/reddit/

I think it's safe to say that everyone on Holla Forums both writes and plays not only BETTER, but MORE than game journalists. And we do it for free. Even our shitposters put out better content than these hacks. There's plenty of time to play to completion and critically review a 6 hour game, or two, or three, in a 40 hour work week. If you have an IQ over 50 and completed 8th grade.

Where do I fit in your worldview?

Yeah, but illiterate book reviewer is hardly credible, so would be deaf music critic.

I really don't see why people care so much about games journalists. I mean, do you actually read their sites?
If you want game reviews, come to Holla Forums and get better content for free like mentions.
yes, and the furry fandom claims to be for people who like anthropomorphic characters while actually being a pornography factory, newspapers still pretend they know anything about the topic they're reporting on when making inexcusable errors (ah yes, the famous British election of 1982…), and runescape still pretends to have a worthwhile F2P game inside it. Just because they pretend they might be of interest doesn't mean you need to actually consume what they produce when you could just ignore it.

is that nigga serious?

Silly user, the only way to like something is to masturbate furiously to it at all hours of the day and develop your entire personal identity around it. Are furries the goodest goys? Developing personal identity around a brand or interest or sexual orientation is something the jews have trained us to do

"reviews" have been completely obsolete ever since you can just find gameplay videos on youtube.

The whole point of a review is to see if something is worth buying or not. These days journalism is just meta lore and critique that is about the equivalent of what you can find on an imageboard, reddit, or any other source of pleb-tier opinions. Except it's done by a "professional" which means literally nothing in this case.

You mean propaganda and marketing.

>>>Holla Forums2328795

Note the date on the side of the page, if you haven't already.

I have never seen somebody this bad at games before, what the fuck?
I have nephews who are 8 who are better at games than this.
How did it take him over a minute to realize he was meant to jump on the box to get over the cylinder? He keeps running into enemies.

Cuphead proved to normalfags that journos are shit, their sway over gaming is slowly weakening.

I still have trouble believing so many people have issues with the second run and gun stage.

What a well thought out post. I have nothing to add. You hit the nail on the head & then the hammer blew right through the 2-4.

Now post the webm with the Pidgeon. You know the one.

surprised this wasn't posted yet:

I swore I've seen this argument from a "one true Palestine" Tumblrite that used it as another justification as to why "true" communism didn't work.

This, most game journalists are failed journalists or writers.

Yeah, no.
Go back to your leftist shithole.

and yet bunnyhop did an mgs 3 notranq no kill run on european extreme

You're preaching to the fucking choir you niggerfaggot.

You can be good at one game and terrible at another.
There are things he did in that review with are unarguably him blaming the game for his own poor choices, like wearing bad armor and using bad weapons.


Let it die is garbage anyway

But you're completely ignoring the point.

Don't you? The proof for bunnyhop being bad at video games is only just one let it die review. The thread's topic was that he's one of those who are terrible at every single one.


What the fuck? The rest of my post disappeared after "he's bad at the game"
I don't feel like typing it all out again, basically there were a lot of real issues with the game he could have brought up but most of his complaints stem from him being bad.


I don't know the guy, I just saw him sucking shit at the game along some other journos when browsing YT so I made the thread.
The thread isn't even about him, I only posted the video because somebody asked for it.

They're casual normalfag retards. The fact that one of them couldn't even pass the fucking tutorial level of Cuphead is pretty telling. At this point you're better off getting impressions of games by watching faggoty camwhore lets-players who are competent at games. It's pretty sad shit.



That's gay as fuck but it reminded me that I want to fuck the cat

Don't forget it made him cry because it "ruined metal gear"



I'm not surprised that he's such an actual faggot, but I am surprised that he had so much trouble grasping MGR. He's been orbitting and latching onto female cosplayers for years, after all. At least he's got good taste in Sailor Scouts. However, he's a hardcore MonHun fan and managed to get into the G rank shit on most of the games… You'd think he'd understand and gravitate towards system mastery and challenge, which MGR does great and feels super good when you finally understand how to play it.

Because they're attention hungry narcissistic faggots.

He looks like that tranny Nintendo's World Championship 2015

I don't know why but I always see his face in this guy's.

I actually came into this thread just to ask you if that was the video you meant.
Yeah, that guy's a retard and I've talked about that video a couple times before myself.
I always have this screenshot saved because I don't want to give him clicks, but I'm not very good at converting videos to post here. So thanks for that one. I'm definitely saving it.

Speaking of Let It Die, I know it has some big flaws, the worst of them being microtransaction cancer and lack of content. The AI kind of sucks too. But despite all that, it's still my personal favourite PS4 exclusive so far. That being said, it's not for everyone.

How much of a virgin are you that you don't understand how women work? And yes, this is all about feminine behaviour.

Imagine you're a person with no real personality, with no real hopes or goals in life. You simply exist because you exist. Your vagina gets you everything you can want but there's billions of vaginas out there so you need a little more.. depth to yourself. You find this depth in collecting props, props which say what kind of person you are like a Zelda t-shirt saying you like video games or your portal ring tone.

The props you pick aren't things you like (because you're not deep enough into anything to like it). They're things you want people to think you like so that you can infiltrate their social circles. Your objective is to collect the latest fashion props and then do as little as you can outside of that. This means you will become a "game dev" and then turn up to all the meetings while offering no real progress outside of doodles or writing things down. But here's the kicker to that.

Your ultimate interest isn't even in collecting props, the props are a prop for your real goal. The real goal is to collect gossip. To collect the social interactions and finding out who's the most successful so you can latch onto them and use them to gain more gossip and social standing to use that gossip to dominate others who also play your game. Then you can take all the group's resources for yourself or demand tribute from the lower tiered females to get more stuff than just your vagina can get you.

This is why numales and women are all bad at video games. They don't care about them, they never have really cared about them. They're interested in the gossip and social engineering is the only game they're playing. When you look at the games that are popular with them you find games like Fallout, walking sims, Skyrim and other text heavy games with lots of social interaction. They aren't playing Fallout to find the cool laser gun and blow away the giant scorpion cowboy ninja who wants to marry your virgin daughter. They're playing it to see the text boxes that pop up after each quest is done. It's the closest they can find in vidya form to the game they play IRL.

This is also why "Dude bro" is one of their most popular insults for people who play games like Halo. When 2 guys sit down to play some Halo they don't need to say more than "Dude" to express a really cool/cheap/lame/awesome thing that happened in game. They both played the game, they both experienced it. They're doing something so communication stops being exclusively vocal and becomes physical (or rather digital). They can't understand the dude bros who do this because there is no social game being played here. It's not 4D chess social engineering, it's just 2 guys getting shit done (well getting vidya done). It's completely alien behaviour to them.

If you reversed it think of how you found out how shitty women are and how they lacked personality. You couldn't comprehend that these people who act like such good imitations aren't what they portray. But these immitations can't believe that you actually invested in something enough to do something with it. They're so passive to the winds of change that they cannot invest in anything too deeply in case it falls out of fashion and sinks their social cred by being "out of date".

gggmanlives is this. Watch his videos and notice how many games he complains about them being too difficult when he's playing the game wrong. DESYNC is the worst of these. He literally doesn't right click once throughout the entire game, in a game with weapon combos like the shock combo from Unreal Tournament, including a weapon that functions literally the same as the shock rifle.

He even complained about difficulty in his Serious Sam review. He reviews classic FPS games, yet complains about them being too hard like, at least half the time.

But that game blows ass.

If I recall I joined his discord once to see who else was into retro FPS.

He had a rule saying "no transphobia". I just left on the spot.

Weird, he never struck me as that type.


It has a variety of unique weapons with different combos between them and enemies + level design that force you to fight and hold your ground instead of circle strafe and run away.

Literally what is bad about the game other than that it doesn't have a story, it can be slightly confusing to understand the upgrade system, and the levels are hallways between arenas?

Exactly. That's why I was surprised by it.

maybe its because you're filtered!
haha! filtered!
my filter wilter!

Just know it is from some spanish porn site called Fakings and had milf in the title.

Mostly agree with you but Dudebro is also a reasonably useful way of describing the kind of people who've a more peripheral interest in vidya - the kind of bros who play halo, but are also fine going out and playing football or something. i.e. as a contrast to a hermit who plays JRPGs and emulated DOS games all day.
I'd say it's still intended as an insult, to question their taste and so on (at least by original definition of dudebro) but my general experience is that dudebros are usually friendly enough once you're no longer a high-schooler, even if I'm more partial to nocturnal SMT.

That's not how the term is used by them though. It's used as an insult to any one who enjoys masculine forms of entertainment to say they're just dumb meat heads. They call people who like competitive Quake dude bros not just jocks.

I'm just saying that other people use the term than women, since the main mental association for me is with Holla Forums talking about jocks rather than Tumblr talking about anyone playing something that's not a walking simulator.
There's a weird trend of SJWs ruining words. I used to say "problematic" a lot before it was a big sign of a Tumblr user, since it seemed like a good way of saying "This has problems, but it's not totally wrong/broken/etc."

They like words with no real meaning like problematic. Instead of saying "this has a problem here here and here" they can say it's problematic and just avoid ever actually discussing what's wrong with it.

Making movies and playing games are not comparable at all.

Game bloggers rating a 10/10 game badly because they're retarded? I'm not even surprised anymore.

Imagine being so set against the left that you can't see you're also cancer.

See this? Don't be this guy. Holla Forums-tier buzzword usage, (((them))), etc. This guy doesn't even know what he's talking about.

Are you aware of how much of a stereotype you present yourself as? Come on man, have some self-awareness.

When you're hiding behind text and you know all anyone really cares about is the numerical score you could be mentally retarded and armless and no one will really question your legitimacy in reviews. In my opinion they were always godawful at games, whether or not it's because they don't have time or they don't care.

Did OP insult your favorite e-celeb or something? Why are you all defending him acting like a retard?

I think it's neither, they're just inherently bad at games. Take that infamous Cuphead preview for example, it took the guy playing it a solid minute to figure out something most people do instinctively.

any words that come out of that fag's mouth are instantly invalidated with this knowlege.

I'm still convinced that video was a marketing stint because no one is that fucking bad at games. Same with DOODMOOM

Faggotry and feminism are reason enough to kill "people".
This mentally ill, deformed and completely retarded failure went from a beta numale to a full faggot by only staying beside a feminist for too much time. A complete failure at life.
Not even Screwattack's weasels could take this deformed homunculus in their "club" anymore.

Only truths there.
Women are objects with only some semblance of thought. anyone that associates with women thinking of caring or respecting them is bound to sink along them in their despair as they realize how unimportant and replaceable they are.
Women are nothing more than temporary pleasures for true human beings, and those that put them on pedestals are even less than that. Truly worthless beings.

Leftist born from shit spotted. All leftists are wastes and failures and it is ok to be against you, harm you and kill you all.

It's a side effect of the gig/service economy and online publishing, which are steered by kike organizations. Do you seriously not know about this or are you just asking rhetorically?

why is water wet?
we will never know
life has many mysteries, game journalist being so bad at the game that DSP can probably beat them is one of those mysteries

Yeah, that user is just describing one of the 3 types of reviewers, namely attention whores, marketing guys for the big publishers and ideologues.

Most of the fun of wikiHow's stupid images are ruined when you find out their artists just trace/heavily reference random images. They even traced a JonTron video awhile ago.

Which game reviewers/critics are actually good?

My main gripe is he uploads maybe 3 videos a year

A nu-male, but at least he can articulate well his ideas and criticism and can actually play video games, but has really shit taste, Skyrim is his favorite game, and Dark souls 2 is his favorite souls games.

Used to like him as a teenager, but the humor died off really quickly, his criticism is way too short and he sucks at actually playing the games, not to soy boy levels, but can otherwise barely reach the game it would seem.

Why even bother?

Anyone who is shit at everything they touch should be disregarded immediately. Fuck the mongs defending Dean Takahashi and that Polygon twat who couldn't kill anything in Doom. If you spend a significant amount of time at anything, you should be at least decently competent at it.

I just look up zero commentary, hardest difficulty walkthroughs of games and skip around any spoilers to see what the gameplay is like. I know my own tastes well enough to get a feel for it after a minute or so of watching.

On a semi related note, why are 95% of the people on YouTube and Twitch absolute shit at games?

For some reasonI like well articulated reviews even on games I already played.

On the twitch thing, they're just trying to get on the gravy train, do nothing and earn money from donations.

How to have a cool vacation with your friends.

Actually fuck it, these guys don't get spread around enough. I'll post the channels I like.

youtube.com/user/Thethingthing1990 (Doom videos, no commentary, high player skill, furfaggot intro so skip that)

youtube.com/user/GameKiller346 (variety games, no commentary, super high skill, HD quality)

youtube.com/user/H2vKillsAlone (Doom videos, no commentary, high skill)

youtube.com/channel/UC2njm8CxSR_UtdIonfr1ODw (Doom videos, no commentary, high skill)

youtube.com/user/NerdCommandoGames (rpgs and strategy games, high skill, commentary, uploads in both russian and english, insanely knowledgable about most games, loads of Fallout 1 and 2 videos)

youtube.com/user/minecraftlegoman777 (Space Station 13 meme videos and tutorials, commentary)

youtube.com/channel/UC5f-ChLiA0WiFnyx78miTOw (variety with an emphasis on Far Cry games, super high skill, no commentary, HD quality, Doom 2017 videos are insane)

youtube.com/channel/UCb2PTdRGKwLjOJQtSW2YF_A (variety with an emphasis on Dishonored, insane skill,no commentary, HD quality)

youtube.com/user/volound (variety videos, highest difficulty, insane skill, no commentary)

youtube.com/user/CosmicContrarian (variety videos, highest difficulty, insane skill, no commentary)

youtube.com/user/RabbitsRespawn (variety videos, insane skill, some videos have commentary)

Sorry if this post is long as shit but I rarely see any of these guys discussed.


Not to play the game, but to do the shit he does? Yes.


Id like to add into this he was playing on easy and complained about how the stealth in the game worked.
This happened after he gave Legend of Korra a 4/10 as well that he also only played on easy.
He should never ever review action games like this since he has no idea how to fucking play them.

The fact that he manages to get so far into MH and cant grasp the basics of MGR baffles me.

I always wanted to be a journalist until I saw the group of stupid fucks who actually go to journalism school. Now I just write freelance as a hobby on my day's off from my real job.

I don't know how that could've happened after the Korra game unless he was late to the party by over 18 months.

Are these true? Which video did he say these in?

Anyways I'd suggest LordMandalore, he doesn't go nearly as in-depth as matthewmatosis or anderson but I've found his reviews to be useful anyways. He usually reviews Holla Forums favorites that don't get a lot of attention elsewhere.

The dark souls bit is in one of his dark souls critiques, don't remember which, and in the opening of his critique of fallout 4 he mentions he had lost track of the hours he spend on skyrim, he explicitly says so in another video.

LordMandalore was great but he's friends with Shammy, who's a furry who likes kike in the hoods, which makes me worried.

I like The Gaming Brit Show

Went back looking for where explicitly he says Skyrim is Joseph Anderson's favorite game, and slimed though his Dragon's Dogma review, and man did I forgot how much of an idiot he is, at least regarding plot/story/lore, he didn't get the that the Dragon's bargain, and postgame are all a long test to see if you could be the next seneschal, when you don't really die at the end, and that all your doing is perpetuating a cycle and nothing really changes or evolves, hence the quote in the intro, he had similar opinions regarding the back story of dark souls.

But why?

Anderson is a wannabe Matthew. He's fucking terrible and copies almost everything but does it worse in every way.

Because 99% of people are shit at games?

Gaming Brit is an 8ch, he used to use the logo for the 8ch game review site before it went full SJW and split apart.

I like most of his stuff but he's a bit shit in places. My biggest issue is he circle jerks the same games and when it's time to talk about them he doesn't know shit.

No faggot, you should be playing through DMC on Normal, Hard and then DMD. Unless you have played at least half of DMD then you haven't hit the real meat of the game and your review is severely lacking in content.

It's the same shit as DMC speedrunners using heaven or hell mode to speedrun. When every monster dies in 1 button press it's not DMC any more you faggots.




wrong party

game journalism is a walking contradiction that can rarely ever be rectified.

think about it: what is the point of a game review? one would assume that it is about educating the viewer about a video game. this means pointing out it's flaws, its strengths and its overall effect.

Therein lies the problem that no review/reviewer can fix.

What EVERYONE forgets in these threads is that most of the problems with game jounos aren't exclusive to games.

Everyone (or most people) have diffrent perspectives or feel diffrent emotions when they see certain scenes or do certain things.

Think about chick-flicks for example. your gf or brother could be crying their ass off when the main character dies while you are laughing. all reviews are inherently biased towards the reviewers' point of view. if you like sci-fi then you are more likely to like a sci-fi movie compared to someone who hates it.

Ever wonder why objectivity was always seen as the golden standard for reporters and journalists?

ever wonder where that standard went?

vid related because guy tries to create a new system of reviewing that I think many people here would like

Every "review" should just be the first hour of gameplay with a framecounter on to tell me everything I need to know:
Anything past that point I can gleam from either high end gameplay, there's speedruns within an hour of release seriously, or just browsing any fucking forum or wiki for any game. You could make the argument that companies intentionally make the early bits of the game better to lure idiots in, and you'd be right, but the thing is that even the relatively good parts are complete ass 9 times out of 10 to anyone with any semblance of taste so you might as well just go ahead and let people see it for what it is. Maybe if they weren't so sure they already had your money by that point they'd put more effort in. Probably not though.

i'd disagree. there are lots of games that don't open up or reveal themselves until much later.

there are also games that are impossible to judge without seeing the full package like mystery games or puzzle games

Or maybe you're a stupid kid who bought the lie they told about their industry rather than the truth about reality.

There is no objectivity in reviews. Never was and never will be. You weren't supposed to find the ONE TRUTH in a review. You were supposed to find an asshole who you mostly agree with and then see what he liked and disliked to get an idea of what you would like.

Hey this guy looks DMC, Doom and Quake. He didn't like Last of Us, Uncharted and Metal Gear Solid. Well that fits me, I'll keep an eye on what he likes.

And hey look I just found a reviewer who will guide me in the general direction I need to go to find new games I will want to play.


That's because there are a trillion million monster hunter guides made specifically for brain damaged retards such as him, but none for the devil may cry franchise.
He definitely just memorized a bunch of guides that turn the games into cakewalks whereas you're otherwise supposed to learn boss attack patterns and so on yourself in monster hunter.

For dungeon crawlers that are designed to be played over a span of years, players should start off overwhelmed and confused. The game should also be difficult to watch to deter people from making let's plays and even reviewing the game. There are some games normalfags aren't meant to play.